/* This file is part of the ZeroFusion MapleStory Server Copyright (C) 2008 Patrick Huy <patrick.huy@frz.cc> Matthias Butz <matze@odinms.de> Jan Christian Meyer <vimes@odinms.de> ZeroFusion organized by "RMZero213" <RMZero213@hotmail.com> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. You may not use, modify or distribute this program under any other version of the GNU Affero General Public License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package sqlshit; import java.io.File; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.util.List; import database.DatabaseConnection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import provider.MapleData; import provider.MapleDataProvider; import provider.MapleDataProviderFactory; import provider.MapleDataTool; import server.quest.MapleQuestActionType; import server.quest.MapleQuestRequirementType; import tools.Pair; public class DumpQuests { private MapleDataProvider quest; protected boolean hadError = false; protected boolean update = false; protected int id = 0; private Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); public DumpQuests(boolean update) throws Exception { this.update = update; this.quest = MapleDataProviderFactory.getDataProvider(new File(System.getProperty("net.sf.odinms.wzpath") + "/Quest.wz")); if (quest == null) { hadError = true; } } public boolean isHadError() { return hadError; } public void dumpQuests() throws Exception { if (!hadError) { PreparedStatement psai = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_questactitemdata(uniqueid, itemid, count, period, gender, job, jobEx, prop) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); PreparedStatement psas = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_questactskilldata(uniqueid, skillid, skillLevel, masterLevel) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); PreparedStatement psaq = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_questactquestdata(uniqueid, quest, state) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_questdata(questid, name, autoStart, autoPreComplete, viewMedalItem, selectedSkillID, blocked, autoAccept, autoComplete) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); PreparedStatement psr = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_questreqdata(questid, type, name, stringStore, intStoresFirst, intStoresSecond) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); PreparedStatement psq = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_questpartydata(questid, rank, mode, property, value) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)"); PreparedStatement psa = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_questactdata(questid, type, name, intStore, applicableJobs, uniqueid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); try { dumpQuests(psai, psas, psaq, ps, psr, psq, psa); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(id + " quest."); e.printStackTrace(); hadError = true; } finally { psai.executeBatch(); psai.close(); psas.executeBatch(); psas.close(); psaq.executeBatch(); psaq.close(); psa.executeBatch(); psa.close(); psr.executeBatch(); psr.close(); psq.executeBatch(); psq.close(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } } } public void delete(String sql) throws Exception { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } public boolean doesExist(String sql) throws Exception { PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); boolean ret = rs.next(); rs.close(); ps.close(); return ret; } //kinda inefficient public void dumpQuests(PreparedStatement psai, PreparedStatement psas, PreparedStatement psaq, PreparedStatement ps, PreparedStatement psr, PreparedStatement psq, PreparedStatement psa) throws Exception { if (!update) { delete("DELETE FROM wz_questdata"); delete("DELETE FROM wz_questactdata"); delete("DELETE FROM wz_questactitemdata"); delete("DELETE FROM wz_questactskilldata"); delete("DELETE FROM wz_questactquestdata"); delete("DELETE FROM wz_questreqdata"); delete("DELETE FROM wz_questpartydata"); System.out.println("Deleted wz_questdata successfully."); } final MapleData checkz = quest.getData("Check.img"); final MapleData actz = quest.getData("Act.img"); final MapleData infoz = quest.getData("QuestInfo.img"); final MapleData pinfoz = quest.getData("PQuest.img"); System.out.println("Adding into wz_questdata....."); int uniqueid = 0; for (MapleData qz : checkz.getChildren()) { //requirements first this.id = Integer.parseInt(qz.getName()); if (update && doesExist("SELECT * FROM wz_questdata WHERE questid = " + id)) { continue; } ps.setInt(1, id); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { MapleData reqData = qz.getChildByPath(String.valueOf(i)); if (reqData != null) { psr.setInt(1, id); psr.setInt(2, i); //0 = start for (MapleData req : reqData.getChildren()) { if (MapleQuestRequirementType.getByWZName(req.getName()) == MapleQuestRequirementType.UNDEFINED) { continue; //un-needed } psr.setString(3, req.getName()); if (req.getName().equals("fieldEnter")) { //diff psr.setString(4, String.valueOf(MapleDataTool.getIntConvert("0", req, 0))); } else if (req.getName().equals("end") || req.getName().equals("startscript") || req.getName().equals("endscript")) { psr.setString(4, MapleDataTool.getString(req, "")); } else { psr.setString(4, String.valueOf(MapleDataTool.getInt(req, 0))); } StringBuilder intStore1 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder intStore2 = new StringBuilder(); List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> dataStore = new LinkedList<Pair<Integer, Integer>>(); if (req.getName().equals("job")) { final List<MapleData> child = req.getChildren(); for (int x = 0; x < child.size(); x++) { dataStore.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(i, MapleDataTool.getInt(child.get(x), -1))); } } else if (req.getName().equals("skill")) { final List<MapleData> child = req.getChildren(); for (int x = 0; x < child.size(); x++) { final MapleData childdata = child.get(x); if (childdata == null) { continue; } dataStore.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("id"), 0), MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("acquire"), 0))); } } else if (req.getName().equals("quest")) { final List<MapleData> child = req.getChildren(); for (int x = 0; x < child.size(); x++) { final MapleData childdata = child.get(x); if (childdata == null) { continue; } dataStore.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("id"), 0), MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("state"), 0))); } } else if (req.getName().equals("item") || req.getName().equals("mob")) { final List<MapleData> child = req.getChildren(); for (int x = 0; x < child.size(); x++) { final MapleData childdata = child.get(x); if (childdata == null) { continue; } dataStore.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("id"), 0), MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("count"), 0))); } } else if (req.getName().equals("mbcard")) { final List<MapleData> child = req.getChildren(); for (int x = 0; x < child.size(); x++) { final MapleData childdata = child.get(x); if (childdata == null) { continue; } dataStore.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("id"), 0), MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("min"), 0))); } } else if (req.getName().equals("pet")) { final List<MapleData> child = req.getChildren(); for (int x = 0; x < child.size(); x++) { final MapleData childdata = child.get(x); if (childdata == null) { continue; } dataStore.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(i, MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("id"), 0))); } } for (Pair<Integer, Integer> data : dataStore) { if (intStore1.length() > 0) { intStore1.append(", "); intStore2.append(", "); } intStore1.append(data.getLeft()); intStore2.append(data.getRight()); } psr.setString(5, intStore1.toString()); psr.setString(6, intStore2.toString()); psr.addBatch(); } } MapleData actData = actz.getChildByPath(id + "/" + i); if (actData != null) { psa.setInt(1, id); psa.setInt(2, i); //0 = start for (MapleData act : actData.getChildren()) { if (MapleQuestActionType.getByWZName(act.getName()) == MapleQuestActionType.UNDEFINED) { continue; //un-needed } psa.setString(3, act.getName()); if (act.getName().equals("sp")) { psa.setInt(4, MapleDataTool.getIntConvert("0/sp_value", act, 0)); } else { psa.setInt(4, MapleDataTool.getInt(act, 0)); } StringBuilder applicableJobs = new StringBuilder(); if (act.getName().equals("sp") || act.getName().equals("skill")) { int index = 0; while (true) { if (act.getChildByPath(index + "/job") != null) { for (MapleData d : act.getChildByPath(index + "/job")) { if (applicableJobs.length() > 0) { applicableJobs.append(", "); } applicableJobs.append(MapleDataTool.getInt(d, 0)); } index++; } else { break; } } } else { if (act.getChildByPath("job") != null) { for (MapleData d : act.getChildByPath("job")) { if (applicableJobs.length() > 0) { applicableJobs.append(", "); } applicableJobs.append(MapleDataTool.getInt(d, 0)); } } } psa.setString(5, applicableJobs.toString()); psa.setInt(6, -1); if (act.getName().equals("item")) { //prop, job, gender, id, count uniqueid++; psa.setInt(6, uniqueid); psai.setInt(1, uniqueid); for (MapleData iEntry : act.getChildren()) { psai.setInt(2, MapleDataTool.getInt("id", iEntry, 0)); psai.setInt(3, MapleDataTool.getInt("count", iEntry, 0)); psai.setInt(4, MapleDataTool.getInt("period", iEntry, 0)); psai.setInt(5, MapleDataTool.getInt("gender", iEntry, 2)); psai.setInt(6, MapleDataTool.getInt("job", iEntry, -1)); psai.setInt(7, MapleDataTool.getInt("jobEx", iEntry, -1)); if (iEntry.getChildByPath("prop") == null) { psai.setInt(8, -2); } else { psai.setInt(8, MapleDataTool.getInt("prop", iEntry, -1)); } psai.addBatch(); } } else if (act.getName().equals("skill")) { uniqueid++; psa.setInt(6, uniqueid); psas.setInt(1, uniqueid); for (MapleData sEntry : act) { psas.setInt(2, MapleDataTool.getInt("id", sEntry, 0)); psas.setInt(3, MapleDataTool.getInt("skillLevel", sEntry, 0)); psas.setInt(4, MapleDataTool.getInt("masterLevel", sEntry, 0)); psas.addBatch(); } } else if (act.getName().equals("quest")) { uniqueid++; psa.setInt(6, uniqueid); psaq.setInt(1, uniqueid); for (MapleData sEntry : act) { psaq.setInt(2, MapleDataTool.getInt("id", sEntry, 0)); psaq.setInt(3, MapleDataTool.getInt("state", sEntry, 0)); psaq.addBatch(); } } psa.addBatch(); } } } MapleData infoData = infoz.getChildByPath(String.valueOf(id)); if (infoData != null) { ps.setString(2, MapleDataTool.getString("name", infoData, "")); ps.setInt(3, MapleDataTool.getInt("autoStart", infoData, 0) > 0 ? 1 : 0); ps.setInt(4, MapleDataTool.getInt("autoPreComplete", infoData, 0) > 0 ? 1 : 0); ps.setInt(5, MapleDataTool.getInt("viewMedalItem", infoData, 0)); ps.setInt(6, MapleDataTool.getInt("selectedSkillID", infoData, 0)); ps.setInt(7, MapleDataTool.getInt("blocked", infoData, 0)); ps.setInt(8, MapleDataTool.getInt("autoAccept", infoData, 0)); ps.setInt(9, MapleDataTool.getInt("autoComplete", infoData, 0)); } else { ps.setString(2, ""); ps.setInt(3, 0); ps.setInt(4, 0); ps.setInt(5, 0); ps.setInt(6, 0); ps.setInt(7, 0); ps.setInt(8, 0); ps.setInt(9, 0); } ps.addBatch(); MapleData pinfoData = pinfoz.getChildByPath(String.valueOf(id)); if (pinfoData != null && pinfoData.getChildByPath("rank") != null) { psq.setInt(1, id); for (MapleData d : pinfoData.getChildByPath("rank")) { psq.setString(2, d.getName()); for (MapleData c : d) { psq.setString(3, c.getName()); for (MapleData b : c) { psq.setString(4, b.getName()); psq.setInt(5, MapleDataTool.getInt(b, 0)); psq.addBatch(); } } } } System.out.println("Added quest: " + id); } System.out.println("Done wz_questdata..."); } public int currentId() { return id; } public static void main(String[] args) { boolean hadError = false; boolean update = false; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (String file : args) { if (file.equalsIgnoreCase("-update")) { update = true; } } int currentQuest = 0; try { final DumpQuests dq = new DumpQuests(update); System.out.println("Dumping quests"); dq.dumpQuests(); hadError |= dq.isHadError(); currentQuest = dq.currentId(); } catch (Exception e) { hadError = true; e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(currentQuest + " quest."); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); double elapsedSeconds = (endTime - startTime) / 1000.0; int elapsedSecs = (((int) elapsedSeconds) % 60); int elapsedMinutes = (int) (elapsedSeconds / 60.0); String withErrors = ""; if (hadError) { withErrors = " with errors"; } System.out.println("Finished" + withErrors + " in " + elapsedMinutes + " minutes " + elapsedSecs + " seconds"); } } /*package