package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.activequant.domainmodel.ETransportType; import com.activequant.domainmodel.TimeStamp; import com.activequant.domainmodel.exceptions.TransportException; import com.activequant.domainmodel.streaming.PNLChangeEvent; import; import com.activequant.interfaces.transport.IPublisher; import com.activequant.interfaces.transport.ITransportFactory; import; import; /** * should be decoupled from abstractTSBase. * Should send out risk events. * Abstract TS Base should manage risk events. * * @author GhostRider * */ public class PositionRiskCalculator implements IRiskCalculator { private AbstractTSBase tsBase; private Map<String, Double> positions = new HashMap<String, Double>(); private Map<String, Double> lastValPrices = new HashMap<String, Double>(); private Map<String, Double> avgPrices = new HashMap<String, Double>(); private IPublisher riskDataPublisher = null; private List<Long> lastEvalMinutes = new ArrayList<Long>(); // public PositionRiskCalculator(AbstractTSBase tsBase) { this.tsBase = tsBase; } @Override public void setTransportFactory(ITransportFactory transportFactory) { try { riskDataPublisher = transportFactory.getPublisher(ETransportType.RISK_DATA.toString()); } catch (TransportException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * This one can be used to make the pos risk calculator recompute pnl by setting a price with zero quantity */ public PNLChangeEvent execution(TimeStamp ts, String tid, double price, double quantity) { return pnl(ts, tid, price, quantity); } public void setPosition(String tid, double price, double quantity){ positions.put(tid, quantity); lastValPrices.put(tid, price); avgPrices.put(tid, price); } private PNLChangeEvent pnl(TimeStamp ts, String tid, double price, double posChange) { PNLChangeEvent pce = null; Double formerPos = positions.get(tid); Double lastValuationPrice = lastValPrices.get(tid); Double avgPrice = avgPrices.get(tid); if (formerPos == null) { formerPos = 0.0; lastValuationPrice = 0.0; } Double newPos = formerPos + posChange; if (formerPos != 0.0) { // revalue the former position. double pnlChange = (price - lastValuationPrice) * formerPos; double unrealizedPnl = (price - avgPrice) * formerPos; if(newPos==0.0) unrealizedPnl = 0.0; pce = new PNLChangeEvent(ts, tid, pnlChange, unrealizedPnl); try { riskDataPublisher.send(pce); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if(posChange!=0.0) positions.put(tid, newPos); lastValPrices.put(tid, price); return pce; } private boolean recalc(int rowIndex){ while(lastEvalMinutes.size()<(rowIndex+1)){ lastEvalMinutes.add(0L); } long lastEval = lastEvalMinutes.get(rowIndex); long currentMinute = tsBase.getCurrentTimeSlot(); if(lastEval!=currentMinute){ lastEvalMinutes.set(rowIndex, currentMinute); return true; } return false; } @Override public PNLChangeEvent pricesUpdated(int rowIndex) { PNLChangeEvent pce = null; if (recalc(rowIndex)) { String mdiId = (String) tsBase.getQuoteTable().getCell(rowIndex, QuoteTable.Columns.INSTRUMENTID.colIdx()); // get the tradeable ID. int rowIndex2 = tsBase.getInstrumentTable().getRowIndexOf(mdiId); String tid = (String) tsBase.getInstrumentTable().getCell(rowIndex2, InstrumentTable.Columns.TRADEABLEID.colIdx()); Double position = positions.get(tid); if (position != null && position != 0.0) { Double valPrice = null; if (position > 0.0) valPrice = (Double) tsBase.getQuoteTable().getCell(rowIndex, QuoteTable.Columns.BID.colIdx()); else valPrice = (Double) tsBase.getQuoteTable().getCell(rowIndex, QuoteTable.Columns.ASK.colIdx()); // if (valPrice != null) pce = pnl(tsBase.currentTime, tid, valPrice, 0.0); } } return null; } }