package org.anodyneos.xpImpl.translater; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import; import org.anodyneos.commons.xml.UnifiedResolver; import org.anodyneos.commons.xml.sax.BaseParser; import org.anodyneos.xp.XpFileNotFoundException; import org.anodyneos.xp.XpTranslationException; import org.anodyneos.xp.tagext.TagLibraryRegistry; import org.anodyneos.xpImpl.registry.RegistryParser; import org.anodyneos.xpImpl.util.CodeWriter; import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; public class Translater extends BaseParser { private static final int CL_XP_ROOT = 0; private static final int CL_XP_PAGE = 1; private static final int CL_JAVA_FILE = 2; private static final int CL_REGISTRY_FILE = 3; public Translater() { // super(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { try { OutputStream os; Translater obj = new Translater(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); UnifiedResolver resolver = new UnifiedResolver(); resolver.addProtocolHandler("classpath", new ClassLoaderURIHandler(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader())); translate(args[CL_XP_ROOT],args[CL_XP_PAGE],args[CL_JAVA_FILE],args[CL_REGISTRY_FILE],resolver); System.out.println("Completed in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " milliseconds."); } catch (SAXParseException e) { System.err.print(e.getSystemId()); System.err.print(":" + e.getLineNumber() + ":" + e.getColumnNumber() + ": "); System.err.print(e.getLocalizedMessage()); if (null != e.getException()) { System.err.println(); System.err.println("Cause: "); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } public static TranslaterResult translate(String xpRoot, String xpPage, String javaFile, String registryFile, EntityResolver er) throws Exception{ OutputStream os; Translater obj = new Translater(); // registry UnifiedResolver resolver = new UnifiedResolver(); resolver.addProtocolHandler("classpath", new ClassLoaderURIHandler(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader())); InputSource is = new InputSource(new; TagLibraryRegistry registry = new RegistryParser().process(is, resolver); // add a / if it doesn't exist char lastChar = xpRoot.charAt(xpRoot.length()-1); if ( lastChar != '/' && lastChar != '\\'){ xpRoot += File.separatorChar; } // translate codegen String className = xpPage; className = className.substring(xpRoot.length(),className.length()); if (className.startsWith("/")){ className = className.substring(1,className.length()); } className = className.replace('/','.'); className = className.replace('\\','.'); className = className.substring(0, className.lastIndexOf('.')); if (createDir(javaFile)){ os = new FileOutputStream(javaFile); }else{ throw new Exception("Unable to create file: " + javaFile + " because the directory structure could not be created."); } TranslaterResult result = obj.process(new InputSource(xpPage), os, registry, className, er); os.close(); return result; } /** * @param xpRoot - The physical directory where the xp are located * @param tempRoot - The physical directory where the java file is to be based * @param xpURI - The URI of the desired xp * @param registryFile - RegistryFile of TLDs * @param resolver - UnifiedResolver * @return TranslaterResult * @throws Exception */ public static TranslaterResult translate(String tempRoot, URI xpURI, String registryFile, UnifiedResolver resolver) throws XpFileNotFoundException,XpTranslationException{ Translater obj = new Translater(); try{ InputSource is = resolver.resolveEntity(null,registryFile); TagLibraryRegistry registry = new RegistryParser().process(is, resolver); return obj.translate(tempRoot,xpURI,registry,resolver); }catch(XpFileNotFoundException fnf){ throw fnf; }catch(XpTranslationException te){ throw te; }catch (Exception e){ throw new XpTranslationException(e); } } public TranslaterResult translate(String tempRoot, URI xpURI, TagLibraryRegistry registry, UnifiedResolver resolver) throws XpFileNotFoundException, XpTranslationException{ try{ InputSource xpSource = resolver.resolveEntity(null,xpURI.toString()); if (xpSource == null){ throw new XpTranslationException("File Not Found: " + xpURI.toString()); } String javaFile = getJavaFile(tempRoot, xpURI); String className = getClassName(xpURI); // i.e. xp.WEB_INF.common.header OutputStream os; if (createDir(javaFile)){ os = new FileOutputStream(javaFile); }else{ throw new XpTranslationException("Unable to create file: " + javaFile + " because the directory structure could not be created."); } TranslaterResult result = process(xpSource, os, registry, className, resolver); os.close(); // now translate the dependents (There is no check to see if they are out of date) // this is necessary in order to obtain the dependent list List dependents = result.getDependents(); for (int i=0; i<dependents.size();i++){ String dependent = (String)dependents.get(i); URI uriDep = new URI(dependent); translate(tempRoot,uriDep,registry,resolver); } return result; } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new XpTranslationException(ex); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new XpTranslationException(ioe); } catch (SAXException se) { if (se.getException() != null) { throw