package husacct.analyse.task.reconstruct.algorithms; import husacct.analyse.task.reconstruct.AnalyseReconstructConstants; import husacct.analyse.task.reconstruct.dto.ReconstructArchitectureDTO; import husacct.common.dto.SoftwareUnitDTO; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class GraphOfSuClusters { HashMap<Integer, HashSet<SoftwareUnitDTO>> nodes; // Key = nodeId, Value = SU assigned to cohesive cluster of SU's. HashMap<String, Integer> edges; // Key = fromNodeId1 + "." + toNodeId2, Value = number of dependencies from node1 to node2. Algorithm_SuperClass iAlgoritm; private int backCallThreshold; private String typesOfDependencies; private String granularity; private String selectedModule; private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GraphOfSuClusters.class); public GraphOfSuClusters(Algorithm_SuperClass iAlgoritm) { nodes = new HashMap<Integer, HashSet<SoftwareUnitDTO>>(); edges = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); this.iAlgoritm = iAlgoritm; } public void initializeGraph(ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO> softwareUnitsToInclude, ReconstructArchitectureDTO dto) { try { backCallThreshold = dto.getThreshold(); typesOfDependencies = dto.getRelationType(); granularity = dto.granularity; selectedModule = dto.getSelectedModule().name; createNodesInClusteredGraph(softwareUnitsToInclude); setEdges(typesOfDependencies); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(" Exception: " + e ); } } // The returned set is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in the set, and vice-versa. Beware of concurrent modifications. public Set<Integer> getNodes() { return nodes.keySet(); } // Returns null if this map contains no mapping for uniqueName. public HashSet<SoftwareUnitDTO> getSoftwareUnitsOfNode(int nodeId) { return nodes.get(nodeId); } public int getNumberOfDependencies(int fromNodeId, int toNodeId) { int returnValue = 0; String searchKey = fromNodeId + "." + toNodeId; if (edges.containsKey(searchKey)) { returnValue = edges.get(searchKey); } return returnValue; } /** * Creates a graph of clustered SotwareUnits. Each node is a software unit, or a cluster of units that are highly coupled. * Individual types may be clustered into one node, based on the granularity setting. * A SoftwareUnit without cyclic dependencies (or a cyclic dependency below the backCallThreshold) gets its own node. * If SoftwareUnit su1 is using su2 and su2 is using su1 as well and the backCallThreshold ((su2-->su1 / su1-->su2) x 100) is bigger than * the callBackThreshold percentage, than su1 and su2 are clustered into one node, since these software units need to stay in the same layer. * If su3 is also tightly coupled with su1 or su2, it is added to this cluster as well. */ private void createNodesInClusteredGraph(ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO> softwareUnitsToInclude) { int nodeIdofNodeWithClassesInRoot = 1; int highestNodeId = 1; ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO> softwareUnitsToIncludeClone = new ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO> (softwareUnitsToInclude); // 1) If fromSoftwareUnit is not of type "package", while the granularity is set to packages, than add this SU to NodeWithClassesInRoot for (SoftwareUnitDTO fromSoftwareUnit : softwareUnitsToInclude) { // If fromSoftwareUnit is of type "class", while the granularity setting excludes classes, than add this SU to NodeWithClassesInRoot if (!fromSoftwareUnit.type.toLowerCase().equals("package")) { if (granularity.equals(AnalyseReconstructConstants.Granularities.Packages)) { if (!nodes.containsKey(nodeIdofNodeWithClassesInRoot)) { addNode(nodeIdofNodeWithClassesInRoot); } addSoftwareUnitToNode(nodeIdofNodeWithClassesInRoot, fromSoftwareUnit); } } } // 2) Add all software units to a node and cluster units with direct cyclic dependencies above backCallThreshold into one node. for (SoftwareUnitDTO fromSoftwareUnit : softwareUnitsToInclude) { /* Test code if ("productdispatcher")) { boolean breakpoint = true; } */ for (SoftwareUnitDTO toSoftwareUnit : softwareUnitsToIncludeClone) { if (!toSoftwareUnit.uniqueName.equals(fromSoftwareUnit.uniqueName)) { int nrOfDependenciesFromTo = iAlgoritm.getRelationsBetweenSoftwareUnits(fromSoftwareUnit.uniqueName, toSoftwareUnit.uniqueName, typesOfDependencies).size(); int nrOfDependenciesToFrom = iAlgoritm.getRelationsBetweenSoftwareUnits(toSoftwareUnit.uniqueName, fromSoftwareUnit.uniqueName, typesOfDependencies).size(); if (nrOfDependenciesFromTo > 0) { if (nrOfDependenciesToFrom > 