package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import it.geosolutions.geocollect.model.viewmodel.FormAction; import it.geosolutions.geocollect.model.viewmodel.Page; import org.mapsforge.core.model.GeoPoint; import; import android.location.Location; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import; public class LocalizeAction extends AndroidAction { private static final long serialVersionUID = 496269294596203933L; private ProgressDialog progressDialog; public LocalizeAction(FormAction a) { super(a); } /** * acquires the current position, finds the mapview and centers the marker and the mapview on the acquired position */ @Override public void performAction(final SherlockFragment fragment, FormAction action, Mission m, Page p) { if(fragment instanceof FormPageFragment){ LocationResultCallback locationResult = new LocationResultCallback(){ @Override public void gotLocation(final Location location){ hideProgress(); if(location == null){ Log.e(LocalizeAction.class.getSimpleName(), "no location acquired, cannot continue"); return; } final GeoPoint geoPoint = new GeoPoint(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude()); final LinearLayout formView = ((FormPageFragment) fragment).getFormView(); final AdvancedMapView mapView = findMapView(formView); if(mapView == null){ Log.e(LocalizeAction.class.getSimpleName(), "no mapView found, cannot continue"); return; } if(location != null){ DescribedMarker setMarker = null; if(mapView.getOverlayManger().getMarkerOverlay().getMarkers() != null && mapView.getOverlayManger().getMarkerOverlay().getMarkers().size() > 0){ setMarker = mapView.getOverlayManger().getMarkerOverlay().getMarkers().get(0); setMarker.setGeoPoint(geoPoint); } mapView.getMapViewPosition().setCenter(geoPoint); mapView.getOverlayController().redrawOverlays(); } } }; showProgressDialog(fragment); new LocationProvider().getLocation(fragment.getActivity(), locationResult); } } /** * traverses recursively the view hierarchy of the * @param root until it finds a AdvancedMapView instance * @return the instance found or null if none was found */ public AdvancedMapView findMapView(ViewGroup root) { final int childCount = root.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) { final View child = root.getChildAt(i); if(child instanceof AdvancedMapView){ Log.d(LocalizeAction.class.getSimpleName(), "mapView found"); return (AdvancedMapView) child; } if (child instanceof ViewGroup) { return findMapView((ViewGroup) child); } } return null; } /** * shows a progressview * @param fragment the context to show in */ public void showProgressDialog(SherlockFragment fragment) { try{ LayoutInflater pinflater = LayoutInflater.from(fragment.getActivity()); View progress = pinflater.inflate(R.layout.progress_spinner, null); progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(fragment.getActivity()); progressDialog.setView(progress); progressDialog.setMessage(fragment.getString(R.string.location_searching));; }catch(Exception e){ Log.e(LocalizeAction.class.getSimpleName(), "error showing progress",e); } } /** * hides the progress */ public void hideProgress(){ if(progressDialog != null && progressDialog.isShowing()){ progressDialog.dismiss(); } } }