package; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.inject.Inject; import rx.Observable; import rx.Single; import rx.Subscription; import; import rx.schedulers.Schedulers; import rx.subjects.BehaviorSubject; import rx.subjects.PublishSubject; import timber.log.Timber; /** * An implementation of {@link PlayerController} used in release builds to communicate with the * media player throughout the application. This implementation uses AIDL to send commands through * IPC to the remote player service, and gets information with a combination of AIDL to fetch data * and BroadcastReceivers to be notified of automatic changes to the player state. * * This class is responsible for all communication to the remote service, including starting, * binding, unbinding and restarting the service if it crashes. */ public class ServicePlayerController implements PlayerController { private static final int POSITION_TICK_MS = 200; private static final int SERVICE_RESTART_THRESHOLD_MS = 500; private Context mContext; private IPlayerService mBinding; private long mServiceStartRequestTime; private PublishSubject<String> mErrorStream = PublishSubject.create(); private PublishSubject<String> mInfoStream = PublishSubject.create(); private final Prop<Boolean> mPlaying = new Prop<>("playing"); private final Prop<Song> mNowPlaying = new Prop<>("now playing"); private final Prop<List<Song>> mQueue = new Prop<>("queue", Collections.emptyList()); private final Prop<Integer> mQueuePosition = new Prop<>("queue index"); private final Prop<Integer> mCurrentPosition = new Prop<>("seek position"); private final Prop<Integer> mDuration = new Prop<>("duration"); private final Prop<Integer> mMultiRepeatCount = new Prop<>("multi-repeat"); private final Prop<Long> mSleepTimerEndTime = new Prop<>("sleep timer"); private BehaviorSubject<Boolean> mShuffled; private BehaviorSubject<Integer> mRepeatMode; private BehaviorSubject<Bitmap> mArtwork; private Subscription mCurrentPositionClock; private ObservableQueue<Runnable> mRequestQueue; private Subscription mRequestQueueSubscription; public ServicePlayerController(Context context, PreferenceStore preferenceStore) { mContext = context; mShuffled = BehaviorSubject.create(preferenceStore.isShuffled()); mRepeatMode = BehaviorSubject.create(preferenceStore.getRepeatMode()); mRequestQueue = new ObservableQueue<>(); startService(); isPlaying().subscribe( isPlaying -> { if (isPlaying) { startCurrentPositionClock(); } else { stopCurrentPositionClock(); } }, throwable -> { Timber.e(throwable, "Failed to update current position clock"); }); } private void startService() { MediaStoreUtil.getPermission(mContext) .subscribe(this::bindService, t -> Timber.i(t, "Failed to get Storage permission")); } private void bindService(boolean hasMediaStorePermission) { long timeSinceLastStartRequest = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - mServiceStartRequestTime; if (!hasMediaStorePermission || mBinding != null || timeSinceLastStartRequest < SERVICE_RESTART_THRESHOLD_MS) { return; } Intent serviceIntent = PlayerService.newIntent(mContext, true); // Manually start the service to ensure that it is associated with this task and can // appropriately set its dismiss behavior mContext.startService(serviceIntent); mServiceStartRequestTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); mContext.bindService(serviceIntent, new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) { mBinding = IPlayerService.Stub.asInterface(service); initAllProperties(); bindRequestQueue(); } @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) { mContext.unbindService(this); releaseAllProperties(); mServiceStartRequestTime = 0; mBinding = null; if (mRequestQueueSubscription != null) { mRequestQueueSubscription.unsubscribe(); mRequestQueueSubscription = null; } } }, Context.BIND_WAIVE_PRIORITY); } private void ensureServiceStarted() { if (mBinding == null) { startService(); } } private void bindRequestQueue() { mRequestQueueSubscription = mRequestQueue.toObservable() .subscribe(Runnable::run, throwable -> { Timber.e(throwable, "Failed to process request"); // Make sure to restart the request queue, otherwise all future commands will // be dropped bindRequestQueue(); }); } private void execute(Runnable command) { ensureServiceStarted(); mRequestQueue.enqueue(command); } private void startCurrentPositionClock() { if (mCurrentPositionClock != null && !mCurrentPositionClock.isUnsubscribed()) { return; } mCurrentPositionClock = Observable.interval(POSITION_TICK_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .observeOn(Schedulers.computation()) .subscribe(tick -> { if (!mCurrentPosition.isSubscribedTo()) { stopCurrentPositionClock(); } else { mCurrentPosition.invalidate(); } }, throwable -> { Timber.e(throwable, "Failed to perform position tick"); }); } private void stopCurrentPositionClock() { if (mCurrentPositionClock != null) { mCurrentPositionClock.unsubscribe(); mCurrentPositionClock = null; } } private void releaseAllProperties() { mPlaying.setFunction(null); mNowPlaying.setFunction(null); mQueue.setFunction(null); mQueuePosition.setFunction(null); mCurrentPosition.setFunction(null); mDuration.setFunction(null); mMultiRepeatCount.setFunction(null); mSleepTimerEndTime.setFunction(null); } private void initAllProperties() { mPlaying.setFunction(mBinding::isPlaying); mNowPlaying.setFunction(mBinding::getNowPlaying); mQueue.setFunction(mBinding::getQueue); mQueuePosition.setFunction(mBinding::getQueuePosition); mCurrentPosition.setFunction(mBinding::getCurrentPosition); mDuration.setFunction(mBinding::getDuration); mMultiRepeatCount.setFunction(mBinding::getMultiRepeatCount); mSleepTimerEndTime.setFunction(mBinding::getSleepTimerEndTime); invalidateAll(); } private void invalidateAll() { mPlaying.invalidate(); mNowPlaying.invalidate(); mQueue.invalidate(); mQueuePosition.invalidate(); mCurrentPosition.invalidate(); mDuration.invalidate(); mMultiRepeatCount.invalidate(); mSleepTimerEndTime.invalidate(); } @Override public Observable<String> getError() { return mErrorStream.asObservable(); } @Override public Observable<String> getInfo() { return mInfoStream.asObservable(); } @Override public Single<PlayerState> getPlayerState() { return Observable.fromCallable(mBinding::getPlayerState).toSingle(); } @Override public void restorePlayerState(PlayerState restoreState) { execute(() -> { try { mBinding.restorePlayerState(restoreState); invalidateAll(); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to restore player state"); } }); } @Override public void stop() { execute(() -> { try { mBinding.stop(); invalidateAll(); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to stop service"); } }); } @Override public void skip() { execute(() -> { try { mBinding.skip(); invalidateAll(); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to skip current track"); } }); } @Override public void previous() { execute(() -> { try { mBinding.previous(); invalidateAll(); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to skip backward"); } }); } @Override public void togglePlay() { execute(() -> { try { mBinding.togglePlay(); invalidateAll(); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to toggle playback"); } }); } @Override public void play() { execute(() -> { try {; invalidateAll(); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to resume playback"); } }); } @Override public void pause() { execute(() -> { try { mBinding.pause(); invalidateAll(); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to pause playback"); } }); } @Override public void updatePlayerPreferences(ReadOnlyPreferenceStore preferenceStore) { execute(() -> { try { mBinding.setPreferences(new ImmutablePreferenceStore(preferenceStore)); mShuffled.onNext(preferenceStore.isShuffled()); mRepeatMode.onNext(preferenceStore.getRepeatMode()); invalidateAll(); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to update remote player preferences"); } }); } @Override public void setQueue(List<Song> newQueue, int newPosition) { execute(() -> { try { mBinding.setQueue(newQueue, newPosition); invalidateAll(); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to set queue"); } }); } @Override public void clearQueue() { setQueue(Collections.emptyList(), 0); } @Override public void changeSong(int newPosition) { execute(() -> { try { mBinding.changeSong(newPosition); mNowPlaying.invalidate(); mQueuePosition.invalidate(); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to change song"); } }); } @Override public void editQueue(List<Song> queue, int newPosition) { execute(() -> { try { mBinding.editQueue(queue, newPosition); invalidateAll(); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to edit queue"); } }); } @Override public void queueNext(Song song) { execute(() -> { try { mBinding.queueNext(song); invalidateAll(); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to queue next song"); } }); } @Override public void queueNext(List<Song> songs) { execute(() -> { try { mBinding.queueNextList(songs); invalidateAll(); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to queue next songs"); } }); } @Override public void queueLast(Song song) { execute(() -> { try { mBinding.queueLast(song); invalidateAll(); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to queue last song"); } }); } @Override public void queueLast(List<Song> songs) { execute(() -> { try { mBinding.queueLastList(songs); invalidateAll(); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to queue last songs"); } }); } @Override public void seek(int position) { execute(() -> { try { mBinding.seekTo(position); invalidateAll(); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to seek"); } }); } @Override public Observable<Boolean> isPlaying() { ensureServiceStarted(); return mPlaying.getObservable(); } @Override