0) { if (nrOfDependenciesFromTo >= nrOfDependenciesToFrom) { // Prevents erroneously added highly coupled units. int backCallPercentage = ((nrOfDependenciesToFrom * 100) / nrOfDependenciesFromTo); if (backCallPercentage > backCallThreshold) { // SoftwareUnit and otherSoftwareUnit are highly coupled. // Per from and to: Find node that contains the unit int nodeIdFrom = findNodeThatContainsSoftwareUnit(fromSoftwareUnit); int nodeIdTo = findNodeThatContainsSoftwareUnit(toSoftwareUnit); if ((nodeIdFrom == 0) && (nodeIdTo == 0)) { // If no node is found: a) raise highestNodeId; b) create new node with both units. highestNodeId ++; addNode(highestNodeId); addSoftwareUnitToNode(highestNodeId, fromSoftwareUnit); addSoftwareUnitToNode(highestNodeId, toSoftwareUnit); } else if ((nodeIdFrom != 0) && (nodeIdTo == 0)) { // If one node is found, add units to node. addSoftwareUnitToNode(nodeIdFrom, toSoftwareUnit); } else if ((nodeIdFrom == 0) && (nodeIdTo != 0)){ addSoftwareUnitToNode(nodeIdTo, fromSoftwareUnit); } else if ((nodeIdFrom != 0) && (nodeIdTo != 0) && (nodeIdFrom != nodeIdTo)) { // If both nodes are found, add the units of one node to the other node, and remove the empty node. for (SoftwareUnitDTO su : getSoftwareUnitsOfNode(nodeIdTo)) { addSoftwareUnitToNode(nodeIdFrom, su); } nodes.remove(nodeIdTo); } } } } } } } } // 3) Add non-coupled units as nodes to graph for (SoftwareUnitDTO softwareUnit : softwareUnitsToIncludeClone) { int clusterId = findNodeThatContainsSoftwareUnit(softwareUnit); if (clusterId == 0) { highestNodeId ++; addNode(highestNodeId); addSoftwareUnitToNode(highestNodeId, softwareUnit); } } // 4) Iteratively, merge nodes with direct cyclic dependencies above backCallThreshold. try { HashMap<Integer, Integer> nodesToMerge = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); boolean repeatClusteringOverAllNodes = true; while (repeatClusteringOverAllNodes) { setEdges(typesOfDependencies); repeatClusteringOverAllNodes = false; for (int fromNodeId : getNodes()) { for (int toNodeId : getNodes()) { if (fromNodeId != toNodeId) { int nrOfDependenciesFromTo = getNumberOfDependencies(fromNodeId, toNodeId); int nrOfDependenciesToFrom = getNumberOfDependencies(toNodeId, fromNodeId); if (nrOfDependenciesFromTo > 0) { if (nrOfDependenciesToFrom > 0) { if (nrOfDependenciesFromTo >= nrOfDependenciesToFrom) { // Prevents erroneously added highly coupled units. int backCallPercentage = ((nrOfDependenciesToFrom * 100) / nrOfDependenciesFromTo); if (backCallPercentage > backCallThreshold) { // The two nodes are highly coupled, so merge them and repeat the procedure nodesToMerge.put(fromNodeId, toNodeId); repeatClusteringOverAllNodes = true;" Merging: " + selectedModule + " " + fromNodeId + " " + toNodeId ); } } } } } } for (int fromNode : nodesToMerge.keySet()) { int toNode = nodesToMerge.get(fromNode); if (nodes.containsKey(toNode)) { for (SoftwareUnitDTO su : getSoftwareUnitsOfNode(toNode)) { addSoftwareUnitToNode(fromNode, su); } nodes.remove(toNode); } } if (nodesToMerge.size() > 0) { break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(" Exception: " + e ); //e.printStackTrace(); } } private void setEdges(String typesOfDependencies) { for (int fromNode : getNodes()) { for (int toNode : getNodes()) { int totalNumber = 0; for (SoftwareUnitDTO fromSoftwareUnit : nodes.get(fromNode)) { for (SoftwareUnitDTO toSoftwareUnit : nodes.get(toNode)) { if (!toSoftwareUnit.uniqueName.equals(fromSoftwareUnit.uniqueName)) { int nrOfDependenciesFromTo = iAlgoritm.getRelationsBetweenSoftwareUnits(fromSoftwareUnit.uniqueName, toSoftwareUnit.uniqueName, typesOfDependencies).size(); totalNumber = totalNumber + nrOfDependenciesFromTo; } } } String searchKey = fromNode + "." + toNode; edges.put(searchKey, totalNumber); } } } // Returns nodeId if node that contains softwareUnit, or 0 if it is not contained in a node. private int findNodeThatContainsSoftwareUnit(SoftwareUnitDTO softareUnit) { int returnValue = 0; for (int nodeId : getNodes()) { for (SoftwareUnitDTO unitOfNode : getSoftwareUnitsOfNode(nodeId)) { if (unitOfNode.uniqueName.equals(softareUnit.uniqueName)) { return nodeId; } } } return returnValue; } private void addNode(int nodeId) { HashSet<SoftwareUnitDTO> softwareUnits = new HashSet<SoftwareUnitDTO>(); nodes.put(nodeId, softwareUnits); } private void addSoftwareUnitToNode(int nodeId, SoftwareUnitDTO softwareUnit) { if (nodes.containsKey(nodeId)) { HashSet<SoftwareUnitDTO> softwareUnits = nodes.get(nodeId); softwareUnits.add(softwareUnit); nodes.put(nodeId, softwareUnits); } } }