package; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * A set of static methods for IPv4 addreses processing, conversion and validation. * * @author Vlad Namashko (bav) */ public class NetworkUtil { public static final String[] tunnelSubnets = {"", "", ""}; public static final String ipPattern = "(\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}"; /** * Converts IP address from <code>int</code> to <code>String</code> * representation. * * @param address given IP address * @return IP address as string like "x.x.x.x" */ public static String ipIntToStringRevert(int address) { return String.format("%d.%d.%d.%d", address & 0xff, address >> 8 & 0xff, address >> 16 & 0xff, address >> 24 & 0xff); } public static String ipIntToString(int address) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(15); sb.append((address >>> 24) & 0xFF).append('.') .append((address >>> 16) & 0xFF).append('.') .append((address >>> 8) & 0xFF).append('.') .append((address) & 0xFF); return sb.toString(); } public static String revertIpAddress(String ipAddress) throws ParseException { if (null == ipAddress) { throw new ParseException("Can't parse internet address", 0); } String[] octets = ipAddress.split("[.]"); if (4 != octets.length) { throw new ParseException("Can't parse internet address", 0); } String revertedIp = ""; for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { revertedIp += octets[i]; if (i > 0) { revertedIp += "."; } } return revertedIp; } public static byte[] ipIntToByteArray(int value) { return new byte[]{ (byte) (value >>> 24), (byte) (value >>> 16), (byte) (value >>> 8), (byte) value}; } /** * Converts IP address from <code>byte[]</code> to <code>String</code> * representation. * * @param address given IP address * @return IP address as string like "x.x.x.x" */ public static String ipBytesToString(byte[] address) { return ((((int) address[0]) & 0xFF) + "." + (((int) address[1]) & 0xFF) + "." + (((int) address[2]) & 0xFF) + "." + (((int) address[3]) & 0xFF)); } /** * Converts IP address from <code>byte</code> array to <code>int</code> * representation. * * @param _addr given IP address * @return IP address as int value */ public static int ipBytesToInt(byte[] _addr) { int address; address = _addr[3] & 0xFF; address |= ((_addr[2] << 8) & 0xFF00); address |= ((_addr[1] << 16) & 0xFF0000); address |= ((_addr[0] << 24) & 0xFF000000); return address; } /** * Converts IP address from <code>String</code> to <code>byte</code> array * representation. * * @param address given IP address as string like "x.x.x.x" * @return IP address as four bytes * @throws java.text.ParseException if string cannot be parsed */ public static byte[] ipStringToBytes(String address) throws ParseException { if (address == null) throw new ParseException("Can't parse internet address", 0); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(address, "."); int i = 0; byte[] ip = new byte[4]; try { while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { int a = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); if (a < 0 || a > 255) { throw new ParseException("Can't parse internet address", i); } ip[i++] = (byte) a; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException("Can't parse internet address", i); } return ip; } /** * Converts IP address from <code>String</code> to <code>int</code> * representation. * * @param address given IP address as string like "x.x.x.x" * @return IP address as int value * @throws java.text.ParseException is string cannot be parsed */ public static int ipStringToInt(String address) throws ParseException { return ipBytesToInt(ipStringToBytes(address)); } /** * Splits string representation of IPv4 address it array of integer numbers. * * @param ip IP address as string * @return array of integers numbers * @throws java.text.ParseException if string cannot be parsed */ public static int[] ipStringToIntArray(String ip) throws ParseException { String[] values = ip.split("[.]"); int[] intValues = new int[4]; int i = 0; try { for (String str : values) { intValues[i++] = Integer.parseInt(str, 10); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException("Can't parse internet address", 0); } if (i < 4) // To short internet address throw new ParseException("Invalid internet address", 0); return intValues; } /** * Corrects string representation of IP address if necessary, removing redundant leading zeros in each number and * checking each number to be between 0 and 255 * * @param ip address as string * @return corrected IP address as string */ public static String checkIp(String ip) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ip, "."); boolean first = true; String newIp = ""; try { while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { int value = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken(), 10); if (value < 0 || value > 255) { return null; } if (first) { newIp += Integer.toString(value); first = false; } else { newIp += '.' + Integer.toString(value); } } } catch (Exception e) { return null; } return newIp; } /** * Corrects string representation of IP address if necessary, removing redundant leading zeros in each number. * Also checks equality of ip address and some reserved ip addresses. * * @param ip IP address as string * @return corrected IP address as string */ public static String correctIp(String ip) { ip = ip.trim(); String newIp = checkIp(ip); if (newIp == null || newIp.equals("") || newIp.equals("") || !newIp.matches(ipPattern)) { return null; } return newIp; } /** * Checks the correctness of IP address mask for local subnet. * * @param mask IP mask to check * @return true if IP mask is corect */ public static boolean isCorrectMask(String mask) { try { ipStringToIntArray(mask); } catch (ParseException e) { return false; } String[] masks = {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; try { for (String mask1 : masks) { if (correctIp(mask).equals(mask1)) { return true; } } } catch (NullPointerException e) { return false; } return false; } public static boolean isValidIp(String address) { int[] intValues; try { intValues = ipStringToIntArray(address); } catch (ParseException e) { return false; } for (int quad : intValues) { if (quad < 0 || quad > 255) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Checks the correctness of IP address depending of local subnetnet class which is determining by first one ore two * numbers of IP address. * * @param ip IP to check * @return true if IP is correct */ public static boolean isCorrectIp(String ip) { int[] intValues; try { intValues = ipStringToIntArray(ip); } catch (ParseException e) { return false; } if ((intValues[0] == 10) && (intValues[1] >= 0 && intValues[1] <= 255) && (intValues[2] >= 0 && intValues[2] <= 255) && (intValues[3] >= 0 && intValues[3] <= 255)) { return true; } else if ((intValues[0] == 172) && (intValues[1] >= 16 && intValues[1] <= 31) && (intValues[2] >= 0 && intValues[2] <= 255) && (intValues[3] >= 0 && intValues[3] <= 255)) { return true; } else if ((intValues[0] == 192) && (intValues[1] == 168) && (intValues[2] >= 0 && intValues[2] <= 255) && (intValues[3] >= 0 && intValues[3] <= 255)) { return true; } return false; } public static String getTunnelSubnet(String ip) { if (!isCorrectIp(ip)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("String [" + ip + "] is not correct virtual subnet IP address"); } if (ip.startsWith("192")) { return tunnelSubnets[0]; } else if (ip.startsWith("172")) { return tunnelSubnets[1]; } else { return tunnelSubnets[2]; } } /** * Convert CIDR subnet mask to quad form in network byte order * * @param maskLen CIDR subnet mask * @return subnet mask in network byte order */ public static byte[] cidrToQuad(int maskLen) { if (maskLen < 0 || maskLen > 32) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CIDR mask should be in range 0-32."); } byte[] addr = new byte[4]; int mask = (0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - maskLen)); addr[0] = (byte) ((mask >>> 24) & 0xFF); addr[1] = (byte) ((mask >>> 16) & 0xFF); addr[2] = (byte) ((mask >>> 8) & 0xFF); addr[3] = (byte) (mask & 0xFF); return addr; } /** * Convert network mask in a quad form to a CIDR mask length * * @param mask network mask in a quad form * @return CIDR mask length */ public static int quadToCidr(byte mask[]) { if (mask.length != 4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mask should be 4 bytes long."); } int maskLen = 0; int intMask = NetworkUtil.ipBytesToInt(mask); // check either provided mask is contiguous // and calculate mask length for (int j = 0; j < 32 && intMask < 0; j++) { maskLen++; intMask <<= 1; } if (intMask > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The subnet mask has to be contiguous."); } return maskLen; } public static byte[] networkStartIp(byte[] ipAddress, byte[] mask) { return AND(ipAddress, mask); } public static byte[] networkStartIp(String ipAddress, String mask) throws ParseException { return networkStartIp(NetworkUtil.ipStringToBytes(ipAddress), NetworkUtil.ipStringToBytes(mask)); } public static int numberOfAddressesInMask(String mask) throws ParseException { int len = NetworkUtil.quadToCidr(NetworkUtil.ipStringToBytes(mask)); return (int) Math.pow(2, 32 - len); } public static int numberOfAddressesInMask(byte mask[]) { int len = NetworkUtil.quadToCidr(mask); return (int) Math.pow(2, 32 - len); } public static byte[][] allAddressesInSubnet(byte[] startIp, int numberOfAddressesInMask) throws ParseException { byte[][] addresses = new byte[numberOfAddressesInMask][]; int start = ipBytesToInt(startIp); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAddressesInMask; i++) { addresses[i] = ipStringToBytes(ipIntToString(start++)); } return addresses; } public static String[] allStringAddressesInSubnet(byte[] startIp, int numberOfAddressesInMask) throws ParseException { String[] addresses = new String[numberOfAddressesInMask]; int start = ipBytesToInt(startIp); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAddressesInMask; i++) { addresses[i] = ipIntToString(start++); } return addresses; } public static byte[][] allAddressesInSubnet(String ipAddress, String mask) throws ParseException { byte[] startIp = networkStartIp(ipAddress, mask); int numberOfAddressesInMask = numberOfAddressesInMask(mask); return allAddressesInSubnet(startIp, numberOfAddressesInMask); } public static byte[][] allAddressesInSubnet(int ipAddress, int mask) throws ParseException { return allAddressesInSubnet(ipIntToString(ipAddress), ipIntToString(mask)); } public static String[] allStringAddressesInSubnet(String ipAddress, String mask) throws ParseException { byte[] startIp = networkStartIp(ipAddress, mask); int numberOfAddressesInMask = numberOfAddressesInMask(mask); return allStringAddressesInSubnet(startIp, numberOfAddressesInMask); } public static String[] allStringAddressesInSubnet(int ipAddress, int mask) throws ParseException { return allStringAddressesInSubnet(ipIntToString(ipAddress), ipIntToString(mask)); } public static String[] allStringAddressesInSubnet(byte[] ipAddress, byte[] mask) throws ParseException { return allStringAddressesInSubnet(ipBytesToString(ipAddress), ipBytesToString(mask)); } public static byte[] AND(byte[] a1, byte[] a2) { byte[] r = new byte[a1.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) { r[i] = new Integer(a1[i] & a2[i]).byteValue(); } return r; } public static byte[] XOR(byte[] a1, byte[] a2) { byte[] r = new byte[a1.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) { r[i] = new Integer(a1[i] ^ a2[i]).byteValue(); } return r; } public static byte[] NOT(byte[] a) { byte[] r = new byte[a.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { r[i] = new Integer(~a[i]).byteValue(); } return r; } public static boolean isNetworkAvailable() { return NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED == getState(); } public static NetworkInfo.State getState() { ConnectivityManager mgr = (ConnectivityManager) App.sInstance.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); if (mgr != null) { try { NetworkInfo info = mgr.getActiveNetworkInfo(); if (info != null) { return info.getState(); } } catch (SecurityException ignored) { } } return null; } }