package com.mediafire.sdk.token; import com.mediafire.sdk.api.responses.UserGetSessionTokenResponse; /** * a SessionToken used to make API calls (v2) */ public class SessionToken { private final String time; private final String pToken; private final String token; private final long sKey; private final String pKey; private final String eKey; private SessionToken(Builder builder) { token = builder.token; time = builder.time; pToken = builder.pToken; sKey = builder.sKey; pKey = builder.pKey; eKey = builder.eKey; } public static SessionToken makeSessionTokenFromApiResponse(UserGetSessionTokenResponse apiResponse) { Builder builder = new Builder(apiResponse.getSessionToken()); builder.time(apiResponse.getTime()); builder.secretKey(apiResponse.getSecretKey()); builder.ekey(apiResponse.getEkey()); builder.pkey(apiResponse.getPkey()); builder.permanentToken(apiResponse.getPermanentToken()); return; } public static SessionToken updateSessionToken(SessionToken token) { long newKey = token.sKey * 16807L; newKey %= 2147483647L; Builder builder = new Builder(token.getToken()); builder.time(token.getTime()); builder.secretKey(newKey); builder.ekey(token.getEkey()); builder.pkey(token.getPkey()); builder.permanentToken(token.getPermanentToken()); return; } public final String getTime() { return time; } public final long getSecretKey() { return sKey; } public final String getPkey() { return pKey; } public final String getEkey() { return eKey; } public final String getPermanentToken() { return pToken; } public String getToken() { return token; } @Override public String toString() { return "SessionToken{" + "time='" + time + '\'' + ", pToken='" + pToken + '\'' + ", token='" + token + '\'' + ", sKey=" + sKey + ", pKey='" + pKey + '\'' + ", eKey='" + eKey + '\'' + '}'; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; SessionToken that = (SessionToken) o; return sKey == that.sKey && !(eKey != null ? !eKey.equals(that.eKey) : that.eKey != null) && !(pKey != null ? !pKey.equals(that.pKey) : that.pKey != null) && !(pToken != null ? !pToken.equals(that.pToken) : that.pToken != null) && !(time != null ? !time.equals(that.time) : that.time != null) && !(token != null ? !token.equals(that.token) : that.token != null); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = time != null ? time.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (pToken != null ? pToken.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (token != null ? token.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (int) (sKey ^ (sKey >>> 32)); result = 31 * result + (pKey != null ? pKey.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (eKey != null ? eKey.hashCode() : 0); return result; } public static class Builder { private final String token; private String time; private String pToken; private long sKey; private String pKey; private String eKey; public Builder(String tokenString) { token = tokenString; } public final Builder time(String value) { time = value; return this; } public final Builder permanentToken(String value) { pToken = value; return this; } public final Builder secretKey(long value) { sKey = value; return this; } public final Builder pkey(String value) { pKey = value; return this; } public final Builder ekey(String ekey) { eKey = ekey; return this; } public SessionToken build() { return new SessionToken(this); } } }