package eu.geopaparazzi.spatialite.database.spatial.core; import java.util.List; import jsqlite.Exception; import; public interface ISpatialDatabaseHandler { /** * Get the spatial tables from the database. * * @param forceRead force a clean read from the db instead of using cached. * @return the list of {@link SpatialVectorTable}s. * @throws Exception */ public abstract List<SpatialVectorTable> getSpatialVectorTables( boolean forceRead ) throws Exception; public abstract List<SpatialRasterTable> getSpatialRasterTables( boolean forceRead ) throws Exception; public abstract byte[] getRasterTile( String query ); /** * Get the table's bounds. * * @param spatialTable the table to use. * @param destSrid the srid to which to project to. * @return the bounds as [n,s,e,w]. * @throws Exception */ public float[] getTableBounds( SpatialVectorTable spatialTable, String destSrid ) throws Exception; /** * Get the {@link GeometryIterator} of a table in a given bound. * * @param destSrid the srid to which to transform to. * @param table the table to use. * @param n north bound. * @param s south bound. * @param e east bound. * @param w west bound. * @return the geometries iterator. */ public abstract GeometryIterator getGeometryIteratorInBounds( String destSrid, SpatialVectorTable table, double n, double s, double e, double w ); /** * Get the stroke {@link Paint} for a given style. * * <p>Paints are cached and reused.</p> * * @param style the {@link Style} to use. * @return the paint. */ public abstract Paint getStrokePaint4Style( Style style ); /** * Get the fill {@link Paint} for a given style. * * <p>Paints are cached and reused.</p> * * @param style the {@link Style} to use. * @return the paint. */ public abstract Paint getFillPaint4Style( Style style ); public void close() throws Exception; public void updateStyle( Style style ) throws Exception; public void intersectionToStringBBOX( String boundsSrid, SpatialVectorTable spatialTable, double n, double s, double e, double w, StringBuilder sb, String indentStr ) throws Exception; public void intersectionToString4Polygon( String boundsSrid, SpatialVectorTable spatialTable, double n, double e, StringBuilder sb, String indentStr ) throws Exception; }