package org.anodyneos.xpImpl.util; import java.text.CharacterIterator; import java.text.StringCharacterIterator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; public class Util { public static String escapeStringQuoted(String string) { if (null != string) { return "\"" + escapeString(string) + "\""; } else { return "null"; } } /** * Escapes '"' and '\' characters in a String (add a '\' before them) so that it can * be inserted in java source. */ public static String escapeString(String string) { char chr[] = string.toCharArray(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < chr.length; i++) { switch (chr[i]) { case '\t': buffer.append("\\t"); break; case '\r': buffer.append("\\r"); break; case '\n': buffer.append("\\n"); break; case '\b': buffer.append("\\b"); break; case '\f': buffer.append("\\f"); break; case '"': case '\\': buffer.append('\\'); buffer.append(chr[i]); break; default: if (' ' <= chr[i] && chr[i] < 0x7F) { buffer.append(chr[i]); } else { buffer.append("\\u"); buffer.append(int2digit(chr[i] >> 12)); buffer.append(int2digit(chr[i] >> 8)); buffer.append(int2digit(chr[i] >> 4)); buffer.append(int2digit(chr[i])); } break; } } return buffer.toString(); } private static char int2digit(int x) { x &= 0xF; if (x <= 9) return (char)(x + '0'); else return (char)(x - 10 + 'A'); } public static String toSetMethod(String name) { if (name.length() == 1) { return "set" + name.toUpperCase(); } else { return "set" + name.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1); } } /** * Returns true if arg contains an EL. The backslash char '\\' escapes only $. * It does not escape itself. This is as defined in JSP 2.0 for XML * content. * * @param s * @return */ public static boolean hasEL(String s) { for(int start = s.indexOf("${"); start != -1; start = s.indexOf("${", start+1)) { if (0 == start || s.charAt(start-1) != '\\') { // if not escaped, return true return true; } } return false; } /** * Unescapes a regular string using EL escaping conventions and return the * result. This method uses elSplit to do the dirty work. * * @param s * Must be regular text without an EL expression. * @return The unescaped String or "" if s is null. * @throws SAXException if the String contains an unescaped EL. */ public static String unescapeEL(String s) throws SAXException { if (null == s || "".equals(s)) { return ""; } TextPart[] parts = elSplit(s); if (parts != null && parts[0].isEL || parts.length > 1) { throw new SAXException("EL found where not expected."); } return parts[0].part; } /** * Like escapeStringQuoted() except that the string is first run through * unescapeEL to remove extra backslashes. * * @param s * must satisfy null != s && hasEL(s) == false * @return the quoted String * @throws SAXException if thrown by unescapeEL */ public static String escapeStringQuotedEL(String s) throws SAXException { return escapeStringQuoted(unescapeEL(s)); } /** * Utility to call elExpressionCode(Util.TextPart[]...) with a String * instead of TextPart[]. * * @param inExpr * A String containing plain text and/or EL expressions * @param xpContextVar * @param targetClass * @return @throws * SAXException if thrown by elSplit(inExpr) or * elExpressionCode(Util.TextPart[]...) */ public static String elExpressionCode(String inExpr, String targetClass) throws SAXException { return elExpressionCode(elSplit(inExpr), targetClass); } public static String elExpressionCode(Util.TextPart[] parts, String type) throws SAXException { // normalize type type = CoerceUtil.simplifyType(type); if(parts.length == 1 && ! parts[0].isEL) { // one part, non-EL. Convert to an expression representing the given type. try { return CoerceUtil.javaExpression(parts[0].part, type); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new SAXException("Number out of range or cannot parse.", e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new SAXException("Invalid type for operation: " + type, e); } } else if(parts.length == 1 && parts[0].isEL) { if(! CoerceUtil.isNativeType(type)) { return "(" + type + ") " + "elEvaluator.evaluate(" + escapeStringQuoted(parts[0].part) + ", " + type + ".class" + ", varResolver" + ", fResolver.getFunctionMapper(xpCH))"; } else { // need to box/unbox String boxClass = CoerceUtil.boxClass(type); StringBuffer