public Observable<Song> getNowPlaying() { ensureServiceStarted(); return mNowPlaying.getObservable(); } @Override public Observable<List<Song>> getQueue() { ensureServiceStarted(); return mQueue.getObservable(); } @Override public Observable<Integer> getQueuePosition() { ensureServiceStarted(); return mQueuePosition.getObservable(); } @Override public Observable<Integer> getCurrentPosition() { ensureServiceStarted(); startCurrentPositionClock(); return mCurrentPosition.getObservable(); } @Override public Observable<Integer> getDuration() { ensureServiceStarted(); return mDuration.getObservable(); } @Override public Observable<Boolean> isShuffleEnabled() { ensureServiceStarted(); return mShuffled.asObservable().distinctUntilChanged(); } @Override public Observable<Integer> getRepeatMode() { ensureServiceStarted(); return mMultiRepeatCount.getObservable() .flatMap(multiRepeatCount -> { if (multiRepeatCount > 1) { return Observable.just(multiRepeatCount); } else { return mRepeatMode.asObservable(); } }) .distinctUntilChanged(); } @Override public void setMultiRepeatCount(int count) { execute(() -> { try { mBinding.setMultiRepeatCount(count); mMultiRepeatCount.setValue(count); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to set multi-repeat count"); } }); } @Override public Observable<Long> getSleepTimerEndTime() { ensureServiceStarted(); return mSleepTimerEndTime.getObservable(); } @Override public void setSleepTimerEndTime(long timestampInMillis) { execute(() -> { try { mBinding.setSleepTimerEndTime(timestampInMillis); mSleepTimerEndTime.setValue(timestampInMillis); } catch (RemoteException exception) { Timber.e(exception, "Failed to set sleep-timer end time"); } }); } @Override public void disableSleepTimer() { setSleepTimerEndTime(0L); } @Override public Observable<Bitmap> getArtwork() { if (mArtwork == null) { mArtwork = BehaviorSubject.create(); getNowPlaying() .observeOn( .map((Song song) -> { if (song == null) { return null; } return Util.fetchFullArt(mContext, song); }) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe(mArtwork::onNext, throwable -> { Timber.e(throwable, "Failed to fetch artwork"); mArtwork.onNext(null); }); } return mNowPlaying.getSubject() .map(Optional::isPresent) .switchMap(current -> { if (current) { return mArtwork; } else { return Observable.empty(); } }); } /** * A {@link BroadcastReceiver} class listening for intents with an * {@link MusicPlayer#UPDATE_BROADCAST} action. This broadcast must be sent ordered with this * receiver being the highest priority so that the UI can access this class for accurate * information from the player service */ public static class Listener extends BroadcastReceiver { @Inject PlayerController mController; @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent.getBooleanExtra(MusicPlayer.UPDATE_EXTRA_MINOR, false)) { // Ignore minor updates – we already handle them without being notified return; } if (mController == null) { JockeyApplication.getComponent(context).inject(this); } if (mController instanceof ServicePlayerController) { ServicePlayerController playerController = (ServicePlayerController) mController; if (intent.getAction().equals(MusicPlayer.UPDATE_BROADCAST)) { playerController.invalidateAll(); } else if (intent.getAction().equals(MusicPlayer.INFO_BROADCAST)) { String error = intent.getExtras().getString(MusicPlayer.INFO_EXTRA_MESSAGE); playerController.mInfoStream.onNext(error); } else if (intent.getAction().equals(MusicPlayer.ERROR_BROADCAST)) { String info = intent.getExtras().getString(MusicPlayer.ERROR_EXTRA_MSG); playerController.mErrorStream.onNext(info); } } } } private static final class Prop<T> { private final String mName; private final T mNullValue; private final BehaviorSubject<Optional<T>> mSubject; private final Observable<T> mObservable; private Retriever<T> mRetriever; public Prop(String propertyName) { this(propertyName, null); } public Prop(String propertyName, T nullValue) { mName = propertyName; mNullValue = nullValue; mSubject = BehaviorSubject.create(); mObservable = mSubject.filter(Optional::isPresent) .map(Optional::getValue) .distinctUntilChanged(); } public void setFunction(Retriever<T> retriever) { mRetriever = retriever; } public void invalidate() { mSubject.onNext(Optional.empty()); if (mRetriever != null) { Observable.fromCallable(mRetriever::retrieve) .map(data -> (data == null) ? mNullValue : data) .map(Optional::ofNullable) .subscribe(mSubject::onNext, throwable -> { Timber.e(throwable, "Failed to fetch " + mName + " property."); }); } } public boolean isSubscribedTo() { return mSubject.hasObservers(); } public void setValue(T value) { mSubject.onNext(Optional.ofNullable(value)); } protected BehaviorSubject<Optional<T>> getSubject() { return mSubject; } public Observable<T> getObservable() { return mObservable; } interface Retriever<T> { T retrieve() throws Exception; } } }