package org.reldb.rel.v0.types; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Vector; import org.reldb.rel.exceptions.ExceptionFatal; import org.reldb.rel.exceptions.ExceptionSemantic; import org.reldb.rel.v0.generator.Generator; import; import org.reldb.rel.v0.types.userdefined.MultipleInheritance; import org.reldb.rel.v0.types.userdefined.Possrep; import org.reldb.rel.v0.values.*; import org.reldb.rel.v0.vm.Context; import org.reldb.rel.v0.vm.Operator; import org.reldb.rel.v0.vm.VirtualMachine; public class TypeAlpha extends TypeAbstract implements Comparable<TypeAlpha> { private static TypeAlpha emptyAlpha = new TypeAlpha("ALPHA"); private String typeName; private boolean isOrdinal; private boolean isOrdered; private boolean isUnion; private TypeAlpha superType = null; private MultipleInheritance multipleInheritanceDefinition = null; private Operator specialisationConstraintFn = null; private HashSet<TypeAlpha> subTypes = new HashSet<TypeAlpha>(); private Vector<Possrep> possreps = new Vector<Possrep>(); private int nextComponentIndex = 0; public TypeAlpha(String typeName) { this.typeName = typeName; } public static Type getEmptyAlphaType() { return emptyAlpha; } public boolean isBuiltin() { return false; } public String getTypeName() { return this.typeName; } public void setOrdinal(boolean ordinal) { isOrdinal = ordinal; } public boolean isOrdinal() { return isOrdinal; } public void setOrdered(boolean ordered) { isOrdered = ordered; } public boolean isOrdered() { return isOrdered; } public void setUnion(boolean union) { isUnion = union; } public boolean isUnion() { return isUnion; } public Type getRootType() { if (superType == null) return this; else return superType.getRootType(); } public void setSupertype(TypeAlpha superType) { this.superType = superType; superType.addSubtype(this); multipleInheritanceDefinition = null; } public TypeAlpha getSupertype() { return superType; } public LinkedList<TypeAlpha> getSupertypes() { LinkedList<TypeAlpha> list = new LinkedList<TypeAlpha>(); TypeAlpha type = superType; while (type != null) { list.add(type); type = type.superType; } return list; } public TypeAlpha getMostSpecificCommonSupertype(TypeAlpha t) { if (this == t) return this; // TODO - optimise this some day (maybe) if (superType == t.superType) return superType; LinkedList<TypeAlpha> parentsOfThisNode = getSupertypes(); TypeAlpha parent = t.superType; while (parent != null) { for (TypeAlpha listItem: parentsOfThisNode) if (listItem == parent) return listItem; parent = parent.superType; } throw new ExceptionFatal("RS0383: Unable to find most specific common supertype."); } public void addSubtype(TypeAlpha subType) { subTypes.add(subType); } public void removeSubtype(TypeAlpha subType) { subTypes.remove(subType); } public void removeFromSupertype() { superType.removeSubtype(this); } public HashSet<TypeAlpha> getSubtypes() { return subTypes; } public void setMultipleInheritance(MultipleInheritance miDefinition) { multipleInheritanceDefinition = miDefinition; superType = null; possreps.clear(); } public MultipleInheritance getMultipleInheritanceDefinition() { return multipleInheritanceDefinition; } public boolean isSubtype() { return superType != null || multipleInheritanceDefinition != null; } public int getNextComponentIndex() { if (isSubtype()) return superType.getNextComponentIndex(); return nextComponentIndex++; } /** Locate POSSREP by name. Return null if not found. */ public Possrep locatePossrep(String name) { for (Possrep p: possreps) if (p.getName().equals(name)) return p; return null; } public void addPossrep(Possrep possrep) { if (locatePossrep(possrep.getName()) != null) throw new ExceptionSemantic("RS0256: A POSSREP named '" + possrep.getName() + "' has already been defined in TYPE " + getSignature() + "."); for (int i=0; i<possrep.getComponentCount(); i++) { for (Possrep p: possreps) { String name = possrep.getComponent(i).getName(); if (p.locateComponent(name) != null) throw new ExceptionSemantic("RS0257: Component '" + name + "' appears in POSSREP '" + p.getName() + "' and POSSREP '" + possrep.getName() + "'."); } } possreps.add(possrep); } public Possrep getPossrep(int i) { if (i>=possreps.size()) return null; return possreps.get(i); } public int getPossrepCount() { return possreps.size(); } public void clear() { possreps.clear(); } // Make sure all POSSREPs have INITialisation. public void checkPossrepInitialisation() { for (int i=0; i<getPossrepCount(); i++) { Possrep possrep = getPossrep(i); if (!possrep.hasInitialiser()) throw new ExceptionSemantic("RS0258: POSSREP '" + possrep.getName() + "' has no INITialisation."); } } private int getLocalComponentCount() { return nextComponentIndex; } public int getComponentCount() { if (superType != null) return getLocalComponentCount() + superType.getComponentCount(); else if (multipleInheritanceDefinition != null) throw new ExceptionFatal("TypeUserdefined: Multiple inheritance is not yet supported."); else return getLocalComponentCount(); } /** Obtain this type's signature. */ public String getSignature() { return typeName; } /** Return true if source can be assigned to variables of this type. */ public boolean canAccept(Type source) { // TODO - rewrite this canAccept to deal with multiple inheritance. if (!(source instanceof TypeAlpha)) return false; if (((TypeAlpha)source).superType == null) return (source.getSignature().equals(getSignature())); TypeAlpha subtypeType = (TypeAlpha)source; while (subtypeType != null) { if (subtypeType.getSignature().equals(getSignature())) return true; subtypeType = subtypeType.superType; } return false; } /** Obtain a default value of this type. */ public Value getDefaultValue(Generator generator) { return new ValueAlpha(generator, this); } public boolean checkSpecialisationConstraint(Generator generator, ValueAlpha value, RelDatabase database) { if (specialisationConstraintFn == null) return true; // TODO - optimise by not creating new VirtualMachine and Context on each invocation VirtualMachine vm = new VirtualMachine(generator, database, System.out); Context context = new Context(generator, vm); context.push(value);; return ((ValueBoolean)context.pop()).booleanValue(); } public void setSpecialisationConstraint(Operator operator) { specialisationConstraintFn = operator; } public boolean hasSpecialisationConstraint() { return specialisationConstraintFn != null; } public int hashCode() { return typeName.hashCode(); } public int compareTo(TypeAlpha arg0) { return typeName.compareTo(arg0.typeName); } }