package com.activequant.utils; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import com.activequant.archive.TSContainer; import com.activequant.archive.TimeSeriesIterator; import com.activequant.domainmodel.TimeFrame; import com.activequant.domainmodel.TimeStamp; import com.activequant.domainmodel.Tuple; import com.activequant.interfaces.archive.IArchiveFactory; import com.activequant.interfaces.archive.IArchiveReader; /** * Exports market data from the archive. * * @author ustaudinger * */ // WORK IN PROGRESS. public class ExportMarketDataCSV { private final ApplicationContext appContext; private IArchiveFactory archiveFactory; private SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); public ExportMarketDataCSV(final String mdprovider, String springInitFile, TimeFrame inTimeFrame, String mdiId, String startDate, String stopDate, String[] fields) throws Exception { appContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(springInitFile); archiveFactory = appContext.getBean("archiveFactory", IArchiveFactory.class); Date d1 = sdf.parse(startDate); Date d2 = sdf.parse(stopDate); System.out.println(d1.getTime()); System.out.println(d2.getTime()); // TimeStamp startTS = new TimeStamp(sdf.parse(startDate)); TimeStamp stopTS = new TimeStamp(sdf.parse(stopDate)); IArchiveReader iar = archiveFactory.getReader(inTimeFrame); for (String value : fields) { TSContainer container = iar.getTimeSeries(mdiId, value, startTS, stopTS); TimeSeriesIterator iterator = iar.getTimeSeriesStream(mdiId, value, startTS, stopTS); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Tuple<TimeStamp, Double> val =; System.out.println(val.getA().getNanoseconds() + "," + val.getB()); } } // } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println("Exporter <mdprovider> <springfile> <timeframe>" + " <mdiid> <startts> <stopts> <series keys in \" and sep by ,> "); String mdprovider = args[0]; String springFile = args[1]; String timeFrame = args[2]; String mdiId = args[3]; String startTs = args[4]; String stopTs = args[5]; String seriesKeys = args[6]; new ExportMarketDataCSV(mdprovider, springFile, TimeFrame.valueOf(timeFrame), mdiId, startTs, stopTs, seriesKeys.split(",")); } }