//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Description: See the class level JavaDoc comments. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package com.microsoft.live; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpVersion; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager; import org.apache.http.conn.params.ConnManagerParams; import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory; import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme; import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SchemeRegistry; import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory; import org.apache.http.entity.InputStreamEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager; import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams; import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams; import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams; import org.apache.http.params.HttpProtocolParams; import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.text.TextUtils; /** * {@code LiveConnectClient} is a class that is responsible for making requests over to the * Live Connect REST API. In order to perform requests, a {@link LiveConnectSession} is required. * A {@link LiveConnectSession} can be created from a {@link LiveAuthClient}. * * {@code LiveConnectClient} provides methods to perform both synchronous and asynchronous calls * on the Live Connect REST API. A synchronous method's corresponding asynchronous method is * suffixed with "Async" (e.g., the synchronous method, get, has a corresponding asynchronous * method called, getAsync). Asynchronous methods require a call back listener that will be called * back on the main/UI thread on completion, error, or progress. */ public class LiveConnectClient { /** Gets the ContentLength when a request finishes and sets it in the given operation. */ private static class ContentLengthObserver implements ApiRequest.Observer { private final LiveDownloadOperation operation; public ContentLengthObserver(LiveDownloadOperation operation) { assert operation != null; this.operation = operation; } @Override public void onComplete(HttpResponse response) { Header header = response.getFirstHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_LEN); // Sometimes this header is not included in the response. if (header == null) { return; } int contentLength = Integer.valueOf(header.getValue()); this.operation.setContentLength(contentLength); } } /** * Listens to an {@link ApiRequestAsync} for onComplete and onError events and calls the proper * method on the given {@link LiveDownloadOperationListener} on a given event. */ private static class DownloadObserver implements ApiRequestAsync.Observer<InputStream> { private final LiveDownloadOperationListener listener; private final LiveDownloadOperation operation; public DownloadObserver(LiveDownloadOperation operation, LiveDownloadOperationListener listener) { assert operation != null; assert listener != null; this.operation = operation; this.listener = listener; } @Override public void onComplete(InputStream result) { this.operation.setStream(result); this.listener.onDownloadCompleted(this.operation); } @Override public void onError(LiveOperationException e) { this.listener.onDownloadFailed(e, this.operation); } } /** * Listens to an {@link ApiRequestAsync} for onComplete and onError events and calls the proper * method on the given {@link LiveDownloadOperationListener} on a given event. When the download * is complete this writes the results to a file, and publishes progress updates. */ private static class FileDownloadObserver extends AsyncTask<InputStream, Integer, Runnable> implements ApiRequestAsync.Observer<InputStream> { private class OnErrorRunnable implements Runnable { private final LiveOperationException exception; public OnErrorRunnable(LiveOperationException exception) { this.exception = exception; } @Override public void run() { listener.onDownloadFailed(exception, operation); } } private final File file; private final LiveDownloadOperationListener listener; private final LiveDownloadOperation operation; public FileDownloadObserver(LiveDownloadOperation operation, LiveDownloadOperationListener listener, File file) { assert operation != null; assert listener != null; assert file != null; this.operation = operation; this.listener = listener; this.file = file; } @Override protected Runnable doInBackground(InputStream... params) { InputStream is = params[0]; byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; OutputStream out; try { out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LiveOperationException exception = new LiveOperationException(ErrorMessages.CLIENT_ERROR, e); return new OnErrorRunnable(exception); } try { int totalBytes = operation.getContentLength(); int bytesRemaining = totalBytes; int bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = is.read(buffer)) != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); bytesRemaining -= bytesRead; publishProgress(totalBytes, bytesRemaining); } } catch (IOException e) { LiveOperationException exception = new LiveOperationException(ErrorMessages.CLIENT_ERROR, e); return new OnErrorRunnable(exception); } finally { closeSilently(out); closeSilently(is); } return new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { listener.onDownloadCompleted(operation); } }; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Runnable result) { result.run(); } @Override protected void onProgressUpdate(Integer... values) { int totalBytes = values[0]; int bytesRemaining = values[1]; assert totalBytes >= 0; assert bytesRemaining >= 0; assert totalBytes >= bytesRemaining; listener.onDownloadProgress(totalBytes, bytesRemaining, operation); } @Override public void onComplete(InputStream result) { this.execute(result); } @Override public void onError(LiveOperationException e) { this.listener.onDownloadFailed(e, this.operation); } } /** * Listens to an {@link ApiRequestAsync} for onComplete and onError events and calls the proper * method on the given {@link LiveOperationListener} on a given event. */ private static class OperationObserver implements ApiRequestAsync.Observer<JSONObject> { private final LiveOperationListener listener; private final LiveOperation operation; public OperationObserver(LiveOperation operation, LiveOperationListener listener) { assert operation != null; assert listener != null; this.operation = operation; this.listener = listener; } @Override public void onComplete(JSONObject result) { this.operation.setResult(result); this.listener.onComplete(this.operation); } @Override public void onError(LiveOperationException e) { this.listener.onError(e, this.operation); } } /** non-instantiable class that contains static constants for parameter names. */ private static final class ParamNames { public static final String ACCESS_TOKEN = "session.getAccessToken()"; public static final String BODY = "body"; public static final String DESTINATION = "destination"; public static final String FILE = "file"; public static final String FILENAME = "filename"; public static final String OVERWRITE = "overwrite"; public static final String PATH = "path"; public static final String SESSION = "session"; private ParamNames() { throw new AssertionError(ErrorMessages.NON_INSTANTIABLE_CLASS); } } private enum SessionState { LOGGED_IN { @Override public void check() { // nothing. valid state. } }, LOGGED_OUT { @Override public void check() { throw new IllegalStateException(ErrorMessages.LOGGED_OUT); } }; public abstract void check(); } /** * Listens to an {@link ApiRequestAsync} for onComplete and onError events, and listens to an * {@link EntityEnclosingApiRequest} for onProgress events and calls the * proper {@link LiveUploadOperationListener} on such events. */ private static class UploadRequestListener implements ApiRequestAsync.Observer<JSONObject>, ApiRequestAsync.ProgressObserver { private final LiveUploadOperationListener listener; private final LiveOperation operation; public UploadRequestListener(LiveOperation operation, LiveUploadOperationListener listener) { assert operation != null; assert listener != null; this.operation = operation; this.listener = listener; } @Override public void onComplete(JSONObject result) { this.operation.setResult(result); this.listener.onUploadCompleted(this.operation); } @Override public void onError(LiveOperationException e) { assert e != null; this.listener.onUploadFailed(e, this.operation); } @Override public void onProgress(Long... values) { long totalBytes = values[0].longValue(); long numBytesWritten = values[1].longValue(); assert totalBytes >= 0L; assert numBytesWritten >= 0L; assert numBytesWritten <= totalBytes; long bytesRemaining = totalBytes - numBytesWritten; this.listener.onUploadProgress((int)totalBytes, (int)bytesRemaining, this.operation); } } private static int BUFFER_SIZE = 1 << 10; private static int CONNECT_TIMEOUT_IN_MS = 30 * 1000; /** The key used for HTTP MOVE and HTTP COPY requests. */ private static final String DESTINATION_KEY = "destination"; private static volatile HttpClient HTTP_CLIENT; private static Object HTTP_CLIENT_LOCK = new Object(); /** * A LiveDownloadOperationListener that does nothing on each of the call backs. * This is used so when a null listener is passed in, this can be used, instead of null, * to avoid if (listener == null) checks. */ private static final LiveDownloadOperationListener NULL_DOWNLOAD_OPERATION_LISTENER; /** * A LiveOperationListener that does nothing on each of the call backs. * This is used so when a null listener is passed in, this can be used, instead of null, * to avoid if (listener == null) checks. */ private static final LiveOperationListener NULL_OPERATION_LISTENER; /** * A LiveUploadOperationListener that does nothing on each of the call backs. * This is used so when a null listener is passed in, this can be used, instead of null, * to avoid if (listener == null) checks. */ private static final LiveUploadOperationListener NULL_UPLOAD_OPERATION_LISTENER; private static int SOCKET_TIMEOUT_IN_MS = 30 * 1000; static { NULL_DOWNLOAD_OPERATION_LISTENER = new LiveDownloadOperationListener() { @Override public void onDownloadCompleted(LiveDownloadOperation operation) { assert operation != null; } @Override public void onDownloadFailed(LiveOperationException exception, LiveDownloadOperation operation) { assert exception != null; assert operation != null; } @Override public void onDownloadProgress(int totalBytes, int bytesRemaining, LiveDownloadOperation operation) { assert totalBytes >= 0; assert bytesRemaining >= 0; assert totalBytes >= bytesRemaining; assert operation != null; } }; NULL_OPERATION_LISTENER = new LiveOperationListener() { @Override public void onComplete(LiveOperation operation) { assert operation != null; } @Override public void onError(LiveOperationException exception, LiveOperation operation) { assert exception != null; assert operation != null; } }; NULL_UPLOAD_OPERATION_LISTENER = new LiveUploadOperationListener() { @Override public void onUploadCompleted(LiveOperation operation) { assert operation != null; } @Override public void onUploadFailed(LiveOperationException exception, LiveOperation operation) { assert exception != null; assert operation != null; } @Override public void onUploadProgress(int totalBytes, int bytesRemaining, LiveOperation operation) { assert totalBytes >= 0; assert bytesRemaining >= 0; assert totalBytes >= bytesRemaining; assert operation != null; } }; } /** * Checks to see if the given path is a valid uri. * * @param path to check. * @return the valid URI object. */ private static URI assertIsUri(String path) { try { return new URI(path); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { String message = String.format(ErrorMessages.INVALID_URI, ParamNames.PATH); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } } /** * Checks to see if the path is null, empty, or a valid uri. * * This method will be used for Download and Upload requests. * This method will NOT be used for Copy, Delete, Get, Move, Post and Put requests. * * @param path object_id to check. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or an invalid uri. * @throws NullPointerException if the path is null. */ private static void assertValidPath(String path) { LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNullOrEmpty(path, ParamNames.PATH); assertIsUri(path); } private static void closeSilently(Closeable c) { try { c.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // Silently...ssshh } } /** * Checks to see if the path is null, empty, or is an absolute uri and throws * the proper exception if it is. * * This method will be used for Copy, Delete, Get, Move, Post, and Put requests. * This method will NOT be used for Download and Upload requests. * * @param path object_id to check. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if the path is null. */ private static void assertValidRelativePath(String path) { LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNullOrEmpty(path, ParamNames.PATH); if (path.toLowerCase().startsWith("http") || path.toLowerCase().startsWith("https")) { String message = String.format(ErrorMessages.ABSOLUTE_PARAMETER, ParamNames.PATH); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } } /** * Creates a new JSONObject body that has one key-value pair. * @param key * @param value * @return a new JSONObject body with one key-value pair. */ private static JSONObject createJsonBody(String key, String value) { Map<String, String> tempBody = new HashMap<String, String>(); tempBody.put(key, value); return new JSONObject(tempBody); } private static HttpClient getHttpClient() { // The LiveConnectClients can share one HttpClient with a ThreadSafeConnManager. if (HTTP_CLIENT == null) { synchronized (HTTP_CLIENT_LOCK) { if (HTTP_CLIENT == null) { HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(params, CONNECT_TIMEOUT_IN_MS); HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(params, SOCKET_TIMEOUT_IN_MS); ConnManagerParams.setMaxTotalConnections(params, 100); HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(params, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1); SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry(); schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80)); schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("https", SSLSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 443)); // Create an HttpClient with the ThreadSafeClientConnManager. // This connection manager must be used if more than one thread will // be using the HttpClient, which is a common scenario. ClientConnectionManager cm = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(params, schemeRegistry); HTTP_CLIENT = new DefaultHttpClient(cm, params); } } } return HTTP_CLIENT; } /** * Constructs a new LiveOperation and calls the listener's onError method. * * @param e * @param listener * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return a new LiveOperation */ private static LiveOperation handleException(String method, String path, LiveOperationException e, LiveOperationListener listener, Object userState) { LiveOperation operation = new LiveOperation.Builder(method, path).userState(userState).build(); OperationObserver requestListener = new OperationObserver(operation, listener); requestListener.onError(e); return operation; } /** * Constructs a new LiveOperation and calls the listener's onUploadFailed method. * * @param e * @param listener * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return a new LiveOperation */ private static LiveOperation handleException(String method, String path, LiveOperationException e, LiveUploadOperationListener listener, Object userState) { LiveOperation operation = new LiveOperation.Builder(method, path).userState(userState).build(); UploadRequestListener requestListener = new UploadRequestListener(operation, listener); requestListener.onError(e); return operation; } /** * Converts an InputStream to a {@code byte[]}. * * @param is to convert to a {@code byte[]}. * @return a new {@code byte[]} from the InputStream. * @throws IOException if there was an error reading or closing the InputStream. */ private static byte[] toByteArray(InputStream is) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream byteOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(byteOut); is = new BufferedInputStream(is); byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; try { int bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = is.read(buffer)) != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } } finally { // we want to perform silent close operations closeSilently(is); closeSilently(out); } return byteOut.toByteArray(); } /** Change this to mock the HTTP responses. */ private HttpClient httpClient; private final LiveConnectSession session; private SessionState sessionState; /** * Constructs a new {@code LiveConnectClient} instance and initializes it. * * @param session that will be used to authenticate calls over to the Live Connect REST API. * @throws NullPointerException if session is null or if session.getAccessToken() is null. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if session.getAccessToken() is empty. */ public LiveConnectClient(LiveConnectSession session) { LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNull(session, ParamNames.SESSION); String accessToken = session.getAccessToken(); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNullOrEmpty(accessToken, ParamNames.ACCESS_TOKEN); this.session = session; this.sessionState = SessionState.LOGGED_IN; // set a listener for the accessToken. If it is set to null, then the session was logged // out. this.session.addPropertyChangeListener("accessToken", new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) { String newValue = (String)event.getNewValue(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(newValue)) { LiveConnectClient.this.sessionState = SessionState.LOGGED_OUT; } else { LiveConnectClient.this.sessionState = SessionState.LOGGED_IN; } } }); this.httpClient = getHttpClient(); } /** * Performs a synchronous HTTP COPY on the Live Connect REST API. * * A COPY duplicates a resource. * * @param path object_id of the resource to copy. * @param destination the folder_id where the resource will be copied to. * @return The LiveOperation that contains the JSON result. * @throws LiveOperationException if there is an error during the execution of the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path or destination is empty or if the path is an * absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or destination parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation copy(String path, String destination) throws LiveOperationException { assertValidRelativePath(path); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNullOrEmpty(destination, ParamNames.DESTINATION); CopyRequest request = this.createCopyRequest(path, destination); return execute(request); } /** * Performs an asynchronous HTTP COPY on the Live Connect REST API. * * A COPY duplicates a resource. * * {@link LiveOperationListener#onComplete(LiveOperation)} will be called on success. * Otherwise, {@link LiveOperationListener#onError(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} will * be called. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path object_id of the resource to copy. * @param destination the folder_id where the resource will be copied to. * @param listener called on either completion or error during the copy request. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path or destination is empty or if the path is an * absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or destination parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation copyAsync(String path, String destination, LiveOperationListener listener) { return this.copyAsync(path, destination, listener, null); } /** * Performs an asynchronous HTTP COPY on the Live Connect REST API. * * A COPY duplicates a resource. * * {@link LiveOperationListener#onComplete(LiveOperation)} will be called on success. * Otherwise, {@link LiveOperationListener#onError(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} will * be called. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path object_id of the resource to copy. * @param destination the folder_id where the resource will be copied to * @param listener called on either completion or error during the copy request. * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path or destination is empty or if the path is an * absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or destination parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation copyAsync(String path, String destination, LiveOperationListener listener, Object userState) { assertValidRelativePath(path); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNullOrEmpty(destination, ParamNames.DESTINATION); if (listener == null) { listener = NULL_OPERATION_LISTENER; } CopyRequest request; try { request = this.createCopyRequest(path, destination); } catch (LiveOperationException e) { return handleException(CopyRequest.METHOD, path, e, listener, userState); } return executeAsync(request, listener, userState); } /** * Performs a synchronous HTTP DELETE on the Live Connect REST API. * * HTTP DELETE deletes a resource. * * @param path object_id of the resource to delete. * @return The LiveOperation that contains the delete response * @throws LiveOperationException if there is an error during the execution of the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if the path is null. */ public LiveOperation delete(String path) throws LiveOperationException { assertValidRelativePath(path); DeleteRequest request = new DeleteRequest(this.session, this.httpClient, path); return execute(request); } /** * Performs an asynchronous HTTP DELETE on the Live Connect REST API. * * HTTP DELETE deletes a resource. * * {@link LiveOperationListener#onComplete(LiveOperation)} will be called on success. * Otherwise, {@link LiveOperationListener#onError(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} will * be called. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path object_id of the resource to delete. * @param listener called on either completion or error during the delete request. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if the path is null. */ public LiveOperation deleteAsync(String path, LiveOperationListener listener) { return this.deleteAsync(path, listener, null); } /** * Performs an asynchronous HTTP DELETE on the Live Connect REST API. * * HTTP DELETE deletes a resource. * * {@link LiveOperationListener#onComplete(LiveOperation)} will be called on success. * Otherwise, {@link LiveOperationListener#onError(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} will * be called. