package eu.europeana.ecloud.service.uis; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Unit test for the In Memory i0mplementation of the database * @author Yorgos.Mamakis@ * */ public class InMemoryUniqueIdentifierServiceTest { InMemoryUniqueIdentifierService service; /** * Prepare the test execution */ @Before public void prepare(){ service = new InMemoryUniqueIdentifierService(new InMemoryCloudIdDao(), new InMemoryLocalIdDao()); } /** * Test the creation and retrieval of an object and the exception that a record exists * @throws Exception */ @Test (expected = RecordExistsException.class) public void testCreateAndRetrieve()throws Exception{ CloudId gId = service.createCloudId("test", "test"); CloudId gIdRet = service.getCloudId("test", "test"); assertEquals(gId,gIdRet); service.createCloudId("test", "test"); service.reset(); } /** * Test that a record does not exist * @throws Exception */ @Test (expected = RecordDoesNotExistException.class) public void testRecordDoesNotExist()throws Exception{ service.getCloudId("test2", "test2"); service.reset(); } /** * Test CloudId retrieval and exception if it does not exist * @throws Exception */ @Test(expected = CloudIdDoesNotExistException.class) public void testGetLocalIdsByCloudId()throws Exception{ List<CloudId> gid = service.getLocalIdsByCloudId(Base36.encode("/test11/test11")); CloudId gId = service.createCloudId("test11", "test11"); gid = service.getLocalIdsByCloudId(gId.getId()); assertEquals(gid.size(),1); service.reset(); } /** * Test retrieval by a provider id and exception if it does not exist * @throws Exception */ @Test (expected = ProviderDoesNotExistException.class) public void testGetCloudIdsByProvider()throws Exception{ service.createCloudId("test3", "test3"); List<CloudId> cIds = service.getCloudIdsByProvider("test3", "test3", 1); assertEquals(cIds.size(),1); cIds = service.getCloudIdsByProvider("test3",null,10000); assertEquals(cIds.size(),1); cIds = service.getCloudIdsByProvider("test9",null,10000); cIds = service.getCloudIdsByProvider("test9", "test", 1); service.reset(); } /** * Test if a dataset is empty * @throws Exception */ @Test (expected = RecordDatasetEmptyException.class) public void testGetCloudIdsByProviderDatasetEmtpy()throws Exception{ service.createCloudId("test4", "test4"); service.getCloudIdsByProvider("test4", "test5", 1); service.reset(); } /** * Test localId retrieval and exception if the database does not exist * @throws Exception */ @Test (expected = ProviderDoesNotExistException.class) public void testGetLocalIdsByProviderId()throws Exception{ service.createCloudId("test5", "test5"); List<CloudId> cIds = service.getLocalIdsByProvider("test5", "test5", 1); assertEquals(cIds.size(),1); cIds = service.getLocalIdsByProvider("test5",null,10000); assertEquals(cIds.size(),1); cIds = service.getLocalIdsByProvider("test10",null,10000); cIds = service.getLocalIdsByProvider("test10", "test", 1); service.reset(); } /** * Test if a dataset is empty * @throws Exception */ @Test (expected = RecordDatasetEmptyException.class) public void testGetLocalIdsByProviderDatasetEmtpy()throws Exception{ service.createCloudId("test6", "test6"); service.getLocalIdsByProvider("test6", "test7", 1); service.reset(); } /** * Test Create mapping and exception if the record Id is already mapped * @throws Exception */ @Test (expected = IdHasBeenMappedException.class) public void testCreateIdMapping()throws Exception{ CloudId gid = service.createCloudId("test12", "test12"); service.createIdMapping(gid.getId(), "test12", "test13"); service.createIdMapping(gid.getId(), "test12", "test13"); service.reset(); } /** * Test create mapping if the cloud Id does not exist * @throws Exception */ @Test(expected = CloudIdDoesNotExistException.class) public void testCreateIdMappingCloudIdDoesNotExist() throws Exception{ service.createCloudId("test14", "test14"); service.createIdMapping("test15", "test16", "test17"); service.reset(); } /** * Test mapping removal * @throws Exception */ @Test (expected = RecordDoesNotExistException.class) public void testRemoveIdMapping()throws Exception{ service.createCloudId("test16", "test16"); service.removeIdMapping("test16", "test16"); service.getCloudId("test16", "test16"); service.reset(); } /** * Test mapping removal provider does not exist * @throws Exception */ @Test (expected = ProviderDoesNotExistException.class) public void testRemoveIdMappingProvDoesNotExist()throws Exception{ service.createCloudId("test17", "test17"); service.removeIdMapping("test18", "test18"); service.reset(); } /** * Test mapping removal record does not exist * @throws Exception */ @Test (expected = RecordIdDoesNotExistException.class) public void testRemoveIdMappingRecIdDoesNotExist()throws Exception{ service.createCloudId("test19", "test19"); service.removeIdMapping("test19", "test20"); service.reset(); } /** * Test cloud id deletion * @throws Exception */ @Test (expected = RecordDoesNotExistException.class) public void testDeleteCloudId()throws Exception{ CloudId cId = service.createCloudId("test21", "test21"); service.deleteCloudId(cId.getId()); service.getCloudId(cId.getLocalId().getProviderId(), cId.getLocalId().getRecordId()); service.reset(); } /** * Test cloud id deletion exception * @throws Exception */ @Test (expected = CloudIdDoesNotExistException.class) public void testDeleteCloudIdException()throws Exception{ service.deleteCloudId("test"); service.reset(); } }