package server.maps; import clientside.MapleCharacter; import clientside.MapleClient; import; import; import; import java.awt.Point; import server.MapleItemInformationProvider; import server.Randomizer; import server.Timer; import server.Timer.EventTimer; import; import tools.packet.CField; import tools.packet.CWvsContext; public class AramiaFireWorks { public static final int KEG_ID = 4001128; public static final int SUN_ID = 4001246; public static final int DEC_ID = 4001473; public static final int MAX_KEGS = 2400; public static final int MAX_SUN = 3000; public static final int MAX_DEC = 3600; private short kegs = 400; private short sunshines = 500; private short decorations = 600; private static final int[] arrayMob = {9500168, 9500169, 9500170, 9500171, 9500173, 9500174, 9500175, 9500176, 9500170, 9500171, 9500172, 9500173, 9500174, 9500175, 9400569}; private static final int[] arrayX = {2100, 2605, 1800, 2600, 3120, 2700, 2320, 2062, 2800, 3100, 2300, 2840, 2700, 2320, 1950}; private static final int[] arrayY = {574, 364, 574, 316, 574, 574, 403, 364, 574, 574, 403, 574, 574, 403, 574}; private static final int[] array_X = {720, 180, 630, 270, 360, 540, 450, 142, 142, 218, 772, 810, 848, 232, 308, 142}; private static final int[] array_Y = {1234, 1234, 1174, 1234, 1174, 1174, 1174, 1260, 1234, 1234, 1234, 1234, 1234, 1114, 1114, 1140}; private static final int flake_Y = 149; public final void giveKegs(MapleCharacter c, int kegs) { this.kegs = ((short) (this.kegs + kegs)); if (this.kegs >= 2400) { this.kegs = 0; broadcastEvent(c); } } private final void broadcastServer(MapleCharacter c, int itemid) { World.Broadcast.broadcastMessage(CWvsContext.serverNotice(6, itemid, "<Channel " + c.getClient().getChannel() + "> " + c.getMap().getMapName() + " : The amount of {" + MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance().getName(itemid) + "} has reached the limit!")); } public final short getKegsPercentage() { return (short) (this.kegs / 2400 * 10000); } private final void broadcastEvent(final MapleCharacter c) { broadcastServer(c, 4001128); Timer.EventTimer.getInstance().schedule(new Runnable() { public final void run() { AramiaFireWorks.this.startEvent(c.getClient().getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(100000200)); } }, 10000L); } private final void startEvent(final MapleMap map) { map.startMapEffect("Who's going crazy with the fireworks?", 5121010); Timer.EventTimer.getInstance().schedule(new Runnable() { public final void run() { AramiaFireWorks.this.spawnMonster(map); } }, 5000L); } private final void spawnMonster(MapleMap map) { for (int i = 0; i < arrayMob.length; i++) { Point pos = new Point(arrayX[i], arrayY[i]); map.spawnMonsterOnGroundBelow(MapleLifeFactory.getMonster(arrayMob[i]), pos); } } public final void giveSuns(MapleCharacter c, int kegs) { this.sunshines = ((short) (this.sunshines + kegs)); MapleMap map = c.getClient().getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(970010000); MapleReactor reactor = map.getReactorByName("mapleTree"); for (int gogo = kegs + 500; gogo > 0; gogo -= 500) { switch (reactor.getState()) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: if (this.sunshines >= 500 * (2 + reactor.getState())) { reactor.setState((byte) (reactor.getState() + 1)); reactor.setTimerActive(false); map.broadcastMessage(CField.triggerReactor(reactor, reactor.getState())); } break; default: if (this.sunshines >= 500) { map.resetReactors(); } break; } } if (this.sunshines >= 3000) { this.sunshines = 0; broadcastSun(c); } } public final short getSunsPercentage() { return (short) (this.sunshines / 3000 * 10000); } private final void broadcastSun(final MapleCharacter c) { broadcastServer(c, 4001246); Timer.EventTimer.getInstance().schedule(new Runnable() { public final void run() { AramiaFireWorks.this.startSun(c.getClient().getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(970010000)); } }, 10000L); } private final void startSun(final MapleMap map) { map.startMapEffect("The tree is bursting with sunshine!", 5121010); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Timer.EventTimer.getInstance().schedule(new Runnable() { public final void run() { AramiaFireWorks.this.spawnItem(map); } }, 5000 + i * 10000); } } private final void spawnItem(MapleMap map) { for (int i = 0; i < Randomizer.nextInt(5) + 10; i++) { Point pos = new Point(array_X[i], array_Y[i]); int itemId = 4001246; switch (Randomizer.nextInt(15)) { case 0: case 1: itemId = 3010141; break; case 2: itemId = 3010146; break; case 3: case 4: itemId = 3010025; } map.spawnAutoDrop(itemId, pos); } } public final void giveDecs(MapleCharacter c, int kegs) { this.decorations = ((short) (this.decorations + kegs)); MapleMap map = c.getClient().getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(555000000); MapleReactor reactor = map.getReactorByName("XmasTree"); for (int gogo = kegs + 600; gogo > 0; gogo -= 600) { switch (reactor.getState()) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: if (this.decorations >= 600 * (2 + reactor.getState())) { reactor.setState((byte) (reactor.getState() + 1)); reactor.setTimerActive(false); map.broadcastMessage(CField.triggerReactor(reactor, reactor.getState())); } break; default: if (this.decorations >= 600) { map.resetReactors(); } break; } } if (this.decorations >= 3600) { this.decorations = 0; broadcastDec(c); } } public final short getDecsPercentage() { return (short) (this.decorations / 3600 * 10000); } private final void broadcastDec(final MapleCharacter c) { broadcastServer(c, 4001473); Timer.EventTimer.getInstance().schedule(new Runnable() { public final void run() { AramiaFireWorks.this.startDec(c.getClient().getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(555000000)); } }, 10000L); } private final void startDec(final MapleMap map) { map.startMapEffect("The tree is bursting with snow!", 5120000); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Timer.EventTimer.getInstance().schedule(new Runnable() { public final void run() { AramiaFireWorks.this.spawnDec(map); } }, 5000 + i * 10000); } } private final void spawnDec(MapleMap map) { for (int i = 0; i < Randomizer.nextInt(10) + 40; i++) { Point pos = new Point(Randomizer.nextInt(800) - 400, 149); map.spawnAutoDrop(Randomizer.nextInt(15) == 1 ? 4310012 : 4310011, pos); } } }