package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.util; import; import; import; import android.os.Handler; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.tileprovider.MapTile; import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.views.util.Projection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; /** * A class that will loop around all the map tiles in the given viewport. */ public abstract class TileLooper { protected final Point mUpperLeft = new Point(); protected final Point mLowerRight = new Point(); protected final Point center = new Point(); protected List<CacheableBitmapDrawable> mBeingUsedDrawables = new ArrayList<CacheableBitmapDrawable>(); public final int loop(final Canvas pCanvas, final String pCacheKey, final float pZoomLevel, final int pTileSizePx, final Rect pViewPort, final Rect pClipRect) { // Calculate the amount of tiles needed for each side around the center one. Projection.pixelXYToTileXY(pViewPort.left,, mUpperLeft); mUpperLeft.offset(-1, -1); Projection.pixelXYToTileXY(pViewPort.right, pViewPort.bottom, mLowerRight); mLowerRight.offset(1, 1); center.set((mUpperLeft.x + mLowerRight.x) / 2, (mUpperLeft.y + mLowerRight.y) / 2); final int roundedZoom = (int) Math.floor(pZoomLevel); final int mapTileUpperBound = 1 << roundedZoom; initializeLoop(pZoomLevel, pTileSizePx); int tileX, tileY; for (int y = mUpperLeft.y; y <= mLowerRight.y; y++) { for (int x = mUpperLeft.x; x <= mLowerRight.x; x++) { tileY = GeometryMath.mod(y, mapTileUpperBound); tileX = GeometryMath.mod(x, mapTileUpperBound); final MapTile tile = new MapTile(pCacheKey, roundedZoom, tileX, tileY); handleTile(pCanvas, pCacheKey, pTileSizePx, tile, x, y, pClipRect); } } finalizeLoop(); /* return number of tiles looped */ return (mLowerRight.y - mUpperLeft.y) * (mLowerRight.x - mUpperLeft.x); } public abstract void initializeLoop(float pZoomLevel, int pTileSizePx); public abstract void handleTile(Canvas pCanvas, final String pCacheKey, int pTileSizePx, MapTile pTile, int pX, int pY, final Rect pClipRect); public void finalizeLoop() { //we delay just to make sure drawable bitmaps are not reused while being drawn. (new Handler()).postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (CacheableBitmapDrawable drawable : mBeingUsedDrawables) { drawable.setBeingUsed(false); } mBeingUsedDrawables.clear(); } }, 1); } }