/* * Copyright 2000 Finn Bock * * This program contains material copyrighted by: * Copyright (c) 1997-2000 by Secret Labs AB. All rights reserved. * * This version of the SRE library can be redistributed under CNRI's * Python 1.6 license. For any other use, please contact Secret Labs * AB (info@pythonware.com). * * Portions of this engine have been developed in cooperation with * CNRI. Hewlett-Packard provided funding for 1.6 integration and * other compatibility work. */ package org.python.modules; import org.python.core.Py; import org.python.core.PyInteger; import org.python.core.PyList; import org.python.core.PyObject; import org.python.core.PyString; import org.python.modules.sre.PatternObject; import org.python.modules.sre.SRE_STATE; public class _sre { public static int MAGIC = SRE_STATE.SRE_MAGIC; public static int CODESIZE = 2; public static PatternObject compile(PyString pattern, int flags, PyObject code, int groups, PyObject groupindex, PyObject indexgroup) { char[] ccode = null; if (code instanceof PyList) { int n = code.__len__(); ccode = new char[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ccode[i] = (char) ((PyInteger) code.__getitem__(i).__int__()).getValue(); } else { throw Py.TypeError("Expected list"); } PatternObject po = new PatternObject(pattern, flags, ccode, groups, groupindex, indexgroup); return po; } public static int getcodesize() { return CODESIZE; } public static int getlower(int ch, int flags) { return SRE_STATE.getlower(ch, flags); } }