package com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.overlay.snap; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.*; /** * Snaps the vertices and segments of a {@link LineString} * to a set of target snap vertices. * A snap distance tolerance is used to control where snapping is performed. * <p> * The implementation handles empty geometry and empty snap vertex sets. * * @author Martin Davis * @version 1.7 */ public class LineStringSnapper { private double snapTolerance = 0.0; private Coordinate[] srcPts; private LineSegment seg = new LineSegment(); // for reuse during snapping private boolean allowSnappingToSourceVertices = false; private boolean isClosed = false; /** * Creates a new snapper using the points in the given {@link LineString} * as source snap points. * * @param srcLine a LineString to snap (may be empty) * @param snapTolerance the snap tolerance to use */ public LineStringSnapper(LineString srcLline, double snapTolerance) { this(srcLline.getCoordinates(), snapTolerance); } /** * Creates a new snapper using the given points * as source points to be snapped. * * @param srcPts the points to snap * @param snapTolerance the snap tolerance to use */ public LineStringSnapper(Coordinate[] srcPts, double snapTolerance) { this.srcPts = srcPts; isClosed = isClosed(srcPts); this.snapTolerance = snapTolerance; } public void setAllowSnappingToSourceVertices(boolean allowSnappingToSourceVertices) { this.allowSnappingToSourceVertices = allowSnappingToSourceVertices; } private static boolean isClosed(Coordinate[] pts) { if (pts.length <= 1) return false; return pts[0].equals2D(pts[pts.length - 1]); } /** * Snaps the vertices and segments of the source LineString * to the given set of snap vertices. * * @param snapPts the vertices to snap to * @return a list of the snapped points */ public Coordinate[] snapTo(Coordinate[] snapPts) { CoordinateList coordList = new CoordinateList(srcPts); snapVertices(coordList, snapPts); snapSegments(coordList, snapPts); Coordinate[] newPts = coordList.toCoordinateArray(); return newPts; } /** * Snap source vertices to vertices in the target. * * @param srcCoords the points to snap * @param snapPts the points to snap to */ private void snapVertices(CoordinateList srcCoords, Coordinate[] snapPts) { // try snapping vertices // if src is a ring then don't snap final vertex int end = isClosed ? srcCoords.size() - 1 : srcCoords.size(); for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { Coordinate srcPt = (Coordinate) srcCoords.get(i); Coordinate snapVert = findSnapForVertex(srcPt, snapPts); if (snapVert != null) { // update src with snap pt srcCoords.set(i, new Coordinate(snapVert)); // keep final closing point in synch (rings only) if (i == 0 && isClosed) srcCoords.set(srcCoords.size() - 1, new Coordinate(snapVert)); } } } private Coordinate findSnapForVertex(Coordinate pt, Coordinate[] snapPts) { for (int i = 0; i < snapPts.length; i++) { // if point is already equal to a src pt, don't snap if (pt.equals2D(snapPts[i])) return null; if (pt.distance(snapPts[i]) < snapTolerance) return snapPts[i]; } return null; } /** * Snap segments of the source to nearby snap vertices. * Source segments are "cracked" at a snap vertex. * A single input segment may be snapped several times * to different snap vertices. * <p> * For each distinct snap vertex, at most one source segment * is snapped to. This prevents "cracking" multiple segments * at the same point, which would likely cause * topology collapse when being used on polygonal linework. * * @param srcCoords the coordinates of the source linestring to be snapped * @param snapPts the target snap vertices */ private void snapSegments(CoordinateList srcCoords, Coordinate[] snapPts) { // guard against empty input if (snapPts.length == 0) return; int distinctPtCount = snapPts.length; // check for duplicate snap pts when they are sourced from a linear ring. // TODO: Need to do this better - need to check *all* snap points for dups (using a Set?) if (snapPts[0].equals2D(snapPts[snapPts.length - 1])) distinctPtCount = snapPts.length - 1; for (int i = 0; i < distinctPtCount; i++) { Coordinate snapPt = snapPts[i]; int index = findSegmentIndexToSnap(snapPt, srcCoords); /** * If a segment to snap to was found, "crack" it at the snap pt. * The new pt is inserted immediately into the src segment list, * so that subsequent snapping will take place on the modified segments. * Duplicate points are not added. */ if (index >= 0) { srcCoords.add(index + 1, new Coordinate(snapPt), false); } } } /** * Finds a src segment which snaps to (is close to) the given snap point. * <p> * Only a single segment is selected for snapping. * This prevents multiple segments snapping to the same snap vertex, * which would almost certainly cause invalid geometry * to be created. * (The heuristic approach to snapping used here * is really only appropriate when * snap pts snap to a unique spot on the src geometry.) * <p> * Also, if the snap vertex occurs as a vertex in the src coordinate list, * no snapping is performed. * * @param snapPt the point to snap to * @param srcCoords the source segment coordinates * @return the index of the snapped segment * @return -1 if no segment snaps to the snap point */ private int findSegmentIndexToSnap(Coordinate snapPt, CoordinateList srcCoords) { double minDist = Double.MAX_VALUE; int snapIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < srcCoords.size() - 1; i++) { seg.p0 = (Coordinate) srcCoords.get(i); seg.p1 = (Coordinate) srcCoords.get(i + 1); /** * Check if the snap pt is equal to one of the segment endpoints. * * If the snap pt is already in the src list, don't snap at all. */ if (seg.p0.equals2D(snapPt) || seg.p1.equals2D(snapPt)) { if (allowSnappingToSourceVertices) continue; else return -1; } double dist = seg.distance(snapPt); if (dist < snapTolerance && dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; snapIndex = i; } } return snapIndex; } }