/** * Copyright (C) 2014 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.analytics.math.interpolation; import static com.opengamma.analytics.math.interpolation.PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getDerivativeMatrix; import static com.opengamma.analytics.math.interpolation.PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getDifferenceMatrix; import static com.opengamma.analytics.math.interpolation.PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getMatrixForFlattened; import static com.opengamma.analytics.math.interpolation.PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getPenaltyMatrix; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import com.opengamma.analytics.math.FunctionUtils; import com.opengamma.analytics.math.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D; import com.opengamma.analytics.math.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D; import com.opengamma.analytics.math.matrix.IdentityMatrix; import com.opengamma.analytics.math.matrix.MatrixAlgebra; import com.opengamma.analytics.math.matrix.OGMatrixAlgebra; import com.opengamma.analytics.util.AssertMatrix; import com.opengamma.util.test.TestGroup; /** * */ @Test(groups = TestGroup.UNIT) public class PenaltyMatrixGeneratorTest { private static final MatrixAlgebra MA = new OGMatrixAlgebra(); @Test public void differenceMatrix1DTest() { final int n = 7; DoubleMatrix2D d0 = getDifferenceMatrix(n, 0); //zeroth order AssertMatrix.assertEqualsMatrix(new IdentityMatrix(n), d0, 1e-15); DoubleMatrix1D zeroVector = new DoubleMatrix1D(n); DoubleMatrix2D d1 = getDifferenceMatrix(n, 1); //first order difference matrix assertEquals(n, d1.getNumberOfRows()); assertEquals(n, d1.getNumberOfColumns()); AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(zeroVector, d1.getRowVector(0), 1e-15); //first row should be zero final DoubleMatrix1D x = new DoubleMatrix1D(n, 1.0); DoubleMatrix1D d1x = (DoubleMatrix1D) MA.multiply(d1, x); //a constant vector should have zero first order differences AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(zeroVector, d1x, 1e-14); DoubleMatrix2D d2 = getDifferenceMatrix(n, 2); //second order difference matrix assertEquals(n, d2.getNumberOfRows()); assertEquals(n, d2.getNumberOfColumns()); AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(zeroVector, d2.getRowVector(0), 1e-15); //first two rows should be zero AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(zeroVector, d2.getRowVector(1), 1e-15); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { x.getData()[i] = i; } d1x = (DoubleMatrix1D) MA.multiply(d1, x); DoubleMatrix1D ones = new DoubleMatrix1D(n, 1.0); ones.getData()[0] = 0.0; //first element of the diff vector is set to zero //vector with differences of one AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(ones, d1x, 1e-14); DoubleMatrix1D d2x = (DoubleMatrix1D) MA.multiply(d2, x); //a linear vector should have zero second order differences AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(zeroVector, d2x, 1e-14); DoubleMatrix2D d3 = getDifferenceMatrix(n, 3); //third order difference matrix assertEquals(n, d3.getNumberOfRows()); assertEquals(n, d3.getNumberOfColumns()); AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(zeroVector, d3.getRowVector(0), 1e-15); //first three rows should be zero AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(zeroVector, d3.getRowVector(1), 1e-15); AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(zeroVector, d3.getRowVector(2), 1e-15); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { x.getData()[i] = 0.5 + i + 0.1 * i * i; } d1x = (DoubleMatrix1D) MA.multiply(d1, x); DoubleMatrix1D exp = new DoubleMatrix1D(n); //expected first order diff for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { //first element is zero exp.getData()[i] = 0.9 + 0.2 * i; } AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(exp, d1x, 1e-14); exp = new DoubleMatrix1D(n, 0.2); //expected second order diff exp.getData()[0] = 0.0; //first two elements are zero exp.getData()[1] = 0.0; d2x = (DoubleMatrix1D) MA.multiply(d2, x); AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(exp, d2x, 1e-14); DoubleMatrix1D d3x = (DoubleMatrix1D) MA.multiply(d3, x); //a quadratic vector should have zero third order differences AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(zeroVector, d3x, 1e-14); } @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void diffOrderTooHighTest() { getDifferenceMatrix(6, 6); } @Test public void penaltyMatrix1DTest() { final int n = 10; DoubleMatrix2D p0 = getPenaltyMatrix(n, 0); //zeroth order AssertMatrix.assertEqualsMatrix(new IdentityMatrix(n), p0, 1e-15); //constant final DoubleMatrix1D x = new DoubleMatrix1D(n, 2.0); DoubleMatrix2D p = PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getPenaltyMatrix(n, 2); double r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); assertEquals(0.0, r); final double[] data = x.getData(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { data[i] = i; } r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); assertEquals(0.0, r); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { data[i] = 0.4 + 0.4 * i + i * i; } r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); //The second order diff is 2; for 2nd order difference use 8 values (n-2), so expect 8 * 2^2 = 32 assertEquals(32.0, r, 1e-11); p = PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getPenaltyMatrix(n, 3); r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); assertEquals(0.0, r, 1e-13); } @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void penaltyMatrixDiffOrderTooHighTest() { getPenaltyMatrix(6, 10); } @Test public void penaltyMatrix2DTest() { final int n1 = 8; final int n2 = 13; //constant DoubleMatrix1D x = new DoubleMatrix1D(n1 * n2, 2.0); DoubleMatrix2D p = PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getPenaltyMatrix(new int[] {n1, n2 }, 1, 0); double r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); assertEquals(0.0, r); //viewed as an x-y grid, this is flat in the x direction final double[][] data = new double[n1][n2]; for (int i = 0; i < n1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n2; j++) { data[i][j] = 0.4 + j; } } x = PenaltyMatrixGenerator.flattenMatrix(new DoubleMatrix2D(data)); r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); assertEquals(0.0, r); p = PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getPenaltyMatrix(new int[] {n1, n2 }, 1, 1); r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); //8*12 assertEquals(96, r, 1e-12); for (int i = 0; i < n1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n2; j++) { x.getData()[i * n2 + j] = 0.4 + j - 0.5 * i * i + 3 * i * j; } } p = PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getPenaltyMatrix(new int[] {n1, n2 }, 2, 0); r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); //6*13 assertEquals(78, r, 1e-11); p = PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getPenaltyMatrix(new int[] {n1, n2 }, 3, 0); r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); assertEquals(0, r, 2e-10); p = PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getPenaltyMatrix(new