package client.inventory; import clientside.MapleEquipStat; import constants.GameConstants; import; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import server.MapleItemInformationProvider; import server.Randomizer; import server.StructItemOption; public class Equip extends Item implements Serializable { public static final int ARMOR_RATIO = 350000; public static final int WEAPON_RATIO = 700000; private byte upgradeSlots = 0; private byte level = 0; private byte vicioushammer = 0; private byte enhance = 0; private short str = 0; private short dex = 0; private short _int = 0; private short luk = 0; private short hp = 0; private short mp = 0; private byte bossDamage = 0, ignorePDR = 0, totalDamage = 0, allStat = 0; private short watk = 0; private short matk = 0; private short wdef = 0; private short mdef = 0; private short acc = 0; private short avoid = 0; private short hands = 0; private short speed = 0; private short jump = 0; private short charmExp = 0; private short pvpDamage = 0; private int itemEXP = 0; private int durability = -1; private int incSkill = -1; private int potential1 = 0; private int potential2 = 0; private int potential3 = 0; private int potential4 = 0; private int potential5 = 0; private int potential6 = 0; private int potential7 = 0; private int potential8 = 0; // private int fusionAnvil = 0; private int socket1 = -1; private int socket2 = -1; private int socket3 = -1; private MapleRing ring = null; private MapleAndroid android = null; private Map<MapleEquipStat, Integer> stats = new LinkedHashMap(); public Equip(int id, short position, byte flag) { super(id, position, (short) 1, (short) flag); } public Equip(int id, short position, int uniqueid, short flag) { super(id, position, (short) 1, flag, uniqueid); } public Map<MapleEquipStat, Integer> getstat() { return this.stats; } public void setstat(MapleEquipStat statss, int str) { this.stats.put(statss, Integer.valueOf(str)); } public Item copy() { Equip ret = new Equip(getItemId(), getPosition(), getUniqueId(), getFlag()); ret.str = this.str; ret.dex = this.dex; ret._int = this._int; ret.luk = this.luk; ret.hp = this.hp; =; ret.matk = this.matk; ret.mdef = this.mdef; ret.watk = this.watk; ret.wdef = this.wdef; ret.acc = this.acc; ret.avoid = this.avoid; ret.hands = this.hands; ret.speed = this.speed; ret.jump = this.jump; ret.enhance = this.enhance; ret.upgradeSlots = this.upgradeSlots; ret.level = this.level; ret.itemEXP = this.itemEXP; ret.durability = this.durability; ret.vicioushammer = this.vicioushammer; ret.potential1 = this.potential1; ret.potential2 = this.potential2; ret.potential3 = this.potential3; ret.potential4 = this.potential4; ret.potential5 = this.potential5; // ret.fusionAnvil = fusionAnvil; ret.bossDamage = bossDamage; ret.ignorePDR = ignorePDR; ret.totalDamage = totalDamage; ret.allStat = allStat; ret.socket1 = this.socket1; ret.socket2 = this.socket2; ret.socket3 = this.socket3; ret.charmExp = this.charmExp; ret.pvpDamage = this.pvpDamage; ret.incSkill = this.incSkill; ret.setGiftFrom(getGiftFrom()); ret.setOwner(getOwner()); ret.setQuantity(getQuantity()); ret.setExpiration(getExpiration()); return ret; } public byte getType() { return 1; } public byte getUpgradeSlots() { return this.upgradeSlots; } public short getStr() { return this.str; } public short getDex() { return this.dex; } // public int getFusionAnvil() { // return fusionAnvil; // } // public void setFusionAnvil(final int en) { // fusionAnvil = en; // } public short getInt() { return this._int; } public short