package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.views; import; import android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.api.ILatLng; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.views.util.Projection; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.views.util.constants.MapViewConstants; import com.nineoldandroids.animation.Animator; import com.nineoldandroids.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import com.nineoldandroids.animation.ObjectAnimator; import com.nineoldandroids.animation.PropertyValuesHolder; import com.nineoldandroids.animation.TypeEvaluator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class MapController implements MapViewConstants { public class PointEvaluator implements TypeEvaluator<PointF> { public PointEvaluator() { } public PointF evaluate(float fraction, PointF startValue, PointF endValue) { return new PointF((fraction * (endValue.x - startValue.x) + startValue.x), (fraction * (endValue.y - startValue.y) + startValue.y)); } } private static final String TAG = "Mapbox MapController"; protected final MapView mMapView; // Zoom animations private ObjectAnimator mCurrentAnimation; private ILatLng zoomOnLatLong = null; private PointF zoomDeltaScroll = new PointF(); private ILatLng animateToTargetPoint = null; private boolean mCurrentlyUserAction = false; private ILatLng mPointToGoTo = null; private float mZoomToZoomTo = -1; /** * Constructor * * @param mapView MapView to be controlled */ public MapController(MapView mapView) { mMapView = mapView; } public boolean currentlyInUserAction() { return mCurrentlyUserAction; } public void setCurrentlyInUserAction(final boolean value) { mCurrentlyUserAction = value; } protected void aboutToStartAnimation(final ILatLng latlong, final PointF mapCoords) { zoomOnLatLong = latlong; final Projection projection = mMapView.getProjection(); mMapView.mMultiTouchScalePoint.set(mapCoords.x, mapCoords.y); projection.toPixels(mapCoords, mapCoords); zoomDeltaScroll.set((float) (mMapView.getMeasuredWidth() / 2.0 - mapCoords.x), (float) (mMapView.getMeasuredHeight() / 2.0 - mapCoords.y)); } protected void aboutToStartAnimation(final ILatLng latlong) { PointF mapCoords = mMapView.getProjection().toMapPixels(latlong, null); aboutToStartAnimation(latlong, mapCoords); } protected void aboutToStartAnimation(final PointF mapCoords) { final float zoom = mMapView.getZoomLevel(false); final double worldSize_2 = mMapView.getProjection().mapSize(zoom) >> 1; final ILatLng latlong = mMapView.getProjection() .pixelXYToLatLong(mapCoords.x + worldSize_2, mapCoords.y + worldSize_2, zoom); aboutToStartAnimation(latlong, mapCoords); } protected void aboutToStartAnimation(final float screenX, final float screenY) { final float width_2 = mMapView.getMeasuredWidth() / 2.0f; final float height_2 = mMapView.getMeasuredHeight() / 2.0f; final PointF scrollPoint = mMapView.getScrollPoint(); final double mapX = screenX + scrollPoint.x - width_2; final double mapY = screenY + scrollPoint.y - height_2; final float zoom = mMapView.getZoomLevel(false); final double worldSize_2 = mMapView.getProjection().mapSize(zoom) >> 1; zoomOnLatLong = mMapView.getProjection().pixelXYToLatLong(mapX + worldSize_2, mapY + worldSize_2, zoom); mMapView.mMultiTouchScalePoint.set((float) mapX, (float) mapY); zoomDeltaScroll.set(width_2 - screenX, height_2 - screenY); } /** * Start animating the map towards the given point. */ public boolean animateTo(final ILatLng point, final boolean userAction) { // mMapView.invalidate(); return setZoomAnimated(mMapView.getZoomLevel(), point, true, userAction); } public boolean animateTo(final ILatLng point) { return animateTo(point, false); } /** * Go to a given point (not animated) */ public boolean goTo(final ILatLng