package org.redcross.openmapkit.deployments; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import; import org.fieldpapers.model.FPAtlas; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.redcross.openmapkit.Basemap; import org.redcross.openmapkit.ExternalStorage; import org.redcross.openmapkit.OSMMapBuilder; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class Deployment { private JSONObject json; private DeploymentDownloader downloader; public static String fileNameFromUrl(String url) { int slashIdx = url.lastIndexOf("/"); return url.substring(slashIdx+1); } public Deployment(JSONObject deploymentJson) { if (deploymentJson != null) { json = deploymentJson; } else { json = new JSONObject(); } } public JSONObject json() { return json; } /** * Returns the name of the deployment. * * @return - name */ public String name() { return json.optString("name"); } /** * Returns the title of the deployment. If the title * is not available, return the name instead. * * @return - title or name */ public String title() { String title = null; JSONObject manifest = json.optJSONObject("manifest"); if (manifest != null) { title = manifest.optString("title"); } if (title != null && title.length() > 0) { return title; } else { return json.optString("name"); } } public int osmCount() { JSONObject files = json.optJSONObject("files"); if (files == null) return 0; JSONArray osmFiles = files.optJSONArray("osm"); if (osmFiles == null) return 0; return osmFiles.length(); } public int mbtilesCount() { JSONObject files = json.optJSONObject("files"); if (files == null) return 0; JSONArray mbtilesFiles = files.optJSONArray("mbtiles"); if (mbtilesFiles == null) return 0; return mbtilesFiles.length(); } public int geojsonCount() { JSONObject files = json.optJSONObject("files"); if (files == null) return 0; JSONArray geojsonFiles = files.optJSONArray("geojson"); if (geojsonFiles == null) return 0; return geojsonFiles.length(); } public int fileCount() { return osmCount() + mbtilesCount() + geojsonCount(); } public long totalSize() { return json.optLong("totalSize", 0); } public String totalSizeMB() { double totalSize = ((double)totalSize()) / 1000000.0; return totalSize + " MB."; } public JSONArray osm() { JSONObject files = json.optJSONObject("files"); if (files == null) return new JSONArray(); JSONArray osmFiles = files.optJSONArray("osm"); if (osmFiles == null) return new JSONArray(); return osmFiles; } public JSONArray mbtiles() { JSONObject files = json.optJSONObject("files"); if (files == null) return new JSONArray(); JSONArray mbtilesFiles = files.optJSONArray("mbtiles"); if (mbtilesFiles == null) return new JSONArray(); return mbtilesFiles; } public JSONArray geojson() { JSONObject files = json.optJSONObject("files"); if (files == null) return new JSONArray(); JSONArray geojsonFiles = files.optJSONArray("geojson"); if (geojsonFiles == null) return new JSONArray(); return geojsonFiles; } public List<JSONObject> filesToDownload() { List<JSONObject> files = new ArrayList<>(); addJSONArrayToCollection(files, osm()); addJSONArrayToCollection(files, mbtiles()); addJSONArrayToCollection(files, geojson()); return files; } private void addJSONArrayToCollection(Collection<JSONObject> list, JSONArray arr) { int len = arr.length(); for (int i=0; i < len; ++i) { JSONObject obj = arr.optJSONObject(i); if (obj != null) { list.add(obj); } } } /** * Sets up appropriate files to be added to the map * once we get back to the MapActivity. */ public void addToMap() { addMBTilesToMap(); addFPToMap(); addOSMToMap(); } public void addFPToMap() { File f = ExternalStorage.deploymentFPFile(name()); try { FPAtlas.load(f); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void addOSMToMap() { Set<File> files = ExternalStorage.deploymentOSMXmlFiles(name()); OSMMapBuilder.prepareMapToShowOnlyTheseOSM(files); } public void addMBTilesToMap() { List<String> paths = ExternalStorage.deploymentMBTilesFilePaths(name()); if (paths.size() > 0) { String path = paths.get(0);; } } /** * Saves the JSON object to disk. */ public void writeJSONToDisk() { String jsonStr = json.toString(); File deploymentDir = ExternalStorage.deploymentDir(name()); File f = new File(deploymentDir, "deployment.json"); try { Files.write(jsonStr.getBytes(), f); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void setDownloaderListener(DeploymentDownloaderListener listener) { if (downloader != null) { downloader.addListener(listener); } } public void startDownload(Activity activity) { downloader = new DeploymentDownloader(this, activity); downloader.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR); } public void cancelDownload() { if (downloader != null) { downloader.cancel(); } } public boolean downloadComplete() { List<JSONObject> filesToDownload = filesToDownload(); Map<String, File> filesDownloaded = ExternalStorage.deploymentDownloadedFiles(name()); if (filesToDownload.size() != filesDownloaded.size()) { return false; } for (JSONObject o : filesToDownload) { String name = o.optString("name"); if (name == null) return false; File f = filesDownloaded.get(name); if (f == null) return false; long fileSize = f.length(); long sz = o.optLong("size"); if (sz != fileSize) return false; } return true; } }