package org.reldb.dbrowser.ui.content.rel.welcome; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.ScrolledComposite; import; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.RowLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.reldb.dbrowser.ui.DbConnection; import org.reldb.dbrowser.ui.RevDatabase; import org.reldb.dbrowser.ui.content.rel.DbTreeItem; import org.reldb.dbrowser.ui.content.rel.DbTreeTab; import org.reldb.dbrowser.ui.content.rel.RelPanel; import org.reldb.dbrowser.ui.preferences.PreferencePageGeneral; import org.reldb.dbrowser.ui.preferences.Preferences; import org.reldb.dbrowser.ui.version.Version; public class WelcomeTab extends DbTreeTab { private ScrolledComposite scrollPanel; private Composite mainPanel; private DbConnection connection; private RelPanel parent; private void refresh() { if (mainPanel != null) mainPanel.dispose(); mainPanel = new Composite(scrollPanel, SWT.NONE); scrollPanel.setContent(mainPanel); RowLayout rowLayout = new RowLayout(SWT.VERTICAL); rowLayout.spacing = 7; mainPanel.setLayout(rowLayout); setContents(mainPanel); mainPanel.pack(); } private void setContents(Composite mainPanel) { RevDatabase database = new RevDatabase(connection); new WelcomeText(mainPanel, "Welcome to the Rel database at " + connection.getDbURL(), 18); if (database.relvarExists("pub.Overview")) { RevDatabase.Overview overview = database.getOverview(); new WelcomeText(mainPanel, overview.getContent()); if (!overview.getRevPrompt()) return; } new WelcomeText(mainPanel, "_______________________________"); new WelcomeText(mainPanel, "Also, welcome to the new Rel interface. This version is an early release, still incomplete but hopefully useful,\n" + "and indicative of the kind of functionality that will be available in forthcoming updates." ); if (!database.relvarExists("pub.Overview")) { new WelcomeText(mainPanel, "No overview description has been set for this database. To create one, press the 'Create Overview' button.\n\n" + "That will create a variable called pub.Overview, which you can edit.\n\n" + "Its 'contents' attribute value will appear at the top of this Introduction tab.\n" + "Set its 'revPrompt' attribute to FALSE to stop being prompted to install Rev." ); new WelcomeButton(mainPanel, "Create Overview", (SelectionEvent e) -> { if (!database.createOverview()) MessageDialog.openError(mainPanel.getShell(), "Rel", "Unable to create pub.Overview. Check the Rel system log (under Tools on the main menu) for details."); parent.redisplayed(); refresh(); }); } new WelcomeText(mainPanel, "_______________________________"); if (database.hasRevExtensions() >= 0) { new WelcomeText(mainPanel, "The Rev database development extensions are installed.\n\n" + "If you'd like to remove the Rev extensions, press the 'Remove Rev' button, below.\n\n" + "Please note that removing the Rev extensions will permanently delete everything except variables, views, operators, types and constraints.\n" + "Everything else, including preserved settings, will be permanently deleted." ); new WelcomeButton(mainPanel, "Remove Rev", (SelectionEvent e) -> { if (!MessageDialog.openConfirm(mainPanel.getShell(), "Rel", "Are you sure?\n\nThis will remove everything except variables, views, operators, types and constraints.")) return; if (!database.removeRevExtensions()) MessageDialog.openError(mainPanel.getShell(), "Rel", "Unable to remove Rev extensions. You may have to remove them manually."); else { parent.handleRevRemoval(); refresh(); } }); String checkedMessage = "Uncheck this box to stop automatic display of this Introduction tab when this database is opened."; String uncheckedMessage = "Check this box to automatically display this Introduction tab the next time this database is opened."; String welcomeSettingKey = parent.getClass().getName() + "-showWelcome"; boolean showWelcome = !database.getSetting(welcomeSettingKey).equals("no"); String welcomeShowText = showWelcome ? checkedMessage : uncheckedMessage; (new WelcomeButton(mainPanel, welcomeShowText, SWT.CHECK, (SelectionEvent e) -> { WelcomeButton button = (WelcomeButton)e.getSource(); database.setSetting(welcomeSettingKey, button.getSelection() ? "yes" : "no"); button.setText(button.getSelection() ? checkedMessage : uncheckedMessage); button.pack(); })).setSelection(showWelcome); } else { new WelcomeText(mainPanel, "The Rev database development extensions are not installed.\n\n" + "If you intend to develop this database, you probably want to install the Rev extensions,\n" + "which are designed to 'rev up' a Rel database with additional capabilities like a visual query editor and saved settings.\n\n" + "You can always remove the Rev extensions later.\n\n" + "Press the 'Install Rev' button to install the Rev extensions." ); new WelcomeButton(mainPanel, "Install Rev", (SelectionEvent e) -> { if (!database.installRevExtensions()) MessageDialog.openError(mainPanel.getShell(), "Rel", "Unable to install Rev extensions. Check the Rel system log (under Tools on the main menu) for details."); parent.handleRevAddition(); refresh(); }); } new WelcomeText(mainPanel, "For help getting started with Rel, press the button below."); new WelcomeButton(mainPanel, "Get Started!", (SelectionEvent e) -> { org.eclipse.swt.program.Program.launch(Version.getURL() + "/c/index.php/read/getting-started/"); }); if (Preferences.getPreferenceBoolean(PreferencePageGeneral.DEFAULT_CMD_MODE)) { new WelcomeText(mainPanel, "If you'd prefer the new Rel interface to appear by default, press the button below." ); new WelcomeButton(mainPanel, "Use New Rel Interface", (SelectionEvent e) -> { Preferences.setPreference(PreferencePageGeneral.DEFAULT_CMD_MODE, false); refresh(); }); } else { new WelcomeText(mainPanel, "If you've used Rel before and prefer the classic command-line interface to appear by default, press the button below." ); new WelcomeButton(mainPanel, "Use Classic Rel Interface", (SelectionEvent e) -> { Preferences.setPreference(PreferencePageGeneral.DEFAULT_CMD_MODE, true); parent.switchToCmdMode(); refresh(); }); } } public WelcomeTab(RelPanel parent, DbTreeItem item) { super(parent, item); this.parent = parent; connection = parent.getConnection(); scrollPanel = new ScrolledComposite(parent.getTabFolder(), SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.H_SCROLL); refresh(); setControl(scrollPanel); ready(); } }