getLuk() { return this.luk; } public short getHp() { return this.hp; } public short getMp() { return; } public short getWatk() { return this.watk; } public short getMatk() { return this.matk; } public short getWdef() { return this.wdef; } public short getMdef() { return this.mdef; } public short getAcc() { return this.acc; } public short getAvoid() { return this.avoid; } public short getHands() { return this.hands; } public short getSpeed() { return this.speed; } public byte getBossDamage() { return bossDamage; } public void setBossDamage(byte bossDamage) { this.bossDamage = bossDamage; } public byte getIgnorePDR() { return ignorePDR; } public void setIgnorePDR(byte ignorePDR) { this.ignorePDR = ignorePDR; } public byte getTotalDamage() { return totalDamage; } public void setTotalDamage(byte totalDamage) { this.totalDamage = totalDamage; } public byte getAllStat() { return allStat; } public void setAllStat(byte allStat) { this.allStat = allStat; } public short getJump() { return this.jump; } public void setStr(short str) { if (str < 0) { str = 0; } this.str = str; } public void setDex(short dex) { if (dex < 0) { dex = 0; } this.dex = dex; } public void setInt(short _int) { if (_int < 0) { _int = 0; } this._int = _int; } public void setLuk(short luk) { if (luk < 0) { luk = 0; } this.luk = luk; } public void setHp(short hp) { if (hp < 0) { hp = 0; } this.hp = hp; } public void setMp(short mp) { if (mp < 0) { mp = 0; } = mp; } public void setWatk(short watk) { if (watk < 0) { watk = 0; } this.watk = watk; } public void setMatk(short matk) { if (matk < 0) { matk = 0; } this.matk = matk; } public void setWdef(short wdef) { if (wdef < 0) { wdef = 0; } this.wdef = wdef; } public void setMdef(short mdef) { if (mdef < 0) { mdef = 0; } this.mdef = mdef; } public void setAcc(short acc) { if (acc < 0) { acc = 0; } this.acc = acc; } public void setAvoid(short avoid) { if (avoid < 0) { avoid = 0; } this.avoid = avoid; } public void setHands(short hands) { if (hands < 0) { hands = 0; } this.hands = hands; } public void setSpeed(short speed) { if (speed < 0) { speed = 0; } this.speed = speed; } public void setJump(short jump) { if (jump < 0) { jump = 0; } this.jump = jump; } public void setUpgradeSlots(byte upgradeSlots) { this.upgradeSlots = upgradeSlots; } public byte getLevel() { return this.level; } public void setLevel(byte level) { this.level = level; } public byte getViciousHammer() { return this.vicioushammer; } public void setViciousHammer(byte ham) { this.vicioushammer = ham; } public int getItemEXP() { return this.itemEXP; } public void setItemEXP(int itemEXP) { if (itemEXP < 0) { itemEXP = 0; } this.itemEXP = itemEXP; } public int getEquipExp() { if (this.itemEXP <= 0) { return 0; } if (GameConstants.isWeapon(getItemId())) { return this.itemEXP / 700000; } return this.itemEXP / 350000; } public int getEquipExpForLevel() { if (getEquipExp() <= 0) { return 0; } int expz = getEquipExp(); for (int i = getBaseLevel(); (i <= GameConstants.getMaxLevel(getItemId())) && (expz >= GameConstants.getExpForLevel(i, getItemId())); i++) { expz -= GameConstants.getExpForLevel(i, getItemId()); } return expz; } public int getExpPercentage() { if ((getEquipLevel() < getBaseLevel()) || (getEquipLevel() > GameConstants.getMaxLevel(getItemId())) || (GameConstants.getExpForLevel(getEquipLevel(), getItemId()) <= 0)) { return 0; } return getEquipExpForLevel() * 100 / GameConstants.getExpForLevel(getEquipLevel(), getItemId()); } public int getEquipLevel() { if (GameConstants.getMaxLevel(getItemId()) <= 0) { return 0; } if (getEquipExp() <= 0) { return getBaseLevel(); } int levelz = getBaseLevel(); int expz = getEquipExp(); for (int i = levelz; (GameConstants.getStatFromWeapon(getItemId()) == null ? i <= GameConstants.getMaxLevel(getItemId()) : i < GameConstants.getMaxLevel(getItemId())) && (expz >= GameConstants.getExpForLevel(i, getItemId())); i++) { levelz++; expz -= GameConstants.getExpForLevel(i, getItemId()); } return levelz; } public int getBaseLevel() { return GameConstants.getStatFromWeapon(getItemId()) == null ? 