/** * Copyright (C) 2013 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.analytics.financial.credit.isdastandardmodel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.threeten.bp.LocalDate; import org.threeten.bp.Period; import org.threeten.bp.temporal.JulianFields; import com.opengamma.financial.convention.businessday.BusinessDayConvention; import com.opengamma.financial.convention.calendar.Calendar; import com.opengamma.util.ArgumentChecker; /** * For a CDS with set set of payments on the fixed leg, this holds the payments dates and the accrual start and end dates. It does not * hold the payment amounts with depends on the day-count (normally ACT/360) and the spread. */ public class ISDAPremiumLegSchedule { private final int _nPayments; private final LocalDate[] _accStartDates; private final LocalDate[] _accEndDates; private final LocalDate[] _paymentDates; private final LocalDate[] _nominalPaymentDates; /** * This mimics JpmcdsDateListMakeRegular. Produces a set of ascending dates by following the rules:<p> * If the stub is at the front end, we role backwards from the endDate at an integer multiple of the specified step size (e.g. 3M), * adding these date until we pass the startDate(this date is not added). If the stub type is short, the startDate is added (as the first date), hence the first period * will be less than (or equal to) the remaining periods. If the stub type is long, the startDate is also added, but the date immediately * after that is removed, so the first period is longer than the remaining.<p> * If the stub is at the back end, we role forward from the startDate at an integer multiple of the specified step size (e.g. 3M), * adding these date until we pass the endDate(this date is not added). If the stub type is short, the endDate is added (as the last date), hence the last period * will be less than (or equal to) the other periods. If the stub type is long, the endDate is also added, but the date immediately * before that is removed, so the last period is longer than the others. * * @param startDate The start date - this will be the first entry in the list * @param endDate The end date - this will be the last entry in the list * @param step the step period (e.g. 3M - will produce dates every 3 months, with adjustments at the beginning or end based on stub type) * @param stubType Options are FRONTSHORT, FRONTLONG, BACKSHORT, BACKLONG or NONE - <b>Note</b> in this code NONE is not allowed * @return an array of LocalDate */ public static LocalDate[] getUnadjustedDates(final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate, final Period step, final StubType stubType) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(startDate, "null startDate"); ArgumentChecker.notNull(endDate, "null endDate"); ArgumentChecker.notNull(step, "step"); ArgumentChecker.notNull(stubType, "null stubType"); ArgumentChecker.isFalse(endDate.isBefore(startDate), "end date is before startDate"); if (startDate.isEqual(endDate)) { // this can only happen if protectionStart == true final LocalDate[] tempDates = new LocalDate[2]; tempDates[0] = startDate; tempDates[1] = endDate; return tempDates; } ArgumentChecker.isFalse(stubType == StubType.NONE, "NONE is not allowed as a stubType"); final long firstJulianDate = startDate.getLong(JulianFields.MODIFIED_JULIAN_DAY); final long secondJulianDate = endDate.getLong(JulianFields.MODIFIED_JULIAN_DAY); final double days = step.getDays() + 365.0 * (step.getMonths() / 12. + step.getYears()); final int nApprox = 3 + (int) ((secondJulianDate - firstJulianDate) / days); final List<LocalDate> dates = new ArrayList<>(nApprox); // stub at front end, so start at endDate and work backwards if (stubType == StubType.FRONTSHORT || stubType == StubType.FRONTLONG) { int intervals = 0; LocalDate tDate = endDate; while (tDate.isAfter(startDate)) { dates.add(tDate); final Period tStep = step.multipliedBy(++intervals); // this mimics ISDA c code, rather than true market convention tDate = endDate.minus(tStep); } final int n = dates.size(); if (tDate.isEqual(startDate) || n == 1 || stubType == StubType.FRONTSHORT) { dates.add(startDate); } else { // long front stub - remove the last date entry in the list and replace it with startDate dates.remove(n - 1); dates.add(startDate); } final int m = dates.size(); final LocalDate[] res = new LocalDate[m]; // want to output in ascending chronological order, so need to reverse the list int j = m - 1; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++, j--) { res[j] = dates.get(i); } return res; // stub at back end, so start at startDate and work forward } else { int intervals = 0; LocalDate tDate = startDate; while (tDate.isBefore(endDate)) { dates.add(tDate); final Period tStep = step.multipliedBy(++intervals); // this mimics ISDA c code, rather than true market convention tDate = startDate.plus(tStep); } final int n = dates.size(); if (tDate.isEqual(endDate) || n == 1 || stubType == StubType.BACKSHORT) { dates.add(endDate); } else { // long back stub - remove the last date entry in the list and replace it with endDate dates.remove(n - 1); dates.add(endDate); } final LocalDate[] res = new LocalDate[dates.size()]; return dates.toArray(res); } } public static ISDAPremiumLegSchedule truncateSchedule(final LocalDate stepin, final ISDAPremiumLegSchedule schedule) { return schedule.truncateSchedule(stepin); } /** * Remove all payment intervals before the given date * @param stepin a date * @return truncate schedule */ public ISDAPremiumLegSchedule truncateSchedule(final LocalDate stepin) { if (!