package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.tileprovider.constants; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.geometry.BoundingBox; /** * This class contains constants used by the tile provider. * * @author Neil Boyd */ public interface TileLayerConstants { public static final boolean DEBUG_TILE_PROVIDERS = false; public static final BoundingBox WORLD_BOUNDING_BOX = new BoundingBox(90, 180, -90, -180); /** * Minimum Zoom Level */ public static final int MINIMUM_ZOOMLEVEL = 0; /** * Maximum Zoom Level - we use Integers to store zoom levels so overflow happens at 2^32 - 1, * but we also have a tile size that is typically 2^8, so (32-1)-8-1 = 22 */ public static final int MAXIMUM_ZOOMLEVEL = 22; public static final int DEFAULT_TILE_SIZE = 256; public static final int RETINA_TILE_SIZE = 512; /** * Initial tile cache size. The size will be increased as required by calling {@link * LRUMapTileCache.ensureCapacity(int)} The tile cache will always be at least 3x3. */ public static final int CACHE_MAPTILECOUNT_DEFAULT = 9; public static final int CACHE_MAPTILEDISKSIZE_DEFAULT = 100 * 1024 * 1024; /** * number of tile download threads, conforming to OSM policy: * */ public static final int NUMBER_OF_TILE_DOWNLOAD_THREADS = 8; public static final int TILE_DOWNLOAD_MAXIMUM_QUEUE_SIZE = 40; }