package; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import rx.Observable; public class AutoPlaylist extends Playlist implements Parcelable { /** * Value representing an unlimited amount of song entries */ public static final int UNLIMITED_ENTRIES = -1; /** * How many items can be stored in this playlist. Default is unlimited */ @SerializedName("maximumEntries") private final int mMaximumEntries; /** * The field to look at when truncating the playlist. Must be a member of {@link Field}. * {@link Field#ID} will yield a random trim */ @SerializedName("truncateMethod") private final int mTruncateMethod; /** * Whether to trim the playlist ascending (A-Z, oldest to newest, or 0-infinity). * If false, sort descending (Z-A, newest to oldest, or infinity-0). */ @SerializedName("truncateAscending") private final boolean mTruncateAscending; /** * Whether or not a song has to match all rules in order to appear in the playlist. */ @SerializedName("matchAllRules") private final boolean mMatchAllRules; /** * The rules to match when building the playlist */ @SerializedName("rules") private final List<AutoPlaylistRule> mRules; /** * The field to look at when sorting the playlist. Must be a member of {@link Field} and * cannot be {@link Field#ID} */ @SerializedName("sortMethod") private final int mSortMethod; /** * Whether to sort the playlist ascending (A-Z, oldest to newest, or 0-infinity). * If false, sort descending (Z-A, newest to oldest, or infinity-0). * Default is true. */ @SerializedName("sortAscending") private final boolean mSortAscending; /** * AutoPlaylist Creator * @param playlistId A unique ID for the Auto Playlist. Must be unique and not conflict with the * MediaStore * @param playlistName The name given to this playlist by the user * @param maximumEntries The maximum number of songs this playlist should have. Use * {@link AutoPlaylist#UNLIMITED_ENTRIES} for no limit. This limit will * be applied after the list has been sorted. Any extra entries will be * truncated. * @param sortMethod The order the songs will be sorted (Must be one of * {@link Field} and can't be ID * @param sortAscending Whether to sort this playlist ascending (A-Z or 0-infinity) or not * @param matchAllRules Whether or not all rules have to be matched for a song to appear in this * playlist * @param rules The rules that songs must follow in order to appear in this playlist */ private AutoPlaylist(long playlistId, String playlistName, int maximumEntries, int sortMethod, int truncateMethod, boolean truncateAscending, boolean sortAscending, boolean matchAllRules, List<AutoPlaylistRule> rules) { super(playlistId, playlistName); mMaximumEntries = maximumEntries; mMatchAllRules = matchAllRules; mRules = Collections.unmodifiableList(rules); mTruncateMethod = truncateMethod; mTruncateAscending = truncateAscending; mSortMethod = sortMethod; mSortAscending = sortAscending; } public Observable<List<Song>> generatePlaylist(MusicStore musicStore, PlaylistStore playlistStore, PlayCountStore playCountStore) { if (getRules().isEmpty()) { return Observable.just(Collections.emptyList()); } Observable<List<Song>> filtered = null; for (AutoPlaylistRule rule : getRules()) { Observable<List<Song>> ruleEntries; ruleEntries = rule.applyFilter(playlistStore, musicStore, playCountStore); if (filtered == null) { filtered = ruleEntries; } else { filtered = combineRules(filtered, ruleEntries); } } // Perform the filter after play counts are refreshed final Observable<List<Song>> finalFiltered = filtered; Observable<List<Song>> matchingSongs = playCountStore.refresh() .flatMap(ignored -> finalFiltered); Observable<List<Song>> truncated = truncateFilteredSongs(matchingSongs, playCountStore); return sortFilteredSongs(truncated, playCountStore); } private