tools.wztosql; import database.DatabaseConnection; import java.io.File; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import provider.MapleData; import provider.MapleDataProvider; import provider.MapleDataProviderFactory; import provider.MapleDataTool; import server.quest.MapleQuestActionType; import server.quest.MapleQuestRequirementType; import tools.Pair; public class DumpQuests { private MapleDataProvider quest; protected boolean hadError = false; protected boolean update = false; protected int id = 0; private Connection con = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(); public DumpQuests(boolean update) throws Exception { this.update = update; this.quest = MapleDataProviderFactory.getDataProvider(new File(new StringBuilder().append(System.getProperty("net.sf.odinms.wzpath")).append("/Quest.wz").toString())); if (this.quest == null) this.hadError = true; } public boolean isHadError() { return this.hadError; } public void dumpQuests() throws Exception { if (!this.hadError) { PreparedStatement psai = this.con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_questactitemdata(uniqueid, itemid, count, period, gender, job, jobEx, prop) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); PreparedStatement psas = this.con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_questactskilldata(uniqueid, skillid, skillLevel, masterLevel) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); PreparedStatement psaq = this.con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_questactquestdata(uniqueid, quest, state) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); PreparedStatement ps = this.con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_questdata(questid, name, autoStart, autoPreComplete, viewMedalItem, selectedSkillID, blocked, autoAccept, autoComplete) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); PreparedStatement psr = this.con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_questreqdata(questid, type, name, stringStore, intStoresFirst, intStoresSecond) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); PreparedStatement psq = this.con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_questpartydata(questid, rank, mode, property, value) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)"); PreparedStatement psa = this.con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO wz_questactdata(questid, type, name, intStore, applicableJobs, uniqueid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); try { dumpQuests(psai, psas, psaq, ps, psr, psq, psa); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(new StringBuilder().append(this.id).append(" quest.").toString()); e.printStackTrace(); this.hadError = true; } finally { psai.executeBatch(); psai.close(); psas.executeBatch(); psas.close(); psaq.executeBatch(); psaq.close(); psa.executeBatch(); psa.close(); psr.executeBatch(); psr.close(); psq.executeBatch(); psq.close(); ps.executeBatch(); ps.close(); } } } public void delete(String sql) throws Exception { PreparedStatement ps = this.con.prepareStatement(sql); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); } public boolean doesExist(String sql) throws Exception { PreparedStatement ps = this.con.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); boolean ret = rs.next(); rs.close(); ps.close(); return ret; } public void dumpQuests(PreparedStatement psai, PreparedStatement psas, PreparedStatement psaq, PreparedStatement ps, PreparedStatement psr, PreparedStatement psq, PreparedStatement psa) throws Exception { if (!this.update) { delete("DELETE FROM wz_questdata"); delete("DELETE FROM wz_questactdata"); delete("DELETE FROM wz_questactitemdata"); delete("DELETE FROM wz_questactskilldata"); delete("DELETE FROM wz_questactquestdata"); delete("DELETE FROM wz_questreqdata"); delete("DELETE FROM wz_questpartydata"); System.out.println("Deleted wz_questdata successfully."); } MapleData checkz = this.quest.getData("Check.img"); MapleData actz = this.quest.getData("Act.img"); MapleData infoz = this.quest.getData("QuestInfo.img"); MapleData pinfoz = this.quest.getData("PQuest.img"); System.out.println("Adding into wz_questdata....."); int uniqueid = 0; for (MapleData qz : checkz.getChildren()) { this.id = Integer.parseInt(qz.getName()); if ((!this.update) || (!doesExist(new StringBuilder().append("SELECT * FROM wz_questdata WHERE questid = ").append(this.id).toString()))) { ps.setInt(1, this.id); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { MapleData reqData = qz.getChildByPath(String.valueOf(i)); if (reqData != null) { psr.setInt(1, this.id); psr.setInt(2, i); for (MapleData req : reqData.getChildren()) if (MapleQuestRequirementType.getByWZName(req.getName()) != MapleQuestRequirementType.UNDEFINED) { psr.setString(3, req.getName()); if (req.getName().equals("fieldEnter")) psr.setString(4, String.valueOf(MapleDataTool.getIntConvert("0", req, 0))); else if ((req.getName().equals("end")) || (req.getName().equals("startscript")) || (req.getName().equals("endscript"))) psr.setString(4, MapleDataTool.getString(req, "")); else { psr.setString(4, String.valueOf(MapleDataTool.getInt(req, 0))); } StringBuilder intStore1 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder intStore2 = new StringBuilder(); List dataStore = new LinkedList(); if (req.getName().equals("job")) { List child = req.getChildren(); for (int x = 0; x < child.size(); x++) dataStore.add(new Pair(Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(MapleDataTool.getInt((MapleData)child.get(x), -1)))); } else if (req.getName().equals("skill")) { List child = req.getChildren(); for (int x = 0; x < child.size(); x++) { MapleData childdata = (MapleData)child.get(x); if (childdata != null) { dataStore.add(new Pair(Integer.valueOf(MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("id"), 0)), Integer.valueOf(MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("acquire"), 0)))); } } } else if (req.getName().equals("quest")) { List child = req.getChildren(); for (int x = 0; x < child.size(); x++) { MapleData childdata = (MapleData)child.get(x); if (childdata != null) { dataStore.add(new Pair(Integer.valueOf(MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("id"), 0)), Integer.valueOf(MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("state"), 0)))); } } } else if ((req.getName().equals("item")) || (req.getName().equals("mob"))) { List child = req.getChildren(); for (int x = 0; x < child.size(); x++) { MapleData childdata = (MapleData)child.get(x); if (childdata != null) { dataStore.add(new Pair(Integer.valueOf(MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("id"), 0)), Integer.valueOf(MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("count"), 0)))); } } } else if (req.getName().equals("mbcard")) { List child = req.getChildren(); for (int x = 0; x < child.size(); x++) { MapleData childdata = (MapleData)child.get(x); if (childdata != null) { dataStore.add(new Pair(Integer.valueOf(MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("id"), 0)), Integer.valueOf(MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("min"), 0)))); } } } else if (req.getName().equals("pet")) { List child = req.getChildren(); for (int x = 0; x < child.size(); x++) { MapleData childdata = (MapleData)child.get(x); if (childdata != null) { dataStore.add(new Pair(Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(MapleDataTool.getInt(childdata.getChildByPath("id"), 0)))); } } } for (Pair data : dataStore) { if (intStore1.length() > 0) { intStore1.append(", "); intStore2.append(", "); } intStore1.append(data.getLeft()); intStore2.append(data.getRight()); } psr.setString(5, intStore1.toString()); psr.setString(6, intStore2.toString()); psr.addBatch(); } } MapleData actData = actz.getChildByPath(new StringBuilder().append(this.id).append("/").append(i).toString()); if (actData != null) { psa.setInt(1, this.id); psa.setInt(2, i); for (MapleData act : actData.getChildren()) if (MapleQuestActionType.getByWZName(act.getName()) != MapleQuestActionType.UNDEFINED) { psa.setString(3, act.getName()); if (act.getName().equals("sp")) psa.setInt(4, MapleDataTool.getIntConvert("0/sp_value", act, 0)); else { psa.setInt(4, MapleDataTool.getInt(act, 0)); } StringBuilder applicableJobs = new StringBuilder(); if ((act.getName().equals("sp")) || (act.getName().equals("skill"))) { int index = 0; while (act.getChildByPath(new StringBuilder().append(index).append("/job").toString()) != null) { for (MapleData d : act.getChildByPath(new StringBuilder().append(index).append("/job").toString())) { if (applicableJobs.length() > 0) { applicableJobs.append(", "); } applicableJobs.append(MapleDataTool.getInt(d, 0)); } index++; } } else if (act.getChildByPath("job") != null) { for (MapleData d : act.getChildByPath("job")) { if (applicableJobs.length() > 0) { applicableJobs.append(", "); } applicableJobs.append(MapleDataTool.getInt(d, 0)); } } psa.setString(5, applicableJobs.toString()); psa.setInt(6, -1); if (act.getName().equals("item")) { uniqueid++; psa.setInt(6, uniqueid); psai.setInt(1, uniqueid); for (MapleData iEntry : act.getChildren()) { psai.setInt(2, MapleDataTool.getInt("id", iEntry, 0)); psai.setInt(3, MapleDataTool.getInt("count", iEntry, 0)); psai.setInt(4, MapleDataTool.getInt("period", iEntry, 0)); psai.setInt(5, MapleDataTool.getInt("gender", iEntry, 2)); psai.setInt(6, MapleDataTool.getInt("job", iEntry, -1)); psai.setInt(7, MapleDataTool.getInt("jobEx", iEntry, -1)); if (iEntry.getChildByPath("prop") == null) psai.setInt(8, -2); else { psai.setInt(8, MapleDataTool.getInt("prop", iEntry, -1)); } psai.addBatch(); } } else if (act.getName().equals("skill")) { uniqueid++; psa.setInt(6, uniqueid); psas.setInt(1, uniqueid); for (MapleData sEntry : act) { psas.setInt(2, MapleDataTool.getInt("id", sEntry, 0)); psas.setInt(3, MapleDataTool.getInt("skillLevel", sEntry, 0)); psas.setInt(4, MapleDataTool.getInt("masterLevel", sEntry, 0)); psas.addBatch(); } } else if (act.getName().equals("quest")) { uniqueid++; psa.setInt(6, uniqueid); psaq.setInt(1, uniqueid); for (MapleData sEntry : act) { psaq.setInt(2, MapleDataTool.getInt("id", sEntry, 0)); psaq.setInt(3, MapleDataTool.getInt("state", sEntry, 0)); psaq.addBatch(); } } psa.addBatch(); } } } MapleData infoData = infoz.getChildByPath(String.valueOf(this.id)); if (infoData != null) { ps.setString(2, MapleDataTool.getString("name", infoData, "")); ps.setInt(3, MapleDataTool.getInt("autoStart", infoData, 0) > 0 ? 1 : 0); ps.setInt(4, MapleDataTool.getInt("autoPreComplete", infoData, 0) > 0 ? 1 : 0); ps.setInt(5, MapleDataTool.getInt("viewMedalItem", infoData, 0)); ps.setInt(6, MapleDataTool.getInt("selectedSkillID", infoData, 0)); ps.setInt(7, MapleDataTool.getInt("blocked", infoData, 0)); ps.setInt(8, MapleDataTool.getInt("autoAccept", infoData, 0)); ps.setInt(9, MapleDataTool.getInt("autoComplete", infoData, 0)); } else { ps.setString(2, ""); ps.setInt(3, 0); ps.setInt(4, 0); ps.setInt(5, 0); ps.setInt(6, 0); ps.setInt(7, 0); ps.setInt(8, 0); ps.setInt(9, 0); } ps.addBatch(); MapleData pinfoData = pinfoz.getChildByPath(String.valueOf(this.id)); if ((pinfoData != null) && (pinfoData.getChildByPath("rank") != null)) { psq.setInt(1, this.id); for (MapleData d : pinfoData.getChildByPath("rank")) { psq.setString(2, d.getName()); for (MapleData c : d) { psq.setString(3, c.getName()); for (MapleData b : c) { psq.setString(4, b.getName()); psq.setInt(5, MapleDataTool.getInt(b, 0)); psq.addBatch(); } } } } System.out.println(new StringBuilder().append("Added quest: ").append(this.id).toString()); } } System.out.println("Done wz_questdata..."); } public int currentId() { return this.id; } public static void main(String[] args) { boolean hadError = false; boolean update = false; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (String file : args) { if (file.equalsIgnoreCase("-update")) { update = true; } } int currentQuest = 0; try { DumpQuests dq = new DumpQuests(update); System.out.println("Dumping quests"); dq.dumpQuests(); hadError |= dq.isHadError(); currentQuest = dq.currentId(); } catch (Exception e) { hadError = true; e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(new StringBuilder().append(currentQuest).append(" quest.").toString()); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); double elapsedSeconds = (endTime - startTime) / 1000.0D; int elapsedSecs = (int)elapsedSeconds % 60; int elapsedMinutes = (int)(elapsedSeconds / 60.0D); String withErrors = ""; if (hadError) { withErrors = " with errors"; } System.out.println(new StringBuilder().append("Finished").append(withErrors).append(" in ").append(elapsedMinutes).append(" minutes ").append(elapsedSecs).append(" seconds").toString()); } }*/