package com.mediafire.sdk.uploader; import com.mediafire.sdk.MFApiException; import com.mediafire.sdk.MFException; import com.mediafire.sdk.MFSessionNotStartedException; import com.mediafire.sdk.MediaFire; import com.mediafire.sdk.api.UploadApi; import com.mediafire.sdk.api.responses.*; import com.mediafire.sdk.api.responses.data_models.*; import com.mediafire.sdk.util.HashUtil; import*; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * Runnable which handles Web Uploads, Simple Uploads, and Resumable Uploads */ public class MediaFireUpload implements Runnable { private static final int TIME_BETWEEN_POLLS_MILLIS = 1000 * 5; private static final int MAX_POLLS = 24; private static final long FOUR_MB = 4000000; private static final String UTF8 = "UTF-8"; private static final String PARAM_RESPONSE_FORMAT = "response_format"; private static final String PARAM_URL = "url"; private static final String PARAM_FILENAME = "filename"; private static final String PARAM_FOLDER_KEY = "folder_key"; private static final String PARAM_FOLDER_PATH = "path"; private static final String PARAM_RESUMABLE = "resumable"; private static final String PARAM_SIZE = "size"; private static final String PARAM_HASH = "hash"; private static final String PARAM_KEY = "key"; private static final String PARAM_UPLOAD_KEY = "upload_key"; private static final String PARAM_ALL_WEB_UPLOADS = "all_web_uploads"; private static final String JSON = "json"; private static final String HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type"; private static final String HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH = "Content-Length"; private static final String HEADER_X_FILENAME = "x-filename"; private static final String HEADER_X_FILESIZE = "x-filesize"; private static final String HEADER_X_FILEHASH = "x-filehash"; private static final String HEADER_X_UNIT_HASH = "x-unit-hash"; private static final String HEADER_X_UNIT_ID = "x-unit-id"; private static final String HEADER_X_UNIT_SIZE = "x-unit-size"; private static final String CONTENT_TYPE_OCTET_STREAM = "application/octet-stream"; // args passed via constructor private final MediaFire mediaFire; private final int statusToFinish; private File file; private ActionOnInAccount actionOnInAccount; // values set by class during execution private String url; private final MediaFireUploadHandler handler; private String fileHash; private List<Boolean> uploadUnits = new LinkedList<Boolean>(); // optional values that can be set private final String filename; private String folderKey; private String folderPath; private final long id; public MediaFireUpload(MediaFire mediaFire, int statusToFinish, File file, String filename, String folderPath, ActionOnInAccount actionOnInAccount, MediaFireUploadHandler handler, long id) { this.mediaFire = mediaFire; this.statusToFinish = statusToFinish; this.file = file; this.filename = filename; this.folderPath = folderPath; this.actionOnInAccount = actionOnInAccount; this.handler = handler; = id; } public MediaFireUpload(MediaFire mediaFire, int statusToFinish, String url, String filename, MediaFireUploadHandler handler, long id) { this.mediaFire = mediaFire; this.statusToFinish = statusToFinish; this.url = url; this.filename = filename; this.handler = handler; = id; } private void setOptionalFolderKey(String folderKey) { this.folderKey = folderKey; } private void setOptionalFolderPath(String folderPath) { this.folderPath = folderPath; } public long getId() { return; } @Override public void run() { try { if (this.url != null && !this.url.isEmpty()) { addWebUpload(); } else if (file != null && file.exists()) { if (this.file.length() < FOUR_MB) { simpleUpload(); } else { checkUpload(); } } else { throw new MFException("no url or file was passed to upload"); } } catch (MFException e) { if (this.handler != null) { this.handler.uploadFailed(, e); } } catch (MFApiException e) { if (this.handler != null) { this.handler.uploadFailed(, e); } } catch (IOException e) { if (this.handler != null) { this.handler.uploadFailed(, e); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (this.handler != null) { this.handler.uploadFailed(, e); } } catch (MFSessionNotStartedException e) { if (this.handler != null) { this.handler.uploadFailed(, e); } } } private void checkUpload() throws IOException, MFException, MFApiException, InterruptedException, MFSessionNotStartedException { LinkedHashMap<String, Object> params = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); params.put(PARAM_RESPONSE_FORMAT, JSON); params.put(PARAM_RESUMABLE, "yes"); params.put(PARAM_SIZE, this.file.length()); params.put(PARAM_HASH, getFileHash()); params.put(PARAM_FILENAME, this.filename); if (this.folderKey != null && !this.folderKey.isEmpty()) { params.put(PARAM_FOLDER_KEY, this.folderKey); } if (this.folderPath != null && !this.folderPath.isEmpty()) { params.put(PARAM_FOLDER_PATH, this.folderPath); } UploadCheckResponse response = UploadApi.check(this.mediaFire, params, "1.4", UploadCheckResponse.class); String hashExists = response.getHashExists(); String inAccount = response.getInAccount(); String inFolder = response.getInFolder(); String duplicateQuickKey = response.getDuplicateQuickkey(); if ("yes".equals(inAccount)) { switch (actionOnInAccount) { case UPLOAD_ALWAYS: instantUpload(); break; case UPLOAD_IF_NOT_IN_FOLDER: if ("no".equals(inFolder)) { instantUpload(); } else { uploadFinished(duplicateQuickKey); } break; case DO_NOT_UPLOAD: default: uploadFinished(duplicateQuickKey); break; } return; } if ("yes".equals(hashExists)) { instantUpload(); } else { ResumableUpload resumableUpload = response.getResumableUpload(); resumableUpload(resumableUpload); } } private void instantUpload() throws MFException, MFApiException, IOException, MFSessionNotStartedException { LinkedHashMap<String, Object> params = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); params.put(PARAM_RESPONSE_FORMAT, JSON); params.put(PARAM_SIZE, this.file.length()); params.put(PARAM_HASH, getFileHash()); params.put(PARAM_FILENAME, URLEncoder.encode(filename, UTF8)); if (this.folderKey != null && !this.folderKey.isEmpty()) { params.put(PARAM_FOLDER_KEY, folderKey); } if (this.folderPath != null && !this.folderPath.isEmpty()) { params.put(PARAM_FOLDER_PATH, this.folderPath); } UploadInstantResponse response = UploadApi.instant(this.mediaFire, params, "1.4", UploadInstantResponse.class); String quickKey = response.getQuickKey(); String fileName = response.getFileName(); uploadFinished(quickKey, fileName); } private void resumableUpload(ResumableUpload resumableUpload) throws MFException, MFApiException, IOException, InterruptedException, MFSessionNotStartedException { LinkedHashMap<String, Object> params = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); params.put(PARAM_RESPONSE_FORMAT, JSON); if (this.folderKey != null && !this.folderKey.isEmpty()) { params.put(PARAM_FOLDER_KEY, folderKey); } if (this.folderPath != null && !this.folderPath.isEmpty()) { params.put(PARAM_FOLDER_PATH, this.folderPath); } // base headers that don't change Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<String, Object>(); headers.put(HEADER_X_FILESIZE, file.length()); headers.put(HEADER_X_FILEHASH, getFileHash()); headers.put(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_TYPE_OCTET_STREAM); headers.put(HEADER_X_FILENAME, URLEncoder.encode(this.filename, UTF8)); int numUnits = resumableUpload.getNumberOfUnits(); int unitSize = resumableUpload.getUnitSize(); for (int chunkNumber = 0; chunkNumber < numUnits; chunkNumber++) { if (isChunkUploaded(chunkNumber)) { continue; } int chunkSize = getChunkSize(chunkNumber, numUnits, this.file.length(), unitSize); byte[] chunk = makeChunk(unitSize, chunkNumber); String chunkHash = HashUtil.sha256(chunk); headers.put(HEADER_X_UNIT_ID, chunkNumber); headers.put(HEADER_X_UNIT_SIZE, chunkSize); headers.put(HEADER_X_UNIT_HASH, chunkHash); UploadResumableResponse response = UploadApi.resumable(this.mediaFire, params, headers, chunk, "1.4", UploadResumableResponse.class); ResumableDoUpload doUpload = response.getDoUpload(); ResumableUpload newResumableUpload = response.getResumableUpload(); String allUnitsReady = newResumableUpload.getAllUnitsReady(); if (allUnitsReady != null && "yes".equals(allUnitsReady) && doUpload != null) { String uploadKey = doUpload.getKey(); pollUpload(uploadKey); return; } ResumableBitmap bitmap = resumableUpload.getBitmap(); if (bitmap != null) { int count = bitmap.getCount(); List<Integer> words = bitmap.getWords(); updateUploadBitmap(count, words); } int numUploaded = 0; for (int chunkCount = 0; chunkCount < numUnits; chunkCount++) { if (isChunkUploaded(chunkCount)) { numUploaded++; } } double percentFinished = (double) numUploaded / (double) numUnits; percentFinished *= 100; uploadProgress(percentFinished); } } private