package tools; import; import; import; import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException; import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; public class MapleAESOFB { private byte[] iv; private Cipher cipher; private short mapleVersion; private static final SecretKeySpec skey = new SecretKeySpec(new byte[]{(byte) 0x6D, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) 0x23, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) 0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) 0xE9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) 0xEE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) 0x27, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) 0xA8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte) 0xCF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, "AES"); private static final byte[] funnyBytes = {-20, 63, 119, -92, 69, -48, 113, -65, -73, -104, 32, -4, 75, -23, -77, -31, 92, 34, -9, 12, 68, 27, -127, -67, 99, -115, -44, -61, -14, 16, 25, -32, -5, -95, 110, 102, -22, -82, -42, -50, 6, 24, 78, -21, 120, -107, -37, -70, -74, 66, 122, 42, -125, 11, 84, 103, 109, -24, 101, -25, 47, 7, -13, -86, 39, 123, -123, -80, 38, -3, -117, -87, -6, -66, -88, -41, -53, -52, -110, -38, -7, -109, 96, 45, -35, -46, -94, -101, 57, 95, -126, 33, 76, 105, -8, 49, -121, -18, -114, -83, -116, 106, -68, -75, 107, 89, 19, -15, 4, 0, -10, 90, 53, 121, 72, -113, 21, -51, -105, 87, 18, 62, 55, -1, -99, 79, 81, -11, -93, 112, -69, 20, 117, -62, -72, 114, -64, -19, 125, 104, -55, 46, 13, 98, 70, 23, 17, 77, 108, -60, 126, 83, -63, 37, -57, -102, 28, -120, 88, 44, -119, -36, 2, 100, 64, 1, 93, 56, -91, -30, -81, 85, -43, -17, 26, 124, -89, 91, -90, 111, -122, -97, 115, -26, 10, -34, 43, -103, 74, 71, -100, -33, 9, 118, -98, 48, 14, -28, -78, -108, -96, 59, 52, 29, 40, 15, 54, -29, 35, -76, 3, -40, -112, -56, 60, -2, 94, 50, 36, 80, 31, 58, 67, -118, -106, 65, 116, -84, 82, 51, -16, -39, 41, -128, -79, 22, -45, -85, -111, -71, -124, 127, 97, 30, -49, -59, -47, 86, 61, -54, -12, 5, -58, -27, 8, 73}; private static byte[] rammyByte = {-20, 63, 119, -92, 69, -48, 113, -65, -73, -104, 32, -4, 75, -23, -77, -31, 92, 34, -9, 12, 68, 27, -127, -67, 99, -115, -44, -61, -14, 16, 25, -32, -5, -95, 110, 102, -22, -82, -42, -50, 6, 24, 78, -21, 120, -107, -37, -70, -74, 66, 122, 42, -125, 11, 84, 103, 109, -24, 101, -25, 47, 7, -13, -86, 39, 123, -123, -80, 38, -3, -117, -87, -6, -66, -88, -41, -53, -52, -110, -38, -7, -109, 96, 45, -35, -46, -94, -101, 57, 95, -126, 33, 76, 105, -8, 49, -121, -18, -114, -83, -116, 106, -68, -75, 107, 89, 19, -15, 4, 0, -10, 90, 53, 121, 72, -113, 21, -51, -105, 87, 18, 62, 55, -1, -99, 79, 81, -11, -93, 112, -69, 20, 117, -62, -72, 114, -64, -19, 125, 104, -55, 46, 13, 98, 70, 23, 17, 77, 108, -60, 126, 83, -63, 37, -57, -102, 28, -120, 88, 44, -119, -36, 2, 100, 64, 1, 93, 56, -91, -30, -81, 85, -43, -17, 26, 124, -89, 91, -90, 111, -122, -97, 115, -26, 10, -34, 43, -103, 74, 71, -100, -33, 9, 118, -98, 48, 14, -28, -78, -108, -96, 59, 52, 29, 40, 15, 54, -29, 35, -76, 3, -40, -112, -56, 60, -2, 94, 50, 36, 80, 31, 58, 67, -118, -106, 65, 116, -84, 82, 51, -16, -39, 41, -128, -79, 22, -45, -85, -111, -71, -124, 127, 97, 30, -49, -59, -47, 86, 61, -54, -12, 5, -58, -27, 8, 73}; public MapleAESOFB(byte[] iv, short mapleVersion) { try { this.cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES"); this.cipher.init(1, skey); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { System.err.println("ERROR" + e); } catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) { System.err.println("ERROR" + e); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { System.err.println("Error initalizing the encryption cipher. Make sure you're using the Unlimited Strength cryptography jar files."); } setIv(iv); this.mapleVersion = ((short) (mapleVersion >> 8 & 0xFF | mapleVersion << 8 & 0xFF00)); } private void setIv(byte[] iv) { this.iv = iv; } public byte[] getIv() { return this.iv; } public byte[] crypt(byte[] data) { int remaining = data.length; int llength = 1456; int start = 0; try { while (remaining > 0) { byte[] myIv = BitTools.multiplyBytes(this.iv, 4, 4); if (remaining < llength) { llength = remaining; } for (int x = start; x < start + llength; x++) { if ((x - start) % myIv.length == 0) { byte[] newIv = this.cipher.doFinal(myIv); System.arraycopy(newIv, 0, myIv, 0, myIv.length); } int tmp83_81 = x; byte[] tmp83_80 = data; tmp83_80[tmp83_81] = ((byte) (tmp83_80[tmp83_81] ^ myIv[((x - start) % myIv.length)])); } start += llength; remaining -= llength; llength = 1460; } updateIv(); } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (BadPaddingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return data; } private void updateIv() { this.iv = getNewIv(this.iv); } public byte[] getPacketHeader(int length) { int iiv = (this.iv[3] & 0xFF | this.iv[2] << 8 & 0xFF00) ^ this.mapleVersion; int mlength = (length << 8 & 0xFF00 | length >>> 8) ^ iiv; return new byte[]{(byte) (iiv >>> 8 & 0xFF), (byte) (iiv & 0xFF), (byte) (mlength >>> 8 & 0xFF), (byte) (mlength & 0xFF)}; } public static int getPacketLength(int packetHeader) { int packetLength = packetHeader >>> 16 ^ packetHeader & 0xFFFF; packetLength = packetLength << 8 & 0xFF00 | packetLength >>> 8 & 0xFF; return packetLength; } public boolean checkPacket(byte[] packet) { return (((packet[0] ^ this.iv[2]) & 0xFF) == (this.mapleVersion >> 8 & 0xFF)) && (((packet[1] ^ this.iv[3]) & 0xFF) == (this.mapleVersion & 0xFF)); } public boolean checkPacket(int packetHeader) { return checkPacket(new byte[]{(byte) (packetHeader >> 24 & 0xFF), (byte) (packetHeader >> 16 & 0xFF)}); } public static byte[] getNewIv(byte[] oldIv) { byte[] in = {-14, 83, 80, -58}; for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { funnyShit(oldIv[x], in); } return in; } public String toString() { return "IV: " + HexTool.toString(this.iv); } public static final void funnyShit(byte inputByte, byte[] in) { byte elina = in[1]; byte anna = inputByte; byte moritz = funnyBytes[(elina & 0xFF)]; moritz = (byte) (moritz - inputByte); int tmp26_25 = 0; byte[] tmp26_24 = in; tmp26_24[tmp26_25] = ((byte) (tmp26_24[tmp26_25] + moritz)); moritz = in[2]; moritz = (byte) (moritz ^ funnyBytes[(anna & 0xFF)]); elina = (byte) (elina - (moritz & 0xFF)); in[1] = elina; elina = in[3]; moritz = elina; elina = (byte) (elina - (in[0] & 0xFF)); moritz = funnyBytes[(moritz & 0xFF)]; moritz = (byte) (moritz + inputByte); moritz = (byte) (moritz ^ in[2]); in[2] = moritz; elina = (byte) (elina + (funnyBytes[(anna & 0xFF)] & 0xFF)); in[3] = elina; int merry = in[0] & 0xFF; merry |= in[1] << 8 & 0xFF00; merry |= in[2] << 16 & 0xFF0000; merry |= in[3] << 24 & 0xFF000000; int ret_value = merry >>> 29; merry <<= 3; ret_value |= merry; in[0] = ((byte) (ret_value & 0xFF)); in[1] = ((byte) (ret_value >> 8 & 0xFF)); in[2] = ((byte) (ret_value >> 16 & 0xFF)); in[3] = ((byte) (ret_value >> 24 & 0xFF)); } }