package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jhotdraw.draw.ConnectionFigure; import org.jhotdraw.draw.Figure; import husacct.common.dto.DependencyDTO; import husacct.common.dto.RuleDTO; import husacct.common.dto.UmlLinkDTO; import husacct.common.dto.ViolationDTO; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public abstract class DrawingController { private static final double MIN_ZOOMFACTOR = 0.25; private static final double MAX_ZOOMFACTOR = 1.75; protected Drawing drawing; protected DrawingView drawingView; protected DrawingSettingsHolder drawingSettingsHolder; protected final FigureFactory figureFactory; private final FigureConnectorStrategy connectionStrategy; private LayoutStrategy layoutStrategy; protected ModuleLayoutsEnum layoutStrategyOption; private static DrawingTypesEnum controllerType; public ArrayList<ModuleFigure> contextFigures; // List with all the figures with isContext = true, not being a line (public, because of testability) protected HashMap<String, String> parentFigureNameAndTypeMap; // Map with key = uniqueName of the parent figure and value = type. private final HashMap<String, DrawingState> storedStates = new HashMap<String, DrawingState>(); protected Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DrawingController.class); public static DrawingController getController(DrawingTypesEnum drawingType) { DrawingController controller = null; controllerType = drawingType; if (drawingType == DrawingTypesEnum.IMPLEMENTED_ARCHITECTURE) { controller = new AnalysedController(); } else if (drawingType == DrawingTypesEnum.INTENDED_ARCHITECTURE) { controller = new DefinedController(); } else if (drawingType == DrawingTypesEnum.MODULE_RULE_ARCHITECTURE) { controller = new ModuleAndRuleController(); } return controller; } public DrawingController() { drawingSettingsHolder = new DrawingSettingsHolder(); layoutStrategyOption = ModuleLayoutsEnum.BASIC_LAYOUT; figureFactory = new FigureFactory(); connectionStrategy = new FigureConnectorStrategy(); parentFigureNameAndTypeMap = new HashMap<String,String>(); drawing = new Drawing(); drawingView = new DrawingView(drawing); updateLayoutStrategy(); } public void clearDrawing() { drawing.clearAll(); drawingView.clearSelection(); drawingView.invalidate(); } // Method to create the top-level diagram. public DrawingView drawArchitectureTopLevel() { try { ArrayList<ModuleFigure> includedModuleFiguresInRoot = new ArrayList<ModuleFigure>(); ArrayList<ModuleFigure> allModuleFiguresInRoot = getModuleFiguresInRoot(); if (drawingSettingsHolder.areExternalLibrariesShown()) { // Select all modules in root includedModuleFiguresInRoot = allModuleFiguresInRoot; } else { // Select only internal modules in root for (ModuleFigure moduleFigureInRoot : allModuleFiguresInRoot){ String moduleType = moduleFigureInRoot.getType().toLowerCase(); if (!moduleType.equals("externallibrary") && !moduleType.equals("library")) { includedModuleFiguresInRoot.add(moduleFigureInRoot); } } } drawingSettingsHolder.resetCurrentPaths(); drawModulesAndRelations_SingleLevel(includedModuleFiguresInRoot.toArray(new ModuleFigure[includedModuleFiguresInRoot.size()])); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(" Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } return drawingView; } protected void drawModulesAndRelations_SingleLevel(ModuleFigure[] modules) { clearDrawing(); for (ModuleFigure moduleFigure : modules) { drawing.add(moduleFigure); if (controllerType == DrawingTypesEnum.MODULE_RULE_ARCHITECTURE && hasRelationBetween(moduleFigure, moduleFigure)) { moduleFigure.setVisibilityOfRulesIcon(true); } } updateLayout(); drawRelationFiguresForShownModules(); drawingView.cannotZoomOut(); } protected void drawModulesAndRelations_MultiLevel(HashMap<String, ArrayList<ModuleFigure>> modules) { clearDrawing(); for (String