package org.fieldpapers.model; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.api.ILatLng; import; import; import; import; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.geometry.LatLng; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.overlay.Marker; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.overlay.Overlay; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.overlay.PathOverlay; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.views.MapView; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.views.MapViewListener; import com.spatialdev.osm.marker.OSMItemizedIconOverlay; import com.spatialdev.osm.renderer.OSMLine; import com.spatialdev.osm.renderer.OSMOverlay; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.index.strtree.STRtree; import; import org.fieldpapers.listeners.FPListener; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class FPAtlas implements MapViewListener, MapListener { private static final String PREVIOUS_FP_FILE_PATH = "org.redcross.openmapkit.PREVIOUS_FP_FILE_PATH"; public static final GeometryFactory GEOMETRY_FACTORY = new GeometryFactory(); private static File fpGeoJson; private static FPAtlas atlas; private JSONObject geoJson; private String title; private Activity activity; private MapView mapView; private STRtree spatialIndex = new STRtree(); private Map<String, FPPage> pages = new HashMap<>(); private PathOverlay selectedPathOverlay; public static void load(File fpGeoJSON) throws IOException, JSONException { /** * Only load if the file specified is a file not currently loaded. */ if (fpGeoJSON.equals(FPAtlas.fpGeoJson)) return; FPAtlas.fpGeoJson = fpGeoJSON; atlas = new FPAtlas(fpGeoJSON); } public static void addToMap(Activity activity, MapView mapView) throws IOException, JSONException { /** * Deal with SharedPreferences. Use it if we haven't explicitly loaded. Set it if we have. */ SharedPreferences preferences = activity.getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE); if (fpGeoJson == null) { String previousFpGeoJsonPath = preferences.getString(PREVIOUS_FP_FILE_PATH, null); if (previousFpGeoJsonPath == null) return; load(new File(previousFpGeoJsonPath)); } else { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putString(PREVIOUS_FP_FILE_PATH, fpGeoJson.getAbsolutePath()); editor.apply(); } if (atlas == null) return; atlas.setActivity(activity); atlas.setupMapView(mapView); } public static FPAtlas singleton() { return atlas; } /** * Singleton Constructor * * @param fpGeoJSON * @throws IOException * @throws JSONException */ private FPAtlas(File fpGeoJSON) throws IOException, JSONException { String geoJsonStr = FileUtils.readFileToString(fpGeoJSON, "UTF-8"); geoJson = new JSONObject(geoJsonStr); parseTitle(); parsePages(); } private void parsePages() { JSONArray features = geoJson.optJSONArray("features"); if (features == null) return; int len = features.length(); // the 3rd feature is the first page for (int i = 2; i < len; ++i) { JSONObject o = features.optJSONObject(i); if (o != null) { FPPage p = new FPPage(o); pages.put(p.pageNumber(), p); spatialIndex.insert(p.envelope(), p); } } } private void parseTitle() { try { title = geoJson.getJSONArray("features") .getJSONObject(0) .getJSONObject("properties") .getString("title"); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public String title() { return title; } public void setActivity(Activity activity) { this.activity = activity; } public void setupMapView(MapView mapView) { this.mapView = mapView; /** * There can only be one mapViewListener, so we have to reserve * that privilege to OSMMap. This is ridiculous, but it's a weird * oversight in the design of the Mapbox Android SDK Legacy. * * There can be multiple "listeners", which is a different interface * that handles things like scroll. Map view listeners handle things like * tap. Not sure why they are two different things... * * We look for the singleton of FPAtlas in OSMMap, and then notify * onTapMap from there. Sorry. */ // mapView.setMapViewListener(this); mapView.addListener(this); addPathOverlaysToMapView(); } private void findMapCenterPage() { LatLng center = mapView.getCenter(); findPage(center); } private void findPage(ILatLng latLng) { Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(latLng.getLongitude(), latLng.getLatitude()); Envelope env = new Envelope(coord); List fpPages = spatialIndex.query(env); for (Object p : fpPages) { FPPage page = (FPPage)p; Geometry pageGeom = page.geometry(); if (pageGeom.contains(GEOMETRY_FACTORY.createPoint(coord))) { foundPage(page); return; } } noPageFound(); } private void noPageFound() { clearSelectedPathOverlay(); if (activity != null && activity instanceof FPListener) { ((FPListener)activity).onMapCenterPageChangeMessage(null); } } private void foundPage(FPPage page) { if (activity != null && activity instanceof FPListener) { String msg = pageMessage(page); ((FPListener)activity).onMapCenterPageChangeMessage(msg); setSelectedPathOverlay(page); } } private String pageMessage(FPPage page) { return title() + " " + page.pageNumber(); } private void clearSelectedPathOverlay() { if (selectedPathOverlay != null) { selectedPathOverlay.getPaint().setColor(Color.BLACK); selectedPathOverlay = null; } } private void setSelectedPathOverlay(FPPage page) { clearSelectedPathOverlay(); PathOverlay pathOverlay = page.pathOverlay(); List<Overlay> overlays = mapView.getOverlays(); // Remove overlay to select and then put it in the right place in the list // so that it is in front of the other PathOverlays but behind the OSM // overlays. overlays.remove(pathOverlay); int len = overlays.size(); boolean overlayMoved = false; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { Overlay o = overlays.get(i); if (o instanceof OSMOverlay || o instanceof OSMItemizedIconOverlay) { overlays.add(i-1, pathOverlay); overlayMoved = true; break; } } if (!overlayMoved) { overlays.add(pathOverlay); } pathOverlay.getPaint().setARGB(255, OSMLine.DEFAULT_R, OSMLine.DEFAULT_G, OSMLine.DEFAULT_B); selectedPathOverlay = pathOverlay; } private void addPathOverlaysToMapView() { List<Overlay> overlays = mapView.getOverlays(); for (Overlay o : overlays) { if (o instanceof PathOverlay) { overlays.remove(o); } } Collection<FPPage> pagesCollection = pages.values(); for (FPPage p : pagesCollection) { overlays.add(p.pathOverlay()); } mapView.invalidate(); } /** * LISTENERS */ @Override public void onScroll(ScrollEvent event) { findMapCenterPage(); } @Override public void onZoom(ZoomEvent event) { findMapCenterPage(); } @Override public void onRotate(RotateEvent event) { findMapCenterPage(); } @Override public void onShowMarker(MapView pMapView, Marker pMarker) { } @Override public void onHideMarker(MapView pMapView, Marker pMarker) { } @Override public void onTapMarker(MapView pMapView, Marker pMarker) { } @Override public void onLongPressMarker(MapView pMapView, Marker pMarker) { } /** * This is not called by an actual map listener. It's called by: * * OSMMap#onTapMap * * @param pMapView * @param pPosition */ @Override public void onTapMap(MapView pMapView, ILatLng pPosition) { findPage(pPosition); } @Override public void onLongPressMap(MapView pMapView, ILatLng pPosition) { } }