point, PointF delta) { final Projection projection = mMapView.getProjection(); PointF p = projection.toMapPixels(point, null); if (delta != null) { p.offset(delta.x, delta.y); } if (mMapView.getScrollPoint().equals(p)) { return false; } mMapView.scrollTo(p.x, p.y); return true; } public void panBy(float x, float y, final boolean userAction) { mCurrentlyUserAction = userAction; this.mMapView.scrollBy(x, y); mCurrentlyUserAction = false; } public void offsetDeltaScroll(float x, float y) { zoomDeltaScroll.offset(x, y); } public void panBy(int x, int y) { panBy(x, y, false); } /** * Set the map view to the given center. There will be no animation. */ public void setCenter(final ILatLng latlng) { setCenter(latlng, null); } public void setCenter(final ILatLng latlng, final PointF decale) { if (latlng == null) { return; } if (!mMapView.isLayedOut()) { mPointToGoTo = latlng; return; } PointF p = mMapView.getProjection().toMapPixels(latlng, null); if (decale != null) { p.offset(decale.x, decale.y); } this.mMapView.scrollTo(p.x, p.y); } public void stopPanning() { mMapView.mIsFlinging = false; mMapView.getScroller().forceFinished(true); } /** * Stops a running animation. */ public void stopAnimation(final boolean jumpToTarget) { if (!mMapView.getScroller().isFinished()) { if (jumpToTarget) { mMapView.mIsFlinging = false; mMapView.getScroller().abortAnimation(); setCenter(animateToTargetPoint); } else { stopPanning(); } } // We ignore the jumpToTarget for zoom levels since it doesn't make sense to stop // the animation in the middle. Maybe we could have it cancel the zoom operation and jump // back to original zoom level? if (mMapView.isAnimating()) { if (mCurrentAnimation != null) { mCurrentAnimation.cancel(); } mMapView.setZoomInternal(mMapView.getAnimatedZoom()); if (jumpToTarget && zoomOnLatLong != null) { goTo(zoomOnLatLong, zoomDeltaScroll); } mMapView.setIsAnimating(false); } } public boolean setZoomAnimated(final float zoomlevel, final ILatLng latlong, final boolean move, final boolean userAction) { return setZoomAnimated(zoomlevel, latlong, move, userAction, null); } /** * Start a Zoom Animation * @param zoomlevel Zoom Level to go to * @param latlong LatLng to go to * @param move True to move animation, False to not move * @param userAction Is this a user action * @param listener Additional listeners * @return true if ZoomAnimation ran, false if not */ public boolean setZoomAnimated(final float zoomlevel, final ILatLng latlong, final boolean move, final boolean userAction, Animator.AnimatorListener listener) { if (userAction && mMapView.isAnimating()) { return false; } if (!mMapView.isLayedOut()) { mPointToGoTo = latlong; mZoomToZoomTo = zoomlevel; return false; } stopAnimation(true); mCurrentlyUserAction = userAction; mMapView.mIsFlinging = false; float currentZoom = mMapView.getZoomLevel(false); final PointF dCurrentScroll = mMapView.getScrollPoint(); PointF p = Projection.toMapPixels(latlong.getLatitude(), latlong.getLongitude(), currentZoom, dCurrentScroll.x, dCurrentScroll.y, null); float targetZoom = mMapView.getClampedZoomLevel(zoomlevel); boolean zoomAnimating = (targetZoom != currentZoom); boolean zoomAndMove = move && !p.equals(dCurrentScroll); if (!zoomAnimating && !zoomAndMove) { mMapView.invalidate(); return false; } mMapView.mMultiTouchScalePoint.set(p.x, p.y); List<PropertyValuesHolder> propertiesList = new ArrayList<PropertyValuesHolder>(); zoomDeltaScroll.set(0, 0); zoomOnLatLong = latlong; mMapView.setAnimatedZoom(targetZoom); float factor = (float) Math.pow(2, targetZoom - currentZoom); propertiesList.add(PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("scale", 1.0f, factor)); if (zoomAndMove) { PointEvaluator evaluator = new PointEvaluator(); propertiesList.add(PropertyValuesHolder.ofObject("scrollPoint", evaluator, p)); } else { mMapView.getProjection().toPixels(p, p); zoomDeltaScroll.set((float) (mMapView.getMeasuredWidth() / 2.0 - p.x), (float) (mMapView.getMeasuredHeight() / 2.0 - p.y)); } if (propertiesList.size() > 0) { ObjectAnimator anim = ObjectAnimator.ofPropertyValuesHolder(this, propertiesList.toArray(new PropertyValuesHolder[0])); anim.