package husacct.control.presentation.codeviewer; import husacct.ServiceProvider; import; import husacct.control.presentation.codeviewer.parser.AbstractFileParser; import husacct.control.presentation.codeviewer.parser.CSharpFileParser; import husacct.control.presentation.codeviewer.parser.JavaFileParser; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTextPane; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import javax.swing.text.PlainDocument; import javax.swing.text.Style; import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants; import javax.swing.text.StyleContext; import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class CodeViewInternalFrame extends HelpableJInternalFrame { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CodeViewInternalFrame.class); private AbstractFileParser parser; private JTextPane fileTextPane, codeTextPane; private JScrollPane fileScrollPane, codeScrollPane; private StyledDocument fileDocument, codeDocument; private TextLineNumber codeLineNumber; private ArrayList<Error> errors = new ArrayList<Error>(); private int firstErrorPosition = 0; public CodeViewInternalFrame() { this.setLayout(new BorderLayout(0,5)); initComponents(); } public void reset() { this.remove(fileScrollPane); this.remove(codeScrollPane); initComponents(); } private void initComponents() { fileTextPane = new JTextPane(); fileTextPane.setEditable(false); fileScrollPane = new JScrollPane(fileTextPane); fileDocument = fileTextPane.getStyledDocument(); this.add(fileScrollPane, BorderLayout.PAGE_START); codeTextPane = new JTextPane(); codeTextPane.setEditable(false); codeLineNumber = new TextLineNumber(codeTextPane); codeScrollPane = new JScrollPane(codeTextPane); codeScrollPane.setRowHeaderView(codeLineNumber); codeDocument = codeTextPane.getStyledDocument(); codeDocument.putProperty(PlainDocument.tabSizeAttribute, 4); this.add(codeScrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); errors = new ArrayList<Error>(); } public void setErrorLines(ArrayList<Integer> errorLines) { for(int lineNumber : errorLines) { Error error = new Error(lineNumber, new Color(255, 0, 25)); errors.add(error); } } public void setErrors(ArrayList<Error> errors) { this.errors = errors; } public void parseFile(String fileName) { firstErrorPosition = 0; // Parse file into fileTextPane try { // Define style StyleContext context = new StyleContext(); Style keyStyle = context.addStyle("default", null); StyleConstants.setForeground(keyStyle, new Color(0, 0, 0)); StyleConstants.setBold(keyStyle, false); // Insert file path String pathText = ServiceProvider.getInstance().getLocaleService().getTranslatedString("PathLabelShort"); String fullText = pathText + ": " + fileName; fileDocument.insertString(codeDocument.getLength(), fullText, keyStyle); fileDocument.insertString(codeDocument.getLength(), "\n", null); // Insert file name String fileNameText = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1); String fileNameLabel = ServiceProvider.getInstance().getLocaleService().getTranslatedString("File"); String fullfileNameText = fileNameLabel + ": " + fileNameText; StyleConstants.setBold(keyStyle, true); fileDocument.insertString(codeDocument.getLength(), fullfileNameText, keyStyle); } catch (BadLocationException e) { logger.warn(" Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } // Parse code into codeTextPane File file = new File(fileName); parser = getParser(fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)); parser.parseFile(file); // Set the Carat at the line of the first error. codeTextPane.setSelectionStart(firstErrorPosition); codeTextPane.setSelectionEnd(firstErrorPosition); } public void addWord(String word, Style style, int lineNumber) { try { Error error; if((error = getError(lineNumber)) != null) { StyleContext context = new StyleContext(); Style errorStyle = context.addStyle("default", style); StyleConstants.setBackground(errorStyle, error.color); codeDocument.insertString(codeDocument.getLength(), word + " ", errorStyle); if (firstErrorPosition == 0) { firstErrorPosition = codeDocument.getLength(); } } else codeDocument.insertString(codeDocument.getLength(), word + " ", style); } catch (BadLocationException e) { logger.warn(" Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } public Error getError(int lineNumber) { for(Error error : errors) { if(error.line == lineNumber) return error; } return null; } public void setNewLine() { try { codeDocument.insertString(codeDocument.getLength(), "\n", null); } catch (BadLocationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private AbstractFileParser getParser(String extension) { switch(extension.toLowerCase()) { case "java": return new JavaFileParser(this); case "cs": return new CSharpFileParser(this); default: return new JavaFileParser(this); } } // Old code (version 2.0) that caused problems /* public void setErrorLine(int lineNumber) { Element map = codeDocument.getDefaultRootElement(); if (lineNumber >= 0 && lineNumber < map.getElementCount()) { Element element = map.getElement(lineNumber); codeDocument.setParagraphAttributes(element.getStartOffset(), element.getEndOffset() - element.getStartOffset(), error, false); } } public int getLineOfOffset(int offset) throws BadLocationException { if (offset < 0) { throw new BadLocationException("Can't translate offset to line", -1); } else if (offset > codeDocument.getLength()) { throw new BadLocationException("Can't translate offset to line", codeDocument.getLength() + 1); } else { Element map = codeDocument.getDefaultRootElement(); return map.getElementIndex(offset); } } public int getLineStartOffset(int line) throws BadLocationException { Element map = codeDocument.getDefaultRootElement(); if (line < 0) { throw new BadLocationException("Negative line", -1); } else if (line >= map.getElementCount()) { throw new BadLocationException("No such line", codeDocument.getLength() + 1); } else { Element lineElem = map.getElement(line); return lineElem.getStartOffset(); } } */ }