package org.anodyneos.xpImpl.runtime; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.EmptyStackException; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections.ArrayStack; import org.apache.commons.collections.iterators.IteratorEnumeration; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.xml.sax.helpers.NamespaceSupport; /** * Functions similarly to org.xml.sax.NamespaceSupport, except for the * following: * * 1. declarePrefix() first checks to see if the prefix is already mapped to the * uri (and not masked), and if so, does nothing. * * 2. namespace context versions are tracked efficiently. If * getNamespaceContextVersion() returns an <code>int</code> that can be * compared to a value returned from a previous call to find out if the current * mappings are identical to those at the time of the previous call. IMPORTANT * NOTE: versions will only be tracked for each push()/pop() depth, so the save * version number may be returned even after new prefix mappings have been been * made if push() or pop() has not been called since the last new prefix * mapping. * * 3. Extra checking is performed to ensure the NamespaceSupport contract * disallowing declarePrefix() after pop() but before push() is followed. * * 4. popContext2() returns all prefix declarations made in the popped context. * * BUG: apidocs for NamespaceSupport version "xml-commons-external-1_2_01 * (revision:" for declarePrefix() states: "IllegalStateException when * a prefix is declared after looking up a name in the context, or after pushing * another context on top of it." This would be a problem if getURI() prevented * future calls to declarePrefix(), but the current code does not seem to mind. * * ISSUE: This may not be the most performant code, for example, * NamespaceSupport uses Vectors! * * @author jvas */ public final class NamespaceMappings { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(NamespaceMappings.class); private NamespaceSupport namespaceSupport = new NamespaceSupport(); private int ancestorsWithPrefixDeclarations = 0; private int ancestorsWithPrefixMasking = 0; private boolean declareOk = true; private BitSet prefixesDeclaredAtDepth = new BitSet(); private BitSet prefixesMaskedAtDepth = new BitSet(); /** current depth of context stack - tracks push/pop on namespaceSupport object */ private int contextDepth = 0; /** stores version numbers for namespace contexts */ private IntStack versionStack; /** nextVersionNum always increments - values are unique and stored in versionStack */ private int nextVersionNum = 0; /** Used to hold return value for popContext2() */ private ArrayList tmpPrefixes = new ArrayList(); // this only holds items when it is being used. It holds null values // whenever possible. // Entries are stacks that hold String[2] entries for prefix->uri mappings. private ArrayStack phantomPrefixes = new ArrayStack(); public NamespaceMappings() { versionStack = new IntStack(3); versionStack.push(nextVersionNum++); } public void pushPhantomPrefix(String prefix, String uri) { // This may be called when phantomPrefixes is empty - if so, add an // entry for the current context. // If not empty, the contents may be null. If so, pop the null and push // a new ArrayStack. // Note: we could add a boolean argument that if true would tell us // to promote the phantom to a real // mapping immediately. In this case we would call declarePrefix() // on our own and add a null to the prefixStack instead of the // String[2]. We would only do this if it would not mask a currently // declared prefix. ArrayStack prefixStack; if (phantomPrefixes.isEmpty()) { prefixStack = new ArrayStack(); phantomPrefixes.push(prefixStack); } else { prefixStack = (ArrayStack) phantomPrefixes.peek(); if (null == prefixStack) { prefixStack = new ArrayStack(); phantomPrefixes.pop(); phantomPrefixes.push(prefixStack); } } prefixStack.push(new String[] { prefix, uri }); } public void popPhantomPrefix() throws EmptyStackException { // we will require no arguments and provide no checking - we trust the // calling code. ArrayStack prefixStack = (ArrayStack) phantomPrefixes.peek(); prefixStack.pop(); } /* public void promotePhantomPrefix(String prefix) { final String declaredURI = getURI(prefix, false); final String currentURI = getURI(prefix, true); // do not allow promotions