package com.rc.retroweaver.runtime; import*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; /** * A version of the 1.5 java.lang.Enum class for the 1.4 VM. * * @author Toby Reyelts * */ public class Enum_<E extends Enum_<E>> implements Comparable<E>, Serializable { // Implementation notes: // // Due to access restrictions which are circumvented in the JDK, but can not // be circumvented here in user-land code, we have to pre-emptively get enum // classes to register themselves with Enum_, through a call to setEnumValues. // // private int ordinal; private String name; private static Map<Class,Object[]> enumValues = new HashMap<Class,Object[]>(); protected Enum_( String name, int ordinal ) { = name; this.ordinal = ordinal; } protected void setEnumValues( Class c, Object[] values ) { enumValues.put( c, values ); } /** * Implement serialization so we can get the singleton behavior we're looking * for in enums. * */ private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { Class c = getClass(); return valueOf( c, name ); } // This method is present in java.lang.Class in 1.5 // but we're just duplicating it here for now // Perhaps we'll move it into a Class_ class in the future. // private static <T> boolean isEnum( Class<T> class_ ) { Class c = class_.getSuperclass(); if ( c == null ) { return false; } return Enum_.class.isAssignableFrom( c ); } // This method is present in java.lang.Class in 1.5 // but we're just duplicating it here for now // Perhaps we'll move it into a Class_ class in the future. // private static <T> T[] getEnumConstants( Class<T> class_ ) { if ( ! isEnum( class_ ) ) { return null; } // Will uncomment this as soon as I add the static registration code to enum subclasses // in the bytecode enhancement. // // T[] values = ( T[] ) enumValues.get( class_ ); T[] values = null; try { Method valuesMethod = class_.getMethod( "values" ); values = ( T[] ) valuesMethod.invoke( null ); } catch ( java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException e ) { return null; } catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) { return null; } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) { return null; } if ( values == null ) { return null; } return ( T[] ) values.clone(); } public static <T extends Enum_<T>> T valueOf( Class<T> enumType, String name ) { if ( enumType == null ) { throw new NullPointerException( "enumType is null" ); } if ( name == null ) { throw new NullPointerException( "name is null" ); } T[] enums = getEnumConstants( enumType ); if ( enums != null ) { for ( T enum_ : enums ) { if ( name ) ) { return enum_; } } } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No enum const " + enumType + "." + name ); } public final boolean equals( Object other ) { return other == this; } public final int hashCode() { return System.identityHashCode( this ); } public String toString() { return name; } // This method shows up with a final access specifier in the current specification, // but the current JDK 1.5 beta doesn't declare it as final. If I declare it final, // I get verify errors, because the JDK1.5 beta generates enums that override this method. // public int compareTo( E e ) { Class c1 = getDeclaringClass(); Class c2 = e.getDeclaringClass(); if ( c1 == c2 ) { return ordinal - e.ordinal; } throw new ClassCastException(); } protected final Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { throw new CloneNotSupportedException(); } public final String name() { return name; } public final int ordinal() { return ordinal; } public final Class<E> getDeclaringClass() { Class superClass = getClass().getSuperclass(); if ( superClass != Enum_.class ) { return superClass; } else { return ( Class ) Enum_.class; } } }