package com.activequant.server.components; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import javax.sql.DataSource; import com.activequant.component.ComponentBase; import com.activequant.domainmodel.TimeStamp; import com.activequant.interfaces.archive.IArchiveWriter; import com.activequant.interfaces.transport.ITransportFactory; import com.activequant.transport.activemq.ActiveMQTransportFactory; /** * * * @author GhostRider * */ public class ReplicatorSlaveComponent extends ComponentBase { // private String replicationMaster = "213"; private String targetTables = "Instrument,MarketDataInstrument,TradeableInstrument"; private String instruments = "OFDP/ALUMINIUM_21"; private String timeFrames = "MINUTES_1,MINUTES_5,MINUTES_15,HOURS_1,HOURS_4,EOD"; private DataSource ds = null; private static boolean running = false; private static boolean running2 = false; private IArchiveWriter iaw = null; // class ReplicationTask2 extends TimerTask { public void run() { if (running2) return; running2 = true; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); String today = sdf.format(new Date()); // // CODE START - FETCH ONE INSTRUMENT. String[] splitInsts = instruments.split(","); String[] splitTimes = timeFrames.split(","); for (String seriesId : splitInsts) { for (String tf : splitTimes) { tf = tf.trim(); seriesId = seriesId.trim(); // // String lastSyncKey = "LastSync."+seriesId+"."+tf; String lastSync = properties.getProperty(lastSyncKey, "20100101"); if(lastSync.equals(today)){"Not syncing " + lastSyncKey+" as lastSync was on " + lastSync); continue; } else{"Syncing " + lastSyncKey+" as lastSync was on " + lastSync); } // try { TimeStamp ts = new TimeStamp(sdf.parse(lastSync)); URL u = new URL("http://" + replicationMaster + "/csv/?DUMP=1&SERIESID=" + seriesId + "&FREQ=" + tf + "&START=" + ts.getNanoseconds()); // open the buffered reader. InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader( (u.openStream())); BufferedReader br2 = new BufferedReader(isr); // String inputLine; int counter = 0; while ((inputLine = br2.readLine()) != null) { // ok, we got a line. if (inputLine.length() > 0) { counter++; System.out.println(inputLine); String[] parts = inputLine.split(";"); Long timestamp = Long.parseLong(parts[0]); if (parts.length > 0) { for (int i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) { String[] keyVal = parts[i].split("="); String key = keyVal[0]; Double val = Double .parseDouble(keyVal[1]); // if (iaw != null) { iaw.write(seriesId, new TimeStamp( timestamp), key, val); if (counter > 100) { counter = 0; iaw.commit(); } } // } } } } if (iaw != null) iaw.commit(); //"Synced."); properties.put(lastSyncKey, today); storeProperties(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // store last sync time per instrument/timeframe combination. // ... // ... } } // running2 = false; } } class ReplicationTask extends TimerTask { public void run() { if (running) return; running = true; // Long now = new Date().getTime(); String[] tables = targetTables.split(","); for (String s : tables) { // let's build a url connection and read and write while we go. Long lastDump = Long.parseLong(properties.getProperty(s, "0")); Statement statement = null; Connection con = null; try { if(ds==null) return; con = ds.getConnection(); statement = con.createStatement(); URL u = new URL("http://" + replicationMaster + "/datadump/?TABLEDUMP=" + s + "&CREATED=" + lastDump); // // open the buffered reader. BufferedReader br2 = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(u.openStream())); // String inputLine; while ((inputLine = br2.readLine()) != null) { // ok, we got a line. if (inputLine.length() > 0) { // ... String[] parts1 = inputLine.split("-;-"); String[] parts = new String[6]; for (int i = 0; i < parts1.length; i++) parts[i] = parts1[i]; String keyVal = parts[0]; String created = parts[1]; String fieldName = parts[2]; String stringVal = parts[3]; if (parts[3] != null && parts[3].length() == 0) stringVal = null; String longVal = parts[4]; if (parts[4] != null && parts[4].length() == 0) longVal = null; String doubleVal = parts[5]; if (parts[5] != null && parts[5].length() == 0) doubleVal = null; // ... String query1 = "DELETE FROM " + s + " WHERE keyVal='" + keyVal + "' and fieldName='" + fieldName + "';"; System.out.println(query1); statement.executeUpdate(query1); String query2 = "INSERT INTO " + s + " (keyVal, created, fieldName, stringVal, longVal, doubleVal) VALUES ('" + keyVal + "', " + created + ", '" + fieldName + "', " + " '" + (stringVal != null ? stringVal : "NULL") + "', " + (longVal != null ? longVal : "NULL") + "," + (doubleVal != null ? doubleVal : "NULL") + ");"; System.out.println(query2); statement.executeUpdate(query2); con.commit(); } } br2.close(); properties.put(s, "" + now); storeProperties(); // } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (con != null) try { con.commit(); con.close(); } catch (SQLException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } if (statement != null) try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // } running = false; } } public ReplicatorSlaveComponent(ITransportFactory transFac, String replicationMaster, DataSource ds) throws Exception { super("Replicator Slave", transFac); this.replicationMaster = replicationMaster; this.ds = ds; targetTables ="targetTables", targetTables); timeFrames ="timeFrames", timeFrames); instruments ="instruments", instruments); // Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new ReplicationTask(), 0, 10 * 60 * 1000); Timer timer2 = new Timer(); timer2.schedule(new ReplicationTask2(), 0 * 60 * 1000, 2 * 60 * 1000); // } // public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ITransportFactory t = new ActiveMQTransportFactory("localhost", 61616); new ReplicatorSlaveComponent(t, "localhost:44444", null); } // public void customMessage(String message) { if (message.equals("REPLICATE")) { Thread t = new Thread(new ReplicationTask()); t.start(); } } // @Override public String getDescription() { // return "This replicator slave is connected to " + replicationMaster + ". It will replicate automatically every 10 minutes. Tables to be replicated: " + this.targetTables + ". There is a replication running: " + running; } }