new XpTranslationException(se.getException()); } else if (se.getCause() != null) { throw new XpTranslationException(se.getCause()); } else { throw new XpTranslationException(se); } } } public TranslaterResult process(InputSource is, OutputStream os, TagLibraryRegistry taglibRegistry, String fullClassName, EntityResolver er) throws SAXException, IOException { CodeWriter out = new CodeWriter(os); TranslaterContext ctx = new TranslaterContext(is, out, taglibRegistry); ctx.setFullClassName(fullClassName); TranslaterProcessor p = new ProcessorPage(ctx); process(is, p, er); out.flush(); return (TranslaterResult) ctx; } /*//REMOVED * Check to see if xp is newer than java * @param xpURI * @param tempRoot * @param resolver * @return * public static boolean xpNeedsTranslating(URI xpURI, String tempRoot, UnifiedResolver resolver) throws XpException{ File javaFile = new File(getJavaFile(tempRoot,xpURI)); if (javaFile.exists()){ return xpIsOutOfDate(xpURI,tempRoot,resolver,javaFile.lastModified()); }else{ // the java file does not exist, so the xp needs translating return true; } } */ /*//REMOVED * Check to see if xp is newer than class * * @param xpURI * @param tempRoot * @param resolver * @return * public static boolean xpNeedsCompiling(URI xpURI, String tempRoot, UnifiedResolver resolver) throws XpException{ File javaFile = new File(getClassFile(tempRoot,xpURI)); if (javaFile.exists()){ return xpIsOutOfDate(xpURI,tempRoot,resolver,javaFile.lastModified()); }else{ // the java file does not exist, so the xp needs translating return true; } } */ public static boolean xpIsOutOfDate(URI xpURI, String tempRoot, UnifiedResolver resolver, long loadTime) throws XpFileNotFoundException{ try{ URLConnection conn = resolver.openConnection(xpURI); if (conn == null){ throw new IOException(xpURI.toString() + " does not exist."); } // conn.getLastModified() returns 0 if not known, so // classpath: and webapp: type resources are ok long xpLastModified = conn.getLastModified(); if (loadTime >= xpLastModified){ return false; }else{ return true; } }catch (IOException ioe){ throw new XpFileNotFoundException(xpURI.toString()); } } public static boolean xpExists(URI xpURI, UnifiedResolver resolver){ try{ URLConnection conn = resolver.openConnection(xpURI); if (conn == null){ return false; }else{ return true; } }catch (IOException ioe){ return false; } } private static String stripXpExtensionFromPath(String xpPath){ if (xpPath.trim().toUpperCase().endsWith(".XP")){ String trimmedPath = xpPath.trim(); return trimmedPath.substring(0,trimmedPath.length()-3); }else{ return xpPath; } } public static String getJavaFile(String tempRoot, URI xpURI){ String fullPath = concatPaths(TranslaterContext.DEFAULT_PACKAGE + "/",xpURI.getPath()); fullPath = stripXpExtensionFromPath(fullPath); fullPath = fullPath.replace('-','_'); // TODO replace with more robust replacement fullPath = fullPath.replace('.','_'); // TODO replace with more robust replacement fullPath += ".java"; fullPath = concatPaths(tempRoot,fullPath); return fullPath; } /* REMOVED public static String getClassFile(String tempRoot, URI xpURI){ String fullPath = concatPaths(TranslaterContext.DEFAULT_PACKAGE + "/",xpURI.getPath()); fullPath = stripXpExtensionFromPath(fullPath); fullPath = fullPath.replace('-','_'); // TODO replace with more robust replacement fullPath = fullPath.replace('.','_'); // TODO replace with more robust replacement fullPath += ".class"; fullPath = concatPaths(tempRoot,fullPath); return fullPath; } */ /** * * Convert webapp:///WEB-INF/xp/account/account_list.query.xp into xp.WEB_INF.xp.account.account_list_query * * @param xpURI * @return String */ public static String getClassName(URI xpURI){ String fullPath = xpURI.getPath(); fullPath = stripXpExtensionFromPath(fullPath); fullPath = fullPath.replace('-','_'); // TODO replace with more robust replacement fullPath = fullPath.replace('.','_'); // TODO replace with more robust replacement fullPath = concatPaths(TranslaterContext.DEFAULT_PACKAGE + "/",fullPath); fullPath = fullPath.replace('/','.'); return fullPath; } /** * concats pathPrefix and pathSuffix, with a / between the two * * @param pathPrefix * @param pathSuffix * @return pathPrefix + pathSuffix * @throws Exception */ public static String concatPaths(String pathPrefix, String pathSuffix){ String c = null; if (pathPrefix == null){ c = pathSuffix; }else if (pathSuffix == null){ c = pathPrefix; }else{ // start with the prefix c = pathPrefix; if (pathPrefix.endsWith("/")){ if (pathSuffix.startsWith("/")){ // if the prefix ends in / and the suffix begins with / then strip the / from the suffix pathSuffix = pathSuffix.substring(1,pathSuffix.length()); } }else{ if (!pathSuffix.startsWith("/")){ // if the prefix does NOT end in / and the suffix does NOT begin with / then append a / to c c = c.concat("/"); } } // and add then concatenate the two together c = c.concat(pathSuffix); } return c; } private static boolean createDir(String javaFile){ boolean created = false; String filePath = javaFile.replaceFirst("[/\\\\]\\w*\\.java",""); File dir = new File(filePath); if (!dir.exists()){ created = dir.mkdirs(); }else{ created = true; } return created; } }