package; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import jcifs.smb.SmbAuthException; import static*; /** * @author Vlad Namashko */ public abstract class MultiActionTask { private static final int MSG_PROGRESS = 0; private static final int MSG_POST_RESULT = 1; private static final int MSG_SET_HEADER = 2; private static InternalHandler sHandler; protected List<File> mItems; protected FileActionProgressDialog mProgressDialog; protected String mCurrentFile; // protected OnActionListener mListener; protected long mTotalSize = 0; protected long mDoneSize = 0; protected String mSdCardPath; protected Uri mBaseUri; protected boolean mUseStorageApi; protected boolean mIsCancelled; /** * Task start time in milliseconds. For debug purposes. */ private long mTaskStartTime; private TaskResult mTaskResult; private List<Future> mSubTasksAsynk = new LinkedList<>(); private Map<Future, String> mSubTasksAsynkLabels = new HashMap<>(); private StringBuilder mActiveSubTasksListBuilder = new StringBuilder(); private int mInvokedOnPanel; private int mLabelType; public MultiActionTask(final Context context, int invokedOnPanel, List<File> items) { mItems = items; mTaskResult = new TaskResult(); mTaskResult.task = this; mTaskResult.invokedOnPanel = invokedOnPanel; mInvokedOnPanel = invokedOnPanel; mTaskResult.extra = getExtra(); mLabelType = App.sInstance.getSettings().getMultiActionLabelType(); init(context); } protected MultiActionTask() { } protected Object getExtra() { return ""; } protected void init(Context context) { mProgressDialog = new FileActionProgressDialog(context, mProgressDialogDismissListener); mProgressDialog.setIndeterminate(isIndeterminate());; } protected void calculateSize() { for (File file : mItems) { try { mTotalSize += FileUtils.sizeOf(file); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void execute() { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { mTaskStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } runAsync(getActionRunnable()); } public void runSubTaskAsynk(Callable subTask, File file) { Future future = runAsync(subTask); mSubTasksAsynk.add(future); mSubTasksAsynkLabels.put(future, file.getName()); } public void runSubTaskAsynk(Callable subTask, FileProxy file) { Future future = runAsync(subTask); mSubTasksAsynk.add(future); mSubTasksAsynkLabels.put(future, file.getName()); } protected String getProgressText() { if (mLabelType == Settings.MULTI_ACTION_LABEL_TYPE_FILES_NUM) { return getActiveSubTaskStatus(); } else { return getActiveSubTaskFiles(); } } private String getActiveSubTaskFiles() { mActiveSubTasksListBuilder.setLength(0); for (String file : mSubTasksAsynkLabels.values()) { mActiveSubTasksListBuilder.append(file).append(" "); } return mActiveSubTasksListBuilder.toString(); } private String getActiveSubTaskStatus() { return App.sInstance.getResources().getString(R.string.processing_files, mSubTasksAsynkLabels.size()); } protected void setHeader(String header) { mTaskResult.header = header; getHandler().obtainMessage(MSG_SET_HEADER, mTaskResult).sendToTarget(); } protected void publishProgress() { mTaskResult.fileName = mCurrentFile == null ? "" : mCurrentFile; getHandler().obtainMessage(MSG_PROGRESS, mTaskResult).sendToTarget(); } protected void publishProgress(final int value) { mTaskResult.fileName = mCurrentFile == null ? "" : mCurrentFile; mTaskResult.progress = value; getHandler().obtainMessage(MSG_PROGRESS, mTaskResult).sendToTarget(); } protected void onTaskDone(final TaskStatusEnum status) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.d(getTag(), "execution time = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - mTaskStartTime)); } mTaskResult.status = status; getHandler().obtainMessage(MSG_POST_RESULT, mTaskResult).sendToTarget(); } /** * Update progress on dialog. * * In of <code>mTotalSize</code> equals 0 most likely we have indeterminate and should update * only title text on dialog (if text is not empty). */ protected void updateProgress() { if (mTotalSize > 0) { publishProgress((int) (100 * mDoneSize / mTotalSize)); } else if (!isNullOrEmpty(mCurrentFile)) { publishProgress(); } } protected boolean isCancelled() { return mIsCancelled; } protected boolean createDirectoryIfNotExists(String dir) { File outputDir = new File(dir); return outputDir.exists() || (mUseStorageApi ? StorageUtils.mkDir(mBaseUri, mSdCardPath, outputDir) : outputDir.mkdirs()); } protected boolean createDirectoryIfNotExists(File outputDir) { return outputDir.exists() || (mUseStorageApi ? StorageUtils.mkDir(mBaseUri, mSdCardPath, outputDir) : outputDir.mkdirs()); } private DialogInterface.OnDismissListener mProgressDialogDismissListener = dialog -> { cancel(); RxBus.getInstance().postEvent(new TaskCancelledEvent(mInvokedOnPanel)); }; public void cancel() { mIsCancelled = true; for (Future future : mSubTasksAsynk) { if (!future.isDone()) { future.cancel(true); } onSubTaskDone(future); } } protected Runnable getActionRunnable() { return mActionRunnable; } protected boolean hasSubTasks() { return mSubTasksAsynk.size() > 0; } private Runnable mActionRunnable = () -> { calculateSize(); TaskStatusEnum status = doAction(); if (hasSubTasks() && handleSubTasks(status)) { return; } onTaskDone(status); }; /** * Process async sub tasks (if present): wait for execution and handle errors (if any). * * @param status result of common action execution. * @return <code>true</code> if task was finished with error and doesn't need to be handled outside,<code>false</code> otherwise. */ protected boolean handleSubTasks(TaskStatusEnum status) { if (status == TaskStatusEnum.OK) { try { for (Future future : mSubTasksAsynk) { future.get(); onSubTaskDone(future); } } catch (ExecutionException e) { handleExecutionException(e); return true; } catch (Exception e) { onTaskDone(handleSubTaskException(e)); return true; } } else { for (Future future : mSubTasksAsynk) { future.cancel(true); } } return false; } private void handleExecutionException(ExecutionException e) { // attempt to extract execution exception System.out.println("::::::::: " + e.getCause().toString()); String[] messages = e.getCause().toString().split(":"); try { Class clazz = Class.forName(messages[0].trim()); // special case for access denied on LAN onTaskDone(clazz.equals(SmbAuthException.class) && messages[1].trim().equals(SmbAPI.ACCESS_DENIED) ? TaskStatusEnum.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED : handleSubTaskException((Exception) clazz.newInstance())); } catch (Exception ee) { onTaskDone(handleSubTaskException(e)); } } private static InternalHandler getHandler() { synchronized (MultiActionTask.class) { if (sHandler == null) { sHandler = new InternalHandler(); } return sHandler; } } protected boolean isIndeterminate() { return false; } protected String getTag() { return "MultiActionTask"; } public void onSubTaskDone(Future future) { mSubTasksAsynkLabels.remove(future); } public abstract TaskStatusEnum doAction(); public abstract TaskStatusEnum handleSubTaskException(Exception e); private static class InternalHandler extends Handler { public InternalHandler() { super(Looper.getMainLooper()); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { TaskResult taskResult = (TaskResult) msg.obj; switch (msg.what) { case MSG_POST_RESULT: try { taskResult.task.mProgressDialog.dismiss(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } // if (taskResult.task.mListener != null) { // taskResult.task.mListener.onActionFinish(taskResult.status); // } TaskStatusEnum status = taskResult.status; if (status == TaskStatusEnum.OK) { RxBus.getInstance().postEvent(new TaskOkEvent(taskResult.invokedOnPanel)); } else { RxBus.getInstance().postEvent(new TaskErrorEvent(taskResult.invokedOnPanel).setStatus(status).setExtra(taskResult.extra)); } break; case MSG_SET_HEADER: taskResult.task.mProgressDialog.setHeader(taskResult.header); break; case MSG_PROGRESS: taskResult.task.mProgressDialog.updateProgress(taskResult.fileName, taskResult.progress); break; } } } private static class TaskResult { MultiActionTask task; int progress; String fileName; String header; TaskStatusEnum status; int invokedOnPanel; Object extra; } }