parentUniqueName : modules.keySet()) { ParentFigure parentFigure = null; if (!parentUniqueName.isEmpty()) { // Add the parent figure if (parentFigureNameAndTypeMap.containsKey(parentUniqueName)) { String parentType = parentFigureNameAndTypeMap.get(parentUniqueName); if ((parentType != null) && !parentType.equals("")) { parentFigure = figureFactory.createParentFigure(parentUniqueName, parentType); } else { parentFigure = figureFactory.createParentFigure(parentUniqueName, ""); } } else { parentFigure = figureFactory.createParentFigure(parentUniqueName, ""); } drawing.add(parentFigure); } // Add the children to the parent figure (or else, they become part of the root) for (ModuleFigure childModuleFigure : modules.get(parentUniqueName)) { if (parentFigure != null){ parentFigure.add(childModuleFigure); } if (controllerType == DrawingTypesEnum.MODULE_RULE_ARCHITECTURE && hasRelationBetween(childModuleFigure, childModuleFigure)) { childModuleFigure.setVisibilityOfRulesIcon(true); } drawing.add(childModuleFigure); } // Set the layout of the parent figure if (parentFigure != null){ ContainerLayoutStrategy cls = new ContainerLayoutStrategy(parentFigure); cls.doLayout(); } } updateLayout(); drawRelationFiguresForShownModules(); } public void drawRelationFiguresForShownModules() { ModuleFigure[] shownModules = drawing.getShownModules(); for (ModuleFigure figureFrom : shownModules) { for (ModuleFigure figureTo : shownModules) { if (figureFrom != figureTo) { if (hasRelationBetween(figureFrom, figureTo)) { boolean drawRelationsWithoutViolations = true; if (drawingSettingsHolder.areViolationsShown()) { // Draw RelationFigures with Violations ViolationDTO[] violations = getViolationsBetween(figureFrom, figureTo); if (violations.length > 0){ drawRelationsWithoutViolations = false; figureFrom.addDecorator(figureFactory.createViolationsDecorator()); RelationFigure violationFigure = getRelationFigureWithViolationsBetween(figureFrom, figureTo); if (violationFigure != null) { connectionStrategy.connect(violationFigure, figureFrom, figureTo); drawing.add(violationFigure); } } } if (drawingSettingsHolder.areDependenciesShown() && drawRelationsWithoutViolations) { // Draw RelationFigures without Violations RelationFigure dependencyFigure = getRelationFigureBetween(figureFrom, figureTo); if (dependencyFigure != null) { connectionStrategy.connect(dependencyFigure, figureFrom, figureTo); drawing.add(dependencyFigure); } } } } } } if (drawingSettingsHolder.areSmartLinesOn()) { drawing.updateLineFigureToContext(); } if (drawingSettingsHolder.areLinesProportionalWide()) { drawing.updateLineFigureThicknesses(drawing.getMaxAll()); } } public void exportImage() { drawing.showExportToImagePanel(); } public void gatherChildModuleFiguresAndContextFigures_AndDraw(String[] parentNames) { // Public visibility, because of testability. Do not call from Presentation! if (parentNames.length == 0) { drawArchitectureTopLevel(); } else { /* 1) find the children of the selected module(s) (in parentNames) and store them in parentChildrenMap Map parentChildrenMap: key = parentName; value = ArrayList<knownChildrenOfParent> */ HashMap<String, ArrayList<ModuleFigure>> parentChildrenMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<ModuleFigure>>(); for (String parentName : parentNames) { if (!parentName.equals("") && !parentName.equals("**")) { ArrayList<ModuleFigure> knownChildren = getChildModuleFiguresOfParent(parentName); if (knownChildren.size() > 0) { parentChildrenMap.put(parentName, knownChildren); } else { return; } } } // 2) If there are contextFigures, put an entry in parentChildrenMap for each combo of parent-child contextFigure(s) if (contextFigures.size() > 0) { // a) Filter out context figures that are children of one of the parents. HashSet<ModuleFigure> filteredContextFigures = new HashSet<ModuleFigure>(); for (String parentName : parentNames) { HashSet<String> children = getChildenOfParent(parentName); for (ModuleFigure contextFigure : contextFigures) { if (!children.contains(contextFigure.getUniqueName())) { filteredContextFigures.add(contextFigure); } } } // b) Add the filteredContextFigures with their parents to parentChildrenMap ArrayList<ModuleFigure> contextFiguresInRoot = new ArrayList<ModuleFigure>(); for (ModuleFigure figure : filteredContextFigures) { String parentOfContextFigure = getUniqueNameOfParentModule(figure.getUniqueName()); if (parentOfContextFigure.equals("")) { contextFiguresInRoot.add(figure.clone()); } else { if (parentChildrenMap.containsKey(parentOfContextFigure)) { ArrayList<ModuleFigure> children = parentChildrenMap.get(parentOfContextFigure); if (!children.contains(parentOfContextFigure)) { children.add(figure.clone()); } } else { ArrayList<ModuleFigure> children = new ArrayList<ModuleFigure>(); children.add(figure.clone()); parentChildrenMap.put(parentOfContextFigure, children); } } parentChildrenMap.put("", contextFiguresInRoot); } resetContextFigures(); } // 3) Hand-over to drawing services Set<String> parentNamesKeySet = parentChildrenMap.keySet(); Set<String> currentPaths = new HashSet<String>(); for (String parentName : parentNamesKeySet) { if (!parentName.equals("")) { currentPaths.add(parentName); } } setCurrentPaths(currentPaths.toArray(new String[] {})); if (parentNamesKeySet.size() == 1) { String onlyParentModule = parentNamesKeySet.iterator().next(); ArrayList<ModuleFigure> onlyParentChildren = parentChildrenMap.get(onlyParentModule); this.drawModulesAndRelations_SingleLevel(onlyParentChildren.toArray(new ModuleFigure[] {})); } else { this.drawModulesAndRelations_MultiLevel(parentChildrenMap); } } } public DependencyDTO[] getDependenciesOfLine(BaseFigure selectedLine) { if (selectedLine instanceof RelationFigure) { ConnectionFigure cf = (ConnectionFigure) selectedLine; ModuleFigure from = (ModuleFigure) cf.getStartFigure(); ModuleFigure to = (ModuleFigure) cf.getEndFigure(); return getDependenciesBetween(from, to); } else { return new DependencyDTO[] {}; } } public UmlLinkDTO[] getUMLLinksOfLine(BaseFigure selectedLine){ if (selectedLine instanceof RelationFigure) { ConnectionFigure cf = (ConnectionFigure) selectedLine; ModuleFigure from = (ModuleFigure) cf.getStartFigure(); ModuleFigure to = (ModuleFigure) cf.getEndFigure(); return getUmlLinksBetween(from, to); } else { return new UmlLinkDTO[] {}; } } public ViolationDTO[] getViolationsOfLine(BaseFigure selectedLine) { if (selectedLine instanceof RelationFigure) { ConnectionFigure cf = (ConnectionFigure) selectedLine; ModuleFigure from = (ModuleFigure) cf.getStartFigure(); ModuleFigure to = (ModuleFigure) cf.getEndFigure(); return getViolationsBetween(from, to); } else { return new ViolationDTO[] {}; } } public RuleDTO[] getRulesOfFigure(BaseFigure selectedFigure) { if (selectedFigure instanceof RelationFigure) { ConnectionFigure cf = (ConnectionFigure) selectedFigure; ModuleFigure from = (ModuleFigure) cf.getStartFigure(); ModuleFigure to = (ModuleFigure) cf.getEndFigure(); return getRulesBetween(from, to); } else if((selectedFigure instanceof ModuleFigure) || (selectedFigure instanceof ParentFigure)){ return getRulesBetween(selectedFigure, selectedFigure); }else { return new RuleDTO[] {}; } } public DrawingSettingsHolder getDrawingSettingsHolder() { return drawingSettingsHolder; } public Drawing getDrawing() { return drawing; } public DrawingView getDrawingView() { return drawingView; } public ModuleLayoutsEnum getLayoutStrategy() { return layoutStrategyOption; } public void layoutStrategyChange(ModuleLayoutsEnum selectedStrategyEnum) { layoutStrategyOption = selectedStrategyEnum; updateLayoutStrategy(); } public DrawingView moduleOpen(String[] paths) { try { saveSingleLevelFigurePositions(); if (paths.length == 0) drawArchitectureTopLevel(); else gatherChildModuleFiguresAndContextFigures_AndDraw(paths); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(" Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } return drawingView; } public DrawingView refreshDrawing() { try { gatherChildModuleFiguresAndContextFigures_AndDraw(drawingSettingsHolder.getCurrentPaths()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(" Exception: " + e.getMessage()); drawArchitectureTopLevel(); } return drawingView; } public void resetContextFigures() { // Public, because of testability. contextFigures = new ArrayList<ModuleFigure>(); } public void setCurrentPaths(String[] paths) { drawingSettingsHolder.setCurrentPaths(paths); if (!drawingSettingsHolder.getCurrentPaths()[0].isEmpty()) drawingView.canZoomOut(); else drawingView.cannotZoomOut(); } private void updateLayoutStrategy() { switch (layoutStrategyOption) { case BASIC_LAYOUT: layoutStrategy = new BasicLayoutStrategy(drawing); break; /* case LAYERED_LAYOUT: layoutStrategy = new LayeredLayoutStrategy(drawing); break; */ case NO_LAYOUT: layoutStrategy = new NoLayoutStrategy(); break; default: layoutStrategy = new BasicLayoutStrategy(drawing); break; } } protected void updateLayout() { layoutStrategy.doLayout(); drawingView.setHasHiddenFigures(false); drawing.updateLines(); } public DrawingView zoomIn() { try { Set<Figure> selection = drawingView.getSelectedFigures(); if (selection.size() > 0) { // 1) Create a list of ModuleFigures in the current drawing as base to create a zoomed-in drawing. ArrayList<ModuleFigure> selectedModules = new ArrayList<ModuleFigure>(); ArrayList<ModuleFigure> moduleFiguresForNewDrawing = new ArrayList<ModuleFigure>(); // 1a) Add the selected figures (property isContext = false) for (Figure s : selection) { if(s instanceof ModuleFigure) { ModuleFigure mf = (ModuleFigure) s; mf.setContext(false); // minimizing potential side effects selectedModules.add(mf); moduleFiguresForNewDrawing.add(mf); } else if (s instanceof ParentFigure){ // Do nothing yet. Maybe later: create ModuleFigure and add it. } } if(drawingSettingsHolder.isZoomWithContextOn()){ // 1b)Objective: Add context ModuleFigures: modules with a relation to one of the selected figures. // Get all modules in the current drawing ModuleFigure[] potentialContextModules = drawing.getShownModules(); /* If a selected figure has a relation with a potentialContextFigure, * then set isContext = true, and add it to figuresForNewDrawing. */ for(ModuleFigure selected : selectedModules){ for (ModuleFigure module : potentialContextModules){ if (!module.equals(selected)) { if(hasRelationBetween(selected, module)) { module.setContext(true); moduleFiguresForNewDrawing.add(module); } } } } } // 2) Create a list with the uniqueNames of the to be zoomed-in modules + reset and set contextFigures. resetContextFigures(); ArrayList<String> parentNames = new ArrayList<String>(); // Parent is a module to-be-zoomed-in for (ModuleFigure moduleFigure : moduleFiguresForNewDrawing){ if (!moduleFigure.isContext()) { parentNames.add(moduleFigure.getUniqueName()); parentFigureNameAndTypeMap.put(moduleFigure.getUniqueName(), moduleFigure.getType()); } else { contextFigures.add(moduleFigure); } } // 3) Forward to next process step if (parentNames.size() > 0) { saveSingleLevelFigurePositions(); this.gatherChildModuleFiguresAndContextFigures_AndDraw(parentNames.toArray(new String[] {})); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(" Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } return drawingView; } public void zoomFactorChanged(double zoomFactor) { zoomFactor = Math.max(MIN_ZOOMFACTOR, zoomFactor); zoomFactor = Math.min(MAX_ZOOMFACTOR, zoomFactor); drawingView.setScaleFactor(zoomFactor); } public DrawingView zoomOut() { // Objective: