package org.pepsoft.worldpainter.layers; import org.pepsoft.util.IconUtils; import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.ColourScheme; import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.biomeschemes.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import static org.pepsoft.worldpainter.biomeschemes.Minecraft1_7Biomes.*; import static org.pepsoft.worldpainter.layers.BiomesPanel.BiomeOption.*; /** * Created by pepijn on 27-05-15. */ public class BiomesPanel extends JPanel implements CustomBiomeManager.CustomBiomeListener { public BiomesPanel(ColourScheme colourScheme, CustomBiomeManager customBiomeManager, Listener listener, ButtonGroup buttonGroup) { this.customBiomeManager = customBiomeManager; this.listener = listener; this.buttonGroup = buttonGroup; biomeHelper = new BiomeHelper(BIOME_SCHEME, colourScheme, customBiomeManager); initComponents(colourScheme); customBiomeManager.addListener(this); } // CustomBiomeListener @Override public void customBiomeAdded(CustomBiome customBiome) { addButton(customBiome); } @Override public void customBiomeChanged(CustomBiome customBiome) { for (Component component: grid.getComponents()) { if ((component instanceof JToggleButton) && (((Integer) ((JToggleButton) component).getClientProperty(KEY_BIOME)) == customBiome.getId())) { JToggleButton button = (JToggleButton) component; button.setIcon(IconUtils.createScaledColourIcon(customBiome.getColour())); button.setToolTipText(customBiome.getName()); return; } } } @Override public void customBiomeRemoved(CustomBiome customBiome) { for (Component component: grid.getComponents()) { if ((component instanceof JToggleButton) && (((Integer) ((JToggleButton) component).getClientProperty(KEY_BIOME)) == customBiome.getId())) { JToggleButton button = (JToggleButton) component; if (button.isSelected()) { button.setSelected(false); selectedBiome = BIOME_PLAINS; notifyListener(); } grid.remove(component); forceRepaint(); return; } } } private void initComponents(ColourScheme colourScheme) { setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); label1.setHorizontalTextPosition(JLabel.LEADING); label1.setAlignmentX(0.0f); add(label1); label2.setAlignmentX(0.0f); add(label2); for (final int biome : BIOME_ORDER) { if (biome != -1) { final JToggleButton button = new JToggleButton(new ImageIcon(BiomeSchemeManager.createImage(BIOME_SCHEME, biome, colourScheme))); button.putClientProperty(KEY_BIOME, biome); button.setMargin(new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2)); StringBuilder tooltip = new StringBuilder(); tooltip.append(AutoBiomeScheme.BIOME_NAMES[biome]); tooltip.append(" ("); List<Integer> variantIds = findVariants(biome); boolean first = true; for (Integer variantId : variantIds) { if (first) { first = false; } else { tooltip.append(", "); } tooltip.append(variantId); } tooltip.append(')'); button.setToolTipText(tooltip.toString()); buttonGroup.add(button); button.addActionListener(e -> { if (button.isSelected()) { selectBaseBiome(biome); } }); grid.add(button); } else { grid.add(new JLabel()); } } JButton addCustomBiomeButton = new JButton(IconUtils.loadScaledIcon("org/pepsoft/worldpainter/icons/plus.png")); addCustomBiomeButton.setMargin(new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2)); addCustomBiomeButton.setToolTipText("Add a custom biome"); addCustomBiomeButton.addActionListener(e -> { final Window parent = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(BiomesPanel.this); final int id = customBiomeManager.getNextId(); if (id == -1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parent, "Maximum number of custom biomes reached", "Maximum Reached", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } CustomBiome customBiome = new CustomBiome("Custom", id, Color.ORANGE.getRGB()); CustomBiomeDialog dialog = new CustomBiomeDialog(parent, customBiome, true); dialog.setVisible(true); if (! dialog.isCancelled()) { customBiomeManager.addCustomBiome(parent, customBiome); } }); grid.add(addCustomBiomeButton); grid.setAlignmentX(0.0f); add(grid); checkBoxHillsShore.setEnabled(false); checkBoxEdgePlateau.setEnabled(false); checkBoxM.setEnabled(false); checkBoxF.setEnabled(false); checkBoxVariant.setEnabled(false); ActionListener