if real prefix already exists and is mapped to diff URI if (null != declaredURI && ! declaredURI.equals(currentURI)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot promote phantom prefix '"+prefix+"'; prefix already exists."); } // do not allow promotions if phantom prefix does not exist if (null == currentURI) { throw new IllegalStateException("Phantom prefix '"+prefix+"' does not exist."); } declarePrefix(prefix, currentURI); } */ public boolean declarePrefix(String prefix, String uri) { // Note: calls to declarePrefix may over-write phantomPrefixes that were // added during push(). This should // be OK since obviously the calling code no longer cares about the // phantomPrefix. if (!declareOk) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot declarePrefix after pop() without first calling push()"); } // only perform op if prefix to uri is not alread set. String oldUriForPrefix = namespaceSupport.getURI(prefix); if (!uri.equals(oldUriForPrefix)) { if (namespaceSupport.declarePrefix(prefix, uri)) { // if we haven't already flagged this depth for // prefixesDeclared, do so: if (!prefixesDeclaredAtDepth.get(contextDepth)) { ancestorsWithPrefixDeclarations++; versionStack.push(nextVersionNum++); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(" NamespaceMappings ancestorsWithPrefixDeclarations set to " + ancestorsWithPrefixDeclarations); logger.debug(" NamespaceMappings namespaceVersion set to " + versionStack.peek()); } prefixesDeclaredAtDepth.set(contextDepth); } // if we are masking a value, update the compatibility version: if (oldUriForPrefix != null && !prefixesMaskedAtDepth.get(contextDepth)) { ancestorsWithPrefixMasking++; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(" NamespaceMappings ancestorsWithPrefixMasking set to " + ancestorsWithPrefixMasking); } prefixesMaskedAtDepth.set(contextDepth); } return true; } else { return false; } } // NamespaceSupport returns false for "xml" and "xmlns". We should // not have to test for "xmlns" since that prefix is never tracked // by namespaceSupport and we would have already returned false // in the above code. if ("xml".equals(prefix)) { return false; } else { return true; } } private boolean phantomsExistForCurrentContext() { return (!phantomPrefixes.isEmpty() && null != phantomPrefixes.peek()); // This check is not necessary - we will never have an empty stack // ((ArrayStack) phantomPrefixes.peek()).isEmpty()); } public Enumeration getDeclaredPrefixes(boolean includePhantom) { // Consider changing this class to return both prefixes and uris since // that would be the normal // use case. if (!includePhantom || !phantomsExistForCurrentContext()) { return namespaceSupport.getDeclaredPrefixes(); } else { // if a prefix is declared multiple times in phantom or in both // phantom and namespaceSupport, that // is ok, but just return it once. Set prefixes = new HashSet(); ArrayStack prefixStack = (ArrayStack) phantomPrefixes.peek(); for (int i = 0; i < prefixStack.size(); i++) { prefixes.add(((String[]) prefixStack.get(i))[0]); } Enumeration e = namespaceSupport.getDeclaredPrefixes(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { prefixes.add((String) e.nextElement()); } return new IteratorEnumeration(prefixes.iterator()); } } public String getPrefix(String uri, boolean includePhantom) { // FIXME don't return the default ("") prefix if (!includePhantom || !phantomsExistForCurrentContext()) { return namespaceSupport.getPrefix(uri); } else { // first search phantoms in LIFO order. ArrayStack prefixStack = (ArrayStack) phantomPrefixes.peek(); for (int i = prefixStack.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { String[] entry = (String[]) prefixStack.get(i); if (entry[1].equals(uri)) { return entry[0]; } } // not found yet, try namespaceSupport return namespaceSupport.getPrefix(uri); } } public Enumeration getPrefixes(boolean includePhantom) { if (!includePhantom || !phantomsExistForCurrentContext()) { return namespaceSupport.getPrefixes(); } else { // if a prefix is declared multiple times in phantom or in both // phantom and namespaceSupport, that // is ok, but just return it once. Set prefixes = new HashSet(); ArrayStack prefixStack = (ArrayStack) phantomPrefixes.peek(); for (int i = 0; i < prefixStack.size(); i++) { // IMPORTANT: Make sure not to return