package org.python.pydev.parser.grammarcommon; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.python.pydev.parser.jython.FastCharStream; import org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ISpecialStr; import org.python.pydev.parser.jython.Node; import org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ParseException; import org.python.pydev.parser.jython.SimpleNode; import org.python.pydev.parser.jython.SpecialStr; import org.python.pydev.parser.jython.Token; import org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast.Call; import org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast.ImportFrom; import org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast.Num; import org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast.Str; import org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast.commentType; import org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast.decoratorsType; public final class DefaultPythonGrammarActions implements IPythonGrammarActions { private final AbstractPythonGrammar grammar; private ISpecialStr lastSpecial; private SimpleNode lastNodeWithSpecial; private SimpleNode prev; /*default*/DefaultPythonGrammarActions(AbstractPythonGrammar grammar) { this.grammar = grammar; } public void markDecoratorWithCall() { decoratorsType d = (decoratorsType) this.prev; d.isCall = true; } public ISpecialStr convertStringToSpecialStr(Object o) throws ParseException { if (o instanceof ISpecialStr) { return (ISpecialStr) o; } else { if (o instanceof Token) { return ((Token) o).asSpecialStr(); } return createSpecialStr(((String) o).trim(), AbstractPythonGrammar.DEFAULT_SEARCH_ON_LAST, false); } } private ParseException createException(String token, final Token currentToken) { ParseException e; //return put; if (currentToken != null) { e = new ParseException("Expected:" + token, currentToken); } else if (grammar.getJJLastPos() != null) { e = new ParseException("Expected:" + token, grammar.getJJLastPos()); } else { e = new ParseException("Expected:" + token); } return e; } public void setImportFromLevel(int level) { ((ImportFrom) grammar.getJJTree().peekNode()).level = level; } public final ISpecialStr createSpecialStr(String token) throws ParseException { return createSpecialStr(token, AbstractPythonGrammar.DEFAULT_SEARCH_ON_LAST); } /** * This is where we do a lookahead to see if we find some token and if we do find it, but not on the correct * position, we skip some tokens to go to it. */ public final ISpecialStr createSpecialStr(String token, boolean searchOnLast) throws ParseException { return createSpecialStr(token, searchOnLast, true); } /** * This is where we do a lookahead to see if we find some token and if we do find it, but not on the correct * position, we skip some tokens to go to it. */ public ISpecialStr createSpecialStr(String token, boolean searchOnLast, boolean throwException) throws ParseException { final Token currentToken = grammar.getCurrentToken(); Token firstTokenToIterate; if (searchOnLast) { firstTokenToIterate = grammar.getJJLastPos(); } else { firstTokenToIterate = currentToken; } Token foundToken = null; int foundAtPos = 0; //lot's of tokens, but we'll bail out on an indent, or dedent, so, that's OK. TokensIterator iterTokens = grammar.getTokensIterator(firstTokenToIterate, 50, true); while (iterTokens.hasNext()) { foundAtPos += 1; Token next =; if (next.image != null && next.image.equals(token)) { //Found what we were looking for! foundToken = next; break; } } if (foundToken != null) { if (foundAtPos <= 2 //found at correct position. || searchOnLast //we already matched it... right now we're just adding it to the stack! ) { return foundToken.asSpecialStr(); } } if (throwException) { ParseException e = createException(token, currentToken); //we found it at the wrong position! if (foundToken != null) { //we found it, but not on the position we were expecting, so, we must skip some tokens to get to it -- //and report the needed exception) grammar.addAndReport(e, "Found at wrong position: " + foundToken); Token beforeLastReturned = iterTokens.getBeforeLastReturned(); grammar.setCurrentToken(beforeLastReturned); return foundToken.asSpecialStr(); } //create a 'synthetic token' in the place we were expecting it. if (currentToken != null) { AbstractTokenManager tokenManager = grammar.getTokenManager(); FastCharStream inputStream = tokenManager.getInputStream(); final int created = tokenManager.addCustom(currentToken, token); if (created != AbstractTokenManager.CUSTOM_NOT_CREATED) { if (created == AbstractTokenManager.CUSTOM_CREATED_WAS_PARENS) { //if we had a parens, let's clear the tokens we iterated because we can have skipped indentations! = null; //EOF was already found... let's restore the previous indentation level! if (tokenManager.levelBeforeEof != -1) { tokenManager.level = tokenManager.levelBeforeEof; tokenManager.levelBeforeEof = -1; //mark it as not found