package com.activequant.utils.checks; import com.activequant.domainmodel.ETransportType; import com.activequant.domainmodel.TimeStamp; import com.activequant.domainmodel.streaming.MarketDataSnapshot; import com.activequant.interfaces.transport.IPublisher; import com.activequant.interfaces.transport.IReceiver; import com.activequant.interfaces.transport.ITransportFactory; import com.activequant.interfaces.utils.IEventListener; import com.activequant.messages.AQMessages; import com.activequant.messages.AQMessages.BaseMessage; import com.activequant.messages.AQMessages.BaseMessage.CommandType; import com.activequant.messages.Marshaller; import com.activequant.messages.MessageFactory2; import com.activequant.transport.activemq.ActiveMQTransportFactory; import com.activequant.utils.UniqueTimeStampGenerator; import; public class PerformanceMeasure { private Marshaller m = new Marshaller(); private UniqueTimeStampGenerator utsg = new UniqueTimeStampGenerator(); private int counter = 99; private long L1, L2, L3; public PerformanceMeasure(ITransportFactory transFac) throws Exception { IPublisher p = transFac.getPublisher(ETransportType.TRAD_DATA, "TT.SFE.XTH3M3.SFE_XT"); IReceiver r = transFac.getReceiver(ETransportType.TRAD_DATA, "TT.SFE.XTH3M3.SFE_XT"); r.getRawEvent().addEventListener(new IEventListener<byte[]>() { @Override public void eventFired(byte[] event) { try { BaseMessage bm = m.demarshall(event); if (bm.getType().equals(CommandType.CUST_CMD)) { String custCommand = ((AQMessages.CustomCommand) bm .getExtension(AQMessages.CustomCommand.cmd)) .getCommand(); if (custCommand.startsWith("LATENCY_RES")) { String[] parts = custCommand.split(" "); long l1 = Long.parseLong(parts[1]); long l2 = Long.parseLong(parts[2]); long l3 = System.nanoTime(); //; long fromHereToThere = l2 - l1; long fromTheretoHere = l3 - l2; long roundTrip = l3 - l1; L1 += fromHereToThere; L2 += fromTheretoHere; L3 += roundTrip; counter--; // } } } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); // and measure the latency. MessageFactory2 mf = new MessageFactory2(); while (true) { L1 = 0; L2 = 0; L3 = 0; int maxCounter = 1000; counter = maxCounter; long l4 = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < maxCounter; i++) { BaseMessage bm = mf.buildCustomCommand("LATENCY_REQ " // + + " " + System.nanoTime() + " " + "TT.SFE.XTH3M3.SFE_XT"); p.send(bm.toByteArray()); } long l5 = System.nanoTime(); while (counter != 0) { Thread.sleep(10); } // System.out.println(L1 / maxCounter / 1000.0 + " " + L2 / maxCounter / 1000.0 + " " + L3 / maxCounter / 1000.0 + " " + ((l5 - l4) / maxCounter / 1000.0)); Thread.sleep(1000); } } /** * * @param test * @throws Exception */ public PerformanceMeasure(boolean test) throws Exception { Marshaller m = new Marshaller(); MessageFactory2 mf = new MessageFactory2(); // for (int h = 0; h < 1000; h++) { long total = 0L; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { long l1 = System.nanoTime(); MarketDataSnapshot mds = new MarketDataSnapshot(); mds.setMdiId("TT.SFE.XTH3M3.SFE_XT"); mds.setTimeStamp(new TimeStamp()); mds.setBidPrices(new double[] { Math.random() }); mds.setAskPrices(new double[] { Math.random() }); mds.setBidSizes(new double[] { Math.random() }); mds.setAskSizes(new double[] {Math.random() }); byte[] b = m.marshall(mds); BaseMessage bm = m.demarshall(b); if (bm.getType().equals(CommandType.MDS)) { // MarketDataSnapshot mds2 = m .demarshall(((AQMessages.MarketDataSnapshot) bm .getExtension(AQMessages.MarketDataSnapshot.cmd))); // done ... long l2 = System.nanoTime(); total += (l2 - l1); } } System.out.println("TOTAL: " + total +" ns for 1000 serializations and deserializations. This is " + (total / 1000L) + " ns per market data snapshot. "); } } public PerformanceMeasure() throws Exception { // connect to transport ITransportFactory transFac = new ActiveMQTransportFactory("localhost", 61616); new PerformanceMeasure(transFac); } /** * @param args * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new PerformanceMeasure(false); } }