package husacct.bootstrap; import husacct.common.dto.ProjectDTO; import husacct.common.dto.SoftwareUnitDTO; import; import java.util.ArrayList; /*** * Use this file with the following run argument to automatically run HUSACCT with a CSharp project. * you can add as many paths as necessary when no path is given it will load the benchmark. * --bootstrap:CreateWorkspace,SetCSharpBenchmark?"path1"|"path2"|"path3",Analyse,DefineJavaBenchmark,MapJavaBenchmark?"SoftwareUnit">"PACKAGE",Validate */ public class SetCSharpBenchmark extends AbstractBootstrap{ private String[] pathsToCustomTestProject = {}; private static final String PATH = new File("").getAbsolutePath() + "/" + "testprojects" + "/" + "csharp" + "/" + "benchmark"; @Override public void execute() { ArrayList<ProjectDTO> projects = new ArrayList<ProjectDTO>(); ArrayList<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>(); for(String pathToCustomTestProject : pathsToCustomTestProject){ if(new File(pathToCustomTestProject).exists() && new File(pathToCustomTestProject).isDirectory()){ paths.add(pathToCustomTestProject); } } if(paths.size() <= 0){ paths.add(PATH); } ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO> analysedModules = new ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO>(); ProjectDTO project = new ProjectDTO("CSharp", paths, "C#", "1.0", "Benchmark Project", analysedModules); projects.add(project); getDefineService().createApplication("CSharp", projects, "1.0"); } @Override public void execute(String[] args) { pathsToCustomTestProject = args; execute(); } }