package; import android.provider.MediaStore; import; import; import java.text.Collator; public class ModelUtil { /** * Checks Strings from ContentResolvers and replaces the default unknown value of * {@link MediaStore#UNKNOWN_STRING} with another String if needed * @param value The value returned from the ContentResolver * @param convertValue The value to replace unknown Strings with * @return A String with localized unknown values if needed, otherwise the original value */ public static String parseUnknown(String value, String convertValue) { if (value == null || value.equals(MediaStore.UNKNOWN_STRING)) { return convertValue; } else { return value; } } public static int stringToInt(String string, int defaultValue) { try { return Integer.parseInt(string); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defaultValue; } } public static long stringToLong(String string, long defaultValue) { try { return Long.parseLong(string); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defaultValue; } } public static int compareLong(long lhs, long rhs) { return lhs < rhs ? -1 : (lhs == rhs ? 0 : 1); } public static int compareTitle(@Nullable String left, @Nullable String right) { return Collator.getInstance().compare(sortableTitle(left), sortableTitle(right)); } /** * Creates a sortable String from a title, so that leading "the"s and "a"s can be removed. This * method will also strip the title's original case. * @param title The title to create a sortable String from * @return A new String with the same contents of {@code title}, but with any leading articles * removed to conform to English standards. */ @NonNull public static String sortableTitle(@Nullable String title) { if (title == null) { return ""; } title = title.toLowerCase(); if (title.startsWith("the ")) { return title.substring(4); } else if (title.startsWith("a ")) { return title.substring(2); } else { return title; } } public static int hashLong(long value) { return (int) (value ^ (value >>> 32)); } }