package; import*; import*; public class ClientNetworkConnection extends ClientConnection { private Socket socket; private PrintStream outputToServer; /** Establish a connection with a server. */ public ClientNetworkConnection(String serverName, int port) throws IOException { socket = new Socket(serverName, port); outputToServer = new PrintStream(socket.getOutputStream()); obtainInitialServerResponse(); } public InputStream getServerResponseInputStream() throws IOException { return socket.getInputStream(); } private void send(String src) throws IOException { outputToServer.println(src); outputToServer.flush(); if (outputToServer.checkError()) throw new IOException("Lost connection to server."); } public void reset() throws IOException { send('R' + "<EOT>"); } public void sendEvaluate(String source) throws IOException { send('E' + source + "<EOT>"); } public void sendExecute(String source) throws IOException { send('X' + source + "<EOT>"); } public void close() throws IOException { outputToServer.close(); socket.close(); } }