int[] {n1, n2 }, 2, 1); r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); assertEquals(0, r, 2e-10); p = PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getPenaltyMatrix(new int[] {n1, n2 }, 1, 1); r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); assertEquals(17232, r, 2e-10); p = PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getPenaltyMatrix(new int[] {n1, n2 }, new int[] {2, 1 }, new double[] {1 / 78.0, 1. / 17232. }); r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); assertEquals(2.0, r, 2e-10); } @Test public void penaltyMatrix3DTest() { final int n1 = 5; final int n2 = 13; final int n3 = 4; //constant final DoubleMatrix1D x = new DoubleMatrix1D(n1 * n2 * n3, 2.0); DoubleMatrix2D p = PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getPenaltyMatrix(new int[] {n1, n2, n3 }, 1, 0); double r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); assertEquals(0.0, r); p = PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getPenaltyMatrix(new int[] {n1, n2, n3 }, 1, 1); r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); assertEquals(0.0, r); p = PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getPenaltyMatrix(new int[] {n1, n2, n3 }, 1, 2); r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); assertEquals(0.0, r); final double[] data = x.getData(); for (int i = 0; i < n1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n2; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < n3; k++) { data[i * n2 * n3 + j * n3 + k] = 0.4 + i - k + j * j - 3.0 * i * k + 4 * i * j; } } } p = PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getPenaltyMatrix(new int[] {n1, n2, n3 }, 2, 0); r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); assertEquals(0.0, r, 1e-11); p = PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getPenaltyMatrix(new int[] {n1, n2, n3 }, 3, 1); r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); assertEquals(0.0, r, 3e-10); p = PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getPenaltyMatrix(new int[] {n1, n2, n3 }, 2, 2); r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); assertEquals(0.0, r, 5e-11); p = PenaltyMatrixGenerator.getPenaltyMatrix(new int[] {n1, n2, n3 }, 2, 1); r = MA.getInnerProduct(x, MA.multiply(p, x)); //4*11*5*4 assertEquals(880, r, 1e-9); } @DataProvider public Object[][] data() { Object[][] obj = new Object[1][4]; double[] x = new double[] {0.0, 0.3, 0.7, 0.8, 1.2, 2.0 }; obj[0][0] = x; int n = x.length; DoubleMatrix1D y = new DoubleMatrix1D(n); DoubleMatrix1D dydx = new DoubleMatrix1D(n); DoubleMatrix1D d2ydx2 = new DoubleMatrix1D(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { double xi = x[i]; y.getData()[i] = 0.3 + 0.7 * xi - 0.4 * xi * xi; dydx.getData()[i] = 0.7 - 0.8 * xi; d2ydx2.getData()[i] = -0.8; } obj[0][1] = y; obj[0][2] = dydx; obj[0][3] = d2ydx2; return obj; } @Test(dataProvider = "data") public void derivativeMatrix1DTest(double[] x, DoubleMatrix1D y, DoubleMatrix1D dydx, DoubleMatrix1D d2ydx2) { int n = x.length; DoubleMatrix2D d0 = getDerivativeMatrix(x, 0, true); AssertMatrix.assertEqualsMatrix(new IdentityMatrix(n), d0, 1e-14); DoubleMatrix2D d1 = getDerivativeMatrix(x, 1, true); DoubleMatrix2D d2 = getDerivativeMatrix(x, 2, true); DoubleMatrix1D d1y = (DoubleMatrix1D) MA.multiply(d1, y); DoubleMatrix1D d2y = (DoubleMatrix1D) MA.multiply(d2, y); AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(dydx, d1y, 1e-13); AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(d2ydx2, d2y, 1e-13); } @Test(dataProvider = "data") public void penaltyMatrix1DTest(double[] x, DoubleMatrix1D y, DoubleMatrix1D