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path object_id of the resource to delete. * @param listener called on either completion or error during the delete request. * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if the path is null. */ public LiveOperation deleteAsync(String path, LiveOperationListener listener, Object userState) { assertValidRelativePath(path); if (listener == null) { listener = NULL_OPERATION_LISTENER; } DeleteRequest request = new DeleteRequest(this.session, this.httpClient, path); return executeAsync(request, listener, userState); } /** * Downloads a resource by performing a synchronous HTTP GET on the Live Connect REST API that * returns the response as an {@link InputStream}. * * @param path object_id of the resource to download. * @throws LiveOperationException if there is an error during the execution of the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or an invalid uri. * @throws NullPointerException if the path is null. */ public LiveDownloadOperation download(String path) throws LiveOperationException { assertValidPath(path); DownloadRequest request = new DownloadRequest(this.session, this.httpClient, path); LiveDownloadOperation operation = new LiveDownloadOperation.Builder(request.getMethod(), request.getPath()).build(); request.addObserver(new ContentLengthObserver(operation)); InputStream stream = request.execute(); operation.setStream(stream); return operation; } /** * Downloads a resource by performing an asynchronous HTTP GET on the Live Connect REST API that * returns the response as an {@link InputStream}. * * {@link LiveDownloadOperationListener#onDownloadCompleted(LiveDownloadOperation)} will be * called on success. * On any download progress * {@link LiveDownloadOperationListener#onDownloadProgress(int, int, LiveDownloadOperation)} * will be called. * Otherwise on error, * {@link LiveDownloadOperationListener#onDownloadFailed(LiveOperationException, * LiveDownloadOperation)} will * be called. All of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path object_id of the resource to download. * @param listener called on either completion or error during the download request. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or an invalid uri. * @throws NullPointerException if the path is null. */ public LiveDownloadOperation downloadAsync(String path, LiveDownloadOperationListener listener) { return this.downloadAsync(path, listener, null); } /** * Downloads a resource by performing an asynchronous HTTP GET on the Live Connect REST API that * returns the response as an {@link InputStream}. * * {@link LiveDownloadOperationListener#onDownloadCompleted(LiveDownloadOperation)} will be * called on success. * On any download progress * {@link LiveDownloadOperationListener#onDownloadProgress(int, int, LiveDownloadOperation)} * will be called. * Otherwise on error, * {@link LiveDownloadOperationListener#onDownloadFailed(LiveOperationException, * LiveDownloadOperation)} will * be called. All of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path object_id of the resource to download. * @param listener called on either completion or error during the download request. * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or an invalid uri. * @throws NullPointerException if the path is null. */ public LiveDownloadOperation downloadAsync(String path, LiveDownloadOperationListener listener, Object userState) { assertValidPath(path); if (listener == null) { listener = NULL_DOWNLOAD_OPERATION_LISTENER; } DownloadRequest request = new DownloadRequest(this.session, this.httpClient, path); return executeAsync(request, listener, userState); } public LiveDownloadOperation downloadAsync(String path, File file, LiveDownloadOperationListener listener) { return this.downloadAsync(path, file, listener, null); } public LiveDownloadOperation downloadAsync(String path, File file, LiveDownloadOperationListener listener, Object userState) { assertValidPath(path); if (listener == null) { listener = NULL_DOWNLOAD_OPERATION_LISTENER; } DownloadRequest request = new DownloadRequest(this.session, this.httpClient, path); ApiRequestAsync<InputStream> asyncRequest = ApiRequestAsync.newInstance(request); LiveDownloadOperation operation = new LiveDownloadOperation.Builder(request.getMethod(), request.getPath()) .userState(userState) .apiRequestAsync(asyncRequest) .build(); request.addObserver(new ContentLengthObserver(operation)); asyncRequest.addObserver(new FileDownloadObserver(operation, listener, file)); asyncRequest.execute(); return operation; } /** * Performs a synchronous HTTP GET on the Live Connect REST API. * * HTTP GET retrieves the representation of a resource. * * @param path object_id of the resource to retrieve. * @return The LiveOperation that contains the JSON result. * @throws LiveOperationException if there is an error during the execution of the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if the path is null. */ public LiveOperation get(String path) throws LiveOperationException { assertValidRelativePath(path); GetRequest request = new GetRequest(this.session, this.httpClient, path); return execute(request); } /** * Performs an asynchronous HTTP GET on the Live Connect REST API. * * {@link LiveOperationListener#onComplete(LiveOperation)} will be called on success. * Otherwise, {@link LiveOperationListener#onError(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} will * be called. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path of the resource to retrieve. * @param listener called on either completion or error during the get request. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if the path is null. */ public LiveOperation getAsync(String path, LiveOperationListener listener) { return this.getAsync(path, listener, null); } /** * Performs an asynchronous HTTP GET on the Live Connect REST API. * * {@link LiveOperationListener#onComplete(LiveOperation)} will be called on success. * Otherwise, {@link LiveOperationListener#onError(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} will * be called. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path object_id of the resource to retrieve. * @param listener called on either completion or error during the get request. * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if the path is null. */ public LiveOperation getAsync(String path, LiveOperationListener listener, Object userState) { assertValidRelativePath(path); if (listener == null) { listener = NULL_OPERATION_LISTENER; } GetRequest request = new GetRequest(this.session, this.httpClient, path); return executeAsync(request, listener, userState); } /** @return the {@link LiveConnectSession} instance used by this {@code LiveConnectClient}. */ public LiveConnectSession getSession() { return this.session; } /** * Performs a synchronous HTTP MOVE on the Live Connect REST API. * * A MOVE moves the location of a resource. * * @param path object_id of the resource to move. * @param destination the folder_id to where the resource will be moved to. * @return The LiveOperation that contains the JSON result. * @throws LiveOperationException if there is an error during the execution of the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path or destination is empty or if the path is an * absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or destination parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation move(String path, String destination) throws LiveOperationException { assertValidRelativePath(path); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNullOrEmpty(destination, ParamNames.DESTINATION); MoveRequest request = this.createMoveRequest(path, destination); return execute(request); } /** * Performs an asynchronous HTTP MOVE on the Live Connect REST API. * * A MOVE moves the location of a resource. * * {@link LiveOperationListener#onComplete(LiveOperation)} will be called on success. * Otherwise, {@link LiveOperationListener#onError(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} will * be called. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path object_id of the resource to move. * @param destination the folder_id to where the resource will be moved to. * @param listener called on either completion or error during the copy request. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path or destination is empty or if the path is an * absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or destination parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation moveAsync(String path, String destination, LiveOperationListener listener) { return this.moveAsync(path, destination, listener, null); } /** * Performs an asynchronous HTTP MOVE on the Live Connect REST API. * * A MOVE moves the location of a resource. * * {@link LiveOperationListener#onComplete(LiveOperation)} will be called on success. * Otherwise, {@link LiveOperationListener#onError(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} will * be called. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path object_id of the resource to move. * @param destination the folder_id to where the resource will be moved to. * @param listener called on either completion or error during the copy request. * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path or destination is empty or if the path is an * absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or destination parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation moveAsync(String path, String destination, LiveOperationListener listener, Object userState) { assertValidRelativePath(path); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNullOrEmpty(destination, ParamNames.DESTINATION); if (listener == null) { listener = NULL_OPERATION_LISTENER; } MoveRequest request; try { request = this.createMoveRequest(path, destination); } catch (LiveOperationException e) { return handleException(MoveRequest.METHOD, path, e, listener, userState); } return executeAsync(request, listener, userState); } /** * Performs a synchronous HTTP POST on the Live Connect REST API. * * A POST adds a new resource to a collection. * * @param path object_id of the post request. * @param body body of the post request. * @return a LiveOperation that contains the JSON result. * @throws LiveOperationException if there is an error during the execution of the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or is an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or body parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation post(String path, JSONObject body) throws LiveOperationException { assertValidRelativePath(path); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNull(body, ParamNames.BODY); PostRequest request = createPostRequest(path, body); return execute(request); } /** * Performs a synchronous HTTP POST on the Live Connect REST API. * * A POST adds a new resource to a collection. * * @param path object_id of the post request. * @param body body of the post request. * @return a LiveOperation that contains the JSON result. * @throws LiveOperationException if there is an error during the execution of the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or is an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or body parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation post(String path, String body) throws LiveOperationException { LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNullOrEmpty(body, ParamNames.BODY); JSONObject jsonBody; try { jsonBody = new JSONObject(body.toString()); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new LiveOperationException(ErrorMessages.CLIENT_ERROR, e); } return this.post(path, jsonBody); } /** * Performs an asynchronous HTTP POST on the Live Connect REST API. * * A POST adds a new resource to a collection. * * {@link LiveOperationListener#onComplete(LiveOperation)} will be called on success. * Otherwise, {@link LiveOperationListener#onError(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} will * be called. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path object_id of the post request. * @param body body of the post request. * @param listener called on either completion or error during the copy request. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or is an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or body parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation postAsync(String path, JSONObject body, LiveOperationListener listener) { return this.postAsync(path, body, listener, null); } /** * Performs an asynchronous HTTP POST on the Live Connect REST API. * * A POST adds a new resource to a collection. * * {@link LiveOperationListener#onComplete(LiveOperation)} will be called on success. * Otherwise, {@link LiveOperationListener#onError(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} will * be called. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path object_id of the post request. * @param body body of the post request. * @param listener called on either completion or error during the copy request. * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or is an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or body parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation postAsync(String path, JSONObject body, LiveOperationListener listener, Object userState) { assertValidRelativePath(path); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNull(body, ParamNames.BODY); if (listener == null) { listener = NULL_OPERATION_LISTENER; } PostRequest request; try { request = createPostRequest(path, body); } catch (LiveOperationException e) { return handleException(PostRequest.METHOD, path, e, listener, userState); } return executeAsync(request, listener, userState); } /** * Performs an asynchronous HTTP POST on the Live Connect REST API. * * A POST adds a new resource to a collection. * * {@link LiveOperationListener#onComplete(LiveOperation)} will be called on success. * Otherwise, {@link LiveOperationListener#onError(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} will * be called. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path object_id of the post request. * @param body body of the post request. * @param listener called on either completion or error during the copy request. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or is an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or body parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation postAsync(String path, String body, LiveOperationListener listener) { return this.postAsync(path, body, listener, null); } /** * Performs an asynchronous HTTP POST on the Live Connect REST API. * * A POST adds a new resource to a collection. * * {@link LiveOperationListener#onComplete(LiveOperation)} will be called on success. * Otherwise, {@link LiveOperationListener#onError(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} will * be called. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path object_id of the post request. * @param body body of the post request. * @param listener called on either completion or error during the copy request. * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or is an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or body parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation postAsync(String path, String body, LiveOperationListener listener, Object userState) { LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNullOrEmpty(body, ParamNames.BODY); JSONObject jsonBody; try { jsonBody = new JSONObject(body.toString()); } catch (JSONException e) { return handleException(PostRequest.METHOD, path, new LiveOperationException(ErrorMessages.CLIENT_ERROR, e), listener, userState); } return this.postAsync(path, jsonBody, listener, userState); } /** * Performs a synchronous HTTP PUT on the Live Connect REST API. * * A PUT updates a resource or if it does not exist, it creates a one. * * @param path object_id of the put request. * @param body body of the put request. * @return a LiveOperation that contains the JSON result. * @throws LiveOperationException if there is an error during the execution of the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or is an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or body parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation put(String path, JSONObject body) throws LiveOperationException { assertValidRelativePath(path); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNull(body, ParamNames.BODY); PutRequest request = createPutRequest(path, body); return execute(request); } /** * Performs a synchronous HTTP PUT on the Live Connect REST API. * * A PUT updates a resource or if it does not exist, it creates a one. * * @param path object_id of the put request. * @param body body of the put request. * @return a LiveOperation that contains the JSON result. * @throws LiveOperationException if there is an error during the execution of the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or is an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or body parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation put(String path, String body) throws LiveOperationException { LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNullOrEmpty(body, ParamNames.BODY); JSONObject jsonBody; try { jsonBody = new JSONObject(body.toString()); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new LiveOperationException(ErrorMessages.CLIENT_ERROR, e); } return this.put(path, jsonBody); } /** * Performs an asynchronous HTTP PUT on the Live Connect REST API. * * A PUT updates a resource or if it does not exist, it creates a one. * * {@link LiveOperationListener#onComplete(LiveOperation)} will be called on success. * Otherwise, {@link LiveOperationListener#onError(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} will * be called. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path object_id of the put request. * @param body body of the put request. * @param listener called on either completion or error during the put request. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or is an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or body parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation putAsync(String path, JSONObject body, LiveOperationListener listener) { return this.putAsync(path, body, listener, null); } /** * Performs an asynchronous HTTP PUT on the Live Connect REST API. * * A PUT updates a resource or if it does not exist, it creates a one. * * {@link LiveOperationListener#onComplete(LiveOperation)} will be called on success. * Otherwise, {@link LiveOperationListener#onError(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} will * be called. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path of the put request. * @param body of the put request. * @param listener called on either completion or error during the put request. * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or is an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or body parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation putAsync(String path, JSONObject body, LiveOperationListener listener, Object userState) { assertValidRelativePath(path); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNull(body, ParamNames.BODY); if (listener == null) { listener = NULL_OPERATION_LISTENER; } PutRequest request; try { request = createPutRequest(path, body); } catch (LiveOperationException e) { return handleException(PutRequest.METHOD, path, e, listener, userState); } return executeAsync(request, listener, userState); } /** * Performs an asynchronous HTTP PUT on the Live Connect REST API. * * A PUT updates a resource or if it does not exist, it creates a one. * * {@link LiveOperationListener#onComplete(LiveOperation)} will be called on success. * Otherwise, {@link LiveOperationListener#onError(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} will * be called. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path object_id of the put request. * @param body body of the put request. * @param listener called on either completion or error during the put request. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or is an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or body parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation putAsync(String path, String body, LiveOperationListener listener) { return this.putAsync(path, body, listener, null); } /** * Performs an asynchronous HTTP PUT on the Live Connect REST API. * * A PUT updates a resource or if it does not exist, it creates a one. * * {@link LiveOperationListener#onComplete(LiveOperation)} will be called on success. * Otherwise, {@link LiveOperationListener#onError(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} will * be called. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path object_id of the put request. * @param body body of the put request. * @param listener called on either completion or error during the put request. * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path is empty or is an absolute uri. * @throws NullPointerException if either the path or body parameters are null. */ public LiveOperation putAsync(String path, String body, LiveOperationListener listener, Object userState) { LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNullOrEmpty(body, ParamNames.BODY); JSONObject jsonBody; try { jsonBody = new JSONObject(body.toString()); } catch (JSONException e) { return handleException(PutRequest.METHOD, path, new LiveOperationException(ErrorMessages.CLIENT_ERROR, e), listener, userState); } return this.putAsync(path, jsonBody, listener, userState); } /** * Uploads a resource by performing a synchronous HTTP PUT on the Live Connect REST API that * returns the response as an {@link InputStream}. * * If a file with the same name exists the upload will fail. * * @param path location to upload to. * @param filename name of the new resource. * @param file contents of the upload. * @return a LiveOperation that contains the JSON result. * @throws LiveOperationException if there is an error during the execution of the request. */ public LiveOperation upload(String path, String filename, InputStream file) throws LiveOperationException { return this.upload(path, filename, file, OverwriteOption.DoNotOverwrite); } /** * Uploads a resource by performing a synchronous HTTP PUT on the Live Connect REST API that * returns the response as an {@link InputStream}. * * @param path location to upload to. * @param filename name of the new resource. * @param file contents of the upload. * @param overwrite specifies what to do when a file with the same name exists. * @return a LiveOperation that contains the JSON result. * @throws LiveOperationException if there is an error during the execution of the request. */ public LiveOperation upload(String path, String filename, InputStream file, OverwriteOption overwrite) throws LiveOperationException { assertValidPath(path); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNullOrEmpty(filename, ParamNames.FILENAME); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNull(file, ParamNames.FILE); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNull(overwrite, ParamNames.OVERWRITE); // Currently, the API Service does not support chunked uploads, // so we must know the length of the InputStream, before we send it. // Load the stream into memory to get the length. byte[] bytes; try { bytes = LiveConnectClient.toByteArray(file); } catch (IOException e) { throw new LiveOperationException(ErrorMessages.CLIENT_ERROR, e); } UploadRequest request = createUploadRequest(path, filename, new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), bytes.length, overwrite); return execute(request); } /** * Uploads a resource by performing a synchronous HTTP PUT on the Live Connect REST API that * returns the response as an {@link InputStream}. * * @param path location to upload to. * @param filename name of the new resource. * @param file contents of the upload. * @param overwrite specifies what to do when a file with the same name exists. * @return a LiveOperation that contains the JSON result. * @throws LiveOperationException if there is an error during the execution of the request. */ public LiveOperation upload(String path, String filename, File file, OverwriteOption overwrite, EntityEnclosingApiRequest.UploadProgressListener listener) throws LiveOperationException { assertValidPath(path); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNullOrEmpty(filename, ParamNames.FILENAME); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNull(file, ParamNames.FILE); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNull(overwrite, ParamNames.OVERWRITE); InputStream is = null; try { is = new FileInputStream(file); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new LiveOperationException(ErrorMessages.CLIENT_ERROR, e); } UploadRequest request; request = createUploadRequest(path, filename, is, file.length(), overwrite); if (listener != null) { request.addListener(listener); } return execute(request); } /** * Uploads a resource by performing an asynchronous HTTP PUT on the Live Connect REST API that * returns the response as an {@link InputStream}. * * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadCompleted(LiveOperation)} will be called on * success. * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadProgress(int, int, LiveOperation) will be called * on upload progress. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * Otherwise, * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadFailed(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} * will be called. This method will NOT be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path location to upload to. * @param filename name of the new resource. * @param file contents of the upload. * @param overwrite specifies what to do when a file with the same name exists. * @param listener called on completion, on progress, or on an error of the upload request. * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. */ public LiveOperation uploadAsync(String path, String filename, InputStream file, OverwriteOption overwrite, LiveUploadOperationListener listener, Object userState) { assertValidPath(path); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNullOrEmpty(filename, ParamNames.FILENAME); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNull(file, ParamNames.FILE); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNull(overwrite, ParamNames.OVERWRITE); if (listener == null) { listener = NULL_UPLOAD_OPERATION_LISTENER; } // Currently, the API Service does not support chunked uploads, // so we must know the length of the InputStream, before we send it. // Load the stream into memory to get the length. byte[] bytes; try { bytes = LiveConnectClient.toByteArray(file); } catch (IOException e) { LiveOperationException exception = new LiveOperationException(ErrorMessages.CLIENT_ERROR, e); return handleException(UploadRequest.METHOD, path, exception, listener, userState); } UploadRequest request; try { request = createUploadRequest(path, filename, new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), bytes.length, overwrite); } catch (LiveOperationException e) { return handleException(UploadRequest.METHOD, path, e, listener, userState); } ApiRequestAsync<JSONObject> asyncRequest = ApiRequestAsync.newInstance(request); LiveOperation operation = new LiveOperation.Builder(request.getMethod(), request.getPath()) .userState(userState) .apiRequestAsync(asyncRequest) .build(); UploadRequestListener operationListener = new UploadRequestListener(operation, listener); asyncRequest.addObserver(operationListener); asyncRequest.addProgressObserver(operationListener); asyncRequest.execute(); return operation; } /** * Uploads a resource by performing an asynchronous HTTP PUT on the Live Connect REST API that * returns the response as an {@link InputStream}. * * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadCompleted(LiveOperation)} will be called on * success. * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadProgress(int, int, LiveOperation) will be called * on upload progress. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * Otherwise, * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadFailed(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} * will be called. This method will NOT be called on the main/UI thread. * * If a file with the same name exists the upload will fail. * * @param path location to upload to. * @param filename name of the new resource. * @param input contents of the upload. * @param listener called on completion, on progress, or on an error of the upload request. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. */ public LiveOperation uploadAsync(String path, String filename, InputStream input, LiveUploadOperationListener listener) { return this.uploadAsync(path, filename, input, listener, null); } /** * Uploads a resource by performing an asynchronous HTTP PUT on the Live Connect REST API that * returns the response as an {@link InputStream}. * * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadCompleted(LiveOperation)} will be called on * success. * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadProgress(int, int, LiveOperation) will be called * on upload progress. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * Otherwise, * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadFailed(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} * will be called. This method will NOT be called on the main/UI thread. * * If a file with the same name exists the upload will fail. * * @param path location to upload to. * @param filename name of the new resource. * @param file contents of the upload. * @param listener called on completion, on progress, or on an error of the upload request. * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. */ public LiveOperation uploadAsync(String path, String filename, InputStream input, LiveUploadOperationListener listener, Object userState) { return this.uploadAsync( path, filename, input, OverwriteOption.DoNotOverwrite, listener, userState); } /** * Uploads a resource by performing an asynchronous HTTP PUT on the Live Connect REST API that * returns the response as an {@link InputStream}. * * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadCompleted(LiveOperation)} will be called on * success. * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadProgress(int, int, LiveOperation) will be called * on upload progress. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * Otherwise, * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadFailed(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} * will be called. This method will NOT be called on the main/UI thread. * * If a file with the same name exists the upload will fail. * * @param path location to upload to. * @param filename name of the new resource. * @param file contents of the upload. * @param listener called on completion, on progress, or on an error of the upload request. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. */ public LiveOperation uploadAsync(String path, String filename, File file, LiveUploadOperationListener listener) { return this.uploadAsync(path, filename, file, listener, null); } /** * Uploads a resource by performing an asynchronous HTTP PUT on the Live Connect REST API that * returns the response as an {@link InputStream}. * * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadCompleted(LiveOperation)} will be called on * success. * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadProgress(int, int, LiveOperation) will be called * on upload progress. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * Otherwise, * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadFailed(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} * will be called. This method will NOT be called on the main/UI thread. * * If a file with the same name exists the upload will fail. * * @param path location to upload to. * @param filename name of the new resource. * @param file contents of the upload. * @param listener called on completion, on progress, or on an error of the upload request. * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. */ public LiveOperation uploadAsync(String path, String filename, File file, LiveUploadOperationListener listener, Object userState) { return this.uploadAsync( path, filename, file, OverwriteOption.DoNotOverwrite, listener, userState); } /** * Uploads a resource by performing an asynchronous HTTP PUT on the Live Connect REST API that * returns the response as an {@link InputStream}. * * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadCompleted(LiveOperation)} will be called on * success. * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadProgress(int, int, LiveOperation) will be called * on upload progress. Both of these methods will be called on the main/UI thread. * Otherwise, * {@link LiveUploadOperationListener#onUploadFailed(LiveOperationException, LiveOperation)} * will be called. This method will NOT be called on the main/UI thread. * * @param path location to upload to. * @param filename name of the new resource. * @param file contents of the upload. * @param overwrite specifies what to do when a file with the same name exists. * @param listener called on completion, on progress, or on an error of the upload request. * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return the LiveOperation associated with the request. */ public LiveOperation uploadAsync(String path, String filename, File file, OverwriteOption overwrite, LiveUploadOperationListener listener, Object userState) { assertValidPath(path); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNullOrEmpty(filename, ParamNames.FILENAME); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNull(file, ParamNames.FILE); LiveConnectUtils.assertNotNull(overwrite, ParamNames.OVERWRITE); if (listener == null) { listener = NULL_UPLOAD_OPERATION_LISTENER; } UploadRequest request; try { request = createUploadRequest(path, filename, new FileInputStream(file), file.length(), overwrite); } catch (LiveOperationException e) { return handleException(UploadRequest.METHOD, path, e, listener, userState); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LiveOperationException exception = new LiveOperationException(ErrorMessages.CLIENT_ERROR, e); return handleException(UploadRequest.METHOD, path, exception, listener, userState); } ApiRequestAsync<JSONObject> asyncRequest = ApiRequestAsync.newInstance(request); LiveOperation operation = new LiveOperation.Builder(request.getMethod(), request.getPath()) .userState(userState) .apiRequestAsync(asyncRequest) .build(); UploadRequestListener operationListener = new UploadRequestListener(operation, listener); asyncRequest.addObserver(operationListener); asyncRequest.addProgressObserver(operationListener); asyncRequest.execute(); return operation; } /** * Sets the HttpClient that is used in requests. * * This is here to be able to mock the server for testing purposes. * * @param client */ void setHttpClient(HttpClient client) { assert client != null; this.httpClient = client; } /** * Creates a {@link CopyRequest} and its json body. * @param path location of the request. * @param destination value for the json body. * @return a new {@link CopyRequest}. * @throws LiveOperationException if there is an error creating the request. */ private CopyRequest createCopyRequest(String path, String destination) throws LiveOperationException { assert !TextUtils.isEmpty(path); assert !TextUtils.isEmpty(destination); JSONObject body = LiveConnectClient.createJsonBody(DESTINATION_KEY, destination); HttpEntity entity = createJsonEntity(body); return new CopyRequest(this.session, this.httpClient, path, entity); } private JsonEntity createJsonEntity(JSONObject body) throws LiveOperationException { assert body != null; try { return new JsonEntity(body); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new LiveOperationException(ErrorMessages.CLIENT_ERROR, e); } } private MoveRequest createMoveRequest(String path, String destination) throws LiveOperationException { assert !TextUtils.isEmpty(path); assert !TextUtils.isEmpty(destination); JSONObject body = LiveConnectClient.createJsonBody(DESTINATION_KEY, destination); HttpEntity entity = createJsonEntity(body); return new MoveRequest(this.session, this.httpClient, path, entity); } private PostRequest createPostRequest(String path, JSONObject body) throws LiveOperationException { assert !TextUtils.isEmpty(path); assert body != null; HttpEntity entity = createJsonEntity(body); return new PostRequest(this.session, this.httpClient, path, entity); } private PutRequest createPutRequest(String path, JSONObject body) throws LiveOperationException { assert !TextUtils.isEmpty(path); assert body != null; HttpEntity entity = createJsonEntity(body); return new PutRequest(this.session, this.httpClient, path, entity); } private UploadRequest createUploadRequest(String path, String filename, InputStream is, long length, OverwriteOption overwrite) throws LiveOperationException { assert !TextUtils.isEmpty(path); assert !TextUtils.isEmpty(filename); assert is != null; InputStreamEntity entity = new InputStreamEntity(is, length); return new UploadRequest(this.session, this.httpClient, path, entity, filename, overwrite); } /** * Creates a new LiveOperation and executes it synchronously. * * @param request * @param listener * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return a new LiveOperation. */ private LiveOperation execute(ApiRequest<JSONObject> request) throws LiveOperationException { this.sessionState.check(); JSONObject result = request.execute(); LiveOperation.Builder builder = new LiveOperation.Builder(request.getMethod(), request.getPath()).result(result); return builder.build(); } /** * Creates a new LiveDownloadOperation and executes it asynchronously. * * @param request * @param listener * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return a new LiveDownloadOperation. */ private LiveDownloadOperation executeAsync(ApiRequest<InputStream> request, LiveDownloadOperationListener listener, Object userState) { this.sessionState.check(); ApiRequestAsync<InputStream> asyncRequest = ApiRequestAsync.newInstance(request); LiveDownloadOperation operation = new LiveDownloadOperation.Builder(request.getMethod(), request.getPath()) .userState(userState) .apiRequestAsync(asyncRequest) .build(); request.addObserver(new ContentLengthObserver(operation)); asyncRequest.addObserver(new DownloadObserver(operation, listener)); asyncRequest.execute(); return operation; } /** * Creates a new LiveOperation and executes it asynchronously. * * @param request * @param listener * @param userState arbitrary object that is used to determine the caller of the method. * @return a new LiveOperation. */ private LiveOperation executeAsync(ApiRequest<JSONObject> request, LiveOperationListener listener, Object userState) { this.sessionState.check(); ApiRequestAsync<JSONObject> asyncRequest = ApiRequestAsync.newInstance(request); LiveOperation operation = new LiveOperation.Builder(request.getMethod(), request.getPath()) .userState(userState) .apiRequestAsync(asyncRequest) .build(); asyncRequest.addObserver(new OperationObserver(operation, listener)); asyncRequest.execute(); return operation; } }