Observable<List<Song>> combineRules(Observable<List<Song>> result1, Observable<List<Song>> result2) { if (isMatchAllRules()) { // AND return Observable.combineLatest(result1, result2, (songs, songs2) -> { List<Song> merged = new ArrayList<>(songs); merged.retainAll(songs2); return merged; }); } else { // OR return Observable.combineLatest(result1, result2, (songs, songs2) -> { Set<Song> mergedSet = new HashSet<>(songs); mergedSet.addAll(songs2); return new ArrayList<>(mergedSet); }); } } private Observable<List<Song>> truncateFilteredSongs(Observable<List<Song>> filterResult, PlayCountStore playCountStore) { if (getMaximumEntries() < 0) { return filterResult; } return filterResult .map(filteredSongs -> { sortSongListByField(filteredSongs, getTruncateMethod(), isSortAscending(), playCountStore); return filteredSongs; }).map(sortedSongs -> { if (sortedSongs.size() > getMaximumEntries()) { return sortedSongs.subList(0, getMaximumEntries()); } else { return sortedSongs; } }); } private Observable<List<Song>> sortFilteredSongs(Observable<List<Song>> truncateResult, PlayCountStore playCountStore) { return truncateResult .map(truncatedSongs -> { sortSongListByField(truncatedSongs, getSortMethod(), isSortAscending(), playCountStore); return truncatedSongs; }); } private static void sortSongListByField(List<Song> songs, @Field int field, boolean ascending, PlayCountStore playCountStore) { if (field == AutoPlaylistRule.NAME) { Collections.sort(songs); if (!ascending) { Collections.reverse(songs); } } else if (field == AutoPlaylistRule.ID) { Collections.shuffle(songs); } else { Collections.sort(songs, getSortComparator(field, playCountStore)); if (ascending) { Collections.reverse(songs); } } } @SuppressLint("SwitchIntDef") private static Comparator<Song> getSortComparator(@Field int field, PlayCountStore playCountStore) { switch (field) { case AutoPlaylistRule.YEAR: return Song.YEAR_COMPARATOR; case AutoPlaylistRule.DATE_ADDED: return Song.DATE_ADDED_COMPARATOR; case AutoPlaylistRule.DATE_PLAYED: return Song.playDateComparator(playCountStore); case AutoPlaylistRule.PLAY_COUNT: return Song.playCountComparator(playCountStore); case AutoPlaylistRule.SKIP_COUNT: return Song.skipCountComparator(playCountStore); } return null; } public static final Parcelable.Creator<Parcelable> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<Parcelable>() { public AutoPlaylist createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new AutoPlaylist(in); } public AutoPlaylist[] newArray(int size) { return new AutoPlaylist[size]; } }; private AutoPlaylist(Parcel in) { super(in); mMaximumEntries = in.readInt(); mMatchAllRules = in.readByte() == 1; mRules = Collections.unmodifiableList(in.createTypedArrayList(AutoPlaylistRule.CREATOR)); mSortMethod = in.readInt(); mTruncateMethod = in.readInt(); mTruncateAscending= in.readByte() == 1; mSortAscending = in.readByte() == 1; } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { super.writeToParcel(dest, flags); dest.writeInt(mMaximumEntries); dest.writeByte((byte) ((mMatchAllRules) ? 1 : 0)); dest.writeTypedList(mRules); dest.writeInt(mSortMethod); dest.writeInt(mTruncateMethod); dest.writeByte((byte) ((mTruncateAscending) ? 1 : 0)); dest.writeByte((byte) ((mSortAscending) ? 1 : 0)); } public int getMaximumEntries() { return mMaximumEntries; } @Field public int getTruncateMethod() { return mTruncateMethod; } public boolean isTruncateAscending() { return mTruncateAscending; } public boolean isMatchAllRules() { return mMatchAllRules; } public List<AutoPlaylistRule> getRules() { return mRules; } @Field public int getSortMethod() { return mSortMethod; } public boolean isSortAscending() { return mSortAscending; } public static class Builder implements Parcelable { public static final long NO_ID = -1; private long mId; private String mName; private