package; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import rx.Observable; public abstract class AutoPlaylistRule implements Parcelable { public static final int PLAYLIST = 0; public static final int SONG = 1; public static final int ARTIST = 2; public static final int ALBUM = 3; public static final int GENRE = 4; public static final int ID = 5; public static final int NAME = 6; public static final int PLAY_COUNT = 7; public static final int SKIP_COUNT = 8; public static final int YEAR = 9; public static final int DATE_ADDED = 10; public static final int DATE_PLAYED = 11; public static final int EQUALS = 12; public static final int NOT_EQUALS = 13; public static final int CONTAINS = 14; public static final int NOT_CONTAINS = 15; public static final int LESS_THAN = 16; public static final int GREATER_THAN = 17; @IntDef(value = {PLAYLIST, SONG, ARTIST, ALBUM, GENRE}) public @interface Type { } @IntDef(value = {ID, NAME, PLAY_COUNT, SKIP_COUNT, YEAR, DATE_ADDED, DATE_PLAYED}) public @interface Field { } @IntDef(value = {EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, CONTAINS, NOT_CONTAINS, LESS_THAN, GREATER_THAN}) public @interface Match { } @Type @SerializedName("type") private final int mType; @Field @SerializedName("field") private final int mField; @Match @SerializedName("match") private final int mMatch; @SerializedName("value") private final String mValue; private final long mNumericValue; protected AutoPlaylistRule(@Type int type, @Field int field, @Match int match, String value) { mType = type; mField = field; mMatch = match; mValue = value; mNumericValue = parseNumericValue(); } @SuppressWarnings("WrongConstant") protected AutoPlaylistRule(Parcel in) { mType = in.readInt(); mField = in.readInt(); mMatch = in.readInt(); mValue = in.readString(); mNumericValue = parseNumericValue(); } private long parseNumericValue() { try { return Long.parseLong(getValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 0; } } @Type public int getType() { return mType; } @Field public int getField() { return mField; } @Match public int getMatch() { return mMatch; } @SuppressLint("SwitchIntDef") protected boolean checkId(long actual) { switch (getMatch()) { case EQUALS: return actual == mNumericValue; case NOT_EQUALS: return actual != mNumericValue; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot compare ids with match type " + getMatch()); } @SuppressLint("SwitchIntDef") protected boolean checkString(String actual) { switch (getMatch()) { case EQUALS: return actual.equalsIgnoreCase(getValue()); case NOT_EQUALS: return !actual.equalsIgnoreCase(getValue()); case CONTAINS: return actual.toLowerCase().contains(getValue().toLowerCase()); case NOT_CONTAINS: return !actual.toLowerCase().contains(getValue().toLowerCase()); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot compare Strings with match type " + getMatch()); } @SuppressLint("SwitchIntDef") protected boolean checkInt(long actual) { switch (getMatch()) { case EQUALS: return actual == mNumericValue; case NOT_EQUALS: return actual != mNumericValue; case LESS_THAN: return actual < mNumericValue; case GREATER_THAN: return actual > mNumericValue; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot compare integers with match type" + getMatch()); } public String getValue() { return mValue; } public abstract Observable<List<Song>> applyFilter(PlaylistStore playlistStore, MusicStore musicStore, PlayCountStore playCountStore); @SuppressWarnings("SimplifiableIfStatement") @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) return true; if (other == null || getClass() != other.getClass()) return false; AutoPlaylistRule that = (AutoPlaylistRule) other; if (mType != that.mType) return false; if (mField != that.mField) return false; if (mMatch != that.mMatch) return false; return mValue != null ? mValue.equals(that.mValue) : that.mValue == null; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = mType; result = 31 * result + mField; result = 31 * result + mMatch; result = 31 * result + (mValue != null ? mValue.hashCode() : 0); return result; } @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int i) { parcel.writeInt(mType); parcel.writeInt(mField); parcel.writeInt(mMatch); parcel.writeString(mValue); } public static final Creator<AutoPlaylistRule> CREATOR = new Creator<AutoPlaylistRule>() { @Override public AutoPlaylistRule createFromParcel(Parcel in) { //noinspection WrongConstant return new Factory() .setType(in.readInt()) .setField(in.readInt()) .setMatch(in.readInt()) .setValue(in.readString()) .build(); } @Override public AutoPlaylistRule[] newArray(int size) { return new AutoPlaylistRule[size]; } }; public static final class RuleTypeAdapter extends TypeAdapter<AutoPlaylistRule> { @Override public void write(JsonWriter out, AutoPlaylistRule rule) throws IOException { out.beginObject();"type").value(rule.getType());"match").value(rule.getMatch());"field").value(rule.getField());"value").value(rule.getValue()); out.endObject(); } @SuppressWarnings("WrongConstant") @Override public AutoPlaylistRule read(JsonReader in) throws IOException { Factory factory = new Factory(); in.beginObject(); while (in.hasNext()) { switch (in.nextName()) { case "type": factory.setType(in.nextInt()); break; case "match": factory.setMatch(in.nextInt()); break; case "field": factory.setField(in.nextInt()); break; case "value": factory.setValue(in.nextString()); } } in.endObject(); return; } } public static class Factory { @Type private int mType; @Field private int mField; @Match private int mMatch; private String mValue; public Factory() { } public Factory(AutoPlaylistRule from) { mType = from.getType(); mField = from.getField(); mMatch = from.getMatch(); mValue = from.getValue(); } @Type public int getType() { return mType; } public Factory setType(@Type int type) { mType = type; return this; } @Field public int getField() { return mField; } public Factory setField(@Field int field) { mField = field; return this; } @Match public int getMatch() { return mMatch; } public Factory setMatch(@Match int match) { mMatch = match; return this; } public String getValue() { return mValue; } public Factory setValue(String value) { mValue = value; return this; } public AutoPlaylistRule build() { switch (mType) { case PLAYLIST: return new PlaylistRule(mField, mMatch, mValue); case SONG: return new SongRule(mField, mMatch, mValue); case ALBUM: return new AlbumRule(mField, mMatch, mValue); case ARTIST: return new ArtistRule(mField, mMatch, mValue); case GENRE: return new GenreRule(mField, mMatch, mValue); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot construct rule over type " + mType); } } }