package; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import rx.Observable; import rx.Single; /** * A support interface for connecting the application UI to the media player. This interface defines * basic commands and information sent and received from the player. Any data received from the * player can be obtained through various get methods in this interface as observable streams. Any * observable stream should always be kept up-to-date unless it is infeasible to do so. */ public interface PlayerController { /** * Gets error messages from the service that can be displayed on the UI * @return An observable stream of user-presentable error messages */ Observable<String> getError(); /** * Gets information messages from the service that can be displayed on the UI * @return An observable stream of user-presentable info messages */ Observable<String> getInfo(); /** * Generates a snapshot of the current playback state (useful for state restoration and undoing * edits to the playback state) * @return A single up-to-date player state * @see #restorePlayerState(PlayerState) To restore this state */ Single<PlayerState> getPlayerState(); /** * Restores a snapshot of a previous playback state. Any data in this player state will * overwrite the current playback state * @param restoreState The state to be restored * @see #getPlayerState() To create a state to be restored */ void restorePlayerState(PlayerState restoreState); /** * Permanently ends music playback. This should only be called when exiting the application or * when music playback will never be used for the rest of the lifetime of the app. */ void stop(); /** * Skips to the next song in the queue according to the currently applied repeat settings. */ void skip(); /** * Restarts the currently playing song if it is more than a couple of seconds into playback or * if the current song is at the beginning of the queue, otherwise skips to the previous song * in the queue. * * If the current song is at the beginning of the queue, this method will always restart it * from the beginning, unless repeat all is enabled, in which case it will wrap around to the * beginning of the last song in the queue. * * @see #updatePlayerPreferences(ReadOnlyPreferenceStore) for more information on this behavior */ void previous(); /** * Pauses music if it is currently playing, or plays music if it is currently paused. */ void togglePlay(); /** * Starts or resumes music playback. If music is already playing, this method does nothing. */ void play(); /** * Pauses music playback. If music is already paused or stopped, this method does nothing. */ void pause(); /** * Updates the settings used by the music player. Settings updated include equalizer, shuffle, * and repeat settings. All settings are handled by the player as described below. * * <p> * Equalizers are maintained internally automatically. When available and enabled with * {@code preferenceStore.getEqualizerEnabled()}, the music player will bind and maintain * the equalizer with settings obtained from {@code preferenceStore.getEqualizerSettings()}. * </p> * * <p> * Shuffle states are maintained internally. When shuffle is toggled and updated with this * method, the music player will generate or restore the appropriate shuffled or original linear * queue and continue playback seamlessly. * </p> * * <p> * Repeat settings will affect the behavior of song playback when a song finishes. With * repeat all enabled, the queue will loop around when the last song completes. The behavior of * {@link #skip()} and {@link #previous()} are also changed so that they will loop around the * ends of the queue instead of their default behavior of pausing playback and restarting the * current song unconditionally when at the end and beginning of the queue, respectively. With * repeat one enabled, the current song will be replayed once it finishes. With repeat disabled, * playback will end once the last song in the queue finishes. Both repeat one and repeat none * don't affect the behavior of {@link #skip()} and {@link #previous()}. * </p> * * @param preferenceStore The preferences to apply to the media player. */ void updatePlayerPreferences(ReadOnlyPreferenceStore preferenceStore); /** * Replaces the current queue. Playback will start from the beginning of {@code newPosition}. * If shuffle is enabled, {@code newQueue} will be randomized, but playback will still start at * the song at {@code newQueue.get(newPosition)} before the shuffle is applied. * @param newQueue The replacement queue * @param newPosition The index in the queue to start playback from * @see #editQueue(List, int) If there is a small modification to the queue instead of an entire * replacement to the queue */ void setQueue(List<Song> newQueue, int newPosition); /** * Empties the now playing queue and stops music playback. */ void clearQueue(); /** * Skips to a different song in the queue. * @param newPosition The song index in the queue to skip to. */ void changeSong(int newPosition); /** * Modifies the current queue. Unlike {@link #setQueue(List, int)}, this method will not * reshuffle the current queue if shuffle is enabled. * @param queue The replacement queue * @param newPosition The index in the queue to start playback from */ void editQueue(List<Song> queue, int newPosition); /** * Enqueues a song to play after the current song. This method does nothing to prevent * duplicates from being added to the queue. * @param song The song to be played next. */ void queueNext(Song song); /** * Enqueues a group of songs to be played after the current song. Songs are enqueued in the * same order they are passed in as. This method does nothing to prevent duplicate items from * being added to the queue. * @param songs The songs to be played next. */ void queueNext(List<Song> songs); /** * Enqueues a song at the end of the now playing queue. This method does nothing to prevent * duplicates from being added to the queue. * @param song The song to be added at the end of the queue. */ void queueLast(Song song); /** * Enqueues a group of songs at the end of the now playing queue. This method does nothing to * prevent duplicate items from being added to the queue. * @param songs The songs to be added at the end of the queue. */ void queueLast(List<Song> songs); /** * Seek to a new position within the currently playing track * @param position The position (in milliseconds since the start of the current song) * to seek to. */ void seek(int position); /** * @return Whether or not music is currently being played. A value of {@code true} in the * observable stream means that music is playing, a value of {@code false} means it is * not playing (nothing else is guaranteed about the state of music playback). */ Observable<Boolean> isPlaying(); /** * @return The currently playing song as an observable stream. */ Observable<Song> getNowPlaying(); /** * @return The queue as an observable stream. This value is updated whenever the queue changes, * including for changes caused by toggling shuffle. */ Observable<List<Song>> getQueue(); /** * @return The index of the currently playing song in the queue as an observable stream. */ Observable<Integer> getQueuePosition(); /** * @return The current seek position in the current song as an observable stream. This value is * kept up-to-date, but may only be updated every 100 ms or so to preserve battery life. */ Observable<Integer> getCurrentPosition(); /** * @return The duration of the currently playing song as an observable stream. */ Observable<Integer> getDuration(); /** * Gets the current shuffle status of the music player. This may be different from the * application if {@link #updatePlayerPreferences(ReadOnlyPreferenceStore)} isn't called * correctly. * @return The current shuffle state as an observable stream. A value of {@code true} means that * shuffle is enabled, and {@code false} means that it is disabled. */ Observable<Boolean> isShuffleEnabled(); /** * Gets the current repeat mode. This will be a number greater than 1 if Multi-Repeat is enabled * (with the value representing the number of times the song will be played back-to back), or * one of either {@link MusicPlayer#REPEAT_NONE}, {@link MusicPlayer#REPEAT_ONE}, * or {@link MusicPlayer#REPEAT_ALL} * @return The current repeat mode * @see #updatePlayerPreferences(ReadOnlyPreferenceStore) To set the repeat mode to one of * the standard repeat modes * @see #setMultiRepeatCount(int) To set the multi-repeat count */ Observable<Integer> getRepeatMode(); /** * Enables Multi-Repeat. With Multi-Repeat enabled, the current song will be played back-to-back * {@code count} times. When the next song starts (either because the song was skipped or * because the counter reached 0), Multi-Repeat will be disabled and the previous repeat mode * will be reapplied. * @param count The number of times to repeat the current song back-to-back. */ void setMultiRepeatCount(int count); /** * Gets the ending timestamp of the currently set sleep timer. When * {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} exceeds this value, music playback will be paused. * @return An observable stream of sleep timer ending timestamps. If the sleep timer is * disabled, a timestamp in the past (normally {@code 0}) will be passed. */ Observable<Long> getSleepTimerEndTime(); /** * Sets a new or updates an existing sleep timer to pause music at a certain timestamp. * @param timestampInMillis The time (in milliseconds since the Unix epoch) to pause music * playback. This value will be compared against * {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} * @see #disableSleepTimer() To disable this sleep timer */ void setSleepTimerEndTime(long timestampInMillis); /** * Ends any previously set sleep timer without triggering it. * @see #setSleepTimerEndTime(long) To enable a sleep timer */ void disableSleepTimer(); /** * Gets the embedded album artwork of the now playing song * @return An observable stream of bitmaps for album artwork. If there is no embedded artwork, * or if it can't be loaded, then {@code null} will be passed in the stream. */ Observable<Bitmap> getArtwork(); }