again. } inputStream.restoreLineColPos(currentToken.endLine, currentToken.endColumn); } grammar.addAndReport(e, "Created custom token: " + token); return new SpecialStr(token, currentToken.beginLine, currentToken.beginColumn); } } throw e; } return null; } /** * Adds a special token to the current token that's in the top of the stack (the peeked token) * Considers that the token at the stack is a Call and adds it to its function. */ public void addToPeekCallFunc(Object t, boolean after) { Call n = (Call) grammar.getJJTree().peekNode(); addSpecial(n.func, t, after); } public void addSpecialTokenToLastOpened(Object o) throws ParseException { o = convertStringToSpecialStr(o); if (o != null) { SimpleNode lastOpened = grammar.getJJTree().getLastOpened(); if (o instanceof ISpecialStr) { lastSpecial = (ISpecialStr) o; lastNodeWithSpecial = lastOpened; } lastOpened.getSpecialsBefore().add(o); } } /** * Adds a special token to the current token that's in the top of the stack (the peeked token) */ public final void addToPeek(Object t, boolean after) throws ParseException { addToPeek(t, after, null); } /** * Adds a special token to the current token that's in the top of the stack (the peeked token) * @return the peeked node. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public SimpleNode addToPeek(Object t, boolean after, Class class_) throws ParseException { SimpleNode peeked = (SimpleNode) grammar.getJJTree().peekNode(); addToPeek(peeked, t, after, class_); return peeked; } /** * Adds a special token to the current token that's in the top of the stack (the peeked token) */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public void addToPeek(SimpleNode peeked, Object t, boolean after, Class class_) throws ParseException { if (class_ != null) { // just check if it is the class we were expecting. if (peeked.getClass().equals(class_) == false) { throw new RuntimeException("Error, expecting class:" + class_ + " received class:" + peeked.getClass() + " Representation:" + peeked); } } t = convertStringToSpecialStr(t); if (t != null) { addSpecial(peeked, t, after); } } /** * Closes a node scope * * @param n the node that should have its scope closed. * @throws ParseException */ public void jjtreeCloseNodeScope(Node n) throws ParseException { SimpleNode peeked = grammar.getJJTree().peekNode(); List<Object> specialTokens = grammar.getTokenSourceSpecialTokensList(); boolean after = true; if (n instanceof SimpleNode) { if (specialTokens.size() > 0) { if (this.prev == null) { // it was not previously set, let's get the current and add it before that token after = false; this.prev = peeked; } for (Iterator<Object> iter = specialTokens.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Object next =; int strategy = AbstractPythonGrammar.STRATEGY_ADD_AFTER_PREV; // default strategy if (next instanceof Object[]) { strategy = (Integer) ((Object[]) next)[1]; next = ((Object[]) next)[0]; } if (strategy == AbstractPythonGrammar.STRATEGY_BEFORE_NEXT) { // try to set 'before the next' and not after prev token addToPeek(peeked, next, false, null); } else { // may still add before the next, if there was no prev (we can check that by the 'after' variable) // in this case, we'll do some checks to see if it is really correct (checking for the line and column) if (next instanceof Token) { addSpecial(findTokenToAdd((Token) next), next, after); } else { addSpecial(this.prev, next, after); } } } specialTokens.clear(); } this.prev = (SimpleNode) peeked; } } private SimpleNode findTokenToAdd(Token next) { SimpleNode curr = (SimpleNode) grammar.getJJTree().peekNode(); if (curr != this.prev) { //let's see which one is better suited if (this.prev.beginLine == next.beginLine) { return this.prev; } if (curr.beginLine == next.beginLine) { return curr; } //if it was found later than both, let's get the current if (next.beginLine > this.prev.beginLine && next.beginLine > curr.beginLine) { return curr; } } return this.prev; } private void addSpecial(SimpleNode node, Object special, boolean after) { if (special instanceof Token) { Token t = (Token) special; if (t.toString().trim().startsWith("#")) { commentType comment = new commentType(t.image.trim()); comment.beginColumn = t.beginColumn; comment.beginLine = t.beginLine; special = comment; if (node.beginLine != comment.beginLine) { if (lastSpecial != null && lastNodeWithSpecial != null) { if (comment.beginLine < lastSpecial.getBeginLine() || (comment.beginLine == lastSpecial.getBeginLine() && comment.beginColumn < lastSpecial .getBeginCol())) { List<Object> specialsBefore = lastNodeWithSpecial.getSpecialsBefore(); specialsBefore.add(specialsBefore.indexOf(lastSpecial), comment); return; } } } } else { special = t.asSpecialStr(); } } node.addSpecial(special, after); } public void addSpecialToken(Object o, int strategy) throws ParseException { ISpecialStr t = convertStringToSpecialStr(o); if (t != null) { grammar.getTokenSourceSpecialTokensList().add(new Object[] { t, strategy }); } } public void addSpecialToken(Object o) throws ParseException { if (!