optionActionListener = e -> updateOptions(); checkBoxHillsShore.addActionListener(optionActionListener); checkBoxEdgePlateau.addActionListener(optionActionListener); checkBoxM.addActionListener(optionActionListener); checkBoxF.addActionListener(optionActionListener); checkBoxVariant.addActionListener(optionActionListener); add(checkBoxHillsShore); checkBoxEdgePlateau.setAlignmentX(0.0f); add(checkBoxEdgePlateau); JPanel lowerRowPanel = new JPanel(); lowerRowPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(lowerRowPanel, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS)); lowerRowPanel.add(checkBoxM); lowerRowPanel.add(checkBoxF); lowerRowPanel.add(checkBoxVariant); lowerRowPanel.setAlignmentX(0.0f); add(lowerRowPanel); } private void selectBaseBiome(int biome) { selectedBaseBiome = biome; selectedBiome = biome; notifyListener(); resetOptions(); updateLabels(); } private void resetOptions() { checkBoxHillsShore.setSelected(false); checkBoxEdgePlateau.setSelected(false); checkBoxM.setSelected(false); checkBoxF.setSelected(false); checkBoxVariant.setSelected(false); Set<BiomeOption> availableOptions = findAvailableOptions(selectedBaseBiome, null); checkBoxHillsShore.setEnabled(availableOptions.contains(HILLS_SHORE)); checkBoxEdgePlateau.setEnabled(availableOptions.contains(EDGE_PLATEAU)); checkBoxM.setEnabled(availableOptions.contains(M)); checkBoxF.setEnabled(availableOptions.contains(F)); checkBoxVariant.setEnabled(availableOptions.contains(VARIANT)); } private void updateOptions() { Set<BiomeOption> selectedOptions = getSelectedOptions(); selectedBiome = findBiome(selectedBaseBiome, selectedOptions); notifyListener(); Set<BiomeOption> availableOptions = findAvailableOptions(selectedBaseBiome, selectedOptions); checkBoxHillsShore.setEnabled(availableOptions.contains(HILLS_SHORE)); checkBoxEdgePlateau.setEnabled(availableOptions.contains(EDGE_PLATEAU)); checkBoxM.setEnabled(availableOptions.contains(M)); checkBoxF.setEnabled(availableOptions.contains(F)); checkBoxVariant.setEnabled(availableOptions.contains(VARIANT)); updateLabels(); } private Set<BiomeOption> getSelectedOptions() { Set<BiomeOption> selectedOptions = EnumSet.noneOf(BiomeOption.class); if (checkBoxHillsShore.isSelected()) { selectedOptions.add(HILLS_SHORE); } if (checkBoxEdgePlateau.isSelected()) { selectedOptions.add(EDGE_PLATEAU); } if (checkBoxM.isSelected()) { selectedOptions.add(M); } if (checkBoxF.isSelected()) { selectedOptions.add(F); } if (checkBoxVariant.isSelected()) { selectedOptions.add(VARIANT); } return selectedOptions; } /** * Find the actual biome ID for a specific base biome and a set of selected * options. * * @param baseId The base ID of the biome. * @param options The selected options. * @return The actual biome ID for the specified base biome and options. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified base ID or options are * invalid or don't specify an existing actual biome. */ private int findBiome(int baseId, Set<BiomeOption> options) { for (BiomeDescriptor descriptor: DESCRIPTORS) { if ((descriptor.getBaseId() == baseId) && descriptor.getOptions().equals(options)) { return descriptor.getId(); } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no biome with base ID " + baseId + " and options " + options); } private void updateLabels() { label1.setText("Selected biome: " + selectedBiome); label1.setIcon(biomeHelper.getBiomeIcon(selectedBiome)); label2.setText(biomeHelper.getBiomeName(selectedBiome)); } private void addButton(CustomBiome customBiome) { final int biome = customBiome.getId(); final JToggleButton button = new JToggleButton(IconUtils.createScaledColourIcon(customBiome.getColour())); button.putClientProperty(KEY_BIOME, biome); button.setMargin(new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2)); button.setToolTipText(customBiome.getName() + " (" + biome + "); right-click for options"); button.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (e.isPopupTrigger()) { showPopupMenu(e); } } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (e.isPopupTrigger()) { showPopupMenu(e); } } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { if (e.isPopupTrigger()) { showPopupMenu(e); } } private void showPopupMenu(MouseEvent e) { JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu(); JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem("Edit..."); item.