Collapse the ParentModule(s) witch is/are most decomposed. try { resetContextFigures(); saveSingleLevelFigurePositions(); // Determine the decomposition level. HashMap<String, Integer> pathsWithDecompositionLevel = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); int highestLevel = 0; for (String currentPath : drawingSettingsHolder.getCurrentPaths()) { if (currentPath != null) { String[] levels = currentPath.split("\\."); int decompositionLevel = levels.length; pathsWithDecompositionLevel.put(currentPath, decompositionLevel); if (decompositionLevel > highestLevel) { highestLevel = decompositionLevel; } } } // Collapse the parent(s) with the highest decomposition level. boolean drawTopLevel = true; ArrayList<String> parentNames = new ArrayList<String>(); // Parent is a module to-be-zoomed-in HashSet<String> contextFigureNames = new HashSet<String>(); // Parent is a module to-be-zoomed-in for (String path : pathsWithDecompositionLevel.keySet()) { String parentName; if (pathsWithDecompositionLevel.get(path) == highestLevel) { parentName = getUniqueNameOfParentModule(path); } else { parentName = path; } if (parentName.equals("")) { contextFigureNames.add(path); } else { parentNames.add(parentName); drawTopLevel = false; } } if (drawTopLevel) { drawArchitectureTopLevel(); } else { //Determine the context figures for (ModuleFigure moduleFigure : drawing.getShownModules()) { String parentName = getUniqueNameOfParentModule(moduleFigure.getUniqueName()); if (parentName.equals("")) { contextFigureNames.add(moduleFigure.getUniqueName()); } } for (String contextFigureName : contextFigureNames) { ModuleFigure contextFigure = getModuleFiguresByUniqueName(contextFigureName); contextFigures.add(contextFigure); } gatherChildModuleFiguresAndContextFigures_AndDraw(parentNames.toArray(new String[] {})); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(" Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } return drawingView; } // Abstract methods protected abstract HashSet<String> getChildenOfParent(String parentName); protected abstract ArrayList<ModuleFigure> getChildModuleFiguresOfParent(String parentName); protected abstract DependencyDTO[] getDependenciesBetween(ModuleFigure figureFrom, ModuleFigure figureTo); protected abstract UmlLinkDTO[] getUmlLinksBetween(ModuleFigure figureFrom, ModuleFigure figureTo); // Return null if no module is found, or if uniqueName = null, "", or "**". protected abstract ModuleFigure getModuleFiguresByUniqueName(String uniqueName); protected abstract ArrayList<ModuleFigure> getModuleFiguresInRoot(); protected abstract RelationFigure getRelationFigureBetween(ModuleFigure figureFrom, ModuleFigure figureTo); protected abstract RelationFigure getRelationFigureWithViolationsBetween(ModuleFigure figureFrom, ModuleFigure figureTo); protected abstract String getUniqueNameOfParentModule(String childUniqueName); protected abstract ViolationDTO[] getViolationsBetween(ModuleFigure figureFrom, ModuleFigure figureTo); protected abstract RuleDTO[] getRulesBetween(BaseFigure figureFrom, BaseFigure figureTo); protected abstract boolean hasRelationBetween(ModuleFigure figureFrom, ModuleFigure figureTo); // Methods to save and restore figure positions protected void restoreFigurePositions(String paths) { if (storedStates.containsKey(paths)) { DrawingState state = storedStates.get(paths); state.restore(); drawingView.setHasHiddenFigures(state.hasHiddenFigures()); } } protected void saveFigurePositions() { String paths = drawingSettingsHolder.getCurrentPathsToString(); DrawingState state; if (storedStates.containsKey(paths)) state = storedStates.get(paths); else state = new DrawingState(drawing);; storedStates.put(paths, state); } public void saveSingleLevelFigurePositions() { if (drawingSettingsHolder.getCurrentPaths().length < 2) saveFigurePositions(); } }