package org.anodyneos.xp.tag.fmt; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException; import org.anodyneos.servlet.xsl.xalan.AutoHtmlParserUrlGen; import org.anodyneos.servlet.xsl.xalan.AutoHtmlParserUrlGenDefault; import org.anodyneos.servlet.xsl.xalan.BBCodeParser; import org.anodyneos.servlet.xsl.xalan.ParseException; import org.anodyneos.xp.XpException; import org.anodyneos.xp.XpOutput; import org.anodyneos.xp.tagext.XpFragment; import org.anodyneos.xp.tagext.XpTagSupport; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl; public class BBCodeTag extends XpTagSupport { public static final String XHTML_NS = ""; public static final String XHTML_PREFIX = "xhtml"; public static final String MODE_HTML = "html"; public static final String MODE_TEXT = "text"; private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(BBCodeTag.class); private String text; private String mode = MODE_HTML; public void doTag(XpOutput out) throws XpException, ELException, SAXException { if (null == text) { XpFragment body = getXpBody(); if (null == body) { text = ""; } else { text = body.invokeToString(); } } if (! "".equals(text)) { try { if (MODE_TEXT.equals(getMode())) { BBCodeParserXpText ahps = new BBCodeParserXpText(new, out); ahps.process(); } else { BBCodeParserXp ahps = new BBCodeParserXp(new, out); ahps.process(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: } } } public String getText() { return text; } public void setText(String text) { this.text = text; } protected static AutoHtmlParserUrlGen urlGenDefault = new AutoHtmlParserUrlGenDefault(); protected static Attributes emptyAttributes = new AttributesImpl(); protected class BBCodeParserXpText extends BBCodeParser { private XpOutput out; private StringBuffer sb; private String delayedUrl; protected BBCodeParserXpText(InputStream stream, XpOutput out) { super(stream); this.out = out; } protected BBCodeParserXpText( stream, XpOutput out) { super(stream); this.out = out; } protected void process() throws ParseException { Input(); flushText(); } protected void processWord(String s) { addText(s); } protected void processSpace(String s) { addText(s); } protected void processEol(String s) { addText(s); } protected void processEmail(String s) { addText(s); } protected void processUrl(String s) { addText(s); } protected void processFtp(String s) { addText(s); } protected void processWww(String s) { addText(s); } private void addText(char c) { if (null == sb) { sb = new StringBuffer(); } sb.append(c); } private void addText(String s) { if (null == sb) { sb = new StringBuffer(); } sb.append(s); } private void flushText() { // Write contents of sb to node. try { if (null != sb) { out.write(sb.toString().toCharArray(), 0, sb.length()); sb.setLength(0); } } catch (SAXException e) { logger.error("FIXME: Thrown away SAXException.", e); // FIXME: should not throw away exception } } protected void processInvalidOpen(String arg0) { processWord(arg0); } protected void processCloseTag(String arg0) { if (BBCodeParser.TAG_URL.equals(arg0) && null != delayedUrl) { processWord(" <" + delayedUrl + ">"); delayedUrl = null; } else if (BBCodeParser.TAG_QUOTE.equals(arg0) || BBCodeParser.TAG_CODE.equals(arg0)) { // parser removes whitespace around block tags (quote & code). So, add some whitespace. addText('\n'); addText('\n'); } } protected void processOpenColorTag(String arg0) { /* noop */ } protected void processOpenSizeTag(String arg0) { /* noop */ } protected void processOpenSimpleTag(String arg0) { // parser removes whitespace around block tags (quote & code). So, add some whitespace. if (BBCodeParser.TAG_QUOTE.equals(arg0) || BBCodeParser.TAG_CODE.equals(arg0)) { addText('\n'); addText('\n'); } } protected void processOpenUrlEmailTag(String arg0) { delayedUrl = arg0; } protected void processOpenUrlFtpTag(String arg0) { delayedUrl = arg0; } protected void processOpenUrlTag(String arg0) { delayedUrl = arg0; } protected void processOpenUrlWwwTag(String arg0) { delayedUrl = arg0; } } protected class BBCodeParserXp extends BBCodeParser { private XpOutput out; private StringBuffer sb; private AutoHtmlParserUrlGen urlGen; private List elementStack = new ArrayList(); protected BBCodeParserXp(InputStream stream, XpOutput out) { super(stream); this.out = out; } protected BBCodeParserXp( stream, XpOutput out) { super(stream); this.out = out; } protected void process() throws ParseException { if (urlGen == null) { urlGen = urlGenDefault; } Input(); flushText(); } protected void processWord(String s) { addText(s); } protected void processSpace(String s) { addSpace(s); } protected void processEol(String s) { addEol(s); } protected void processEmail(String s) { addHref(urlGen.emailToUrl(s), s); } protected void processUrl(String s) { addHref(urlGen.urlToUrl(s), s); } protected void processFtp(String s) { addHref(urlGen.ftpToUrl(s), s); } protected void processWww(String s) { addHref(urlGen.wwwToUrl(s), s); } private void addSpace(String s) { addText(' '); } private void addText(char c) { if (null == sb) { sb = new StringBuffer(); } sb.append(c); } private void addText(String s) { if (null == sb) { sb = new