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator()); anim.setDuration(zoomAndMove ? ANIMATION_DURATION_DEFAULT : ANIMATION_DURATION_SHORT); anim.setTarget(mMapView); anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { MapController.this.onAnimationStart(); super.onAnimationStart(animation); } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { MapController.this.onAnimationEnd(); super.onAnimationEnd(animation); } }); if (listener != null) { anim.addListener(listener); } mCurrentAnimation = anim; anim.start(); return true; } return false; } public MapView setZoom(final float zoomlevel) { return setZoom(zoomlevel, false); } public MapView setZoom(final float zoomlevel, final ILatLng latlong, final boolean userAction) { mCurrentlyUserAction = userAction; stopAnimation(true); mMapView.setZoomInternal(zoomlevel, latlong, null); mCurrentlyUserAction = false; return mMapView; } public MapView setZoom(final float zoomlevel, final boolean userAction) { mCurrentlyUserAction = userAction; stopAnimation(true); mMapView.setZoomInternal(zoomlevel); mCurrentlyUserAction = false; return mMapView; } public MapView setZoomAnimated(final float zoomlevel) { setZoomAnimated(zoomlevel, mMapView.getCenter(), false); return mMapView; } public MapView setZoomAnimated(final float zoomlevel, final ILatLng latlong, final boolean userAction) { setZoomAnimated(zoomlevel, latlong, false, userAction); return mMapView; } /** * Zoom in by one zoom level. */ public boolean zoomIn(final boolean userAction) { return zoomInAbout(mMapView.getCenter(), userAction); } public boolean zoomIn() { return zoomIn(false); } public boolean zoomInAbout(final ILatLng latlong, final boolean userAction) { float currentZoom = mMapView.getZoomLevel(false); float targetZoom = (float) (Math.ceil(currentZoom) + 1); float factor = (float) Math.pow(2, targetZoom - currentZoom); if (factor > 2.25) { targetZoom = (float) Math.ceil(currentZoom); } return setZoomAnimated(targetZoom, latlong, false, userAction); } public boolean zoomInAbout(final ILatLng latlong) { return zoomInAbout(latlong, false); } /** * Zoom out by one zoom level. */ public boolean zoomOut(final boolean userAction) { return zoomOutAbout(mMapView.getCenter(), userAction); } public boolean zoomOut() { return zoomOut(false); } public boolean zoomOutAbout(final ILatLng latlong, final boolean userAction) { float currentZoom = mMapView.getZoomLevel(false); float targetZoom = (float) (Math.floor(currentZoom)); float factor = (float) Math.pow(2, targetZoom - currentZoom); if (factor > 0.75) { targetZoom = (float) (Math.floor(currentZoom) - 1); } return setZoomAnimated(targetZoom, latlong, false, userAction); } public boolean zoomOutAbout(final ILatLng latlong) { return zoomOutAbout(latlong, false); } protected void onAnimationStart() { mMapView.setIsAnimating(true); } public void onAnimationEnd() { stopPanning(); mMapView.setIsAnimating(false); mMapView.setZoomInternal(mMapView.getAnimatedZoom(), zoomOnLatLong, zoomDeltaScroll); zoomOnLatLong = null; mCurrentlyUserAction = false; } /** * Called when the mapView is layed out for the first time * if action were triggered before we had to wait because * we didn't have any projection */ public void mapViewLayedOut() { if (mPointToGoTo != null) { setCenter(mPointToGoTo); mPointToGoTo = null; } if (mZoomToZoomTo != -1) { setZoom(mZoomToZoomTo); mZoomToZoomTo = -1; } } }