package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import jsqlite.Database; import jsqlite.Stmt; import; import; import; import it.geosolutions.geocollect.model.config.MissionTemplate; import it.geosolutions.geocollect.model.source.SegSchema; import it.geosolutions.geocollect.model.source.XDataType; import it.geosolutions.geocollect.model.viewmodel.Field; import it.geosolutions.geocollect.model.viewmodel.Form; import it.geosolutions.geocollect.model.viewmodel.Page; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.LinearLayout; /** * Test Class for PersistenceUtils Class * * @author Lorenzo Pini * */ public class LocalStorageTest extends android.test.AndroidTestCase { static String TAG = "LocalStorageTest"; Database db; protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); Log.v(TAG, "setUp()"); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); Log.v(TAG, "tearDown()"); if(db != null){ try { db.close(); } catch (jsqlite.Exception e) { Log.d(TAG, Log.getStackTraceString(e)); // ignore } } } public void testPersistenceUtils() { Log.v(TAG, "YAY! I'm running!"); assertTrue(true); } /** * Load must fail if the database reference is valid but the database itself is closed */ public void testLoadPageDataPageLinearLayoutMissionContext() { Log.v(TAG, "testLoadPageDataPageLinearLayoutMissionContext()"); // Mock Page Page p = new Page(); // Mock LinearLayout LinearLayout l = new LinearLayout(getContext()); // Mock Mission Mission m = new Mission(); db =SpatialiteUtils.openSpatialiteDB(getContext(), "geocollect/test.sqlite"); m.db = db; assertNotNull(m.db); assertFalse(m.db.dbversion().equals("unknown")); try { m.db.close(); } catch (jsqlite.Exception e) { // ignore } assertTrue(m.db.dbversion().equals("unknown")); assertFalse(PersistenceUtils.loadPageData(p, l, m, getContext(),false)); } /** * Load must fail on a NULL database reference */ public void testNullDatabase() { Log.v(TAG, "testNullDatabase()"); // Mock Page Page p = new Page(); // Mock LinearLayout LinearLayout l = new LinearLayout(getContext()); // Mock Mission Mission m = new Mission(); assertNull(m.db); assertFalse(PersistenceUtils.loadPageData(p, l, m, getContext(),false)); } /// Metodo per l'estrazione della lista TIPATA dei campi del template ( "_data" ) /** * The getTemplateFieldsList method must cycle through all the template pages, listing the field types in them */ public void testGetTemplateFieldList(){ Log.v(TAG, "testGetTemplateFieldList()"); MissionTemplate mt = new MissionTemplate(); mt.sop_form = new Form(); mt.sop_form.pages = new ArrayList<Page>(); Page p = new Page(); p.fields = new ArrayList<Field>(); // Add date field Field f = new Field(); f.type =; f.fieldId = "Data"; p.fields.add(f); // Add decimal field f = new Field(); f.type = XDataType.decimal; f.fieldId = "Decimalfield"; p.fields.add(f); // Add decimal field f = new Field(); f.type = XDataType.integer; f.fieldId = "IntField"; p.fields.add(f); mt.sop_form.pages.add(p); // Another page p = new Page(); p.fields = new ArrayList<Field>(); // Add decimal field f = new Field(); f.type = XDataType.string; f.fieldId = "TextField"; p.fields.add(f); mt.sop_form.pages.add(p); HashMap<String,XDataType> templateDataTypes = PersistenceUtils.getTemplateFieldsList(mt.sop_form); assertNotNull(templateDataTypes); assertTrue(templateDataTypes.get("Data") ==; assertTrue(templateDataTypes.get("Decimalfield") == XDataType.decimal); assertTrue(templateDataTypes.get("IntField") == XDataType.integer); assertTrue(templateDataTypes.get("TextField") == XDataType.string); } /** * The getDataTypesFromTemplate() method must return the MissionTemplate -> Source -> DataTypes HashMap */ // Is this test helpful? public void testGetDataTypesFromTemplate(){ Log.v(TAG, "testGetDataTypesFromTemplate()"); MissionTemplate mt = new MissionTemplate(); mt.schema_seg= new SegSchema(); //mt.source.dataTypes; db = SpatialiteUtils.openSpatialiteDB(getContext(), "geocollect/genova.sqlite"); } /// Metodo per il confronto dei campi esistenti nel DB con una lista di campi (vedi