package husacct.control.task; import husacct.bootstrap.AbstractBootstrap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class BootstrapHandler { private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BootstrapHandler.class); private String[] args = {}; private boolean runArgs = false; public BootstrapHandler(){ } public BootstrapHandler(String[] bootstraps) { for(String bootstrap : bootstraps){ runArgs = false; if(bootstrap.contains("?")){ String allArgs = bootstrap.substring(bootstrap.indexOf('?') +1); args = allArgs.contains("|") ? allArgs.split("|") : new String[]{ allArgs }; bootstrap = bootstrap.substring(0, bootstrap.indexOf('?')); runArgs = true; } Class<? extends AbstractBootstrap> bootstrapClass = getBootstrapClass(bootstrap); if(bootstrapClass != null){ executeBootstrap(bootstrapClass); } } } public void executeBootstrap(Class<? extends AbstractBootstrap> bootstrap){"Trying to execute bootstrapper " + bootstrap.getName()); try { AbstractBootstrap targetBootstrap = bootstrap.newInstance(); if(!runArgs){ targetBootstrap.execute(); }else{ targetBootstrap.execute(args); } } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); error("Exception: " + exception.getMessage()); } } private Class<? extends AbstractBootstrap> getBootstrapClass(String bootstrap){ String classNameToBeLoaded = "husacct.bootstrap." + bootstrap; try { Class<? extends AbstractBootstrap> myClass = Class.forName(classNameToBeLoaded).asSubclass(AbstractBootstrap.class); return myClass; } catch (ClassNotFoundException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); error("ClassNotFoundException " + exception.getMessage()); System.exit(0); } catch (Error error){ error.printStackTrace(); error("Error " + error.getMessage()); } return null; } private void error(String message){ logger.debug("Unable to launch bootstrap: " + message); System.exit(0); } }