1 : 0; } public void setQuantity(short quantity) { if ((quantity < 0) || (quantity > 1)) { throw new RuntimeException("Setting the quantity to " + quantity + " on an equip (itemid: " + getItemId() + ")"); } super.setQuantity(quantity); } public int getDurability() { return this.durability; } public void setDurability(int dur) { this.durability = dur; } public byte getEnhance() { return this.enhance; } public void setEnhance(byte en) { this.enhance = en; } public int getPotential1() { return this.potential1; } public void setPotential1(int en) { this.potential1 = en; } public int getPotential2() { return this.potential2; } public void setPotential2(int en) { this.potential2 = en; } public int getPotential3() { return this.potential3; } public void setPotential3(int en) { this.potential3 = en; } public int getPotential4() { return this.potential4; } public void setPotential4(int en) { this.potential4 = en; } public int getPotential5() { return this.potential5; } public void setPotential5(int en) { this.potential5 = en; } public int getPotential6() { return this.potential6; } public void setPotential6(int en) { this.potential6 = en; } public int getPotential7() { return this.potential7; } public void setPotential7(int en) { this.potential7 = en; } public int getPotential8() { return this.potential8; } public void setPotential8(int en) { this.potential8 = en; } public byte getState() { int pots = this.potential1 + this.potential2 + this.potential3; if (this.potential1 < 0) { return 1; } if ((this.potential1 >= 40000) || (this.potential2 >= 40000) || (this.potential3 >= 40000)) { return 20; } if ((this.potential1 >= 30000) || (this.potential2 >= 30000) || (this.potential3 >= 30000)) { return 19; } if ((this.potential1 >= 20000) || (this.potential2 >= 20000) || (this.potential3 >= 20000)) { return 18; } if (pots >= 1) { return 17; } if (pots < 0) { return 1; } return 0; } public void resetPotential_Fuse(boolean half, int potentialState) { potentialState = -potentialState; if (Randomizer.nextInt(100) < 4) { potentialState -= (Randomizer.nextInt(100) < 4 ? 2 : 1); } setPotential1(potentialState); setPotential2(Randomizer.nextInt(half ? 5 : 10) == 0 ? potentialState : 0); setPotential3(0); setPotential4(0); setPotential5(0); } public void resetPotential() { //equip first one, scroll hidden on it //no legendary, 0.16% chance unique, 4% chance epic, else rare final int rank = Randomizer.nextInt(100) < 4 ? (Randomizer.nextInt(100) < 4 ? -19 : -18) : -17; setPotential1(rank); setPotential2((Randomizer.nextInt(10) == 0 ? rank : 0)); //1/10 chance of 3 line setPotential3(0); //just set it theoretically // setPotential4(0); //just set it theoretically // setPotential5(0); //just set it theoretically } public void renewPotential(int type) { // 0 = normal miracle cube, 1 = premium, 2 = epic pot scroll, 3 = super, 5 = enlightening Random rand = new Random(); //final int rank = type == 2 ? -18 : type == 5 ? (Randomizer.nextInt(100) < 3 && getState() != 20 ? -20 : Randomizer.nextInt(100) < 10 && getState() != 20 ? -(getState() + 1) : -(getState())) : (Randomizer.nextInt(100) < 4 && getState() != (type == 3 ? 