int mMaximumEntries; private int mTruncateMethod; private boolean mTruncateAscending; private boolean mMatchAllRules; private List<AutoPlaylistRule> mRules; private int mSortMethod; private boolean mSortAscending; public Builder() { mId = NO_ID; } public Builder(AutoPlaylist from) { mId = from.getPlaylistId(); mName = from.getPlaylistName(); mMaximumEntries = from.getMaximumEntries(); mTruncateMethod = from.getTruncateMethod(); mTruncateAscending = from.isTruncateAscending(); mMatchAllRules = from.isMatchAllRules(); mRules = new ArrayList<>(from.getRules()); mSortMethod = from.getSortMethod(); mSortAscending = from.isSortAscending(); } protected Builder(Parcel in) { mId = in.readLong(); mName = in.readString(); mMaximumEntries = in.readInt(); mTruncateMethod = in.readInt(); mTruncateAscending = in.readByte() != 0; mMatchAllRules = in.readByte() != 0; mRules = in.createTypedArrayList(AutoPlaylistRule.CREATOR); mSortMethod = in.readInt(); mSortAscending = in.readByte() != 0; } public static final Creator<Builder> CREATOR = new Creator<Builder>() { @Override public Builder createFromParcel(Parcel in) { return new Builder(in); } @Override public Builder[] newArray(int size) { return new Builder[size]; } }; public long getId() { return mId; } public Builder setId(long id) { mId = id; return this; } public String getName() { return mName; } public Builder setName(String name) { mName = name; return this; } public int getMaximumEntries() { return mMaximumEntries; } public Builder setMaximumEntries(int maximumEntries) { mMaximumEntries = maximumEntries; return this; } @Field public int getTruncateMethod() { return mTruncateMethod; } public Builder setTruncateMethod(int truncateMethod) { mTruncateMethod = truncateMethod; return this; } public boolean isTruncateAscending() { return mTruncateAscending; } public Builder setTruncateAscending(boolean truncateAscending) { mTruncateAscending = truncateAscending; return this; } public boolean isMatchAllRules() { return mMatchAllRules; } public Builder setMatchAllRules(boolean matchAllRules) { mMatchAllRules = matchAllRules; return this; } public List<AutoPlaylistRule> getRules() { return mRules; } public Builder setRules(AutoPlaylistRule... rules) { return setRules(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(rules))); } public Builder setRules(List<AutoPlaylistRule> rules) { mRules = rules; return this; } @Field public int getSortMethod() { return mSortMethod; } public Builder setSortMethod(int sortMethod) { mSortMethod = sortMethod; return this; } public boolean isSortAscending() { return mSortAscending; } public Builder setSortAscending(boolean sortAscending) { mSortAscending = sortAscending; return this; } public boolean isEqual(AutoPlaylist reference) { return getId() == reference.getPlaylistId() && getName().equals(reference.getPlaylistName()) && getMaximumEntries() == reference.getMaximumEntries() && getTruncateMethod() == reference.getTruncateMethod() && isTruncateAscending() == reference.isTruncateAscending() && isMatchAllRules() == reference.isMatchAllRules() && getRules().equals(reference.getRules()) && getSortMethod() == reference.getSortMethod() && isSortAscending() == reference.isSortAscending(); } public AutoPlaylist build() { return new AutoPlaylist(mId, mName, mMaximumEntries, mSortMethod, mTruncateMethod, mTruncateAscending, mSortAscending, mMatchAllRules, mRules); } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int i) { parcel.writeLong(mId); parcel.writeString(mName); parcel.writeInt(mMaximumEntries); parcel.writeInt(mTruncateMethod); parcel.writeByte((byte) (mTruncateAscending ? 1 : 0)); parcel.writeByte((byte) (mMatchAllRules ? 1 : 0)); parcel.writeTypedList(mRules); parcel.writeInt(mSortMethod); parcel.writeByte((byte) (mSortAscending ? 1 : 0)); } } }