the "" prefix String prefix = ((String[]) prefixStack.get(i))[0]; if (null != prefix && prefix.length() > 0) { prefixes.add(prefix); } } Enumeration e = namespaceSupport.getPrefixes(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { prefixes.add((String) e.nextElement()); } return new IteratorEnumeration(prefixes.iterator()); } } public Enumeration getPrefixes(String uri, boolean includePhantom) { if (!includePhantom || !phantomsExistForCurrentContext()) { return namespaceSupport.getPrefixes(uri); } else { // if a prefix is declared multiple times in phantom or in both // phantom and namespaceSupport, that // is ok, but just return it once. Set prefixes = new HashSet(); ArrayStack prefixStack = (ArrayStack) phantomPrefixes.peek(); for (int i = 0; i < prefixStack.size(); i++) { // IMPORTANT: Make sure not to return the "" prefix String prefix = ((String[]) prefixStack.get(i))[0]; String[] entry = ((String[]) prefixStack.get(i)); if (entry[0].length() > 0 && uri.equals(entry[1])) { prefixes.add(entry[0]); } } Enumeration e = namespaceSupport.getPrefixes(uri); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { prefixes.add((String) e.nextElement()); } return new IteratorEnumeration(prefixes.iterator()); } } public String getURI(String prefix, boolean includePhantom) { if (!includePhantom || !phantomsExistForCurrentContext()) { return namespaceSupport.getURI(prefix); } else { // first search phantoms in LIFO order. ArrayStack prefixStack = (ArrayStack) phantomPrefixes.peek(); for (int i = prefixStack.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { String[] entry = (String[]) prefixStack.get(i); if (entry[0].equals(prefix)) { return entry[1]; } } // not found yet, try namespaceSupport return namespaceSupport.getURI(prefix); } } public void popContext() { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(" NamespaceMappings popContext()"); } if (prefixesDeclaredAtDepth.get(contextDepth)) { ancestorsWithPrefixDeclarations--; versionStack.pop(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(" NamespaceMappings ancestorsWithPrefixDeclarations set to " + ancestorsWithPrefixDeclarations); logger.debug(" NamespaceMappings namespaceVersion set to " + versionStack.peek()); } if (prefixesMaskedAtDepth.get(contextDepth)) { ancestorsWithPrefixMasking--; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger .debug(" NamespaceMappings ancestorsWithPrefixMasking set to " + ancestorsWithPrefixMasking); } } } namespaceSupport.popContext(); if (!phantomPrefixes.isEmpty()) { phantomPrefixes.pop(); } contextDepth--; declareOk = false; } /** * * @return a List containing all prefixes declared in the context being * popped. The returned List will be reused by this class and must * not be used by the calling code after the next call to * popContext2() */ public List popContext2() { // decrement version if the current context has prefix mappings tmpPrefixes.clear(); if (prefixesDeclaredAtDepth.get(contextDepth)) { // we only want to return actual declarations, not phantoms Enumeration e = getDeclaredPrefixes(false); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String prefix = (String) e.nextElement(); tmpPrefixes.add(prefix); } } popContext(); return tmpPrefixes; } public void pushContext() { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(" NamespaceMappings pushContext()"); } namespaceSupport.pushContext(); contextDepth++; prefixesDeclaredAtDepth.set(contextDepth, false); prefixesMaskedAtDepth.set(contextDepth, false); declareOk = true; // preload this context with phantoms, then inform phantomPrefixes that // we have pushed() if (phantomsExistForCurrentContext()) { // Add these in FIFO order so that the most recent ones will // over-write older ones. ArrayStack prefixStack = (ArrayStack) phantomPrefixes.peek(); for (int i = 0; i < prefixStack.size(); i++) { String[] entry = (String[]) prefixStack.get(i); if (null != entry) { declarePrefix(entry[0], entry[1]); } } } if (!phantomPrefixes.isEmpty()) { phantomPrefixes.push(null); } } public int getContextVersion() { return versionStack.peek(); } public int getAncestorsWithPrefixMasking() { return ancestorsWithPrefixMasking; } public int getPhantomPrefixCount() { if (!phantomsExistForCurrentContext()) { return 0; } else { return ((ArrayStack) phantomPrefixes.peek()).size(); } } }