package org.reldb.rel.tests.main; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.reldb.rel.tests.BaseOfTest; public class TestAggregateUserdefined extends BaseOfTest { public static void testAggregateSetup1() { String src = "begin;" + "OPERATOR SQRT(a RATIONAL) RETURNS RATIONAL Java FOREIGN \n" + "// Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a RATIONAL \n" + "// value. \n" + " return, Math.sqrt(a.doubleValue())); \n" + "END OPERATOR;" + "end;" + "true"; String expected = "true"; testEquals(expected, src); } public static void testAggregateSetup2() { String src = "begin;" + "OPERATOR AGGREGATE_STDEV(data ARRAY TUPLE {AGGREGAND INTEGER, AGGREGATION_SERIAL INTEGER}) RETURNS RATIONAL; " + " RETURN WITH ( " + " mean := AVG(data, AGGREGAND), " + " squarediffs := EXTEND data UNORDER(): { " + " squaredifference := WITH (difference := CAST_AS_RATIONAL(AGGREGAND) - mean): " + " difference * difference " + " } " + " ): SQRT(AVG(squarediffs, squaredifference)); " + "END OPERATOR; " + "end;" + "true"; String expected = "true"; testEquals(expected, src); } public static void testAggregateSetup3() { String src = "begin;" + "OPERATOR AGGREGATE_TEST(data ARRAY TUPLE {AGGREGAND INTEGER, AGGREGATION_SERIAL INTEGER}, i INT) RETURNS INT; " + " RETURN AGGREGATE(data, AGGREGAND, i); RETURN VALUE1 + VALUE2; END AGGREGATE; " + "END OPERATOR; " + "end;" + "true"; String expected = "true"; testEquals(expected, src); } public static void testAggregateSetup4() { String src = "begin;" + "OPERATOR AGGREGATE_TEST(data ARRAY TUPLE {AGGREGAND INTEGER, AGGREGATION_SERIAL INTEGER}) RETURNS INT; " + " RETURN AGGREGATE(data, AGGREGAND); RETURN VALUE1 + VALUE2; END AGGREGATE; " + "END OPERATOR; " + "end;" + "true"; String expected = "true"; testEquals(expected, src); } @BeforeClass public static void testSetup() { testAggregateSetup1(); testAggregateSetup2(); testAggregateSetup3(); testAggregateSetup4(); } @Test public void testAggregate00() { String src = "SUMMARIZE \n" + " REL { \n" + " TUP {x 1, c 'A', d 'A'}, \n" + " TUP {x 1, c 'A', d 'B'}, \n" + " TUP {x 1, c 'B', d 'A'}, \n" + " TUP {x 1, c 'C', d 'B'}, \n" + " TUP {x 2, c 'A', d 'A'} \n" + " } \n" + "BY {c}: { \n" + " std_dev_distinct_x := STDEV(DISTINCT x), \n" + " std_dev_distinct_1 := STDEV(DISTINCT 1), \n" + " std_dev_x := STDEV(x), \n" + " std_dev_1 := STDEV(1), \n" + " std_dev_distinct_x2 := STDEV(DISTINCT x * 2), \n" + " std_dev_x2 := STDEV(x * 2), \n" + " test_distinct_x := TEST(DISTINCT x), \n" + " test_distinct_1 := TEST(DISTINCT 1), \n" + " test_x := TEST(x), \n" + " test_1 := TEST(1), \n" + " test_distinct_x2 := TEST(DISTINCT x * 2), \n" + " test_x2 := TEST(x * 2), \n" + " test_distinct_x_start2 := TEST(DISTINCT x, 2), \n" + " test_distinct_1_start2 := TEST(DISTINCT 1, 2), \n" + " test_x_start2 := TEST(x, 2), \n" + " test_1_start2 := TEST(1, 2), \n" + " test_distinct_x2_start2 := TEST(DISTINCT x * 2, 2), \n" + " test_x2_start2 := TEST(x * 2, 2), \n" + " N := COUNT(), \n" + " XBAR := AVG(x), \n" + " agg_x := AGGREGATE(x); RETURN VALUE1 + VALUE2; END, \n" + " agg_distinct_x := AGGREGATED(x); RETURN VALUE1 + VALUE2; END, \n" + " agg_1_start1 := AGGREGATE(x, 1); RETURN VALUE1 + VALUE2; END, \n" + " agg_distinct_start2 := AGGREGATED(x, 2); RETURN VALUE1 + VALUE2; END \n" + "} "; String expected = "RELATION {c CHARACTER, std_dev_distinct_x RATIONAL, std_dev_distinct_1 RATIONAL, std_dev_x RATIONAL, std_dev_1 RATIONAL, std_dev_distinct_x2 RATIONAL, std_dev_x2 RATIONAL, test_distinct_x INTEGER, test_distinct_1 INTEGER, test_x INTEGER, test_1 INTEGER, test_distinct_x2 INTEGER, test_x2 INTEGER, test_distinct_x_start2 INTEGER, test_distinct_1_start2 INTEGER, test_x_start2 INTEGER, test_1_start2 INTEGER, test_distinct_x2_start2 INTEGER, test_x2_start2 INTEGER, N INTEGER, XBAR RATIONAL, agg_x INTEGER, agg_distinct_x INTEGER, agg_1_start1 INTEGER, agg_distinct_start2 INTEGER} {\n" + "\tTUPLE {c \"A\", std_dev_distinct_x 0.5, std_dev_distinct_1 0.0, std_dev_x 0.4714045207910317, std_dev_1 0.0, std_dev_distinct_x2 1.0, std_dev_x2 0.9428090415820634, test_distinct_x 3, test_distinct_1 1, test_x 4, test_1 3, test_distinct_x2 6, test_x2 8, test_distinct_x_start2 5, test_distinct_1_start2 3, test_x_start2 6, test_1_start2 5, test_distinct_x2_start2 8, test_x2_start2 10, N 3, XBAR 1.3333333333333333, agg_x 4, agg_distinct_x 3, agg_1_start1 5, agg_distinct_start2 5},\n" + "\tTUPLE {c \"B\", std_dev_distinct_x 0.0, std_dev_distinct_1 0.0, std_dev_x 0.0, std_dev_1 0.0, std_dev_distinct_x2 0.0, std_dev_x2 0.0, test_distinct_x 1, test_distinct_1 1, test_x 1, test_1 1, test_distinct_x2 2, test_x2 2, test_distinct_x_start2 3, test_distinct_1_start2 3, test_x_start2 3, test_1_start2 3, test_distinct_x2_start2 4, test_x2_start2 4, N 1, XBAR 1.0, agg_x 1, agg_distinct_x 1, agg_1_start1 2, agg_distinct_start2 3},\n" + "\tTUPLE {c \"C\", std_dev_distinct_x 0.0, std_dev_distinct_1 0.0, std_dev_x 0.0, std_dev_1 0.0, std_dev_distinct_x2 0.0, std_dev_x2 0.0, test_distinct_x 1, test_distinct_1 1, test_x 1, test_1 1, test_distinct_x2 2, test_x2 2, test_distinct_x_start2 3, test_distinct_1_start2 3, test_x_start2 3, test_1_start2 3, test_distinct_x2_start2 4, test_x2_start2 4, N 1, XBAR 1.0, agg_x 1, agg_distinct_x 1, agg_1_start1 2, agg_distinct_start2 3}\n" + "}"; testEquals(expected, src); } @Test public void testAggregate01() { String src = "AGGREGATE TEST(" + "REL { \n" + " TUP {x 1, c 'A', d 'A'}, \n" + " TUP {x 1, c 'A', d 'B'}, \n" + " TUP {x 1, c 'B', d 'A'}, \n" + " TUP {x 1, c 'C', d 'B'}, \n" + " TUP {x 2, c 'A', d 'A'} \n" + "}, \n" + "x)"; String expected = "6"; testEquals(expected, src); } @Test public void testAggregate02() { String src = "AGGREGATE TEST(" + "REL { \n" + " TUP {x 1, c 'A', d 'A'}, \n" + " TUP {x 1, c 'A', d 'B'}, \n" + " TUP {x 1, c 'B', d 'A'}, \n" + " TUP {x 1, c 'C', d 'B'}, \n" + " TUP {x 2, c 'A', d 'A'} \n" + "}, \n" + "x, 2)"; String expected = "8"; testEquals(expected, src); } @AfterClass public static void testSummarizeComplexTeardown() { String src = "begin;" + " DROP OPERATOR AGGREGATE_TEST(ARRAY TUPLE {AGGREGAND INTEGER, AGGREGATION_SERIAL INTEGER});" + " DROP OPERATOR AGGREGATE_TEST(ARRAY TUPLE {AGGREGAND INTEGER, AGGREGATION_SERIAL INTEGER}, INT);" + " DROP OPERATOR AGGREGATE_STDEV(ARRAY TUPLE {AGGREGAND INTEGER, AGGREGATION_SERIAL INTEGER});" + " DROP OPERATOR SQRT(RATIONAL);" + "end;" + "true"; String expected = "true"; testEquals(expected, src); } }