_accStartDates[0].isBefore(stepin)) { return this; // nothing to truncate } int index = getAccStartDateIndex(stepin); if (index < 0) { index = -(index + 1) - 1; // keep the one before the insertion point } return truncateSchedule(index); } /** * makes a new ISDAPremiumLegSchedule with payment before index removed * @param index the index of the old schedule that will be the zero index of the new * @return truncate schedule */ public ISDAPremiumLegSchedule truncateSchedule(final int index) { return new ISDAPremiumLegSchedule(_nominalPaymentDates, _paymentDates, _accStartDates, _accEndDates, index); } /** * Truncation constructor * @param paymentDates * @param accStartDates * @param accEndDates * @param index copy the date starting from this index */ private ISDAPremiumLegSchedule(final LocalDate[] nominalPaymentDates, final LocalDate[] paymentDates, final LocalDate[] accStartDates, final LocalDate[] accEndDates, final int index) { ArgumentChecker.noNulls(nominalPaymentDates, "unadjustedDates"); ArgumentChecker.noNulls(paymentDates, "paymentDates"); ArgumentChecker.noNulls(accStartDates, "accStartDates"); ArgumentChecker.noNulls(accEndDates, "accEndDates"); final int n = paymentDates.length; _nPayments = n - index; ArgumentChecker.isTrue(n == nominalPaymentDates.length, "nominalPaymentDates length of {} does not match paymentDates length of {}", nominalPaymentDates.length, _nPayments); ArgumentChecker.isTrue(n == accStartDates.length, "accStartDates length of {} does not match paymentDates length of {}", accStartDates.length, _nPayments); ArgumentChecker.isTrue(n == accEndDates.length, "accEndDates length of {} does not match paymentDates length of {}", accEndDates.length, _nPayments); _nominalPaymentDates = new LocalDate[_nPayments]; _paymentDates = new LocalDate[_nPayments]; _accStartDates = new LocalDate[_nPayments]; _accEndDates = new LocalDate[_nPayments]; System.arraycopy(nominalPaymentDates, index, _nominalPaymentDates, 0, _nPayments); System.arraycopy(paymentDates, index, _paymentDates, 0, _nPayments); System.arraycopy(accStartDates, index, _accStartDates, 0, _nPayments); System.arraycopy(accEndDates, index, _accEndDates, 0, _nPayments); } /** * Mimics JpmcdsCdsFeeLegMake * @param startDate The protection start date * @param endDate The protection end date * @param step The period or frequency at which payments are made (e.g. every three months) * @param stubType Options are FRONTSHORT, FRONTLONG, BACKSHORT, BACKLONG or NONE - <b>Note</b> in this code NONE is not allowed * @param businessdayAdjustmentConvention options are 'following' or 'proceeding' * @param calandar A holiday calendar * @param protectionStart If true, protection starts are the beginning rather than end of day (protection still ends at end of day). */ public ISDAPremiumLegSchedule(final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate, final Period step, final StubType stubType, final BusinessDayConvention businessdayAdjustmentConvention, final Calendar calandar, final boolean protectionStart) { this(getUnadjustedDates(startDate, endDate, step, stubType), businessdayAdjustmentConvention, calandar, protectionStart); } public ISDAPremiumLegSchedule(final LocalDate[] unadjustedDates, final BusinessDayConvention businessdayAdjustmentConvention, final Calendar calendar, final boolean protectionStart) { _nPayments = unadjustedDates.length - 1; _nominalPaymentDates = new LocalDate[_nPayments]; _paymentDates = new LocalDate[_nPayments]; _accStartDates = new LocalDate[_nPayments]; _accEndDates = new LocalDate[_nPayments]; LocalDate dPrev = unadjustedDates[0]; LocalDate dPrevAdj = dPrev; // first date is never adjusted for (int i = 0; i < _nPayments; i++) { final LocalDate dNext = unadjustedDates[i + 1]; final LocalDate dNextAdj = businessDayAdjustDate(dNext, calendar, businessdayAdjustmentConvention); _accStartDates[i] = dPrevAdj; _accEndDates[i] = dNextAdj; _nominalPaymentDates[i] = dNext; _paymentDates[i] = dNextAdj; dPrev = dNext; dPrevAdj = dNextAdj; } // the last accrual date is not adjusted for business-day _accEndDates[_nPayments - 1] = getFinalAccEndDate(unadjustedDates[_nPayments], protectionStart); } public static LocalDate getFinalAccEndDate(final LocalDate unadjustedDate, final boolean protectionStart) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(unadjustedDate, "unadjustedDate"); if (protectionStart) { return unadjustedDate.plusDays(1); // extra day of accrued interest } else { return unadjustedDate; } } public int getNumPayments() { return _nPayments; } public LocalDate getAccStartDate(final int index) { return _accStartDates[index]; } public LocalDate getAccEndDate(final int index) { return _accEndDates[index]; } public LocalDate getPaymentDate(final int index) { return _paymentDates[index]; } public LocalDate getNominalPaymentDate(final int index) { return _nominalPaymentDates[index]; } /** * finds the index in accStartDate that matches the given date, or if date is not a member of accStartDate returns (-insertionPoint -1) * @see Arrays#binarySearch * @param date The date to find * @return index or code giving insertion point */ public int getAccStartDateIndex(final LocalDate date) { return Arrays.binarySearch(_accStartDates, date, null); } /** * finds the index in paymentDate that matches the given date, or if date is not a member of paymentDate returns (-insertionPoint -1) * @see Arrays#binarySearch * @param date The date to find * @return index or code giving insertion point */ public int getPaymentDateIndex(final LocalDate date) { return Arrays.binarySearch(_paymentDates, date, null); } public int getNominalPaymentDateIndex(final LocalDate date) { return Arrays.binarySearch(_nominalPaymentDates, date, null); } /** * The accrual start date, end date and payment date at the given index * @param index the index (from zero) * @return array of LocalDate */ public LocalDate[] getAccPaymentDateTriplet(final int index) { return new LocalDate[] {_accStartDates[index], _accEndDates[index], _paymentDates[index] }; } private LocalDate businessDayAdjustDate(final LocalDate date, final Calendar calendar, final BusinessDayConvention convention) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(date, "date"); ArgumentChecker.notNull(calendar, "Calendar"); ArgumentChecker.notNull(convention, "Business day adjustment"); return convention.adjustDate(calendar, date); } }