dydx, DoubleMatrix1D d2ydx2) { int n = x.length; double expected = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0 && i < (n - 1)) { // we not not use the end points expected += FunctionUtils.square(d2ydx2.getEntry(i)); } } double scale = Math.pow(2.0, 4); //((2.0-0.0)^2^2) expected *= scale; DoubleMatrix2D p2 = getPenaltyMatrix(x, 2); double r = MA.getInnerProduct(y, MA.multiply(p2, y)); assertEquals(expected, r, 1e-11); } @Test(expectedExceptions = NotImplementedException.class) public void orderG2Test() { double[] x = new double[] {0.0, 0.3, 0.7, 0.8, 1.2, 2.0 }; @SuppressWarnings("unused") DoubleMatrix2D d3 = getDerivativeMatrix(x, 3, true); } /** * The penalty matrix is scaled such that the result of x^T*P*x is insensitive to the scale of x */ @Test public void penaltyMatrixScaleTest() { double[] x = new double[] {0.0, 0.3, 0.7, 0.8, 1.2, 2.0 }; double scale = 5.0; //scale the x-axis by a factor of 5 int n = x.length; double[] xScaled = new double[n]; DoubleMatrix1D y = new DoubleMatrix1D(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { double xi = x[i]; y.getData()[i] = 0.3 + xi + Math.sin(xi); xScaled[i] = xi * scale; } //first order DoubleMatrix2D p1 = getPenaltyMatrix(x, 1); DoubleMatrix2D p1s = getPenaltyMatrix(xScaled, 1); double r = MA.getInnerProduct(y, MA.multiply(p1, y)); double rs = MA.getInnerProduct(y, MA.multiply(p1s, y)); assertEquals(r, rs, 1e-10); //second order DoubleMatrix2D p2 = getPenaltyMatrix(x, 2); DoubleMatrix2D p2s = getPenaltyMatrix(xScaled, 2); r = MA.getInnerProduct(y, MA.multiply(p2, y)); rs = MA.getInnerProduct(y, MA.multiply(p2s, y)); assertEquals(r, rs, 1e-10); } @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void xNotUniqueTest() { double[] x = new double[] {0.0, 0.3, 0.8, 0.8, 1.2, 2.0 }; @SuppressWarnings("unused") DoubleMatrix2D p1 = getPenaltyMatrix(x, 1); } @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void xNotAscendingTest() { double[] x = new double[] {0.0, 0.3, 0.8, 0.7, 1.2, 2.0 }; @SuppressWarnings("unused") DoubleMatrix2D p1 = getPenaltyMatrix(x, 2); } @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void emptyXTest() { @SuppressWarnings("unused") DoubleMatrix2D p1 = getPenaltyMatrix(new double[0], 1); } @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void negRangeTest() { double[] x = new double[] {0.0, -2.0 }; @SuppressWarnings("unused") DoubleMatrix2D p1 = getPenaltyMatrix(x, 1); } @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void singlePointTest() { double[] x = new double[] {0.2 }; @SuppressWarnings("unused") DoubleMatrix2D p1 = getPenaltyMatrix(x, 1); } @Test public void zeroOrderSinglePointTest() { double[] x = new double[] {0.2 }; DoubleMatrix2D p1 = getPenaltyMatrix(x, 0); AssertMatrix.assertEqualsMatrix(new IdentityMatrix(1), p1, 1e-15); } @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void twoPointsTest() { double[] x = new double[] {0.2, 0.5 }; @SuppressWarnings("unused") DoubleMatrix2D d1 = getDerivativeMatrix(x, 1, true); } /** * create a quadratic function on a non-uniform 2D grid, then flatten this to a vector and check the first and * second order differentiation matrices and penalty matrices work in both dimensions */ @Test public void penalty2DTest() { double[] x = new double[] {0.0, 0.3, 0.7, 0.8, 1.2, 2.0 }; double[] y = new double[] {-20.0, -10.0, 0.0, 5.0, 15.0, 19.0, 20.0 }; int nx = x.length; int ny = y.length; DoubleMatrix2D p0 = getPenaltyMatrix(new double[][] {x, y }, 0, 0); AssertMatrix.assertEqualsMatrix(new IdentityMatrix(nx * ny), p0, 1e-14); p0 = getPenaltyMatrix(new double[][] {x, y }, 0, 