package com.aptana.editor.php.core; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ProjectScope; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ListenerList; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IPreferencesService; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IScopeContext; import org2.eclipse.php.internal.core.PHPVersion; import com.aptana.core.util.EclipseUtil; import com.aptana.editor.php.PHPEditorPlugin; /** * Provides the workspace/project-specific PHP version setting. * * @author Shalom Gibly <> */ public class PHPVersionProvider { public static final String DEFAULT_PREFERENCES_QUALIFIER = PHPEditorPlugin.PLUGIN_ID; private static PHPVersionProvider instance; private String preferencesQualifier; private Map<IProject, ListenerList> listeners; /** * Returns an instance of the PHP version provider. * * @return An instance of this class. */ public static PHPVersionProvider getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new PHPVersionProvider(); } return instance; } // Constructs a new PHPVersionProvider and register to listen on any PHP version changes. private PHPVersionProvider() { listeners = new HashMap<IProject, ListenerList>(); preferencesQualifier = DEFAULT_PREFERENCES_QUALIFIER; } /** * An option to set the preferences qualifier from which the PHP project settings will be read. * @param qualifier */ public void setPreferencesQualifier(String qualifier) { if (qualifier == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Qualifier cannot be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } this.preferencesQualifier = qualifier; } /** * Register a listener to be notified when a PHP version is modified on a specific project. * * @param project * @param listener */ public void addPHPVersionListener(IProject project, IPHPVersionListener listener) { ListenerList listenerList = listeners.get(project); if (listenerList == null) { listenerList = new ListenerList(); listeners.put(project, listenerList); } listenerList.add(listener); } /** * Unregister a modification listener from all the projects that it was registered on. * * @param listener */ public void removePHPVersionListener(IPHPVersionListener listener) { Collection<ListenerList> lists = listeners.values(); for (ListenerList listenerList : lists) { listenerList.remove(listener); } } /** * Trigger a notification when a project's PHP version is modified. * * @param project * @param newVersion */ public void notifyChange(IProject project, PHPVersion newVersion) { ListenerList listenersList = listeners.get(project); if (listenersList != null) { Object[] allListeners = listenersList.getListeners(); for (Object listener : allListeners) { ((IPHPVersionListener) listener).phpVersionChanged(newVersion); } } } /** * Returns the PHP version that is set in the preferences. * * @param project * (optional) Pass a project reference to get a possible project specific PHP version value. * @return The {@link PHPVersion} */ public static PHPVersion getPHPVersion(IProject project) { return getInstance().getVersion(project, CorePreferenceConstants.Keys.PHP_VERSION); } /** * A continent method to check if the current version is 5.4 * * @param project * Optional project that might contain specific version which is different from the workspace default. * @return True, if and only if the version is PHP 5.4 */ public static boolean isPHP54(IProject project) { PHPVersion version = getPHPVersion(project); return PHPVersion.PHP5_4.equals(version); } /** * A continent method to check if the current version is 5.3 * * @param project * Optional project that might contain specific version which is different from the workspace default. * @return True, if and only if the version is PHP 5.3 */ public static boolean isPHP53(IProject project) { PHPVersion version = getPHPVersion(project); return PHPVersion.PHP5_3.equals(version); } /** * A continent method to check if the current version is 5 * * @param project * Optional project that might contain specific version which is different from the workspace default. * @return True, if and only if the version is PHP 5 */ public static boolean isPHP5(IProject project) { PHPVersion version = getPHPVersion(project); return PHPVersion.PHP5.equals(version); } /** * A continent method to check if the current version is 4 * * @param project * Optional project that might contain specific version which is different from the workspace default. * @return True, if and only if the version is PHP 4 */ public static boolean isPHP4(IProject project) { PHPVersion version = getPHPVersion(project); return PHPVersion.PHP4.equals(version); } private PHPVersion getVersion(IProject project, String prefKey) { IPreferencesService service = Platform.getPreferencesService(); IScopeContext[] contexts; if (project != null) { contexts = new IScopeContext[] { new ProjectScope(project), EclipseUtil.instanceScope(), EclipseUtil.defaultScope() }; } else { contexts = new IScopeContext[] { EclipseUtil.instanceScope(), EclipseUtil.defaultScope() }; } String versionAlias = service.getString(preferencesQualifier, prefKey, PHPVersion.getLatest().getAlias(), contexts); return PHPVersion.byAlias(versionAlias); } public static PHPVersion getDefaultPHPVersion() { return PHPVersion.getLatest(); } }