metodo sopra) /** * Must compare the given datatypes with the ones in the database * If the database schema differs from the given datatypes: * - missing field must be created * - additional field must be removed */ public void testAlignFieldsOnDatabase(){ db = SpatialiteUtils.openSpatialiteDB(getContext(), "geocollect/test.sqlite"); assertNotNull(db); Gson gson = new Gson(); String template1 = "{ " + " \"id\":\"punti_accumulo\"," + " \"title\": \"Punti Abbandono\"," + " \"schema_seg\":{" + " \"type\":\"WFS\"," + " \"URL\":\"\"," + " \"typeName\":\"geosolutions:punti_abbandono\"," + " \"fields\":{" + " \"CODICE\":\"string\"," + " \"DATA_RILEV\":\"string\"," + " \"USO_AGRICO\":\"integer\"," + " \"USO_PARCHE\":\"integer\"," + " \"USO_COMMER\":\"integer\"," + " \"AREA_PRIVA\":\"string\"," + " \"AREA_PUBBL\":\"string\"," + " \"ALTRE_CARA\":\"integer\"," + " \"DISTANZA_U\":\"integer\"," + " \"DIMENSIONI\":\"string\"," + " \"RIFIUTI_NO\":\"string\"," + " \"RIFIUTI_PE\":\"string\"," + " \"QUANTITA_R\":\"integer\"," + " \"STATO_FISI\":\"string\"," + " \"ODORE\":\"string\"," + " \"MODALITA_S\":\"string\"," + " \"PERCOLATO\":\"string\"," + " \"VEGETAZION\":\"string\"," + " \"STABILITA\":\"integer\"," + " \"INSEDIAMEN\":\"string\"," + " \"AGRICOLO\":\"integer\"," + " \"AGRICOLO_A\":\"string\"," + " \"ID\":\"integer\"," + " \"ID1\":\"integer\"," + " \"VALORE_SOC\":\"integer\"," + " \"GMROTATION\":\"real\"" + " }" + " }" + "}"; String template2 = "{ " + " \"id\":\"punti_accumulo\"," + " \"title\": \"Punti Abbandono\"," + " \"schema_seg\":{" + " \"type\":\"WFS\"," + " \"URL\":\"\"," + " \"typeName\":\"geosolutions:punti_abbandono\"," + " \"fields\":{" + " \"CODICE\":\"string\"," + " \"DATA_RILEV\":\"string\"," + " \"USO_AGRICO\":\"integer\"," + " \"USO_PARCHE\":\"integer\"," + " \"USO_COMMER\":\"integer\"," + " \"AREA_PRIVA\":\"string\"," + " \"AREA_PUBBL\":\"string\"," + " \"ALTRE_CARA\":\"integer\"," + " \"DISTANZA_U\":\"integer\"," + " \"DIMENSIONI\":\"string\"," + " \"RIFIUTI_NO\":\"string\"," + " \"RIFIUTI_PE\":\"string\"," + // removed QUANTITA_R " \"STATO_FISI\":\"string\"," + " \"ODORE\":\"string\"," + " \"MODALITA_S\":\"string\"," + " \"PERCOLATO\":\"string\"," + " \"VEGETAZ\":\"string\"," + // Renamed, must be dropped and recreated " \"STABILITA\":\"integer\"," + " \"INSEDIAMEN\":\"string\"," + " \"AGRICOLO\":\"integer\"," + " \"AGRICOLO_A\":\"string\"," + " \"ID\":\"integer\"," + " \"ID1\":\"integer\"," + " \"VALORE_SOC\":\"text\"," + // Changed type, must be ignored and keep integer " \"GMROTATION\":\"real\"" + " }" + " }" + "}"; MissionTemplate mt1 = gson.fromJson( template1 , MissionTemplate.class); MissionTemplate mt2 = gson.fromJson( template2 , MissionTemplate.class); HashMap<String,XDataType> templateDataTypes1 = mt1.schema_seg.fields; HashMap<String,XDataType> templateDataTypes2 = mt2.schema_seg.fields; assertNotNull(templateDataTypes1); assertNotNull(templateDataTypes2); assertTrue(templateDataTypes1.size()>0); assertTrue(templateDataTypes2.size()>0); // TODO: write validator for these templateDataTypes // fieldNames must not clash with PK_UID, ORIGIN_ID, GEOMETRY try { db.prepare("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table;").step(); } catch (jsqlite.Exception e) { fail(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } // Create the table as usual assertTrue(PersistenceUtils.createTableFromTemplate(db, "test_table", templateDataTypes1)); // Method to test (EnableColumnDrop is FALSE) assertTrue(PersistenceUtils.updateTableFromTemplate(db, "test_table", templateDataTypes2)); // Check results String query = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='test_table'"; try { Stmt stmt = db.prepare(query); if( stmt.step() ) { String nomeStr = stmt.column_string(0); assertTrue("Retrieved table name is incorrect", nomeStr.equalsIgnoreCase("test_table")); }else{ fail("Table not found"); } stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { fail( Log.getStackTraceString(e)); } // check results query = "PRAGMA table_info('test_table');"; int nameColumn = -1; int typeColumn = -1; String columnName, typeName; int count_columns = 0; int count_VEGETAZION = 0; try { Stmt stmt = db.prepare(query); while( stmt.step() ) { if(nameColumn<0 || typeColumn<0){ // I have to retrieve the position of the metadata fields for(int i = 0; i<stmt.column_count(); i++){ Log.v(TAG, stmt.column_name(i)); if(stmt.column_name(i).equalsIgnoreCase("name")){ nameColumn = i; } if(stmt.column_name(i).equalsIgnoreCase("type")){ typeColumn = i; } } } assertTrue(nameColumn>=0); assertTrue(typeColumn>=0); columnName = stmt.column_string(nameColumn); typeName = stmt.column_string(typeColumn); // output values Log.v(TAG, count_columns+" : "+columnName+" : "+typeName); if(!columnName.equals("ORIGIN_ID") && !columnName.equals("GEOMETRY")){ // If EnableColumnDrop, this fields should have been removed // EnableColumnDrop is disabled in this test //assertFalse(columnName.equalsIgnoreCase("QUANTITA_R")); //assertFalse(columnName.equalsIgnoreCase("VEGETAZION")); // This field should be added (only once) if(columnName.equals("VEGETAZ")){ count_VEGETAZION++; } if(columnName.equals("VALORE_SOC")){ // this field should not be changed assertTrue(typeName.equalsIgnoreCase(SpatialiteUtils.getSQLiteTypeFromString("integer"))); }else{ // If EnableDropColumn is TRUE , we must assertNotNull templateDataTypes2.get(columnName) // In this test EnableDropColumn is false (by default) if(templateDataTypes2.get(columnName)!=null){ assertTrue(typeName.equalsIgnoreCase(SpatialiteUtils.getSQLiteTypeFromString(templateDataTypes2.get(columnName).toString()))); } } } count_columns++; } stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { fail( Log.getStackTraceString(e)); } // Check if the additional column was created assertEquals(1, count_VEGETAZION); // output values int j = 0; for(Entry<String, XDataType> e : templateDataTypes2.entrySet()){ Log.v(TAG, j++ +" : "+e.getKey()+" : "+e.getValue()); } // Add 2 because the default CREATE statement creates "ORIGIN_ID" and "GEOMETRY" columns // all the other columns comes from the templateDataTypes // Add 2 again, because in this test there are 2 old columns that are not removed on purpose assertEquals(count_columns, templateDataTypes2.size()+2+2); } /** * Given datatypes , tableName and a database, must create a table with the corresponding datatypes and tableName in the database * if table already exists, do nothing. */ public void testCreateTableOnDatabase(){ db = SpatialiteUtils.openSpatialiteDB(getContext(), "geocollect/test.sqlite"); assertNotNull(db); Gson gson = new Gson(); MissionTemplate mt = gson.fromJson( "{ " + " \"id\":\"punti_accumulo\"," + " \"title\": \"Punti Abbandono\"," + " \"schema_seg\":{" + " \"type\":\"WFS\"," + " \"URL\":\"\"," + " \"typeName\":\"geosolutions:punti_abbandono\"," + " \"storeLocally\":\"localTable\"," + " \"fields\":{" + " \"CODICE\":\"string\"," + " \"DATA_RILEV\":\"string\"," + " \"MACROAREA\":\"string\"," + " \"MICROAREA\":\"string\"," + " \"CIRCOSCRIZ\":\"string\"," + " \"MORFOLOGIA\":\"string\"," + " \"INCLINAZIO\":\"string\"," + " \"MORFOLOGI1\":\"string\"," + " \"COPERTURA_\":\"string\"," + " \"COPERTURA1\":\"string\"," + " \"USO_AGRICO\":\"integer\"," + " \"USO_PARCHE\":\"integer\"," + " \"USO_COMMER\":\"integer\"," + " \"USO_STRADA\":\"integer\"," + " \"USO_ABBAND\":\"string\"," + " \"PRESUNZION\":\"string\"," + " \"AREA_PRIVA\":\"string\"," + " \"AREA_PUBBL\":\"string\"," + " \"ALTRE_CARA\":\"integer\"," + " \"DISTANZA_U\":\"integer\"," + " \"DIMENSIONI\":\"string\"," + " \"RIFIUTI_NO\":\"string\"," + " \"RIFIUTI_PE\":\"string\"," + " \"QUANTITA_R\":\"integer\"," + " \"STATO_FISI\":\"string\"," + " \"ODORE\":\"string\"," + " \"MODALITA_S\":\"string\"," + " \"PERCOLATO\":\"string\"," + " \"VEGETAZION\":\"string\"," + " \"STABILITA\":\"integer\"," + " \"INSEDIAMEN\":\"string\"," + " \"INSEDIAME1\":\"string\"," + " \"DISTANZA_C\":\"string\"," + " \"INSEDIAME2\":\"string\"," + " \"INSEDIAME3\":\"string\"," + " \"DISTANZA_P\":\"string\"," + " \"BOSCATE\":\"string\"," + " \"BOSCATE_AB\":\"string\"," + " \"AGRICOLO\":\"integer\"," + " \"AGRICOLO_A\":\"string\"," + " \"TORRENTI_R\":\"string\"," + " \"NOME_TORRE\":\"string\"," + " \"RISCHIO_ES\":\"string\"," + " \"RIFIUTI_IN\":\"string\"," + " \"PROBABILE_\":\"string\"," + " \"IMPATTO_ES\":\"string\"," + " \"POZZI_FALD\":\"string\"," + " \"CRITICITA\":\"string\"," + " \"IMPATTO_CO\":\"integer\"," + " \"NOTE\":\"string\"," + " \"PULIZIA\":\"string\"," + " \"DISSUASION\":\"string\"," + " \"VALORE_GRA\":\"integer\"," + " \"FATTIBILIT\":\"string\"," + " \"VALORE_FAT\":\"integer\"," + " \"LATITUDINE\":\"integer\"," + " \"LONGITUDIN\":\"integer\"," + " \"ID\":\"integer\"," + " \"ID1\":\"integer\"," + " \"GRAVITA\":\"string\"," + " \"RISCHIO\":\"string\"," + " \"VALORE_RIS\":\"integer\"," + " \"SOCIO_PAES\":\"string\"," + " \"VALORE_SOC\":\"integer\"," + " \"GMROTATION\":\"real\"" + " }" + " }" + "}" , MissionTemplate.class); HashMap<String,XDataType> templateDataTypes = mt.schema_seg.fields; assertNotNull(templateDataTypes); assertTrue(templateDataTypes.size()>0); // TODO: write validator for these templateDataTypes // fieldNames must not clash with PK_UID, ORIGIN_ID, GEOMETRY try { db.prepare("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table;").step(); } catch (jsqlite.Exception e) { fail(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } // Method to test assertTrue(PersistenceUtils.createTableFromTemplate(db, "test_table", templateDataTypes)); // Check results String query = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='test_table'"; try { Stmt stmt = db.prepare(query); if( stmt.step() ) { String nomeStr = stmt.column_string(0); assertTrue("Retrieved table name is incorrect", nomeStr.equalsIgnoreCase("test_table")); }else{ fail("Table not found"); } stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { fail( Log.getStackTraceString(e)); } // check results query = "PRAGMA table_info(\"test_table\");"; int nameColumn = -1; int typeColumn = -1; String columnName, typeName; int count_columns = 0; try { Stmt stmt = db.prepare(query); while( stmt.step() ) { if(nameColumn<0 || typeColumn<0){ // I have to retrieve the position of the metadata fields for(int i = 0; i<stmt.column_count(); i++){ Log.v(TAG, stmt.column_name(i)); if(stmt.column_name(i).equalsIgnoreCase("name")){ nameColumn = i; } if(stmt.column_name(i).equalsIgnoreCase("type")){ typeColumn = i; } } } assertTrue(nameColumn>=0); assertTrue(typeColumn>=0); columnName = stmt.column_string(nameColumn); typeName = stmt.column_string(typeColumn); // output values Log.v(TAG, count_columns+" : "+columnName+" : "+typeName); if(!columnName.equals("ORIGIN_ID") && !columnName.equals("GEOMETRY")){ assertNotNull(templateDataTypes.get(columnName)); assertTrue(typeName.equalsIgnoreCase(SpatialiteUtils.getSQLiteTypeFromString(templateDataTypes.get(columnName).toString()))); } count_columns++; } stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { fail( Log.getStackTraceString(e)); } // output values int j = 0; for(Entry<String, XDataType> e : templateDataTypes.entrySet()){ Log.v(TAG, j++ +" : "+e.getKey()+" : "+e.getValue()); } // Add 2 because the default create statement creates "ORIGIN_ID" and "GEOMETRY" columns // all the other columns comes from the templateDataTypes assertEquals(count_columns, templateDataTypes.size()+2); } // Validator for datatypes /** * test openSpatialiteDB method */ public void testOpenSpatialiteDB(){ db = SpatialiteUtils.openSpatialiteDB(getContext(), "geocollect/genova.sqlite"); assertNotNull(db); assertTrue(!db.dbversion().equals("unknown")); try { db.close(); } catch (jsqlite.Exception e) { // } assertTrue(db.dbversion().equals("unknown")); // test with wrong parameters db = SpatialiteUtils.openSpatialiteDB(null, "geocollect/genova.sqlite"); assertNull(db); db = SpatialiteUtils.openSpatialiteDB(getContext(), null); assertNull(db); db = SpatialiteUtils.openSpatialiteDB(getContext(), ""); assertNull(db); // TODO what is an illegal filename in android? /* db = SpatialiteUtils.openSpatialiteDB(getContext(), "()"); assertNull(db); */ } }