(o instanceof ISpecialStr)) { o = convertStringToSpecialStr(o); } //the default is adding after the previous token grammar.getTokenSourceSpecialTokensList() .add(new Object[] { o, AbstractPythonGrammar.STRATEGY_ADD_AFTER_PREV }); } public void findTokenAndAdd(String token) throws ParseException { ISpecialStr s = createSpecialStr(token, AbstractPythonGrammar.DEFAULT_SEARCH_ON_LAST, true); grammar.getTokenSourceSpecialTokensList() .add(new Object[] { s, AbstractPythonGrammar.STRATEGY_ADD_AFTER_PREV }); } /** * @param s the string found without any preceding char to identify the radix. * @param radix the radix in which it was found (octal=8, decimal=10, hex=16) * @param token this is the image of the object (the exact way it was found in the file) * @param numberToFill the Num object that should be set given the other parameters * @throws ParseException */ public void makeInt(Token t, int radix, Token token, Num numberToFill) throws ParseException { makeInt(t.image, radix, token, numberToFill); } public void makeIntSub2(Token t, int radix, Token token, Num numberToFill) throws ParseException { makeInt(t.image.substring(2, t.image.length()), radix, token, numberToFill); } public void makeIntSub2CheckingOct(Token t, int radix, Token token, Num numberToFill) throws ParseException { String s = t.image; if (s.length() >= 2) { char c = s.charAt(1); if (c == 'o' || c == 'O') { s = t.image.substring(2, t.image.length()); } } makeInt(s, radix, token, numberToFill); } private void makeInt(String s, int radix, Token token, Num numberToFill) throws ParseException { numberToFill.num = token.image; if (s.endsWith("L") || s.endsWith("l")) { s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1); numberToFill.n = new java.math.BigInteger(s, radix); numberToFill.type = Num.Long; return; } int ndigits = s.length(); int i = 0; while (i < ndigits && s.charAt(i) == '0') i++; if ((ndigits - i) > 11) { numberToFill.n = new java.math.BigInteger(s, radix); numberToFill.type = Num.Long; return; } long l; try { l = Long.valueOf(s, radix).longValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { handleNumberFormatException(token, e); l = 0; } if (l > 0xffffffffl || (radix == 10 && l > Integer.MAX_VALUE)) { numberToFill.n = new java.math.BigInteger(s, radix); numberToFill.type = Num.Long; return; } numberToFill.n = (int) l; numberToFill.type = Num.Int; } public void makeFloat(Token t, Num numberToFill) throws ParseException { String s = t.image; numberToFill.num = s; try { numberToFill.n = Float.valueOf(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { handleNumberFormatException(t, e); } numberToFill.type = Num.Float; } private void handleNumberFormatException(Token t, NumberFormatException e) throws ParseException { grammar.addAndReport(new ParseException("Unable to parse number: " + t.image, t), e.getMessage()); } public void makeComplex(Token t, Num numberToFill) throws ParseException { String s = t.image; String compNumber = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1); numberToFill.num = s; try { numberToFill.n = Double.valueOf(compNumber); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { handleNumberFormatException(t, e); } numberToFill.type = Num.Comp; } /** * Fills the string properly according to the representation found. * * 0 = the string * 1 = boolean indicating unicode * 2 = boolean indicating raw * 3 = style * 4 = boolean indicating binary */ public void makeString(Token t, int quotes, Str strToFill) { String s = t.image; //System.out.println("enter: "+s); char quoteChar = s.charAt(0); int start = 0; boolean ustring = false; boolean bstring = false; if (quoteChar == 'u' || quoteChar == 'U') { ustring = true; start++; } else if (quoteChar == 'b' || quoteChar == 'B') { bstring = true; start++; } quoteChar = s.charAt(start); if (quoteChar == 'r' || quoteChar == 'R') { //raw string (does not decode slashes) String str = s.substring(quotes + start + 1, s.length() - quotes); //System.out.println("out: "+str); strToFill.type = getType(s.charAt(start + 1), quotes); strToFill.s = str; strToFill.unicode = ustring; strToFill.raw = true; strToFill.binary = bstring; } else { int n = s.length() - quotes; int i = quotes + start; String str = s.substring(i, n); //System.out.println("out: "+str); strToFill.type = getType(s.charAt(start), quotes); strToFill.s = str; strToFill.unicode = ustring; strToFill.raw = false; strToFill.binary = bstring; } } /** * @return the tipe of a given string given the char that starts it and the number of quotes used. */ private final int getType(char c, int quotes) { switch (c) { case '\'': return quotes == 1 ? Str.SingleSingle : Str.TripleSingle; case '"': return quotes == 1 ? Str.SingleDouble : Str.TripleDouble; } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to determine type. Char: " + c + " quotes:" + quotes); } public void addSpecialToPrev(Object special, boolean after) { this.prev.addSpecial(special, after); } }