expr = new StringBuffer( "((" + boxClass + ") " + "elEvaluator.evaluate(" + escapeStringQuoted(parts[0].part) + ", " + boxClass + ".class" + ", varResolver" + ", fResolver.getFunctionMapper(xpCH)))"); // for boolean, byte, char, double, int, float, long, short expr.append("." + type + "Value()"); return expr.toString(); } } else { // multiple parts StringBuffer expr = new StringBuffer(); expr.append ("(String) "); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { if(i > 0) { expr.append(" + "); } if (! parts[i].isEL) { expr.append(escapeStringQuoted(parts[i].part)); } else { // this part is an EL expr.append( "elEvaluator.evaluate(" + escapeStringQuoted(parts[i].part) + ", String.class" + ", varResolver" + ", fResolver.getFunctionMapper(xpCH))"); } } if("String".equals(type) || "Object".equals(type)) { // multiple parts, String return expr.toString(); } else { // multiple parts, not String // type must be native type, boxClass, or Object // Same as string, but run-time pass through Coerce utility if (CoerceUtil.isNativeType(type)) { String type2 = type.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + type.substring(1); expr.insert(0, "org.anodyneos.xp.util.XpCoerce.coerceTo" + type2 + "Type("); expr.append(")"); } else if (CoerceUtil.isBoxClass(type)) { expr.insert(0, "org.anodyneos.xp.util.XpCoerce.coerceTo" + type + "("); expr.append(")"); } else { throw new SAXException("Expression invalid for type: " + type); } return expr.toString(); } } } /** * Returns a String containing Java code that can be used to represent the * result of processing the given expression. * * @param parts * @param xpContextVar * The name of a variable that contains the XpContext * @param targetClass * The Java class name for the result. If not java.lang.String, * inExpr must contain only an EL expression. * @return Java expression */ public static String elExpressionCodeOld(Util.TextPart[] parts, String targetClass) throws SAXException { // @TODO: what about FunctionMapper() - probably needs to be passed in since // the page defines mappings using namespaces. if("java.lang.String".equals(targetClass)) { targetClass = "String"; } // not returning a String if (! "String".equals(targetClass)) { if (parts.length != 1 || ! parts[0].isEL) { // if not a String, entire inExpr must be an EL expression throw new SAXException("expression is not a java.lang.String, must only have EL"); } else { return "(" + targetClass + ") " + "elEvaluator.evaluate(" + escapeStringQuoted(parts[0].part) + ", " + targetClass + ".class" + ", varResolver" + ", null)"; } } else { if(parts.length == 1 && ! parts[0].isEL) { // dispose of simple cases return escapeStringQuoted(parts[0].part); } StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer(); code.append ("(String) "); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { if(i > 0) { code.append(" + "); } if (! parts[i].isEL) { code.append(escapeStringQuoted(parts[i].part)); } else { // this part is an EL code.append( "elEvaluator.evaluate(" + escapeStringQuoted(parts[i].part) + ", String.class" + ", varResolver" + ", null)"); } } return code.toString(); } } public static void outputCharactersCode(String raw, CodeWriter out) throws SAXException { // this will output on multiple lines to make generated code easier to read. // TODO split up the regular text lines at line breaks // NOTE: we should really only expect "\n" from the input because of: // which // requires \r\n and \r to be converted to a single \n. We can safely // replace \r crap with just \n although this doesn't necesarily apply // to text mode if that will be supported. // Well, not really the case: xml can have which is not converted as above. However, // should make it safe to split on \n (\r characters will not break lines.) // note: cannot use part.part.split("\n|\r\n|\r"); because split() // throws away // adjacent matches so the result will not have the right # of // linebreaks. Util.TextPart[] parts = Util.elSplit(raw); for(int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { Util.TextPart part = parts[i]; if (part.isEL) { String codeValue = elExpressionCode(new TextPart[] { part }, "String"); // We use xpOut.write instead of xpCH.characters since EL expression // may have invalid CRLF