package org.reldb.rel.client; public class Error extends Value { private String errorMsg; Error(String errorMsg) { int EOTposition = errorMsg.indexOf("<EOT>"); if (EOTposition >= 0) this.errorMsg = errorMsg.substring(0, EOTposition); else this.errorMsg = errorMsg; } void addValue(Value r, boolean b) throws InvalidValueException { throw new InvalidValueException("Invocation of addValue() on error."); } public String getErrorMsg() { return errorMsg; } public int toInt() throws InvalidValueException, NumberFormatException { throw new InvalidValueException("Error can't be cast to int."); } public long toLong() throws InvalidValueException, NumberFormatException { throw new InvalidValueException("Error can't be cast to long."); } public double toDouble() throws InvalidValueException, NumberFormatException { throw new InvalidValueException("Error can't be cast to double."); } public float toFloat() throws InvalidValueException, NumberFormatException { throw new InvalidValueException("Error can't be cast to float."); } public boolean toBoolean() throws InvalidValueException { throw new InvalidValueException("Error can't be cast to boolean."); } public String toString(int depth) { return getErrorMsg(); } public String toString() { return toString(0); } }