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { CustomBiomeDialog dialog = new CustomBiomeDialog(SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(button), customBiome, false); dialog.setVisible(true); if (! dialog.isCancelled()) { customBiomeManager.editCustomBiome(customBiome); } }); popup.add(item); item = new JMenuItem("Remove..."); item.addActionListener(actionEvent -> { if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(button, "Are you sure you want to remove custom biome \"" + customBiome.getName() + "\" (ID: " + customBiome.getId() + ")?\nAny occurrences will be replaced with Automatic Biomes", "Confirm Removal", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { customBiomeManager.removeCustomBiome(customBiome); } }); popup.add(item);, e.getX(), e.getY()); } }); buttonGroup.add(button); button.addActionListener(e -> { if (button.isSelected()) { selectBaseBiome(biome); } }); grid.add(button, grid.getComponentCount() - 1); forceRepaint(); } private void forceRepaint() { // Not sure why this is necessary. Swing bug? Window parent = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(this); if (parent != null) { parent.validate(); } } /** * Find the available biome options given a particular base biome and a set * of already selected options. * * @param baseId The ID of the base biome. * @param options The already selected options. May be <code>null</code> or * empty. * @return The total available options for the specified base biome and * selected options. May be empty, but not <code>null</code>. */ private static Set<BiomeOption> findAvailableOptions(int baseId, Set<BiomeOption> options) { if (BIOME_SCHEME.isBiomePresent(baseId)) { Set<BiomeOption> availableOptions = (options != null) ? EnumSet.copyOf(options) : EnumSet.noneOf(BiomeOption.class); for (BiomeDescriptor descriptor: DESCRIPTORS) { if ((descriptor.getBaseId() == baseId) && ((options == null) || descriptor.getOptions().containsAll(options))) { availableOptions.addAll(descriptor.getOptions()); } } // Special cases if (baseId == BIOME_MESA) { if ((options == null) || options.isEmpty()) { // There is no Mesa M, Mesa F or Mesa M F, so if only Mesa is // selected, M and F should not yet be available availableOptions.remove(M); availableOptions.remove(F); } else if (options.contains(M) || options.contains(F)) { // On the other hand, once M or F are selected, it should // no longer be possible to deselect "edge/plateau" availableOptions.remove(EDGE_PLATEAU); } } return availableOptions; } else { return Collections.EMPTY_SET; } } /** * Find the IDs of all variants of the specified base biome. * * @param baseId The ID of the base biome. * @return The IDs of all variants of the specified base biome (including * the base biome itself). */ private List<Integer> findVariants(int baseId) { List<Integer> variants = new ArrayList<>(); for (BiomeDescriptor descriptor: DESCRIPTORS) { if (descriptor.getBaseId() == baseId) { variants.add(descriptor.getId()); } } return variants; } private void notifyListener() { listener.biomeSelected(selectedBiome); } private final JPanel grid = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 4)); private final ButtonGroup buttonGroup; private final JCheckBox checkBoxHillsShore = new JCheckBox("hills/shore"); private final JCheckBox checkBoxEdgePlateau = new JCheckBox("edge/plateau"); private final JCheckBox checkBoxM = new JCheckBox("M"); private final JCheckBox checkBoxF = new JCheckBox("F"); private final JCheckBox checkBoxVariant = new JCheckBox("variant"); private final JLabel label1 = new JLabel("Selected biome: 1"), label2 = new JLabel("Plains"); private final CustomBiomeManager customBiomeManager; private final BiomeHelper biomeHelper; private final Listener listener; private int selectedBiome = BIOME_PLAINS, selectedBaseBiome = BIOME_PLAINS; private static final AutoBiomeScheme BIOME_SCHEME = new AutoBiomeScheme(null); private static final int[] BIOME_ORDER = { BIOME_PLAINS, BIOME_FOREST, BIOME_SWAMPLAND, BIOME_JUNGLE, BIOME_BIRCH_FOREST, BIOME_ROOFED_FOREST, BIOME_EXTREME_HILLS, BIOME_MUSHROOM_ISLAND, BIOME_TAIGA, BIOME_MEGA_TAIGA, BIOME_MEGA_SPRUCE_TAIGA, -1, BIOME_DESERT, BIOME_SAVANNA, BIOME_MESA, -1, BIOME_OCEAN, BIOME_RIVER, BIOME_BEACH, BIOME_STONE_BEACH, BIOME_FROZEN_OCEAN, BIOME_FROZEN_RIVER, BIOME_COLD_BEACH, BIOME_ICE_PLAINS, BIOME_ICE_MOUNTAINS, BIOME_COLD_TAIGA, BIOME_HELL, BIOME_SKY }; private static final String KEY_BIOME = BiomesPanel.class.getName() + ".biome"; private static final BiomeDescriptor[] DESCRIPTORS = { new BiomeDescriptor("Ocean", 0, 0), new BiomeDescriptor("Plains", 1, 1), new BiomeDescriptor("Desert", 2, 2), new BiomeDescriptor("Extreme Hills", 3, 3), new BiomeDescriptor("Forest", 4, 4), new BiomeDescriptor("Taiga", 5, 5), new BiomeDescriptor("Swampland", 6, 6), new BiomeDescriptor("River", 7, 7), new BiomeDescriptor("Nether", 8, 8), new BiomeDescriptor("End", 9, 9), new BiomeDescriptor("Frozen Ocean", 10, 10), new BiomeDescriptor("Frozen River", 11, 11), new BiomeDescriptor("Ice Plains", 12, 12), new BiomeDescriptor("Ice Mountains", 13, 13), new BiomeDescriptor("Mushroom Island", 14, 14), new BiomeDescriptor("Mushroom Island Shore", 15, 14, HILLS_SHORE), new BiomeDescriptor("Beach", 16, 16), new BiomeDescriptor("Desert Hills", 17, 2, HILLS_SHORE), new BiomeDescriptor("Forest Hills", 18, 4, HILLS_SHORE), new BiomeDescriptor("Taiga Hills", 19, 5, HILLS_SHORE), new BiomeDescriptor("Extreme Hills Edge", 20, 3, EDGE_PLATEAU), new BiomeDescriptor("Jungle", 21, 21), new BiomeDescriptor("Jungle Hills", 22, 21, HILLS_SHORE), new BiomeDescriptor("Jungle Edge", 23, 21, EDGE_PLATEAU), new BiomeDescriptor("Deep Ocean", 24, 0, VARIANT), new BiomeDescriptor("Stone Beach", 25, 25), new BiomeDescriptor("Cold Beach", 26, 26), new BiomeDescriptor("Birch Forest", 27, 27), new BiomeDescriptor("Birch Forest Hills", 28, 27, HILLS_SHORE), new BiomeDescriptor("Roofed Forest", 29, 29), new BiomeDescriptor("Cold Taiga", 30, 30), new BiomeDescriptor("Cold Taiga Hills", 31, 30, HILLS_SHORE), new BiomeDescriptor("Mega Taiga", 32, 32), new BiomeDescriptor("Mega Taiga Hills", 33, 32, HILLS_SHORE), new BiomeDescriptor("Extreme Hills+", 34, 3, VARIANT), new BiomeDescriptor("Savanna", 35, 35), new BiomeDescriptor("Savanna Plateau", 36, 35, EDGE_PLATEAU), new BiomeDescriptor("Mesa", 37, 37), new BiomeDescriptor("Mesa Plateau F", 38, 37, EDGE_PLATEAU, F), new BiomeDescriptor("Mesa Plateau", 39, 37, EDGE_PLATEAU), new BiomeDescriptor("Sunflower Plains", 129, 1, VARIANT), new BiomeDescriptor("Desert M", 130, 2, M), new BiomeDescriptor("Extreme Hills M", 131, 3, M), new BiomeDescriptor("Flower Forest", 132, 4, VARIANT), new BiomeDescriptor("Taiga M", 133, 5, M), new BiomeDescriptor("Swampland M", 134, 6, M), new BiomeDescriptor("Ice Plains Spikes", 140, 12, VARIANT), new BiomeDescriptor("Jungle M", 149, 21, M), new BiomeDescriptor("Jungle Edge M", 151, 21, EDGE_PLATEAU, M), new BiomeDescriptor("Birch Forest M", 155, 27, M), new BiomeDescriptor("Birch Forest Hills M", 156, 27, HILLS_SHORE, M), new BiomeDescriptor("Roofed Forest M", 157, 29, M), new BiomeDescriptor("Cold Taiga M", 158, 30, M), new BiomeDescriptor("Mega Spruce Taiga", 160, 160), new BiomeDescriptor("Mega Spruce Taiga Hills", 161, 160, HILLS_SHORE), new BiomeDescriptor("Extreme Hills+ M", 162, 3, VARIANT, M), new BiomeDescriptor("Savanna M", 163, 35, M), new BiomeDescriptor("Savanna Plateau M", 164, 35, EDGE_PLATEAU, M), new BiomeDescriptor("Mesa (Bryce)", 165, 37, VARIANT), new BiomeDescriptor("Mesa Plateau F M", 166, 37, EDGE_PLATEAU, F, M), new BiomeDescriptor("Mesa Plateau M", 167, 37, EDGE_PLATEAU, M), }; public enum BiomeOption {HILLS_SHORE, EDGE_PLATEAU, M, F, VARIANT} public static class BiomeDescriptor { public BiomeDescriptor(String name, int id, int baseId, BiomeOption... options) { = name; = id; this.baseId = baseId; this.options = ((options != null) && (options.length > 0)) ? EnumSet.copyOf(Arrays.asList(options)) : Collections.EMPTY_SET; } public String getName() { return name; } public int getId() { return id; } public int getBaseId() { return baseId; } public Set<BiomeOption> getOptions() { return options; } private final String name; private final int id, baseId; private final Set<BiomeOption> options; } public interface Listener { void biomeSelected(int biomeId); } }