1); AssertMatrix.assertEqualsMatrix(new IdentityMatrix(nx * ny), p0, 1e-14); DoubleMatrix2D diffX1DFirstOrder = getDerivativeMatrix(x, 1, true); DoubleMatrix2D diffY1DFirstOrder = getDerivativeMatrix(y, 1, true); DoubleMatrix2D diffX1DSecOrder = getDerivativeMatrix(x, 2, true); DoubleMatrix2D diffY1DSecOrder = getDerivativeMatrix(y, 2, true); DoubleMatrix2D diffX2DFirstOrder = getMatrixForFlattened(new int[] {nx, ny }, diffX1DFirstOrder, 0); DoubleMatrix2D diffY2DFirstOrder = getMatrixForFlattened(new int[] {nx, ny }, diffY1DFirstOrder, 1); DoubleMatrix2D diffX2DSecOrder = getMatrixForFlattened(new int[] {nx, ny }, diffX1DSecOrder, 0); DoubleMatrix2D diffY2DSecOrder = getMatrixForFlattened(new int[] {nx, ny }, diffY1DSecOrder, 1); DoubleMatrix1D z = new DoubleMatrix1D(nx * ny); DoubleMatrix1D dzdx = new DoubleMatrix1D(nx * ny); DoubleMatrix1D d2zdx2 = new DoubleMatrix1D(nx * ny); DoubleMatrix1D dzdy = new DoubleMatrix1D(nx * ny); DoubleMatrix1D d2zdy2 = new DoubleMatrix1D(nx * ny); double dzdxSum = 0; double d2zdx2Sum = 0; double dzdySum = 0; double d2zdy2Sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) { double xi = x[i]; for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) { double yj = y[j]; int index = i * ny + j; z.getData()[index] = 0.3 + xi + 0.4 * xi * xi + 0.01 * yj - 1e-4 * yj * yj + 0.1 * xi * yj; dzdx.getData()[index] = 1.0 + 0.8 * xi + 0.1 * yj; d2zdx2.getData()[index] = 0.8; dzdy.getData()[index] = 0.01 - 2e-4 * yj + 0.1 * xi; d2zdy2.getData()[index] = -2e-4; //The penalty matrix does not use end points, so don't include them here if (i != 0 & i != (nx - 1)) { dzdxSum += FunctionUtils.square(dzdx.getData()[index]); d2zdx2Sum += FunctionUtils.square(d2zdx2.getData()[index]); } if (j != 0 & j != (ny - 1)) { dzdySum += FunctionUtils.square(dzdy.getData()[index]); d2zdy2Sum += FunctionUtils.square(d2zdy2.getData()[index]); } } } AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(dzdx, (DoubleMatrix1D) MA.multiply(diffX2DFirstOrder, z), 1e-12); AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(dzdy, (DoubleMatrix1D) MA.multiply(diffY2DFirstOrder, z), 1e-12); AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(d2zdx2, (DoubleMatrix1D) MA.multiply(diffX2DSecOrder, z), 1e-12); AssertMatrix.assertEqualsVectors(d2zdy2, (DoubleMatrix1D) MA.multiply(diffY2DSecOrder, z), 1e-12); DoubleMatrix2D p1x = getPenaltyMatrix(new double[][] {x, y }, 1, 0); DoubleMatrix2D p2x = getPenaltyMatrix(new double[][] {x, y }, 2, 0); DoubleMatrix2D p1y = getPenaltyMatrix(new double[][] {x, y }, 1, 1); DoubleMatrix2D p2y = getPenaltyMatrix(new double[][] {x, y }, 2, 1); double r1x = MA.getInnerProduct(z, MA.multiply(p1x, z)); double r2x = MA.getInnerProduct(z, MA.multiply(p2x, z)); double r1y = MA.getInnerProduct(z, MA.multiply(p1y, z)); double r2y = MA.getInnerProduct(z, MA.multiply(p2y, z)); double xRange = x[nx - 1] - x[0]; double yRange = y[ny - 1] - y[0]; assertEquals("first order x", Math.pow(xRange, 2) * dzdxSum, r1x, 1e-10); assertEquals("second order x", Math.pow(xRange, 4) * d2zdx2Sum, r2x, 1e-9); assertEquals("first order y", Math.pow(yRange, 2) * dzdySum, r1y, 1e-10); assertEquals("second order y", Math.pow(yRange, 4) * d2zdy2Sum, r2y, 1e-8); double lambdaX = 0.7; double lambdaY = Math.PI; //second order in x and first order in y DoubleMatrix2D p = getPenaltyMatrix(new double[][] {x, y }, new int[] {2, 1 }, new double[] {lambdaX, lambdaY }); double r = MA.getInnerProduct(z, MA.multiply(p, z)); double expR = Math.pow(xRange, 4) * d2zdx2Sum * lambdaX + Math.pow(yRange, 2) * dzdySum * lambdaY; assertEquals(expR, r, 1e-9); } }