convention and xpOut.write can normalize correctly. out.printIndent().println("xpOut.write(" + codeValue + ");"); } else { // since we are getting the String after elSplit, it does not need further // unescaping, so we will use the regular "escapeStringQuoted" String codeValue = escapeStringQuoted(part.part); out.printIndent().println("xpCH.characters(" + codeValue + ");"); } } } /** * Splits a string that contains regular text and EL expressions into an * array of TextParts where each part holds either literal text or a * complete EL expression. Literal text never occurs as adjacent Strings * within the array. Literal text returned by this function has been * unescaped. * * @param str * @return the array of <code>TextPart</code> or null if <code>str==null</code>. */ public static TextPart[] elSplit(String str) throws SAXException { // @TODO: determine null or empty array convention, adjust code, and fix all // code that uses this method. // Handle easy cases first if (null == str) { return null; } if (str.indexOf("$") == -1) { // if no "$", then there are no EL and no backslashed to remove. return new TextPart[] { new TextPart(str, false) }; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); List list = new ArrayList(); StringCharacterIterator it = new StringCharacterIterator(str); char buf = ' '; // may be '\\', '$', or ' ' for(char cur = it.first(); cur != CharacterIterator.DONE; cur = { switch (cur) { case '$': if('\\' == buf) { // escaped, output sb.append('$'); buf = ' '; } else { // not escaped, may be start of EL buf = '$'; } break; case '\\': if('\\' == buf || '$' == buf) { // output buf sb.append(buf); } // we may be escaping $, lets wait and see buf = '\\'; break; case '{': if('\\' == buf) { // output buf and this sb.append(buf); sb.append(cur); buf = ' '; } else if (' ' == buf) { // output this sb.append(cur); // buf = ' '; // buf is already ' ' } else { // buf == '$' // we are starting an EL buf = ' '; if(sb.length() != 0) { list.add(new TextPart(sb.toString(), false)); sb.setLength(0); } sb.append("${"); // read in rest of EL including trailing } char elBuf = ' '; // equals ' ' or '\' boolean done = false; char quoteType = ' '; // equals '\'' or '"' for(cur =; cur != CharacterIterator.DONE; cur = { sb.append(cur); // we don't mangle inside EL if (' ' == quoteType) { // enter quote, end EL, or do nothing if (cur == '\'' || cur == '"') { quoteType = cur; elBuf = ' '; } else if (cur == '}') { // end EL done = true; break; } } else if (quoteType == '\'' || quoteType == '"') { if ('\\' == elBuf) { // cur is being escaped elBuf = ' '; } else if ('\\' == cur) { // escape next elBuf = '\\'; } else if (quoteType == cur) { // out of quote now quoteType = ' '; } } } if (done) { list.add(new TextPart(sb.toString(), true)); sb.setLength(0); } else { throw new SAXException("EL did not end in }"); } } break; default: if('\\' == buf || '$' == buf) { sb.append(buf); buf = ' '; } sb.append(cur); break; } } if(sb.length() != 0) { list.add(new TextPart(sb.toString(), false)); } return (TextPart[]) list.toArray(new TextPart[list.size()]); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // test splitEl String[] stringArray; // test only text System.out.println( Arrays.asList(elSplit("some_text_slash\\_slashslash\\\\_dollar$_dollar\\$_literal\\${")).toString() ); // text only expr System.out.println( Arrays.asList(elSplit("${myexpr_slash\\_quote_'${}{}\\''_quote\"${}{}\\\"\"}")).toString() ); // test start and end text System.out.println( Arrays.asList(elSplit("xxx${yyy}xxx")).toString() ); // test start and end expr System.out.println( Arrays.asList(elSplit("${yyy}xxx${yyy}")).toString() ); // more testing would include exceptions for non-ending EL due to missing } or endless quote } public static class TextPart { public String part; public boolean isEL; public TextPart(String part, boolean isEL) { this.part = part; this.isEL = isEL; } public boolean equals(Object thatObj) { if(thatObj == null || ! (thatObj instanceof TextPart)) { return false; } TextPart that = (TextPart) thatObj; if(this.isEL != that.isEL) { return false; } if(this.part == null && that.part != null) { return false; } if(this.part == null && that.part == null) { return true; } return(this.part.equals(that.part)); } } }