package org.anodyneos.xpImpl.translater; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.anodyneos.commons.xml.sax.ElementProcessor; import org.anodyneos.xpImpl.util.CodeWriter; import org.anodyneos.xpImpl.util.Util; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * ProcessorResultContent handles all output elements (elements that do not match a known namespace) * and text that appears within those elements. * * @author jvas */ public class ProcessorResultContent extends TranslaterProcessor { private StringBuffer sb; public static final String E_ATTRIBUTE = "attribute"; public static final String E_IF = "if"; public static final String E_CHOOSE = "choose"; public static final String E_SET = "set"; public static final String E_REMOVE = "remove"; public static final String E_NEW_BEAN = "newBean"; public static final String E_INCLUDE = "include"; public static final String E_TEXT = "text"; public ProcessorResultContent(TranslaterContext ctx) { super(ctx); } public ElementProcessor getProcessorFor(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { // looks like a new element is comming, so flush characters. flushCharacters(); if (URI_XP.equals(uri)) { if (E_ATTRIBUTE.equals(localName)) { // for output content, not attributes for action tags return new ProcessorAttribute(getTranslaterContext()); } else if (E_IF.equals(localName)) { return new ProcessorXPTagIf(getTranslaterContext()); } else if (E_CHOOSE.equals(localName)) { return new ProcessorXPTagChoose(getTranslaterContext()); } else if (E_SET.equals(localName)) { return new ProcessorXPTagSet(getTranslaterContext()); } else if (E_REMOVE.equals(localName)) { return new ProcessorXPTagRemove(getTranslaterContext()); } else if (E_NEW_BEAN.equals(localName)) { return new ProcessorXPTagNewBean(getTranslaterContext()); } else if (E_INCLUDE.equals(localName)) { return new ProcessorXPTagInclude(getTranslaterContext()); } else if (E_TEXT.equals(localName)) { return new ProcessorXPTagText(getTranslaterContext()); } else { return super.getProcessorFor(uri, localName, qName); } } else if (null != getTranslaterContext().getTagLibraryRegistry().getTagLibraryInfo(uri)) { return new ProcessorTag(getTranslaterContext()); } else { // handle more result tree content with this return this; } } public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { CodeWriter out = getTranslaterContext().getCodeWriter(); // buffered startPrefixMappings may exist, lets output them Map prefixBuffer = getTranslaterContext().getBufferedStartPrefixMappings(); Iterator it = prefixBuffer.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String prefix = (String); String tmpUri = (String) prefixBuffer.get(prefix); out.printIndent().println( "xpCH.startPrefixMapping(" + "\"" + prefix + "\"" + ",\"" + tmpUri + "\"" + ");" ); } getTranslaterContext().clearBufferedStartPrefixMappings(); // start element out.printIndent().println( "xpCH.startElement(" + Util.escapeStringQuoted(uri) + ", " + Util.escapeStringQuoted(localName) + ", " + Util.escapeStringQuoted(qName) + ", null);" ); // set attributes for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String value = attributes.getValue(i); String codeValue; if(Util.hasEL(value)) { // EL expression may exist. Process all unescaped expressions, concatinate, etc... codeValue = Util.elExpressionCode(value, "String"); } else { codeValue = Util.escapeStringQuotedEL(attributes.getValue(i)); } out.printIndent().println( "xpCH.addAttribute(" + Util.escapeStringQuoted(attributes.getURI(i)) + ", " + Util.escapeStringQuoted(attributes.getQName(i)) + ", " + codeValue + ");" ); } } public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) { if (null == sb) { sb = new StringBuffer(); } sb.append(ch, start, length); } public void flushCharacters() throws SAXException { CodeWriter out = getTranslaterContext().getCodeWriter(); if (sb != null) { String s = sb.toString(); // Handle whitespace similar to XSLT stylesheets: // // // - discard text nodes that have only whitespace // - keep text nodes that have whitespace and non-whitespace // - preserve space inside elements with xml:space="preserve" but not xml:space="default" if (getContext().isXmlSpacePreserve()) { Util.outputCharactersCode(s, out); } else { if (s.trim().length() > 0) { // don't output if only whitespace Util.outputCharactersCode(s, out); } } sb = null; } } public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { // end element flushCharacters(); CodeWriter out = getTranslaterContext().getCodeWriter(); out.printIndent().println( "xpCH.endElement(" + Util.escapeStringQuoted(uri) + ", " + Util.escapeStringQuoted(localName) + ", " + Util.escapeStringQuoted(qName) + ");" ); } }