20 : 19) ? -(getState() + 1) : -(getState())); // 4 % chance to up 1 tier final int rank = type == 2 ? -18 : (Randomizer.nextInt(100) < 4 && getState() != (type == 3 ? 20 : 19) ? -(getState() + 1) : -(getState())); // 4 % chance to up 1 tier setPotential1(getState() == 20 && rand.nextInt(100) <= 1 ? 60002 : rank); if (getPotential3() > 0) { setPotential2(getState() == 20 && rand.nextInt(100) <= 1 ? 60002 :rank); // put back old 3rd line } else { switch (type) { case 1: // premium-> suppose to be 25% setPotential2(Randomizer.nextInt(10) == 0 ? rank : 0); //1/10 chance of 3 line break; case 2: // epic pot setPotential2(Randomizer.nextInt(10) >= 1 ? rank : 0); //2/10 chance of 3 line break; case 3: // super setPotential2(getState() == 20 && rand.nextInt(100) <= 1 ? 60002 : Randomizer.nextInt(10) <= 2 ? rank : 0); //3/10 chance of 3 line break; case 4: // revolutionary setPotential2(getState() == 20 && rand.nextInt(100) <= 1 ? 60002 : Randomizer.nextInt(10) <= 3 ? rank : 0); //4/10 chance of 3 line break; case 5: // enlightening setPotential2(getState() == 20 && rand.nextInt(100) <= 1 ? 60002 : Randomizer.nextInt(10) <= 2 ? rank : 0); //3/10 chance of 3 line break; default: setPotential2(0); break; } } if (type == 3) { // super setPotential3(getState() == 20 && rand.nextInt(100) <= 1 ? 60002 : Randomizer.nextInt(100) <= 2 ? rank : 0); // 3/100 to get 4 lines } else { // premium cannot get 3 lines. setPotential3(0); //just set it theoretically } // setPotential5(0); //just set it theoretically } public int getIncSkill() { return this.incSkill; } public void setIncSkill(int inc) { this.incSkill = inc; } public short getCharmEXP() { return this.charmExp; } public short getPVPDamage() { return this.pvpDamage; } public void setCharmEXP(short s) { this.charmExp = s; } public void setPVPDamage(short p) { this.pvpDamage = p; } public MapleRing getRing() { if ((!GameConstants.isEffectRing(getItemId())) || (getUniqueId() <= 0)) { return null; } if (this.ring == null) { this.ring = MapleRing.loadFromDb(getUniqueId(), getPosition() < 0); } return this.ring; } public void setRing(MapleRing ring) { this.ring = ring; } public MapleAndroid getAndroid() { if ((getItemId() / 10000 != 166) || (getUniqueId() <= 0)) { return null; } if ( == null) { = MapleAndroid.loadFromDb(getItemId(), getUniqueId()); } return; } public void setAndroid(MapleAndroid ring) { = ring; } public short getSocketState() { int flag = 0; if ((this.socket1 != -1) || (this.socket2 != -1) || (this.socket3 != -1)) { flag |= SocketFlag.DEFAULT.getValue(); } if (this.socket1 != -1) { flag |= SocketFlag.SOCKET_BOX_1.getValue(); } if (this.socket1 > 0) { flag |= SocketFlag.USED_SOCKET_1.getValue(); } if (this.socket2 != -1) { flag |= SocketFlag.SOCKET_BOX_2.getValue(); } if (this.socket2 > 0) { flag |= SocketFlag.USED_SOCKET_2.getValue(); } if (this.socket3 != -1) { flag |= SocketFlag.SOCKET_BOX_3.getValue(); } if (this.socket3 > 0) { flag |= SocketFlag.USED_SOCKET_3.getValue(); } return (short) flag; } public int getSocket1() { return this.socket1; } public void setSocket1(int socket1) { this.socket1 = socket1; } public int getSocket2() { return this.socket2; } public void setSocket2(int socket2) { this.socket2 = socket2; } public int getSocket3() { return this.socket3; } public void setSocket3(int socket3) { this.socket3 = socket3; } public static enum ScrollResult { SUCCESS, FAIL, CURSE; } }