StringBuffer(); } sb.append(s); } private void flushText() { // Write contents of sb to node. try { if (null != sb) { out.write(sb.toString().toCharArray(), 0, sb.length()); sb.setLength(0); } } catch (SAXException e) { logger.error("FIXME: Thrown away SAXException.", e); // FIXME: should not throw away exception } } private void addHref(String href, String display) { // first, write out cached text to node flushText(); try { // "a" element out.startElement(XHTML_NS, XHTML_PREFIX + ":a"); out.addAttribute("", "href", href); out.write(display.toCharArray(), 0, display.length()); out.endElement(XHTML_NS, XHTML_PREFIX + ":a"); } catch (SAXException e) { logger.error("FIXME: Thrown away SAXException.", e); // FIXME: should not throw away exception } } private void addEol(String s) { flushText(); try { // "br" element out.startElement(XHTML_NS, XHTML_PREFIX + ":br"); out.endElement(XHTML_NS, XHTML_PREFIX + ":br"); } catch (SAXException e) { logger.error("FIXME: Thrown away SAXException.", e); // FIXME: should not throw away exception } } public AutoHtmlParserUrlGen getUrlGen() { return urlGen; } public void setUrlGen(AutoHtmlParserUrlGen urlGen) { this.urlGen = urlGen; } protected void processCloseTag(String s) { flushText(); Element[] elements = (Element[]) elementStack.remove(elementStack.size()-1); for(int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { Element el = elements[i]; try { out.endElement(el.namespace, el.qName); } catch (SAXException e) { logger.error("FIXME: Thrown away SAXException.", e); // FIXME: should not throw away exception } } } protected void processInvalidOpen(String s) { processWord(s); } protected void processOpenColorTag(String s) { flushText(); try { Element el = new Element(XHTML_NS, XHTML_PREFIX + ":span"); pushElements(new Element[] {el}); startElement(el); out.addAttribute("", "style", "color:" + s + ";"); } catch (SAXException e) { logger.error("FIXME: Thrown away SAXException.", e); // FIXME: should not throw away exception } } protected void processOpenSimpleTag(String s) { flushText(); // <#SIMPLE_TAG: "b" | "i" | "u" | "s" | "quote" | "code" > try { if (BBCodeParser.TAG_BOLD.equals(s)) { Element el = new Element(XHTML_NS, XHTML_PREFIX + ":span"); pushElements(new Element[] {el}); startElement(el); out.addAttribute("", "style", "font-weight:bold;"); } else if (BBCodeParser.TAG_ITALICS.equals(s)) { Element el = new Element(XHTML_NS, XHTML_PREFIX + ":span"); pushElements(new Element[] {el}); startElement(el); out.addAttribute("", "style", "font-style:italic;"); } else if (BBCodeParser.TAG_UNDERLINE.equals(s)) { Element el = new Element(XHTML_NS, XHTML_PREFIX + ":span"); pushElements(new Element[] {el}); startElement(el); out.addAttribute("", "style", "text-decoration:underline;"); } else if (BBCodeParser.TAG_STRIKETHROUGH.equals(s)) { Element el = new Element(XHTML_NS, XHTML_PREFIX + ":span"); pushElements(new Element[] {el}); startElement(el); out.addAttribute("", "style", "text-decoration:line-through;"); } else if (BBCodeParser.TAG_QUOTE.equals(s)) { Element el1 = new Element(XHTML_NS, XHTML_PREFIX + ":blockquote"); Element el2 = new Element(XHTML_NS, XHTML_PREFIX + ":p"); pushElements(new Element[] {el2, el1}); startElement(el1); startElement(el2); } else if (BBCodeParser.TAG_CODE.equals(s)) { Element el = new Element(XHTML_NS, XHTML_PREFIX + ":pre"); pushElements(new Element[] {el}); startElement(el); } } catch (SAXException e) { logger.error("FIXME: Thrown away SAXException.", e); // FIXME: should not throw away exception } } protected void processOpenSizeTag(String s) { flushText(); try { Element el = new Element(XHTML_NS, XHTML_PREFIX + ":span"); pushElements(new Element[] {el}); startElement(el); out.addAttribute("", "style", "font-size:" + s + "%;"); } catch (SAXException e) { logger.error("FIXME: Thrown away SAXException.", e); // FIXME: should not throw away exception } } protected void processOpenUrlFtpTag(String s) { _processOpenUrlTag(urlGen.ftpToUrl(s)); } protected void processOpenUrlWwwTag(String s) { _processOpenUrlTag(urlGen.wwwToUrl(s)); } protected void processOpenUrlEmailTag(String s) { _processOpenUrlTag(urlGen.emailToUrl(s)); } protected void processOpenUrlTag(String s) { _processOpenUrlTag(urlGen.urlToUrl(s)); } protected void _processOpenUrlTag(String s) { flushText(); try { Element el = new Element(XHTML_NS, XHTML_PREFIX + ":a"); pushElements(new Element[] {el}); startElement(el); out.addAttribute("", "href", s); } catch (SAXException e) { logger.error("FIXME: Thrown away SAXException.", e); // FIXME: should not throw away exception } } private void pushElements(Element[] elements) { this.elementStack.add(elements); } private void startElement(Element el) { try { out.startElement(el.namespace, el.qName); } catch (SAXException e) { logger.error("FIXME: Thrown away SAXException.", e); // FIXME: should not throw away exception } } } protected class Element { protected Element(String namespace, String qName) { this.namespace = namespace; this.qName = qName; } String namespace; String qName; } public String getMode() { return mode; } public void setMode(String mode) { this.mode = mode; } }