void pollUpload(String uploadKey) throws MFException, MFApiException, InterruptedException, MFSessionNotStartedException { final LinkedHashMap<String, Object> params = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); params.put(PARAM_RESPONSE_FORMAT, JSON); params.put(PARAM_KEY, uploadKey); long pollCount = 0; do { UploadPollUploadResponse response = UploadApi.pollUpload(this.mediaFire, params, "1.4", UploadPollUploadResponse.class); PollDoUpload doUpload = response.getDoUpload(); int fileErrorCode = doUpload.getFileErrorCode(); int resultCode = doUpload.getResultCode(); int statusCode = doUpload.getStatusCode(); String description = doUpload.getDescription(); String quickKey = doUpload.getQuickKey(); String filename = doUpload.getFilename(); if (quickKey != null && !quickKey.isEmpty()) { uploadFinished(quickKey); return; } if (statusCode >= statusToFinish) { uploadFinished(quickKey, filename); return; } if (fileErrorCode != 0) { throw new MFApiException(fileErrorCode, "file error code " + fileErrorCode + " while polling"); } if (resultCode != 0) { throw new MFApiException(fileErrorCode, "resultCode code " + resultCode + " while polling"); } if (handler != null) { handler.uploadPolling(id, statusCode, description); } Thread.sleep(TIME_BETWEEN_POLLS_MILLIS); pollCount++; } while (pollCount <= MAX_POLLS); } private void getWebUploads(String uploadKey) throws MFException, MFApiException, InterruptedException, MFSessionNotStartedException { final LinkedHashMap<String, Object> params = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); params.put(PARAM_RESPONSE_FORMAT, JSON); params.put(PARAM_UPLOAD_KEY, uploadKey); params.put(PARAM_ALL_WEB_UPLOADS, "yes"); long pollCount = 0; do { UploadGetWebUploadsResponse response = UploadApi.getWebUploads(this.mediaFire, params, "1.4", UploadGetWebUploadsResponse.class); WebUploads[] webUploadsArray = response.getWebUploads(); if (webUploadsArray == null || webUploadsArray.length == 0) { pollCount++; continue; } WebUploads webUpload = webUploadsArray[0]; int statusCode = webUpload.getStatusCode(); int errorStatus = webUpload.getErrorStatus(); String description = webUpload.getStatus(); String quickKey = webUpload.getQuickKey(); String filename = webUpload.getFilename(); if (quickKey != null && !quickKey.isEmpty()) { uploadFinished(quickKey); return; } if (statusCode >= statusToFinish) { uploadFinished(quickKey, filename); return; } if (errorStatus != 0) { throw new MFApiException(errorStatus, "error status " + errorStatus + " while polling upload/get_web_uploads"); } if (handler != null) { handler.uploadPolling(id, statusCode, description); } Thread.sleep(TIME_BETWEEN_POLLS_MILLIS); pollCount++; } while (pollCount <= MAX_POLLS); } private void simpleUpload() throws MFException, MFApiException, IOException, InterruptedException, MFSessionNotStartedException { LinkedHashMap<String, Object> params = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); params.put(PARAM_RESPONSE_FORMAT, JSON); if (this.folderKey != null && !this.folderKey.isEmpty()) { params.put(PARAM_FOLDER_KEY, folderKey); } if (this.folderPath != null && !this.folderPath.isEmpty()) { params.put(PARAM_FOLDER_PATH, this.folderPath); } Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<String, Object>(); headers.put(HEADER_X_FILENAME, filename); headers.put(HEADER_X_FILESIZE, file.length()); headers.put(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_TYPE_OCTET_STREAM); headers.put(HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, file.length()); byte[] payload = getFileBytes(file); UploadSimpleResponse response = UploadApi.simple(this.mediaFire, params, headers, payload, "1.4", UploadSimpleResponse.class); String uploadKey = response.getDoUpload().getUploadKey(); pollUpload(uploadKey); } private void addWebUpload() throws MFException, MFApiException, InterruptedException, UnsupportedEncodingException, MFSessionNotStartedException { LinkedHashMap<String, Object> params = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); params.put(PARAM_RESPONSE_FORMAT, JSON); params.put(PARAM_URL, this.url); params.put(PARAM_FILENAME, URLEncoder.encode(this.filename, UTF8)); if (this.folderKey != null && !this.folderKey.isEmpty()) { params.put(PARAM_FOLDER_KEY, this.folderKey); } UploadAddWebUploadResponse response = UploadApi.addWebUpload(this.mediaFire, params, "1.4", UploadAddWebUploadResponse.class); String uploadKey = response.getUploadKey(); getWebUploads(uploadKey); } private void uploadFinished() { uploadFinished(null); } private void uploadFinished(String quickKey) { uploadFinished(quickKey, null); } private void uploadFinished(String quickKey, String fileName) { if (this.handler != null) { this.handler.uploadFinished(, quickKey, fileName); } } private void uploadProgress(double percentFinished) { if (this.handler != null) { this.handler.uploadProgress(, percentFinished); } } private String getFileHash() throws IOException { if (this.fileHash == null) { this.fileHash = HashUtil.sha256(file); } return this.fileHash; } private byte[] makeChunk(int unitSize, int chunkNumber) throws IOException { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(this.file); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); byte[] uploadChunk = createUploadChunk(unitSize, chunkNumber, bis); fis.close(); bis.close(); return uploadChunk; } private int getChunkSize(int chunkNumber, int numChunks, long fileSize, int unitSize) { int chunkSize; if (chunkNumber >= numChunks) { chunkSize = 0; // represents bad size } else { if (fileSize % unitSize == 0) { // all units will be of unitSize chunkSize = unitSize; } else if (chunkNumber < numChunks - 1) { // this unit is of unitSize chunkSize = unitSize; } else { // this unit is "special" and is the modulo of fileSize and unitSize; chunkSize = (int) (fileSize % unitSize); } } return chunkSize; } private byte[] createUploadChunk(long unitSize, int chunkNumber, BufferedInputStream fileStream) throws IOException { int offset = (int) (unitSize * chunkNumber); fileStream.skip(offset); ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream( (int) unitSize); int bufferSize = 65536; byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; int readSize; int t = 0; while ((readSize = > 0 && t <= unitSize) { if (output.size() + readSize > unitSize) { int actualReadSize = (int) unitSize - output.size(); output.write(buffer, 0, actualReadSize); } else { output.write(buffer, 0, readSize); } if (readSize > 0) { t += readSize; } } return output.toByteArray(); } private boolean isChunkUploaded(int chunkId) { if (this.uploadUnits.isEmpty()) { return false; } return this.uploadUnits.get(chunkId); } private void updateUploadBitmap(int count, List<Integer> words) { List<Boolean> uploadUnits = new LinkedList<Boolean>(); if (words == null || words.isEmpty()) { this.uploadUnits = uploadUnits; return; } //loop count times for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { //convert words to binary string String word = Integer.toBinaryString(words.get(i)); //ensure number is 16 bit by adding 0 until there are 16 bits while (word.length() < 16) { word = "0" + word; } //add boolean to collection depending on bit value for (int j = 0; j < word.length(); j++) { uploadUnits.add(i * 16 + j, word.charAt(15 - j) == '1'); } } this.uploadUnits = uploadUnits; } private static byte[] getFileBytes(File file) throws IOException { byte[] fileBytes = new byte[(int) file.length()]; //convert file into array of bytes FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);; fileInputStream.close(); return fileBytes; } public enum ActionOnInAccount { UPLOAD_IF_NOT_IN_FOLDER, DO_NOT_UPLOAD, UPLOAD_ALWAYS, } @Override public String toString() { return "MediaFireUpload{" + "id=" + id + ", file=" + file + ", url='" + url + '\'' + ", fileHash='" + fileHash + '\'' + ", filename='" + filename + '\'' + ", folderKey='" + folderKey + '\'' + ", folderPath='" + folderPath + '\'' + ", actionOnInAccount=" + actionOnInAccount + ", statusToFinish=" + statusToFinish + '}'; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; MediaFireUpload that = (MediaFireUpload) o; return == && this.actionOnInAccount == that.actionOnInAccount && !(this.file != null ? !file.equals(that.file) : that.file != null) && !(this.fileHash != null ? !fileHash.equals(that.fileHash) : that.fileHash != null) && !(this.url != null ? !url.equals(that.url) : that.url != null); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = file != null ? file.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (actionOnInAccount != null ? actionOnInAccount.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (url != null ? url.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (fileHash != null ? fileHash.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (int) (id ^ (id >>> 32)); return result; } }